THE NYS8A GATE CITY JOU1UIAL. H T M A . OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 2. 1953 PAGE EIGHT Lovejoy Named Com m issioner of Softball League the range last Sunday Wt.n wo: k ! consisted of readying Urgets and completing the moving of a 10 by j 6 foot building form South First 1 street to the range. While They Last Ball Gam es, Track Meets Scheduled H V. "01011’' Wilson and H iward Lf vejuy were appo inted Monday by Ward Wieneke, Lions club president, to a committee to complete arrange­ Tempi of Nyssa high school's ath- ments for the club's annual athletic let.c program has become acceler- banquet. . . „ . aied with the scheduling of bi n- In reporting for the -oftball league , baJ, gamPS and traclt meets for this ccmrnittte. Diclt Yost, chairman, told v, .ell alld nfcxt of action taken by Lions directors 'rne {juijdo^s -vere to participite in setting up a softball commi-s.'m ln a four_way track meet this Wed- and a permanent softball committee ;Misday vlth Ontario. Adrian and Lovtjoy was name commission Parma. Ntxt Wednesday Ny.v>a will v.ith Walter McPartland, assistant. take part in the county meet at Other commissioners are, chief Ontar.o along with the Tiger-. Vale umpire, Dick Ten sen, statistician, Vikings and the Adrian Antelopes end Everett Heldt, treasurer. Third in a series of pre-season Members of the permanent Lems baseball games will be played Tues­ softball committee are Yost, chair­ day at Boise, beaten last Friday by man, Lovejoy and John Amble. This the Fayette Pirates 13-6 on 16 h.ts. committee will be in official exist­ ence when the organizing committee,! of which Cal Wilson and Chuck & Landreth are members, has com­ pleted its work. Wieneke appointed a nominating committee consisting of Carlo.-. Buch Her, Henry Hartley, Glea Billings. Dick Wilson and Cal Wilson. B At E Cafe is apparently “In” as Ross Grover spoke briefly on the j winner of the second half in the Jaycees aootchlifhtlnf program, ern- j Nyssa Women's Bowling league fol- phasizing that revenue from the sale lowing a clean sweep of Us game of car bumper strips will be ued against Muir-Roberts-Burningham In the club's bicycle safety program. last Monday and with but one more Dr George Cobern was received night of league play In which it into the club membership Floyd faces the cellar-dwelling Hospitals. Mac krill was a guest. Dick Turner Brownie's Cafe took four games drew a luck number for a ham raf- from Berrett's to keep its position fled by Dick Forbess. as number six in the standings, drop ping Berrett's Into a third place tie | with Stunz Lumber, which won three from second place Owyhee Beauty | Shop. Brownie’s and B Ac E split for I team honors, the former taking high j team series with 1871 and finishing -econd for high team game with In their first pre-season practice ® Ac E had 652 for high team baseball game, the Bulldog, game and 1810 for second for ihgh ■were swamped by the Nampa higti series. , _ school squad which capitalized on | Mick^ey of ..verbody’s copped five* Ny.ssa errors to win by a 12-1 lions share of individual honors ecore on the Bulldogs’ field Friday **>’ taking first in individual series Starting battery for wa. W1th a 513 score and second in in- Lovt Mai un who allowed 1 1 ,n °* 2?* Hospitals, bowl mx walks and had six strikeouts in | Esther | | * McCormick. ” the five innings he pitched. Cox is- ed 209 to take high individual game med four walks and one strikeout in honors. Sadie Butcher, Brownie's, finishing up the seven-inning game. had 509 for second place in Individ­ Extra Innings were played to allow ual series. In the final week of regular league more practice, with Savage taking bowling, next Monday team pairings over the mound duties. Only score by the Bulldogs came will be: Everybody’s vs Muir-Roberts ! Starting Friday -F R E E - Beautiful 3-Orchid CORSAGE Flown to Us From Hawaii B E "In" For 2d Half Women's Bowling League PRICES EFFECTIVE — Friday and Saturday — Closed All Day Easter Sunday Del Monte Clearwater TUNA FLAKES 5 c a n s ..................... $ 1 .0 0 MARSHMALLOWS 2 packages.................. 4 5 0 1 corsage to each customer Pineapple Juke 3 c a n s ............... $ 1 . 0 0 Gene s Appliance Diamond For Your M S T « A \\\\ Q & anjpray CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 cans 45C Derby Rte. 2 . Box 42 DR. CHARLES J. RICE \ C hiropractic Physician Formerly instructor at chiropractic college of U. of N If A , Denver 130 S. W. 2nd Ave.. C en ter T h ea tre Bldg« O ntario 3 for 23c • ath size 29< 2 rolls 1 lb. can 3 for 33c VEL 5 lb. can LARGE Sunny J i m SPAGETTI and MEAT 3 c a n s ....................... 6 5 0 White Satin SUGAR 10 lb. b a g ..................$ 1 .0 9 GIANT 72c A JA X Each ( • • • • • • 74< I T • N I I ■ 2 FOR 27c CHOICE MEATS enriched FLOUR 25 lb. s a c k ................ $ 1 .9 9 30c SYRUP granulated Fresh Ground HAMBURGER Lb. 3 5 0 ASPARAGUS Lb. 1 9 0 Lean, Economical Joan of Arc tha*. for those finding it difficult to see him during regu­ lar office hours, he will keep his office open Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 to 9 and Saturday 1 to 5:30. Call Ontario 143 for appointment. ^ size Cashmere Bouquet 300 size Phone 331-W DR. C. J. RICE ANNOUNCES big . „ TOMATO SOUP 3 c a n s ........................ 3 3 0 NEW H AM PSHIRES, WHITE ROCKS. W HITE LEGHORNS, AUSTRA WHITES Day-old Chicks Wednesdays, Saturdays Started chicks on order Save $1 per 100 by placing your order II weeks or more in advance of delivery. b 2 for 25c 125-foot roll W axed Paper Campbell's LEMON'S HATCHERY PALMOLIVE Cashmere Bouquet Phone 310 110 Main 3 for 23c •ATM size Pickett Ranges — Small Appliances ■ 33< Limit WE REPAIR . . . W ashers — Refrigerators CASHMERE BOUQUET Large Size ° “ Vauniin hit Into* fielder’s choice ' ’ ‘_______ ________ The game was tied up with one I— . _ _ . run each until the bottom of the D Or t , O C l i e 7 t h I n fifth, after Nampa had scored in . _ the second on a double and stolen I d a h o T o i i m C I I T i e n t basp by Beltz who scored on a Official scores released by the 1953 ground-out by Tlegs. Idaho State Bowling Tournament I Three errors, committed by committee reveal that one of Nyssa's Hinder. Savage and Mace, set up two entries, the B Ac E Cafe, finish- | four Nampa runs ln the bottom of ed seventh in the team matches. the fifth. The visitors made four Entered through the Payette City more runs ln the sixth and three ln Bowling association, the B Ac E team the seventh. bowled it games Saturday, March Talbot made the only other Nyssa 21, at, although tournament; lilt. Nampa made n total of nine play wa not concluded until last lilt and made the game's only doub- ^UI,(| lv ,e Ph,y- I Member f the team were Fiy land M.txine Brown, B. J Bttrbridge, | Bull and Velva Reltinbaugh. Rifle Club Schedules Mary The a i team was Stunz Luinb- er, both teams being members of the Shoot Sunday, Apr. 12 I Nyssa Women's Commercial league. Sunday, April 12, has been set as Membi : s of both teams placed in the date for the first scheduled several crutch and handicap events ; i-hoot >’f the Nyssa Rifle and Pistol of the tournament. club for the season, according to Pocatello will be host to the 1954 ILtlph Lawrence, president. tournament Details of the shoot, which will be held In the afternoon on the The Smithsonian Institute in club's range 12 mile out on the old Washington was e lablised in 1826 Nyssa-Vule highway, will be w irked out during a meeting Friday night. I In preparation for the shoot, » "The District of Columbia was dozen members held a work day on named for Columbus. 46 ounce Red KIDNEY BEANS 330 3 cans E IEEF ROAST Lb. 3 9 0 LETTUCE Lb. 8 0 Sirloin, Rib or T-Bone STEAKS L on CJ1 tv tjs r With purchase of 3 bath-size bars • Bulldogs Blasted By N am pa 12-1 in Pre-Season Gam e -F R E E - Half or Whole 1 IAM L,b. 6 3 0 CARROTS 2 Bu. 1 3 0 SMALL SUN K IST Large ORANGES Lb. 7 0 MOW .' N EW L O ^ PRICE QUART WILSON’S SUPER MARKET ea. 39c “Modern Methods Make Shopping Easier Here” } Phone 21 Free Parking and Delivery