Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1953)
•nr T B X Y M A C A T » CTTT JOU R» AL. K Y K JL team, which haa a conflict an other scheduled school event, ac cording to Howard Lcve)<y. B uild«* coach. »Tv* Ny a-Em m ett ba *bai: game Or. Tuesday the Bulldogs journey julec to « played l* r e F t .nay to We:ser to play another confer been moved up !■ Thursday af- ence game n to accomodate the v i.M t.n g Friday and Saturday April 24 and 25. u>e B ilidc gs will participate in a district 7-A2 playoff at Vale with Ontario and John Day taking part The game-, will be played at night ► tt Here Thurs. ftutead o! Friday JI ouj uou Know! LOCAL NEW S The l a j w le rreryday tamrao. « problems* <■ race Miller of Sioux C'tty, Iowa arrived Saturday evening to visit at the home o f her sister, Mrs Mary Lyells. Mrs. Miller plans to stay in d efin itely . Mr and Mrs. Icrnurd Hewett and Mr and Mrs James Yost and fam ily spent Sunday in Jordan Valley. They returned home Sunday even- By RALPH LAW RENCE Mr and Mrs. R. V. Wilson and Carolyn and Mrs Howard Love Joy- attended the track meet in Boise Saturday. Mr and Mrs. NorvrlJ Robbins and Mr and Mrs J R Wichell spent Saturday evening in Homedale at Q U E S T IO N : Just to «rttlr an ar- a»t. can you anxwev thM for I f a man park» his car by a poir and the pair falls the car Is the damage to the •nr covered by Comprehensive BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY N *w 2 bay. multiialand a N b W I.K Yea, Automobile ( m b - tve Insurance covers dim of this kind. Phillip* 66 Service Station for lease in I f Ontario. you'll address your own ln- noe questions t* this office, w a ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no May Available 1. Moderate M . y a „ « « Phon* 555 rhoot W »» Social Notes lain states The bride w a . graduated from Nyssa high -.chool In 1*62 and at tended Oregon State college at Cor vallis T i e g : M>m is a rancher In the Ny va area Mr and Mr- Corn are making their home on a farm near Nyssa + —+ Boise and Mr and Mrs Henry Day of Adrian arrived at her home with backets of food and a birthday cake to celebrate Mrs Robbins’ birthday guests at (he Roy Barrie* honm g t i urday evening The occasion v J V ored Mrs R»4>o.n.s on her b ir t h s l anniversary 7 _____________ +—+ Dinner G u e s ts P r w G ift to each lady who inspect Mr and Mr Harold Robb.ns and the Model Home Corner o f Ree e Cristine and Patty were dinner and King. April 13th ar.d 20th Mrs. Wilson Entertains Monday Afternoon SEED P O T A T O * CO LD S T O R A G E Mr Liovd Wilson entertained member of her Monday afternoon club at her home with Mr- Carl Barclay, Mr- Bert Lienkaemptr and Mr Kenneth Danford a- guest players. Mr Houston Wilson and Mr Ted Morgan won prises. + —+ W e Store Any Amount Girl Scouts Meet Members of Girl Scout troop No 7 met Monday at the home of Mrs Clifford Fox The girls worked on their drawing and painting projects They also tied the remaining knots and prepared them for mounting in their notebooks + —+ Surprised on Birthday — open the year 'round RINELLI FRUIT CO. PAYETTE Phone 21 Limited Amount of Cut Red Triumph Mrs. Harold Robbir.s was sur day morning for Spokane where they Lois McLaughlin prised Friday evening when Mr and will visit Mr and Mrs Junmy Peac- . p.. , „ Mrs Alford Scott and Dennis of Driu0 of Dicic Corn hy and daughter. Mr and M rv Harry M cGiaiey and Lois McLaughlin, daughter o f Lu- family were dinner guests Saturday Q McLaughlin o f Redmond, night at the home o f Mr and Mrs Ore. and Dick Corn, son of Mr and Dale Overstake i Mrs Fay Corn of Nyssa, were mar Mr and Mrs. J a c k Mediae* ried April 3 in Elko. Nev. The cere guests of Mr and Mrs. Dallas W il mony was performed by the Rev C. liams Friday evening at the W ll Harold Van Zee in the First Presby hams home terian church. Mr and M r» Donald Fexus and The couple was unattended Fol- chiidren of Culver, Ore , have beer, lowing the ceremony they left on a vis.ting Mr Fern s parent*», Mr and short wedding trip which took them Mrs Car 1 Fern o f Newell Heights, i through several o f the Rocky Moun- invest ment required. Inaurane* Agwmcy the b< me o f Mr and Mrs B L Adams The even.!ig wa.- spent show ing p.cture.- M n. M ari * .oortwns u d Johan* . , . _ M< Rea were Saturday r.*h t gue*u •**rs N ic r a r t .a n d E n te r ta in s at the James Yost home They re- Mrs Walter McPar*land enter- urned to th e r home In Burru Sun- tamed members of her Tuesday eve- day ning or.dge club at her home with Mr and Mrs. i.eorge Wilson H ar Mr- Murl Lancaster. Mr J R Cun- old ar.d Vera and Mr and Mr- Don dall and Mrs Paul Penrod a gue-ts Mr J R Cundall a. M K I Wilson, D.anne and Donnie were dinner gue-ts Monday n.ght of Mr Keveren won priaes 4"—+ and Mr Thomas Heeler Mr and Mrs. Ward Wieneke were Thursday Club Meets week-end guests in Pendleton at the Members of the Thur day after hr-me of Mr Wieneke's sister and noon club met last week at the home brother-in-law. Mr and Mr-. John of Mr>. Dick Stockharr. Mr Gene R Wehlitz Fletcher and Mrs Bart Ostrom were Mr and Mrs Mentor Leigh and guest players. Mr< Ang.e Cook won high Mr family pent Saturday at the dam Fletcher, second high and Mr Eddie w.-.h Mr ar.d Mrs Dick Stockham Iiavid Tucker spent Easter at the Powell won traveling + —v ho»me c f his parents, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Tucker He returned to, Mr. and Mrs. Club Long Beach, Calif . where he is sta Mr and Mr^ Lioyd Wilson enter tioned with the United States Navy Mr. ond Mr*. H. F. Terhune were tained members of their Mr and in Baker ever the week-end at the Mr- Bridge club at their home W ed home o f Mr and Mrs. W D Rine nesday night Mrs Kenneth Danford hart. While there they attended a was a guest player Mr and Mr birthday party for Albert Hendrix D iet Tensen and Dr and Mrs. Don and Mr- Alberta Darlington, twins Soli, won pnae.s 4 —1 Mr and Mr» Ed Warren left Mon Seed Stock for Sal* We’re Long on Quality, Service and Savings about • b s r je or abUgatipn of any kind ■•5 Main •« THURSDAY. APRIL 1«. IMS P.0. Box 67. Ontario. Ore. I li 11 BRACKEN’S CATSUP Friday and Saturday Specials 14 oz. Bottles VOTE NO A i thè Countv Court Houle Mondar. Aprii !7, 1953, 10 A.M. on U»e prupoaed Owyhar Rivrv Water < orUrol Distnct Why? Should 2 for . . . 3 1 ç Ladies' Blouses a «h a ll districi of a handful of farmer» he expected W> take oo Asst. Styles and Colors f lood, Irm io a fr and vptilway rr>pon.«»ibilitie* of thè ijwyhee Ri ver Sizes 32 to 40 69c WHITE STAR Bit* S iz e whéch are thè rfwpendbility of ALL thè water «arrs of thè Gwyhe« R i ver Includine thè Owyhee RfiLunation TroJectT Why k a rn m Mie hor»e lo a n i h o r » pUw whra thè hnr» yard hi fall of barar* ready and wilUng lo ah are thè Undf Adv. Paid by A D Mo&es TU N A Sheets Slight Irr’s - Type I2i 2 cans . . 6 5 0 1 -7 9 Size 81 x 99 O R EG ON - IDAHO Grown Ladies' Ankleis FEATURE - BY- FEATURE $f)</ u o u V choose -the Continuous Rib-Top Nylon Heel and Toe White and Ass’t Colors Sizes 6 to 11 RIPE OLIVES 2 for . . . 3 9 0 19c LAUNDROMAT Dish Rags 4 for WÎIGM-TO-SAVE IKK)« Weiglio exact otx« ol each load. WATER SAVER Automatically meas ures amount o f wator to match aire o f load. I Chambray f.00 Striped and Plain Colors FLE X IB LE C O N TR O L Start, atop, or r>-i>**l any part o f washing cycle at any time. And . . . you havd 3 water temperature*. 3 Yards W’ rinkl-Shed Cottons 89c Tissue Ginghams and Polished Cottons W eak ■ very tk In g — Rvea Blew M iro ««* FwbHae Yd. LOW D O W N PAYMENT Boys' Sport Shirts A ll Colors and Designs Juicé Fresh Snaptop ORANGES 5 lb. bag . . . . 2 5 0 SEGO MILK CARROTS- 2 bunches . . . 13c Lean—Tender Tall Cans C J » A e c Q j 6 lor 890 g H Pork Roasts Pork Steaks . Lb. 4 3 0 Lb. 4 9 0 . 2 lbs. 7 9 0 . 2 lbs. 7 9 0 Link Sausage Boelon Butts . SkinlMs Weiners . Nearly Boneleea 1 .1 9 Sizes 6 to 16 llBANIR.i.M FIRtfTAITII j FLOUR 1 2 5 ib , . . . . S 1 . S 5 j PICKET More are *#fc*r fawtora* ywm'V Ukt t 11 f t ANTI NO FRONT. IJoaignad for your ooavonWnea. V * banding, etooping. or haaVy lifting with your LauadfO aM l SILF-CLIANINO. All aadiosanl and lint are fluahad away, WARRANTY. Ouarantaad to ha fraa from dafacta far oa* v 1 roivemiaaion la unconditionally guaiaataad tee "v* Kill voara. JRROSION and RUBY RBIIITANT. Naw pataatad ■*■» CORI ' aiimiaataa worry a bo at root or om tvotU m e* Abati» 2 for 5 9 0 Dan River Fabrics A G I T U M B LE A C T IO N Gentle, yet thorough. Waoheo e v e ry th in g clean . . . aafely. #¿1 c o m a Orange Juice CAKE MIKES 2 B o x e s ........ 6 9 0 25c No. 303 HI - C CINCH W e stin g h o u se C a a v y , d i r t y a io tb a a . . . a n d CREAM STYLE C O R N ........ 3cans 4 3 0 BELL'S SELECT Q io m p a n IDA - DELI. Brand . o u t o p a rk lla # a la a a l * CONVENIENT Men's White T-Shirts TERMS 59c Nylon Color Sizes S— M —L anoosally at ylad to tha U a - tha Waettagbouao RWctrta ryar with axcluoiya handy 1 Door Shall. »-W a v Dry D ial. Signal, direct air lo w iv v ta n . URI .Zi» rrk ^ C S tln ^ K A lS d ED CASE FURNITURE Co. U. S. 20 North of "Y " In N y iu ^ Dry Good» Show* Clothing BRACKEN’S X Ray Shoe Filling TAYLOR’S uj € g i v F00D M ARKET € « YOUR Q U A L IT Y STORE N y i« Oregon 425 Arcadia Blvd. Phone 222