THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOUBNAL. MY8 3 A. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL IS. 1953 ; Ny- s was be.-t man »ere Russell Sorenson of 3o;.-e and Leland Thaxton of Hey- lurn Mr- Jack Slabaugh. of Cald­ Medern Pioneer » àuto well, «liter cf the bride, sang two r one K3 1 - "Always” and "Oh. Prom.s m. ' with M: Roberts ac- c rapanist. A recep..on followed in Mr and Mr Harry Warren were the church ba ement. Mrs Pearle T..ur cay tven:: g -upp«r guests it Abb tt of Parma. Mr- Maxine De- the Irvin T pliff home n. irk : Caldwell, M. Olenms Sor- Jr Mary Sni.l-j M Ny a was p. L n . i B ; and M;-- Pat Murray Sund.iv dinner .uc t at the C. B. i ” i On the.r return heme from H 11 h- me. t -her: h neyntccn trim Payette Mra. Rube Grahtm Mrs Lydia lake- they *.11 be at heme in Boise. W rden, Mr La:: Siam. Mr- Hugh Glenn and Mr-. C. B H.ll were all Mr. and Mr- Gene Sotts from gue-t- at a pmcchle party held Fri­ Buena Park. Calif., were overnight day a: the Dale Ashcraft home guests at Dewey Strong home la-t A pink and blue sh 1 wer for Charles .veck. David Topliff, infant - n of Mr and Mr and Mr- Lobe Boren of Dur- Mrs. Edward Topliff. was held at kee were Friday night visitors at the the Irvin Top.iff h< me Thursday h * e of her sister, Mrs, Dewey- afternoon. Mrs Merildean Robbins Strong. ■ N Mr. and Mrs Wayne Warren of Little Sandy Smith of B:ise spent Parma visited evening at the last week Suzie Abbott. Sunday dinner guests at the C K Irvin Topliff home. Dick Kreigh met with Hap Logue Smith heme were Mr and Mrs. C K Smith, Jr., and son, Qary. Mrs of the ag committee from the cham­ Peg Barry, Amar Hinze of Boise, ber of commerce of •ntario to plan Mr and Mrs. Frank DeMark of the feeders day program to be held Caldwell. Mr and Mrs. Frank Shel­ at the experiment farm Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham and ton and Pat and Lona of Nyssa. Little Suzie Abbott went home Gary attended an F. F A. parent Sunday with her cousin, Sandy and student meeting at the ag Smith of Boise to spend a few days. building in Adrian Friday night. Mrs Dale Glenn and Mrs. M L. Mrs. Myrle Tuppeny and Mrs Irma Hopkins attended a county Kurtz left Sunday evening for Port- committee and program planning meeting in Ontario last Tuesday. and the two families motored to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bullen and Weiser and spent Easter Sunday family attended a birthday and a with their daughter, Mrs R. E. Dil- anniversary party for her parents, lie, and family. Mr and Mrs. George Fithian, who Mrs. Herb Thomas' nephew, Frank were married 55 years, at the home Raney, of Caldwell spent Saturday of her sister, Mrs. Wesley Jennings, and Sunday at the Thomas home. and family at Lake Lowell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatt and babies Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and Mrs of Owyhee vis.ted her grandparents, FYone Stradley visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch, and Thomas Yeakel in Apple Valley, Helen Thursday. Sunday. Miss Helen Hatch and Phillip at­ Miss Janice Jones and Miss Imo- tended the jalopy races in Nyssa gene Edens came home from Boise Sunday afternoon. Later they visited and spent Sunday with home folks. at the James McGinnis home in Mr. and Mrs. Guy Strong of Parma Adrian. took the girls back Sunday evening. Mrs. Herb Thomas attended the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murray and ladies pinochle club party at the family of Owyhee Corners spent home of Mrs. Dale Ashcraft in King- Sunday and were dinner guests at man Kolony last Friday. the home of his sister. Mrs. Henry Mrs. Mary Brumbach entertained Edens, and family. her Royal Neighbor club Monday Mrs. Varner Hopkins entertained evening. A lovely evening was spent. the Roswell Baptist Mission circle at The secret pals of the past year was her home Thursday Fourteen mem­ revealed followed by a lunch by the ber- were present. They made scrap hostess. books for children in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King were sup­ Mrs. Herb Thomas and Mrs. Dave per guests at the Harvey Hatch Mathews accompanied Mrs. Fern home Tuesday evening. Hatch to the home of Mrs. Roy W y­ Harvey Hatch attended a board of man in Oregon Slope last Thurs­ control meeting in Boise Wednesday. day. Joe King, Harvey Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomas of Harvey Hatch held a regular drain­ Baker visited his brother, Herb age meeting at the Harvey Hatch Thomas, and family over Saturday home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Loise Boren and family of Durkee, Ore., visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Guy Strong and family over Easter Sun­ day. Miss Helen Hatch and Mrs. Paul­ ine McGinnis of Adrian visited ¡.heir sister, Mrs. Hazel Ferguson of Apple Valley at the Caldwell Memorial hos­ pital Tuesday afternoon, where she underwent surgery Tuesday morn­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hackett of F^wmetk. visited at the-John Thomp­ son home Sunday. Master Pat Dillie of Weiser spent four days visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas last week. Mrs. Bernice Aufdehar and daugh­ ter Gladys of Caldwell visited Satur­ day evening at the Ralph Stark home. Mrs. Alice Thompson accompanied 13 young folks from Roswell to Boise to attend the B^ise Presbyterian Westminister fellowship ralley of the Boise district Sunday afternoon. Big Bend Boys receiving awards at the F.F.A. meeting Friday night were Jimmy Stoker who won foundation award for public speaking; Johnny Witty won the award for chapter Star farmer, and Wayne Roberts won foundation award for dairying. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their son, Mr and Mrs. George Cartwright, in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Witty, Mr. and Mrs. Ivery Cleverly and Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts attended parent night given by the F. F. A. boys at Adrian Friday night. They installed their new officers: Jimmy Stoker, presi­ dent; David Witty, secretary; Lyle Cleverly, treasurer, and David Chan­ ey, reporter. Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Shar- en and Karen went on a sight-seeing and pleasure trip up Jordan Valley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Henderlider of Nampa and Mrs. Henry Reuter and girls of Adrian spent Sunday even­ ing at the Dyre Roberts home. S nip Eig Bend M i'i Hrlffl H»Uh Phonr Farm:» I-FÎ1 Sorenson-Smith Miss LuRayne Smith, daughter of Mr and Mrs. C K Smith of Parma, and Gary Sorenson, son of Mr and Mr- Merlyn Soren-on of B l-e and Parma, were married in the Roswell Presbyterian church recently. The Rev Robert Shupe officiated at the double ring ceremony. For her wed­ ding. the bride chose a strapless bal­ lerina gown of lace and net over satin. It was fashioned with a lace bolero, a tiara of lace outlined with pearls and irridescent sequins held in place her imported English Illu­ sion fingertip veil. She carried a white orchid tied with satin stream­ ers on her white prayer boolc. Miss Esther Cornwell of Boise wis maid o f honor and wore a lime green ballerina gown, white accessories and a corsage of pink rose buds. Jackie Pie a la mode! A Rare Treat With Our H om e-M ade Pies W e Always Give • Good Service • Quality Food W e A re O pen 24 H ours D aily. B & E CAFE w -« »w * ' e Newell Heights w r vV. - , 8 2 Ninth and Bannotk Stretti Boise, Idaho am especially Interested In a vacation trip I TO 1 r California 3 8 I 3 Greyhound's I RLE Vacation Planning S e r tie t includes h otel accommoda­ tions, special sigh tseeing, and transportation. and u o u ld like to re c e n t inform ation ” n th e lours checkedt So. California □ Pacific Northwest □ Pacific Coart l J Yellowstone □ New York City □ Historic East □ Old Mexico Buy Now HOPXINS WHOLESALE MEAT Tél évi si on f r s o t — thè B U I C K C I R C U S H O U R — ê v r y fourth Tuésday, A « U i f i e ! quiet and efficiency, plus infinite smoothness to and through every speed range. I t ’s only fair to warn you When you try a new Buick with the sensa­ tional T w in-Turbine D ynaflow Drive,* you’ll tingle all over with thrill. You’ll sweep your speedometer needle from zero to 30 mph so quickly, you w on t have time to breathe hut twice. You’ll move from a standing start to legal speed so quietly, you’ll practically hear your heart beat. You’ll experience such complete and utter smooth­ ness every step of the way, you'll be wholly relaxed, refreshed, and ready for more .u ru ew n I here’s a lot more to he had, of course, in these great new Buicks. I Iigher horsepowers and compression ratios. A still finer ride. Easier handling. Improved visibility. M ore comfort and richer interiors. But start w ith take-off — the greatest in Buick’s fifty great years—and learn the rest of the story from there. Gan you drop in on us this week? * Standard on Road mister, optional at extra cost on other Series, Alf Stet Ihr Summer b e tt e d a u in u n a ii u abe AIRCONDITIONER for 1953 S uper and R oadmabter Riviera and Sedan models, available now at extra co$t. ÍU kii iiT W IU 0 »min tutu. I I address . I STATE- WE STAND BETW EEN YOU AND LO SS! 1 n a m e ------------ CITY____ MOVED This is what actually happens when you’re at the wheel of a new 1953 Buick with TT Dynaflow. Twin Turbines in the Dynaflow unit, instead of just a single one—in addition to other engi­ neering advances — make the tremendous difference. So you feel a firmer and more immediate “ take hold” —get far faster getaway, new I 1 greyhound travil ruriau »and. Mi - Olern t- * t'nr igh the Schiemer' and daughter. Jane w.ll leave Saturday m. rmr.g a* ♦ o'clock p r*..i:,u Uai Mr*. Ku to »Oil at the h «ne* < f her n Mi from Nyssa for Ne* York on their Mr Marl Kurts «nd M I M way to join their husband and fath­ er in Germany. Harold Kurtz Mr. and Mr- G erm S u m from Mr and Mr- Bill Haim; n and girls were dinner guests at the Dud- Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs George Elfers To 501 Main Sf. Acroae the Street of Wade district. Mr and Mr- James h. Hatch and Sandra from B. .se were day. From Firestone Store. Mr-. Don Fox. Mr- Elun Worden supper guests at the George Schiem­ RADIO and REFRIGERATION R E P A IR er home Sunday evening. and Mrs Dick Kriegii attended the The senior class play was held program planning meeting for the Tuesday evening at the Adrian high HERB'S R A D IO SERVICE county extern-;- n work at Ontario Tuesday. Mr- Dick Kr.ty, h was elec­ school auditorium. Student- fre m Phone 5 W ted to serve one year on the com­ Newell Height- in the play were Mary McKinley and L ui- Siam | mittee. Mr and Mrs John i'lmmerman.j Mr- Rube Graham and Gary \ business visitor- in Boise Saturday. Sr., drove to Boise Sunday to visit ' Mr. and Mrs. G erm Timmerm in their son. Pete, who is in St Alphon- and girls Janie and Joan were gue-ts -u> hospital where he was operated at the Richard Holly home Thurs­ ' on Friday for a misplaced disc in his -pmc. He was doing well at this time day. Mrs Guy Glenn. Charlie and Guy- Stuart Elfner and son, Eearl. from Vale called at the Rube Graham anil, her mother. Mrs. Charlie Sch- | veizer, Mrs L L. Kreager and home Saturday evening. Larry visited Charlie Schweizer, who Mary and Martha met in base- rnent of the U. P church Thursday I is a patient in the veterans hos- afternoon Mrs M L Kurtz was pro­ p-tal in Boise, Saturday The F H A. girls entertained their gram leader Pictures of life in Af­ rica were shown. Attending from mothers with a buffet supper Friday Newell Heights beside Mrs Kurtz night in Adrian Those attending were Mrs. Anna Norris, Mrs. George from Newell Height were Mrs. Louis Schiemer. Mrs Dudley Kurtz and Pratt. Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Mc­ Kinley and their daughters. Mrs. C B. Hill. Mrs. Roy Hirai entertained a Bob Thompson Agency group of little friends to celebrate Free Gift to each lady who inspects her son Michael's sixth birthday Monday afternoon. Those attending the Model Home Corner of Reece were Chris and Eric Norland. Eu­ and King. April 19th and 20th. gene and Judy Pratt. Melvin Poul- sen, Allen and Larry Hirai. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Embry from Harper were supper guests at the W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE AS ALW AYS M. O. Judd home Sunday evening. Mrs. Dudley Kurtz gave a dinner Ours Is the Only Plant in Malheur County Saturday evening honoring her hus­ band's birthday and the wedding an­ niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dick With State Inspected Meats Kriegh. Others attending were Karla and Steven Kriegh, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn. Mr and Mrs. Bill Ham­ ilton and Mr. and Mrs M L. Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Smith of Owyhee Corner attended the wrestling mat­ ches in the armory building at On­ tario on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jennings and While Prices Are Low and children from Vancouver. Wash, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Best of California have been visiting at the W e Cut, Cure, W rap and Freeze Mr. and Mrs. Lee Saxton home. Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Be.-t are daugh­ ters of the Saxtons. George Schiemer and Mr. Johan- son of Parma returned Friday after­ noon from their fishing trip to Port­ Phone 395-W N yssa. Ore. land. Each caught three large sal­ 1 mile North, V 4 mile West on Columbia Ave. mon. Mrs. George Rossbach (Carolyn Tins is not dream stuff. This is real. ' y to a PAGE TORES r i ROBERTS-NYSSA, Ine. 3 fS f' Second St. and Good Ave. Nyssa, Ore.