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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 9. 1953 3 Tie For 3rd In Women's Bowling League Gate City JOURNAL SPORTS CORNER Ace Cops lst; Tobler's, Nyssa Lumber Tied April 15 Last Date for Entry In Ball League Bulldogs Open Conference Play Against Ontario Purses Upped For Contestants By Rodeo Board Try E Q U I P M E N T LOT For The Best Buys in • New Farm Implements • New Tractors • Used Farm Equipment • Used Tractors P H «i 3( O F m pi Sf d< ti< rc lo ai Pi ai bi bt pi F< 1C offerings of Jim Kennett and Sam Robinson, while the Braves made but nine off the slants o f Oearald CoS and Dave Savage. Cox struck out two and Savagw three to register the only strikeouts of the game The Bravi made their runs in ths first, second, fourth and fifth inn ing-. After scoring once in the first inning, the Bulldog- were held score less until their half of the seventh. A rally netted four runs In the stick department, Dan Love joy had three for four and Larry Snodgrass two for two. Vaughn. Sni der. Holcomb and Marcum got into the hit column with one each. In the preliminary game the Boise Sophs bested the Nyssa Sophs by 9-6. Box Score N yssa___________ 100 000 4 -5 B o is e __ ... 120 303 0—9 lalopy Races Get Underway Look over our lot for your used car requirements —a farm run-about —fishing car —family car Look Here First. . . . . . . . We May Have It! EQUIPMENT LOT WESTERN CORRUGATOR CO. Baseball Tournament Scheduled for Vale Bulldogs Lose 9-5 To Boise Braves »TV. I ■ Rifle Club to Hold 1st Shoot Sunday Riding Club Holds Series of Meetings WESTERN CORRUGATOR’S P P st Sri Hr to r additional sports new«, to page 4. F.nal play in the second half of the Womens Commercial Bowling Edited b y D IC K Y O S T league Monday night resulted in three team.» trying for third place, namely Stunz Lumber, Barett’s Ser vice and Everybody’s Inc., 31 wins and 35 losses each. The triple-tied teams will partici A return baseball game scheduled pate in a play-off series this Wed by the Nys.-a Bulldog- at Boise for Error- continued to plague Nyssa nesday night to determine their Tuesday afternoon was called off as the Bulldogs lost their third places in the final standings. because—of all things!—snow in Nyssa high school will participate Wednesday. April 15, has been set straight pre-season baseball game *o B & E Cafe, first half winner, Boise. in the Second Annual Boise Junior as the deadline for the entry of soft- Waggoner Motor- emerged the emerged in top spot for the second College Invitational track meet to be , ball team- in the Nyssa Softball the Boi-e Braves 9-5 here last Fri day. half, with 40 wins and 16 losses, al held Saturday in Bronco Bowl, ac r n u ‘i ° ftP i ‘n l«'.uue. it wa- announced by Dick Playing heads up ball most of the though losing three Monday night cording to announcement of Kinsey he M ens Commercial Bowling y c h a i r m a n of the lea/ ue or- league as result of Thursday night s Keveren, track coach. to the Hospitals. gamzing committee of the sponsor way, although with a sore-armed play, finishing a half point ahead ing Lions club. pitching staff, the Bulldogs played Safely in second place is Owyhee All high schools in southern Idaho of Team Number One with 24 4 wins on better than equal terms with the Beauty Shop with 34 wins and 22 and eastern Oregon have been in and 194 losses. An entry fep of *15 must accom- Braves except for committing five vited to attend, including both A losses. i ¡_ . ,, pany the application for member- Onyly six and a half points sepa- . . , , . . and B classifications. Each school Brownies’ Cafe cornered the team ...» cellar-finishing Tobler's Feed shlP in the me" s league and *10 for errors- Nyssa high school will play its will be limited to t wo entries in each rated The Bulldogs made 10 hits o ff the the women's league. Applications honors, 1838 points for high team Snake River Valley conference base from the winning Waggoner's and entry fees are to be mailed to series and 698 for high team game. ball opener at 3:30 p. m. Friday event. The Waggoner team will meet Ace Everett Heldt, treasurer of the Nyssa Keveren stated that his 30-member Owyhee Beauty was second with when it meets Ontario high school Pastime, iirst half winner, in a Softball Commission, which was re squad would participate in all the 1819 for team series and Hospital on the Tigers’ diamond. three-game play-off series thi- cently organized by the Lions club events, including the 100-yard dash, second with 643 for team game. Although the Bulldogs have lost 220, 440, 880 and mile in track: the Thursday In the Ontario alleys, at board of directors. B. Reitenbaugh and B Pouch be three o f their pre season games ta 8 o'clock, but the offical league-end 440, 880, medley and mile relays and Howard Lovejoy, head coach of tween them took ing standings will not be affected by . individual honors, fourth at Boise was being played the 120 and 180 yard hurdles. Ny.'sa high school, was chosen com the former posting 429 for high ser- afternoon when this story the results. Field events include the discus, missioner, with Walter McPartland, ies and 199 for single game. Fouch Combined scores of first and sec was being written* and the r.gers sjj0t> p0]e vault, high jump and grade school principal, as assistant. tied for single game with 199 and have won three. Howard Lovejoy, broad jump. The 440 relay has re- ond half play give Ace Pastime first Other commissioners are Yost, chief had 523 for series. Nyssa coach, predicts that my piace(j the javelin throw in Idaho place by a margin of 114 points over A play-off jamboree will be held boys will make a good account of high school competition this year. Tobler's Feed and Nyssa Lumber, umpire; Dick Tensen, statistician, and Heldt, treasurer. next Monday night, with all teams \ themselves, although the game Nyssa, which has won two lnvi- which were tied for second with 56 Cal Wilson and Chuck Landreth drawing for match, following which won’t be a breeze wins and 52 losses. Ace Pastime had [ tational meets here this spring, was are other members of the organiza trophies will be awarded for indi The starting battery will probably to take part this Wednesday after- 674 wins and 404 losses. tion committee. vidual and team honors. be Lovejoy and Marcum, with noon in the county track meet at In the honors division for the sec The prospect is for a six-team 2nd Half Standings Vaughn at 1st, Snodgrass on 2nd,; Ontario, competing with Ontario, ond half, Team Number One was first men’s league, with the possibility of with 2243 points for high team Won Lost Team there being eight teams. It is not and Servoss in the ’ On Saturday, April 25, Nyssa will Mace, Talbot games, followed by Ace Pastime, 40 16 B & E C a f e ______ outiield. be host to the Snake River Valley 2236 points, and Waggoner's, 2231 certain to date if there will be Owyhee Beauty enough entries to form a women's Conference play in the SRV league track meet, in which squads from points. league. 22 34 S h o p ................. officially got under way Tuesday [ Payette. Weiser, Meridian and Em- Waggoner's eook high single game 35 31 Stunz Lumber with Ontario at Emmett. Weiser at mett will be entered, as well as the honors with 830 points, followed by j Prospective sponsors are requested four Malheur county schools. Meridian and Vale at Payette. 35 ! Team No. 1, 807 points, and Tobler's: to contact any member of the or Berrett’s Service _.... 31 ganizing committee for further in Payette, defending conference ! 778 points. 35 Everybody’s Inc. —... 31 formation. champion, has the best pre-season Dick Butcher posted 644 points for j 33 23 Brownie's Cafe record, winning its first three games, | high individual series, followed by Hospital — 174 384 two of them over Boise, last year’s L. Hewett, with 627, and H. Ginzel, Muir-Roberts- district champions. { with 619. Burningham ......__ 164 394 On Tuesday the Bulldogs play the Butcher and G. Shimonaeda were Vale Vikings here. Final details of the Nyssa Rifle tied for high single game honors, (iIR L SNARES, LANDS The complete SRV conference and Pistol club's first scheduled Amount of the daily purse, method with 240 each, followed by H Ginzel. schedule of games the Bulldogs play 22-INCH STEELI1EAD of raising funds and committees for j 237, and C. Wilson and L. Hewett, shoot of the year will be settled at is as follows: A 22-inch steelhead is a lot of fish the 7th annual Nyssa Nite Rodeo, to | tied with 236 points. the club's meeting Friday night, ac- Nyssa at Ontario April 10 for anyone to handle, let alone an be held here July 10 and 11, were an- First half honor winners were To- cording to Ralph Lawrence, presl- Vale at Nyssa — April 14 11-year-old girl. nounced following a meeting of the j bier's, 2274 points, high team series; dent- Emmett at Nyssa April 17 And that's just what Brocla Case beard of directors of the Nyssa Ro- Waggoner's, 874 points for high team Officers of the day will also be ap- Nyssa at Weiser — April 21 did last weekend—hooking and land deo association Monday night. pointed for the shoot, which will be game; S. Takami, 686 points for high Meridian at Nyssa April 24 ing the finney fighter all by her The meeting, held in Bob Thomp- individual series, and N. Van Meter, held Sunday afternoon at the club’s [ Nyssa at Payette April 28 self. range, 12 miles out on the old Nyssa- son’s office, was presided over by 278 points for high single game. Vale highway. Rolland Holmes, association presi Second Half Sa n d in g » dent, and was attended by 12 board It Is expected that more than 20 Won Lost Team members. o f the club’s members, Including sev 244 Waggoner Motors 194 Because the rodeo will be held two eral from Ontario, will participate. 24 20 ! days this year instead of thre as in I Team No. 1 _ 234 204 Nyssa Lumber years past, it was the decision of the be done on the 200 and 300-yard .... 224 214 ranges. Ace Pastime I board to raise the daily contestant 194 244 Bowling Center 1 purse from $600 to $750, for a total . 18 26 Tobler’s Feed of $1500 for the two days. F'inal Standings It was the general opinion that I such a purse would attract top-notch Lost Won Team performers and bring greater suc Ace Pastime ___ 674 404 cess to the Nyssa show. 52 56 Tobler’s Feed To make the collection o f prize 52 56 Nyssa Lumber i money more attractive, the board Bowling Center 504 574 decided to give a television set and a Waggoner Motors 48 4 594 12-gauge shotgun as prizes to be Team No. 1 454 624 given away during the last night o f ; i the show. For every dollar donated to the prize money fund there will | be a ticket given as a chance on the | prizes. Eleven committee chairmanships j Owyhee Riding club has been in were announced, with one commit- ! vited by the Nampa Rodeo associa-- tee as yet unformed. Committees and tion to submit the name o f a Nyssa their chairmen are: advertising, Ber-i girl as a candidate for queen in the nard Eastman; concession, Jim Elk 1953 Snake River Stampede, accord ins; band, Hamilton Chadderdon; ing to a communication read before caravan, Lew Herriman; prize the club at its meeting March 27. money, Ken Renstrom; decorations, The meeting was held at the Alva Dale Bingman; ticket sales, Willis ooodell home, with the next meeting Ye* sir, wherever your home Bertram; poster, J, E, Brower; car- se^ for April 24 at the Nell Dimmick need* point — Inside or out — there * nival, Lynn Snodgrass; sound sys- home tern, Lloyd Adams, and publicity. a quality Devoe product to do the Bill Dunn was appointed to head Dick Yost. fob better, faster arid with money* the advertising committee for the A chairman for the parade com Jalopy races, which are scheduled •ovlng economy. The Devoe-Reynold* mittee has not yet been secured. (weather permitting) to start Sun nome, as Am erica's oldest paint* day afternoon. makers, k yoar assurance of thatl See Mrs. Willis Bertram is the public Boise Payette now for — ity chairman and Mrs. Rolland Holmes chairman of the concessions committee, which will be in charge The season's first jalopy races un- \ an refreshments served during der the sponsorship of the Owyhee ^ jalopy races. Riding club will be held Sunday a f- j^ y Holmes, C. M. Tensen and ternoon at the rodeo park, it has Lynn Snodgrass were members of a been announced. Time trials will be committee that was invited to sit FOR the EXTERIOR FOR the INTERIOR gin at 1:30 p. m. and the main race with the Malheur County Fair board events will get under way at 2 o’clock in a meeting at Ontario’s East Side The special committee making ar cafe March 30. rangements for the races said that The riding club held two uinochle W O NDERTON ES — W ONDER 1 - CO AT 30 cars and drivers have been lined parties recently, one March 21 at up, and emphasized the possibility of the Snodgrass home and the other “■'jbber-bose w e ll ftrvsh O n e c o a t h o u s e p a in t 1» ♦ Saturday'at Onlm*dnv' a f ♦ ho T ’n m . n n home, h /im n 1 a change in schedule if bad weather ¡asj the Tensen V dries in 20 m inu tes! Ap makes it impossible to have the event ’ hot covers w ith a d az* pl y Af-'h bru sh or roller i in the afternoon. TRUSCON 25. according to Howard Lovejoy, ziin g w h ite ! S a ve 4 0 p e r Present plans are to have after Nyssa coach. DEVOE MASONRY PAINTS T h o ro u g h ly y/asho b le . cent in tim e a n d m a te r noon races until later this summer, Porot** — lot«* bat«, MfRROLAC Enamel Vale High school will be host to o*t®r 3 0 d a y s M any ia ls ! O u * lo » t s o r d in a r y when night shows will be held. lattt and lottt on con- the tournament, other participants Create* a gl«om ing, h a rd beo j V M ¿o!or eomb 'na- cr«t« floor». Ti»«wall — Last year’s jalopy races drew large of which will be Nyssa, Ontario and w i r i n g tu rf a ct f t p a in t w ith ju st one con f. W a t t r proof t and k itch en of bath . L a t t i : crowds from all over the Snake Riv John Day. t i- r » to choose f'Qrr, b e a u tifie t. la n g « — Way* rfWni*». er Valley every week. The tourney winner will later play Harold (Dusty) Rhodes will an the team winning in the A -l tourna nounce the races again this season, ment to see who represents the dis OTHER SEM I-GLO SS according to Lynn Snodgrass, presi trict in the state play-offs at Albany OLYMPIC DEVOE dent. P A I N T - U P NEEDS OR F IA T FINISHES May 22 and 23. Committee chairmen announced There will be no play-offs in the S H I N G L E STAI N LIBRARY o f COLG-.i it Scraper« ond W're Orvepoka Hot w all pain' by Snodgrass Include Mrs. Rolland Snake River Valley League, Lovejoy IS beauHfvl Wettern Bruthot Holmes, concessions, and Willis said. goet on aot'ly — gwat ☆ ! Bertram, ticket sales. ★ Super-Kleen Bruthes Tonet. Protect» and pre yeort of tervice. Ovar MO bum pontbl«. Work on the rodeo grounds in FLIPPENCE KLIPS FINNEY serve». Um o« «hingle» it Turpentine Velour Fimth — o totin- Paot proof tyttam umd 4n preparation for Sunday's races will 20-POL'NDER FROM SNAKE ★ Pure Unseed Oil Putty or »hake*. Apply with be started this Thursday, Snodgrass thaan finith in beautiful Wo*, »ami gloM, gfott ax- Doug Flippence, 621 No. 2nd St„ said, with club members donating it Undercoot ond Sealer bevth or »petty gun. lotting color». Phone 017-J 11 or Interior point*. 1 Mi. North Nyssa their time for the Job. There will be ’ s 10 reP°rt the Gate a picnic served on the grounds for City Journal sports department a Bill Bradley, salesman sturgeon catch this spring. all workers. He took a 20-pounder, measuring Stori your sprin g clean*up 48 inches, from Purdy Hole on the Snake river below Adrian Friday af- ! w ith • v is it to: ternoon. Flippence aid he ueed a 90-pound C. F. MINK, Manager Yet to be approved by all schools test line. Involved, a tentative baseball play- Bate? Jus' worm Nyssa P h o n e 181 101 Good A re . o ff tournament to decide the winner --------------------------- in the A-2 section of the 9-A district About 75 000 children ar* legally has been scheduled for April 24 and adopted in u e O 8. each year. Baseball Game At Track Team to Boise "Snowed“ Out Compete In BJC Invitational Meet t h a PAGE THREE GRIME DOESN’T PAY! Faint Up for Spring with D tvoe Producta from Boise Payette I „