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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1953)
9 OSC Develops New Cleaning Method For Dairy Plants B • • • « THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOÜKNAL. NYSSÀ. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL f. 19 U PAGE FIVE Luther Fife and Betty, Mr and Mrs. breakfast. of Butte. Mont spent Sunday at the home in O ntario. LOCAL NEWS Dean Fife and family. Mr and Mrs. The breakfast was prepared by C N Neely home Mr and Mrs E. D. Michealaon and LeRoy Blair and family, Mr and Mr^ Alvin Ballou. Mrs R, U' Sher- Mr and Mr*. Jim Todd and family Mrs. C harles Mum ur, Mr. an d Mr». Patty were dinner guests Sunday of of O ntario and Miss Abbie McGinley Sheldon Sorenson and family of Mr and Mrs. L. Newman. Mrs. Dennis Fife and daughter and bert and Mrs D an Pennie Nyssa's postal receipts were 51.336 - Mrs. W ayne Haroldson and family. of Plymouth were Easter Sun Burley were week-end guests at the Mrs. Clifford Gerry of Ontario re 6J less during the first three months day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Mark Moncur home turned to her home Tue.-day after Honored On Birthday | of 1953 than they were for the same -pending the week visiting in Nyssa Harry McGinley. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Moore of ! period last year. Postm aster Lloyd Miss Nancy Leavitt was honored Double Class a t the J E. Poulson home. Nampa and Mrs. S C McConnell A greatly improved system for Lewis reported this week Most of Come Mrs. S. C. Mel onnell was a Tues Friday afternoon at a birthday party Breakfast Mrs. Merlin Anderson and son. spent Sunday at the Andreew Moor? cleaning dairy plant millc pipelines the decline was attributed to a dif Has night guest of Mrs. Forrest home in Ontario. Steven, returned to their home in that cuts costs and labor require ference in the time of purchase of Twenty-seven members of the given by her m other. Mr- Dean day Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Moore of Provo, U tah last week after spending ments and gives excellent control of approximately $1100 worth of stam p C me Double class of the Christian Leavitt. Twelve guests helped Nancy Moore at Nampa. bacteria has been developed by O re ed envelopes by the Amalgamated church me: last Sunday morning at celebrate her fifth birt!ida> anniver Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stohr of Pay Nampa and Mrs S. C McConnell two weeks at the home of her par the Dan Pennie home for ar. E.i ter sary. ette and Mr and Mr- John Stohr spent Sunday at the Andrew Moore ents. Mr and Mrs. W. O. Peterson. gon State college experiment station Sugar Co., Lewis said. scientists. The first quarter of 1952 postal The system calls for cleaning pipe receipts amounted to $3,619 51 includ lines in place by circulating a hot ing the large purchase of stamped detergent solution through them. In envelopes by the sugar company. the past, plants have taken pipeline: This year, January through March, apart at the end oi the day for hand total receip t were only $7.282.83. but . there had been no reorder for the cleaning. Being able to clean pipelines in large volume of stam ped envelopes fer the one business firm, the post- place with the solution has been ma- ter said. found to cut cleanup time more than The other $230 decline can be a t 70 percent with a big reduction in tributed no other factor than worker fatigue. Thinner, le^s expen- i "just less to business," said, al -ive pipes, including pyrex glass though he pointed out Lewis that quarterly lines, can be u^ed by the plants aLo periods for which receipts are fig ince there is less chance for damage ured frequently vary both ways for to pipes and fitting-. no explainable reason. One other advantage of the prac tical, effective system is th a t it per mits higher mounting of lines, giv W eather . . . . ing plant workers additional head- Damage is expected from a heavy room. frost W ednesday morning that fol Control of Bacteria is consider lowed on the heels of a cold wind ably better than with conventional and threatening snow flum es all methods, both in glass and stainless through the day Tuesday, when the steel lines. tem perature dropped to 46 degrees— ALL POST - WAR CARS CARRY 60 DAY 50-50 WARRANTY DURING SALE A report of the re-circulation the lowest during the past week. cleaning study, published in the Highest was last Saturday, when the January issue of Pood Engineering, therm om eter read 64 degrees. has brought widespread attention Daily Recording from various sections of the country. Max. Min Prec. Indications are that the system can April 1 52 29 be applied to advantage in other in April 2 56 22 dustries than dairy. April 3 62 25 OSC scientists cooperating in the April 4 64 34 study were R. B. Parker and Dr. Paul April 5 59 44 .14 R. Elliker, bacteriology departm ent; April 6 48 34 April 10th Through 18th April 10th Through 18th Dr. Glen T. Nelson, agricultural eco April 7 46 35 nomics; and Dr. G. A. Richardson April 8 24 and Dr. G. H. W ilster, dairy husban dry 1950 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 DOOR The Damascus milk company of Births • • • • I 1951 CHRYSLER WINDSOR DELUXE 4 DOOR Portland financed the study in part Three babies were born during the and cooperated in equipping its past week at M alheur Memorial hos Radio, heater. Beautiful jet black S1695 Loaded with extras, m echanically plant for the extensive research pital. trials. April 1—A son to Mr. and Mrs. perfect. Two to choose from S2135 1949 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4 DOOR Harold Kurtz, Nyssa. NYSSA MAN FINED S25 April 2—A son to Mr, and Mrs. ON VAGRANCY CHARGE Douglas Flippence, Nyssa. New two-tone paint, re-upholstered 1951 DESOTO CUSTOM 4 DOOR A rthur Nate Thom as, 55, was ar April 4—A daughter to Mr. and rested Saturday by city police on a Mrs. Neal Van Meter, Nyssa. Radio, heater, fluid-matic trans. S1745 never wrecked, overhauled, outstanding charge of vagrancy. Bond, set at $25, was posted at 10 a. m. Sunday after buy, loaded with extras S I295 COMING EVENTS Thomas spent the night in jail. Ap > 1951 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE pearing before Police Judge J. C. Friday, April 16—St. Anne's A ltar Sm ith Monday afternoon, Thomas society will meet at the Catholic 1949 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4 DOOR Perfect shape throughout entered a plea of not guilty, but was church at 2 p. m. found guilty by the m unicipal court R uth and Naomi Circle of the Radio, fresh air heater, clean as a pin Low m ileage, lots of extras S1725 and fined $25 and costs. W. S. C. S. 'Will meet at the home of Mrs. Ham ilton Chadderdon at 8 p.m. good rubber $985 MONEY REPORTED STOLEN Friday, April 10—Amity club to > 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4 DOOR FROM ACE PASTIME meet at the home of Mrs. W alker A com plaint was filed with the city Low. 1948 PONTIAC SILVER STREAK 6-CYL. 4 DOOR Best buy in town—Seat covers police W ednesday morning by Chris Thursday, April 16—St. Paul’s pro Goetz, who charged that Eugene gressive card parties, 8 p. m. Radio, heater, hydra-matic, turn New paint, radio, heater, good rubber S1095 Byington, 55, a swamper at the Ace Pastim e had allegedly stolen ap signals, low m ileage $1295 proximately $465 from the cash > 1948 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR drawer between 12 a. m. and 2 a, m. Wednesday. City police reported th at 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE 2 DOOR C Special Deluxe—Radio Byington had disappeared from his residence and had taken all his per Easter Family Black finish, white side wall tires heater. Just overhauled S875 sonal belongings. Picnic Held Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fife entertained heater, visor $595 MINOR FIRE CALLS > 1950 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET 88 at a family picnic Sunday at their EIRE DEPARTMENT home. G uests included Mr. and Mrs. Firem en were called W ednesday 4 door, radio, heater morning to B errett’s Service Station on Arcadia boulevard where sparks clean throughout - S I695 from a burning trash pile were whip ped into a pile of oil waste. Assistant Fire Chief R alph Lawrence said the fire was put out within a few sec You Will Find No Cleaner Cars Than These in the Valley onds and there was no damage. Tuesday evening the rural truck U»e was taken to a farm a mile and one- half northeast of town where burn Gate City Journal ing weeds had alarm ed a neighbor. Classified Ads. Pire Chief FYank Morris stated th at calling the fire departm ent is the proper procedure when in doubt as to whether a fire is controlled or not. We Have A Good Selection of "As-Is# The fire departm ent will always In vestigate any reports of fire. Benares is the holy city of India. ! Postal Receipts Show Decline MUST GO mm o n l y 1 WEEK ONLY Uncial utes Go Butter A Crumb! LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR TRADE-IN Old Model Cars Fishing - Irrigators - Kid's Car BARGAINS GALORE AT THE LOT SEE "RED" OR HARRY WAGGONER MOTOR Co. Buttered crumb* give a richness of flavor which adds that touch to casseroles, au gratin dishes, scalloped dishes, deviled seafoods and similar dishes. Crumbs are of two varieties . . dry crumbs, mad* from crackers or dry bread ground or rolled into fine crumbs, and Iresn crumbs or cubes, made from soft bread. Dry crumbs are good for coat ing croquettes and soft crumbs are good for a variety of uses: topping cat»roles scallop«! tomatoes and cabbage and au gratin dishes. Good butter it of only case variety, the kin.l with the fresh, saeet flavor pro tected from churn to table by a sturdy paraffined carton out u s harmful effects of light sir and foreign odors. Toriake »»««red crumb*, melt 3 tablespoon* of cartoned butter in • h«at add on* rup of eruunba and stir ovsr low heat until all the butter has CT olorrluA If ywu w art to try • delicious variant. add H evp i l gooiy i fun) pod s s t o u t i to your buttered crumb*. Phone 180 118 Good Ave. 'Your Used C ar Headquarters' USED CARS MUST GO