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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1953)
THE N Y S S A C A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L. N Y SSA . OREGON. TH UR SDAY. A P R IL 2. 1953 5ig Bend Mi-w lir ia s H a h k Phone Parma 1- F t I Ernest Paul o f Riggen » hot -pring- visited at the Brumbach home Sun day. Mrs. Anna Chaney of Nyssa is visiting at the home of her son, Hor ace Chaney, and family for a few days. Herb Thomas helped Guy Glenn and Reuben Graham, take their cat tle to the hills Saturday and Sunday. Mr- Edith Prosser returned home Fr.dai evening from Pilot Rock. Or* pant a week visiting at the home of her son. Bud, who has a new baby. Several of the class mates of La- Rayne Smith attended a bridal shower given by her sister. Mrs DeMark, and Pat Murray, at the home of their parents. Mr and •Ir Chet Smith, Sunday afternoon. Mr Maude King, Mrs. Frone Stradley, Mrs. Oscar Haney and Mrs. Myrtle Hatch attended Federated Dorcas meeting in Parma at the Community house last Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Cartwright and Mrs. PACE Raymond Cart »righ t «ter* m Nam ©f Harper spent b it day afern oen mb M: C Keim iek and her daufh- ny s: .** Mi and M r , George Cart* O ert:« Schultz of Caldw tll a n « pa last Saturday and brought Mrs. at the iJyrfl Roberta iiune ter Mrs B. b Werthem and daughter wr.ght of Adrian. Mr and Mr Ray- mother. Mrs. N a»m a W righ t Mr.- Herb Th> m*.- and Mr.- Oo’.- Na >ma Wright o f Nampa and Mrs. f Vate Mr and Mr< Lawler o f Sun- mond Cartwright and , hildren. Mr- Nampa Gertie Schultz of Caldwell home die Roberts attended a 1 o'cloc lun cheon and the ladle pinochle club *. !i them to -pfnd a few days. vith Ali Mr and Mrs Henry Wilson enter party Thuradaj ifl tained the class mates o f their Luit Stam in Neaell Ht rh' The W a y to L.ttle Gary Blade of Nampa spent daughter. Janet, Tuesday at a birth day party. the week-end with hii a int a n . Alvie Bell and mother from Weiser family. Mrs. Goldie Roberts. Mr and Mrs. Henry were happil;. »ere Sunday dinner guests at the surprised when the.r three com m Chester Stantjn home Mr and Mrs H m Ferguston and and a friend came Saturday after Evelyn »ere Sunday dinner guests noon to visit them They were Mr- with her parents. Mr and Mrs Har- Eva W right of Tul a, Okla Mr and Mrs. b vev Hatch. Helen and Phillip. Mrs. Esther Bennett enjoyed a Stuttlemyre and Jim Anderson, all for few days visit with her mother. Mrs. of Ogden. Utah Mary Ann Jones spent the week Grace Hart, who was returning to her home in Baker from a visit in end with her sister. Mrs Homer Did- erickson in Sunset Valley Arizona. Earl Rorden family came to sell Twenty neighbors and friends at tended the pink and blue shower at some of their personal property at I the Guy Brown home last Tuesday 1 the Vein Hughes Sale Thursday Vern Hughes and family are mov for Angie Chaney. She received : many nice gifts. A delicious lunch ing to Washington. Charles Reno was called to Colo »as served by Mrs Brown and Mrs rado by the death o f his brother Sarah Cartwright. Mrs M yrtlf Match and Miss Helen last week R em odel Mrs. Sarah Cartwright entertained Hatch took Phillip and Bert Sm i'h •k M a k « Boise Payette y o u r " S p r in g Fix-up" H e a d to Ontario Wednesday afternoon to with a big birthday dinner for her Repair quarters Y o u can be sure of to p -q u a lity m aterials at e co n purchase baseball bats and balls for husband. Ray. Those present were om ical prices p lu s helpful a id 1« all p h a se s of the job. For her brother, Jim Wright, and his the 6th grade boys Repaint Mrs. George Fisher of Parma is daughter. Hannah Joe of Baker. Mr a n y hom e im provem ent project, la rge or smoll. If w ill p a y helping at the Ralph Stark home with ear you to see Boise Payette! this week Mr. and Mrs. Pug Swigert took their cattle out to the range across Snake river last Tuesday. Mrs. Sarah Cartwright entertain ed with a birthday supper for her husband last Wednesday night Those present were Mr and Mrs. Joe King. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Molt. Mrs. Frone before the Spring Rains F a m o u s R Y -LO C K Stradley, Mr and Mrs. W alter Strad H ove a W h a te ve r lum b ar y o u W in d o w Screen» keep ley, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch and f o r t a b la h a m « a l l require — du rian * ion, b o g * out! T igh t-d u r- y o o r ’round. Froa M - Mrs Anna Chaney o f Nyssa. p l y w o o d , »heothing, a b le - e a iy to inttall. »¡mota» o n both b lo w - Mr. and Mrs W illiam Cobley and ate., — y o u 'll g«t the A l i o r u it p r o o f m ath t y p e a n d b l a n k at m o ti econom ical b u y family of Marsing visited Sunday » c r e e n in g for repair Insulation. here I afternoon at the Ralph Stark home. job*. Mr. and Mrs. John Bauman of Arena Valley were Sunday visitors at the Ralph Stark home. Those attending the cooperative cooking display that the children o f I Big Bend school exhibited at the so cial held last Thursday night, report it was very nice. A credit to them and their leader, Mrs. Maude Kin?, S h in g le »tain a n d roof Red C e d o r post*, steel S h o p h e re f o r to p - Plain or Mineralized co ating» for all type whom they in return gave a beauti post*, field a n d p o u l q u a lity D E V O E p a m t* roo f repair». A I» o a ful vase as a token of appreciation. try netting, a t w ell a * a n d p o in tin g »upplie*. la rg e stock of sh in gle Mr. and Mrs. W alter Stradley are w o o d for picket fencofl n a il*, etc. cutting potatoes this week for to dress u p yo u r yard. W h a t e v e r s u p p l i e r *o u George Scheimer in Newell Heights. Mrs. Mary Thompson attended need — Sh op here For the Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon in best at loW prices. FREE E s W o A re Open 24 Roswell at the home o f Mrs. H ar timates — so stop in soon! Hours D aily. rington. -■ . . - Sam Allender is moving to Cald well for the summer, where he will take care of the headgate o f the j River Side canal, where it leaves Boise river. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eden and 1 Jerry and Pat Smith went to Boise Sunday to attend the capping exer- : cises of of 36 girls, a class of which I Imogene Eden and Janice Jones arc members. Also attending were Mr. j and Mrs. Tom Jones. Guy and Mary Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Strong of Parma. Mrs. Goldie Roberts accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Miller Hinder- ; lider, and Mrs. Anna Hamilton visit- I ed Mrs. Billie Hamilton and new granddaughter in Nyssa last Tues- j day. 1 "Mr. and Mrs. M ller Hinderllder and Mr and Mrs. Burton Blade and family o f Nampa visited their daughter and family, Mrs. Goldie v\ Roberts, and attended the athletic * ■ • . -' - ; ... - ■ ' : banquet in the evening in Adrian. . . . » - . ' , . - t Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prosser and Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock and girls I EASY FIX-UP ALL Y O U R B U ILD IN G NEEDS HAM is TRADITIONAL For Easter A mellow, juicy ham for dinner is one of many pleasant Easter traditions. The Economical Way Is The Frozen Food Locker Plan KED CEDAR Shingles Excuse Us For Tooting Our Horn ASPHALT SHINGLES But W e Do Give— ROLL ROOFING • Good Service Let Our Experts Cure and Process Your Pork • Quality Food B & E CAFE We Use Only the Best Obtainable Materials in Our Processing Plant. Our Smokehouse is Automatically Fired with Butane Heat, and We Use only Hardwood Sawdust for Smoke. Custom Butchering and Curing We Butcher Beef for the Hide FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE \<2 mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room TAKE 6 0 SECONDS AT THE WHEEL ...D ISC O V E R NEW SILVER THINNER FEATURES . . . • Hrail or tractor mounted machines • Staggered, heavier gear boxes for narrow rows • Timpkin high-speed bearings throughout • Gauge wheels available -> ' Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. Only HUDSON, with the lowest center of gravity among American cars, can handle such tremendous power so safely I N e w D u n l- R o n y n S t a n d a r d o f t h r H ’q h w o y - ' Haw H u d ran Sapor Jut S t* Power g nr Four D o o r S u d ó n iE Hudson Jet is n compact, eco nomical new kind o f car. It provides high-power performance, smart ap pearance, a marvelous ride, durability and safety. The Hudson Jet is the first low-priced car with exclusive "step-down” design — which give« it the lowest center o f gravity among American car*. r This in turn enables it to safely handle more power in relation to its weight, and provide far greater performance, than has ever been possible in any other car in the low-price field! Visit us, take the wheel o f the Hudson Jet and discover performance, luxury and safety new to the low-price field any price field! ♦ - - V .•-* *•' H Y D R A -M A T IC D R IV E e u ri H u d s o n 's s e n s a t io n a l TW IN H-POWER either er hath available P h o n « 245 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS J - W S E N S A T IO N IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELDI 01 extra cast 401 M ain Phone 15 with performance, luxury and safety comparable only to the fabulous Hudson Hornet Itself! Hte ariani trim inri Mbar ^arifirntinna and accaaoonaa xubject to chanfla wit boat on tico. Western Corrugator Co. Phone 181 Nyssa, Oregon h «* bf