Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. A PR IL 1 1>M P A G E TW ELV E LOCAL NEWS plant hw¿ been ¿et at $1.500,000 ii*jui>v/rta:.on will account for A c P r Ì 7 n c In P o n ‘net Mr *n‘1 “ *•< * nd moVt ó n * ' additional $1885 for / iS r f i Z C S i n c o n t e s i ... - a t C t U w i]l were Thurs- 4Uxy ary tr, agenc.- , m o f in- A joj it», l that nouiu p u ve in- ..ay v.¿iters at the h-me cf -r.ased ¿aiarie.- f r bu- drivers and , oupervivor. while gas an“ C..;, a w.-ll a profitable, to wo m I and Mr-. Ltu ie Atteceiy. Dr and Mr.. John Long re t-m d .... .vd.iurei arc expected to decline n’. _ i .j be i: 4 p n->ored by W ils.n v. The buse arc getting idder and ii a Friday after „pending tne Bus. U partment store w.ll require an e tuna ted $200 addi- ¿ j i tn g la : »etk, the contest w.ll / ... .a Cutler C.ty, Ore. ,.»r. and Mss. j. W. Jennings inov- . . tor part, and the insurance be ended this Saturday, according to TELEPHONE 10« oudgec was increaied $50. i . ^ald veil Sunday to m ate their Bob Wilson, who announced the W ith the increaied value of the home. They have been residents of guessing game. plant, the insurance charges >a..iy for 15 years and have The contest consists o f guessing ..ave been est. mated to be $1.600 WED.-THURS. h>v many fee: cf Nylon thread are ..ved in Nyssa this pa t year, than .he current year, but u e l in the manufacture of a pair Mrs. Euw.n II. Watts of Tacoma i 53 ha > been deducted irem the a- APRIL 1-2 t Nyiv.ii h e d.-played in a window and Mr-. W illiam B. Limngton and m jurn of .nsurance f r the heating two children of Seattle arrived in plant boiler. Chun?-’ have been of the store. by tii6 stiivC b ard of 6 due a- a Saturday evening to spend a with m u c n . -t of -;x pairs of Nylon h -e for fir..t; three pairs for second v <c v.-.ung Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ;:cn in teachers retirement, making NANCY OLSON and 1 pair for third to tenth place Mrs Watts is Mrs Liming's .t necessary to add $2000 for this JAMES AKNESS winners In the guessing. ...„ther and Mrs. Linington is her .-ivimatea expenditure. JOHN W AYNE The school is in the process of ex- ------------------------ sister. ALAN NAPIER Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKee and changing out-moded furniture in two children o f Kenewick. Wash., the grade sch • 1 m< $8® \ Mpn tension story of un-Amer are visiting this week at the home adjustable desk a: an estimated ican activities, filmed in the trop f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George additional : t :f 51000 rhe firit ical wonders of an Island Dealer for General Electric appli M Kee, and with other relatives and grade wai r.. dermzed last year and ances for the Nyssa area named this friends. paradise. all new desks are expected to be m- week is the Eder Hardware which ------------------------ , stalled in the second grade rooms ha.- announced a special sho wing of ______________________________________ ! next year. Changes in Oregon school the new line on Saturday o f this C O M IN G E V E NTS standards require- the installation of FRIDA Y-SATURDAY week A free radio clock will be given ---------------------------------------------- louvres on all light fixture- equ.p- i vay that day and visitors will be APRIL 3-4 Monday, April 6—Past President’s ment not required by law when the given free magnetic potholders, Ed- Parley will meet at the home o f Mrs building was constructed. ^a.u Boy dell announced. Interest on warrants has been in Felton Duncan at 2 a. m. creased from $3000 to $4000 to take RE TU R N FROM T R IP care Qf a situation brought on by Mr and Mrs. Bill Schoen returned economic factor- affecting tax col- Births during the past week as repsrted by Malheur Memorial hos home Thursday from a 10-day trip lections. Hartley said that under pital include three girls and two w Fairbury. Nebr.. where they had | "normal conditions" about 80 per- boys. been called by the illness of Mr. cent of the taxes are collected and April 4. 9:00 A. M. March 25—A daughter to Mr and Schoen’s mother, Mrs. Ida Schoen. the school could anticipate its tax at Mrs. Ronald Schoen Nyssa The latter u reported to be much revenue accordingly During the war CITY PARK March 27—A daughter to Mr and mproved. years taxes were paid almost 100 for all k id s under The Schoens were accompanied percent in addition to the delinquent Mrs. Bill Rias, Nyssa. 12 years of age. I March 29— A son to Mr. and Mr*. back to Nyssa by their son-in--law collections from previous years. The and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill law requires that all taxes collected Warren MoPhearson, Ontario. March 31—A son to Mr. and Mrs. Miller Mr. M iller received his dis- must be spent, and with the "return charge from the U S Army m to normalcy" about 1050, collections Foy Brown, Parma. SUNDAY-M ONDAY dropped back to the 80 percent basis. April 1— A daughter to Mr and Pennsylvania, March 19 A P R IL 5-6 ■ ■ but there were no back delinquent Mrs. Floyd Hale, Nyssa G IR L SCOUTS TO SEI.L taxes to add to the school coffers. EASTER L IL L IE S S A T U R D A Y Eitimated receipts for the school Nyssa G irl Scouts w ill sell mina- amount to $147,565, but a $10.000 Feb 28 Enlarge frame building ture Easter lilies in the city area deficit reduces that amount to $137,- at the 18 x 10, 200 Reece Ave $1200 Rav Saturday morning for the Crippled 565. leaving a balance of $213.889 to N Y S S A THEATRE Children's benefit, it was announced be raised by taxation for the general Linville. Starting 10:30 by Mrs W illiam Schireman, who is fund. In addition to $33,900 for bond Mar. 13—Construct masonry build in charge of the Easter seal drive for and interest. for all ing. 1-story, 20 x 22, Arcadia Blvd., Nyssa. O f this amount, $103.731.27 can ue Easter Egg Hunters lots 9 and 10, block 87, Westfield Funds collected from the sale of raised by taxation inside the six Sponsored by Nyssa JC’s addition, $3000. J. Melvin Beck. lilies, seals and in-canisters are used percent limitation and patrons will Mar 24 Construct cinder block for crippled children and adults at be asked to approve taxes in excess dwelling. North 10th, lots 51 and the society's hospital in Eugene. of the limitation for a total of $110.- TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY ------------------------ 157.73. Levies for the current fiscal 52. 38 x 32, Glasgow tracts, $7000 H A PR IL 7-8 G. Johnson. BISHOP B A R TO N HERE year were 47 9 mills and total levies for the proposed budget would a- Mar 26—Alter and enlarge dwell- FOR FASTER SERVICE _____________ The Rt. Rev. Lane Barton, bishop mount to about 50 mills, Hartley ing. North 3rd, Block 37, Park addl- In Technicolor with tion, 15 x 13, frame, $1500 nT-tiert of the Episcopalian diocese of Bend. said. _ , , .. Kl< HARD CTNTE ~ Thompson. — will conduct early communion at St. The election has been set for Mon- F B A R B A R A B R ITTO N Paul'.- Episcopal church Easter Sun- day, May 4 day morning beginning at 7 o'clock Th e budget committee is com- VIVECA LINDFOItS ATTEND CO NVENTION Church school will be held at the posed o f the school board. J. L. W IL L IA M BISIIOI* Mrs. El wood Flmder, Mrs ** regular 9:45 hour, with an Easter Herriman, chairman, Sid^ T*ana:gan Robbed of hi.s wealth and hi ,n- Grant Bybee. Mrs. Lester Jamison, Carlos W Buchner, Jack Schenk and egg hunt for children. Mr., Lee Stoker and Mr.-. W J. nocent wife murdered he rode the Henry Zobell Other members are Beu- left Wednesday for Salt Lake vengence trail in the gold rush Bob Thompson, Kenneth Cottle, SCHOOL PA TR O N S T O VOTE City to attend a general primary o f California Richard Maw, George Coleman and M AY 4 ON PRO PO SED BUDGET convention President .Arvel L Child Thomas Jones. Thompson was chair Continued from Page 1> of the Nyssa L D. S. stake. Pred man o f the budget committee and a new roof A/ii on the elementary buiid- lilt kr*' ,inH JT r \ P ir r . H , ’ a VIIC r i C I I l C i l l <% l V U Ulid- --------------------~ TH U RSD AY-FRID AY additlonal served a secretary “ m end t4IC c u n nrention*representlng * c i i b u j i i r c u r e . > c n i 1112 In* and ii i e o.\_ equipment. • \ The i Cottle An issue to ask for additional A P R IL 9-10 the Nyssa stake President Flinders overa11 value of the ent,re sc5ool_ will be a guest at a dinner for stake primarj pre-idents in the Lafeyette ballroom of Hotel Utah Thursday evening. In Technicolor with ALAN LADD M W HOSTS A T GUEST HOUSE V IR G IN IA M A T O i Mr and Mrs Webb Pennie. who josa ra « % lucia * have rt ided in the Amalgamated A L F KJELLIN' Sugar Company guest house for the With a challenge on his lip and pa t three years, moved Sunday to hie name on t kr.ife and her love their ranch home one mile north o f Ny >->¿1 could only be bought with a kingdom Mr and Mrs Don Moss Sr are -iceeeding Mr and Mrs Pennie a, Phone 066-J1 at the gae : house and moved there '-hi- week to make their home. VVilson's Offer Hose THEATRE "BIG JIM McLAIN" Eder Hardware Is New G.E. Dealer Calling All Kids Births EASTER EGG HUNT FREE SHOW Building Permits funds will not appear at the forth coming election, but will be given more study with questionaires to be sent out to patrons. Hartley said a bond uiue would be necessary before p.ans c.uld be made for a building equipment for the cafeteria pro gram. C XN’T XTA, SUNRISE, SPECIAL CHURCH CERVICES SUND AY Continued from Page 1» broadcast portions over station K it . V. F< r benefit of mothers with small .h.ldren who might otherwise be de tained at home, a nursery has been arranged for in one of the school •• om- w.ih responsible persons to be in charge. Mrs. W yckoff wishes that public ex pression o f appreciation be made to the Nvs«a Ministerial association for supplying programs, the L. D. S. church for the preview broadcast, the high school for use o f the gym nasium and the Nyssa Methodist, New Plymouth Congregational and Caldwell Christian churches for use of choir robes. Sunrise Services A t Butte Malheur Butte will be the scene o f the first Sunrise Easter services ever to be held locally, and will be under the sponsorship of the M al heur County Ministerial association The 6:30 a. m. services will be held on the north slope o f the Butte, but In event of rain they will be trans ferred to the Ontario high school. No seating has been provided for the outdoor services. Ministers participating will be the Rev R L Wilson, association presi dent the Rev. A. J Hollingswor'n v.ce pre-idem; the Rev. John Briehl’ secretary, and the Rev. Ernest Friend. Ga.l Harris will lead congrega- ■ t.onal singing and will direct the Ontario high school choir in ihe ingir.g of "Praise Ye the Lord." Methodist Services "The Quality of Im mortality,” is the theme o f the Ea.-ter sermon to be delivered by the Rev H. G McAllis ter. pa-tor of the Methodist church, at the 11 a. m. service. The choir, directed by Mrs. D wight Wyckoff, will sing "Open the Gates of the Tem ple.” A tenor solo, “ I Walked Where Jesus Walked." will be sung by Hugh Tobler, with Mrs. I Carlos Buchner accompanying Palm Sunday services were marked by the reception of 47 persons into the membership of the Methodist church O f these seven babies were oaptized, three received into pre paratory membership. 11 youth and adults were baptized and 26 received by confession of faith and by trans fer. The 18 officers of Job’s Daughters Bethel No. 33 o f Nyssa presented an Easier pageant at the close o f the service. Approximately 30 members of the local group were in atten dance. Members of the Nyssa Bethel were in Ontario Wednesday evening where they presented the initiatory degree for their state guardian, Mrs. Mamie Wilson, of Portland. They were guests of the Ontario Job’s Daughters at the Masonic hall there. H O NEY W EEK A P R IL 5 — 12 Honey for Breakfast on Biscuits and Waffles Try Honey Glazing on Your Easter Ham Use Honey Fosters Honey for Sale at Your Grocers Cbms JfamUW'A says the Bunny- fox £)e&c¿oaJ ____ X fo o r JELL-0 "THE RAIDERS" All Flavors 3 for 25£ w "THE IRON MISTRESS" BELL'S SELECT ■ FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 - 4 7 ç RIPE f NO. 303 Can DEL MONTE OLIVES WHITE ROSE 46-oz. DEL M ONTE G RA PEFRUIT 2 cans 3 9 c | JUICE SEED SPUDS 2 cans 6 5 £ Greenhouse Tested SATURDAY. APRIL 11 "MAVERICK W ith W ILD BILL IL L IO T T P H Y L L IS ( O tT U S Alvo 'BOMBA AND THE JUNGLE GIRL" W ith JOH NNY SH E FFIE LD K \RI N sH \KI*E SUNDAY-MONDAY APRIL 12-13 "IT GROWS ON TREES" With H U M DUNN DC \\ i \<.<.i it JEAN EVANS K l( II \KD < RENNA Ir e ' » rt: the wonderful -tory of a wi<h ____ that came true. TU ESD A Y-W F-DN ESD A Y A P R IL 14-15 "CAPTAIN PIRATE" With LOUIS H A YW A R D P A T R K l\ ' l l DINA JOHN ’>1 I'TON I 'l l \RI l > IR W IN Meet the R bin Hood of the lo ll ing m a Fiction’ most famou- Buoi .mi i r hero in technicolor THURSDAY-FRIDAY APRIL 16-17 • ted •n-- o*rr;. ved Refresh- of sandwichei, salad, straw- nortcake and coffee were ser ar. i Mr Marvin Elmore, Mrs. >: rwle Mrs Allen Jones ar.;: Rev «nd Mrs Jackson were a- ■ ■ called to see Char les David Tophif. Roger Stephen returned home from Oeorge Fox College for 10 da^s spring vacation Saturday. Entertain Husbands Member- of the Thursday a fter noon bridge club entertained their hu-band at a potluck dinner Tues- i daI evening at the home of Dr and Mr John O lien Dr and Mrs. K A Danford were guests. I»r Danf .rd won high and Mrs. Edward Boydell won second high. « AKD h i in i \ k - We wish to thank all those who were -<> helpful and kind at the time o. our recent bereavement. We are especially grateful for the many ex- pre.s.slon- of sympathy and the flow ers given in memory o f our husband and father Mr Henrietta Mendaaona and Family. I OO Late To Classify H )R K E N T—Rooms for sleeping or light hou-ekeeplng Working girls, women or man and wife preferred 313 Oood Ave. Have You Joined the LITE A -B U M P E R PR O G R A M SH ORTENING SWIFT’NINC MARGARINE DURKEE'S COLORED C -r- GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES CRISP TENDER 10.8 Cu. Ft. Super Deluxe LEONARD REFRIGERATOR Food freezer, meat tray, handitray, large crisper Regular price 349.95 Your old refrigerator 100.00 249.95 EASTER SPECIAL HAMS Whole or Shank V ï 63c CELERY HEARTS 2 cello pkgs. . . . 3 9 Ç CAULIFLOWER LA R G E COLORED FRYERS FOR EASTER $1.09 Big Flowery Heads 13c lb. B R E A K F A ST GRAPEFRUIT LINK SAUSAGES 2 Lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 c 18 Lb. Bag . . . . 39c Yours for only $25 down Use Gate City Journal Classified Ads. \ 79c 2k57c 3 Lb.Can . *** TRADE IN! Bal. "BLOOD HOUNDS" OF BROADW AY" In Technicolor with >11T71 G A YN O R S< O T T B R AD Y 1XIIT/I GREEN M A R G I F R IT ! CH %1’ M \N She w.i a ban ! t gal In ging ham and wasn’t afraid o f nuthln , a real In wl from -tart t«> flnl-h $100 AD D ITIO NAL BUENA V IS TA Mr ar.d Mr- Alva G oode 11 enter- U.r,ed the Owyhee Riding club at r*ome Friday with Mrs. J m on a* as cc-.. Twul SWIFT'S S18.20 month WE GIVE S & H GREEN STA M PS PETERSON FURNITURE CO. “Your Dependable Furniture Store” N YSSA V ALE ON TAR IO — PA Y E T T E TAYLORS fn J jw r a g g j 425 Arcadia Bird. FOOD MARKET GR€€n 5 Tftm P 5 i Phone 222