o a t s cm r jo u r n a l , i y u a . o rc q o m . T h u r s d a y , a p r il D ttN I B ALTEE* H „ . . . J HaU ingavarth. MiniaMr B it HABI» H X TOST 1 r s A hr» GuogrU rh aur « . R 1 m . church school. B f l c Will Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. aupermtendefit 11 » m . morning worship duweted George Cleaver left for Buhl Satur day for a few days visit Will Cleav ay minister 7 p m . Christian Youth Feik'W- er will visit a daughter there before uup 8 p m.. evening worship AD B I AX COMMUNITY < HI R< H Henry E. Moore Pastor ASSEMBLY OF GOD 10 a. m . Bible school. »rank C !'•**». Pa-«*ee 1 1 a m . morm ng worship. N a th 2nd »nd Reeee A t *. 1 1 a m . Junior church. K t n . Sunday school. 11 a m morning worship, C I 1 I U H OF TH» BRF.TIIREN g p m . evangelistic service Christian Center Miswon Toes 8 p m . prayer servie«, East 2nd and Khrgood PUBLI SH! t S ASSOCIATION m . 8 p m . young people. THE C I l 'B C I o r TUB NAZARENE Robert Jackson Paster 10 a m . Sunday schooL 11 p m . m orning worship. 7 p m . N Y P S and Junior meet affair will sell you the idea of float ing bonds, then you will be taxed i^r • • : . 7 *5 p m . ev angelistic service worse than any damage old mother nature has to offer C O M M IM T T M ETHODIST Let's bear this in mind. "The pow CHI R( H Dr H G. McCalUster Minister er to tax us a pewer to destroy, also 9 46 a m . church school. T o tax one man to subs.dise anoth 11 a m . m orm ng worship. er is unfair, unjust and uncontitu- 7 p m . Y outh Fellowship. tional.” We who have pioneered in tfus L D 8. 1st W ARD comm unity know the history o f this Gordwa Ray. Bishep Owyhee River and we know that 9 15 a m . priesthood meeting. »•1 o f the River's history is good 10 30 a m Sunday school. lets not knock ourselves out with 7 30 p m sacram ent meeting more foolish taxation Tuesday 2 p m.. relief society. When it comes to the problem c f Wednesday, 4 p . m . prim ary, 7:30 cleaning the Owyhee R.ver channel p m . M . I .A. lets put re-ponsibility where respon sibility belongs Since all o f the L. D S 2nd WA R P aster o f the upper Owyhee River P Hubert Christen»** Bi»h*p has beer, appropriated by the Owv- 9 15 a rr. priesthood meeting. 10‘30 a w. Sunday school. hee Reclam ation Project from the 8p m sacrament meet-ng State o f Oregon the water no longer bel- ngs to the State .And since it i s 1 Tuesday. 2 d . m . relief society. Wednesday. 4 p. m , primary. a certified fact the Owyhee R ecla mation Project employes the use of p m . M I-A. the lower end o f the River for v FAI TH LUTHERAN CHI Rt H spillway from the big dam and uses Fifth Street and Park Avenue the R.ver for a dram ditch also, it John L. Brtehl. Pastor is no problem t. -ee where the re 10 a m . S .nday schooL sponsibility belongs 11 a m . div ine worship. It .! up • O l t m R eo’.am v- Wed . 8 p m Lenten service u r . Project to clean and maintain 8 45 p m.. education class. .is canals, drain ditches and in this You are ccrdially invited to wo: case the River sp.llway ship with us When it comes to creating flood CATHOLIC C H l'R C H darr.sges lets put the responsibility Park Avenue and Third Street where it belongs a Is« Rem ben A hies. O. F. M. Sincerely Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a A D M sses and daily at 8 a m. R :e 1 \>-.-a Orec —. I 9 a m . Catechism classes . i . He ha* been • m u ' *' U>* tn 10 a NfW ifAfII is s j returning In tu*» li me in Mi ••■'■» t CIUKCI! NOTES r ik ft C borrh af Chrta* « H R ISTLIX 2 . 10 a m . Sunday chooi. 11 a m , m orm ng worship 7 30 p m . evangelistic service. TREE METHODIST CHl'RCH Adrian. Oregon 10 a. m , church school. 11 a. m.. m orm ng xcrship. C H l'R C H OF CHRIST Parma. Idaho McConnel Ave. O. E. Robiii.vur Minister 10 a m . Bible study. 11 a. m , morning worship. 8 p m . Sunday evening service. Wednesday, 8 p m , Bible study C l l« i ( r Ivin r fni rvrral i n i Mr and Mr« Kl vd I* p »ml « children o f Np* Mi an- i » i p »1 iii at the Mam II Mnh-t> laniir Mi I vip U a slater o f Mr |li»hi>i> »ml they are looking for a location In Mr and Mrs Lr ter t.'|p«*»i an tertained at dinner Huiulav f«n Mi and Mrs Lloyd Cleaver and flu id .» i. Mr and Mrs Harotd Wll.wm mil children. Mr an«J Mr Bugrnr (Mr > ver and Alan, Mr and Mi II w.»rd Day and Delbert Cleaver Mr and Mrs Oiolden Leavitt and Mr. and Mr.v Jim Ritchie »m l fain ily *wre Sunday dinner guests at the S B H offm an home Mrs. Delbert Cleaver und U . were Sunday dinner guests at tin Alva O oodell home Mr. and Mrs. O. E, Cheldelln ami Phyliss made a trip to Newburg. Si1 attle and Portland While in Health they visited their daughter, Donna Jean, who is »tending college there Mr Cheldelin and Phylis, stayed over the week-end while Mr Chel delin had a ten-day vacation Mrs. Pearson o f Emmett came Wednesday to spend Easter with her daughter, Mrs. G uy Tanner, and >IIH| M '• i >1... N ii ■ • « « 11• «i w i«-« llil.t i Mi I im M «rph f were I ,1 gf |MBt »[ ti.» i li I . - 1 »li r V hmiip ««. «nil M i« «»uy Tanner were « * ». i .i ih.. Ann I'rgtt fmme in O n- 11 >. ln I Inn V Baby's Porlrait The Ideal Mother's Day Gift! ST. F A I L'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH C. T. Crenshaw. Rector 9 45 a. m . Sur.fi.- school. I l a m . morning worship. » hen you necessary tc fo r emerge) Gel Free Enlry Blank for COLOR PHOTO CONTEST SCHOEN PORTRAITS MISSIONARY’ BAPTIST C H l’ RCH Elder Lee JelUff, Pastor 10 a m . Sunday school 1 1 a m . morning worship 8 p m evening worship Wednesday. 8 p m prayer service. 114 Sou th 3rd St P h o n e 227-J Nyssa, Oregon Ai a house savings the afford the rhi other Washer cm tn^befi the. ofihe ^•y business r reserve and b«nk credit. Wbstintfhouse m dependent avings provide »rvacationsam considera Before you b u y — make a feature-by-feature Announcement me: w ea- » * * U I Mg comparison with any other washer. .. O n ly L A U N D R O M A T has them a ll! We Wish to Announce Farming's big savings give me credit to operate l*nd profitably. we have acquired the services JAKES WEIGH-TO-SAVE DOOR WATER SAVER Handy for loading, un loading. Weighs exact size o f each load. Automatically me assure* amount o f water to v » t c h si ze o f l o a d . A Television Engineer who, until 10 days ago, worked as an engineer in a T-V factory'. Mr. Jakes will be in our store for both Radio and Tele vision Sales and Service. He will be happy to meet our customers and help them with television problems, such as W a s h E v e ry th in g — E ve n N e w M iracle Fabrics antennas, installations and sale of T.V sets size of screen and other problems). W e wish to announce— that we will CLEANER . . . S A F I R . . . P A S T E R tandle the famous Philco and Zenith w ifr. America's Favorite Laundry Twins! W e now have twelve T-V Identically styled to the Laundromat, is the Weatinghouse Electric Clothes Dryer with exclusive bandy Loading Door Shelf. 3-W av Dry Dial. Singing Signal, and direct air flow systam. See play for your inspection. PLAY IT SAFE! During the next two or three weeks we will be prepared to start installing an tennas so as to be prepared for begin SUPERIOR Paint & Glass ning of T-V broadcasting June 1st. WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE N’yssa Phone 32 AGI-TUMBLE ACTION Gentle, yet thorough. Drains dirty wash and rinse waters o u o y from clothes, never through them. Safer, too! Here are other features youll l i k e . . . Y ou may *4ect low temperature, minimum wash time for miracle fabrics—hot temperature, longer wash periods for heavy, dirty clothes . . . and all come out sparkling clean! Make Washdays Completely Automatic . . . FLEX I HE CONTROL Start, -top. or repeat any part o f washing cycle at any time. And you may choose from 3 w ater tempera tun.*' SLANTING FRONT. Designed for you r convenience. No h.n k-breaking bending, stooping, or lifting with your Laundromat. SELF-CLEANING. All sediment and lint are flushed away. It cleans itself. WARRANTY. Guaranteed to be free from defect* for on* i>: n is unconditionally guaranteed for five full year». NO BOLTING d o w n n e c e s s a r y — a d j u s t a s l i f e u . Easy t»’ install—easy to level on uneven floor. CORROSION and RUST RESISTANT. N ew patented syn thetic finish eliminate* worry abou t ru*t or oorrvwotv them ra w. YOU C A * ve seen how s elped others dui loess and emergt si SURE... IF rr'sW estin gh ou se »'•ni my son to f o f a college ‘’ ular savings w «si.le. ALSO eposits mad« dore April 1 terest from / First Nation > to 5 six days eluding Sa r your convi