Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1953)
T U NYSSA GATT C U T JOUBVJU. NYSSA. OlZGOK. THUBfDAT. MARCH 2 t. It S 3 HcurtWy Tell» Lions Gate City JO U RN A L Of School Problems Henry H artley was the mam -pniker for the Monday noon meet- nf oJ the Nyssa Lions club, using ,^'his subject the needs and pro blems o f Nyssa schools. These were • ht -ame in briefer form that we-e presented before the Parent-Teach e r association meeting a week ago and covered in detail in a news story n the Gate City Journal last week Ted Morgan gave a report on th- ~ Five pre-season baseball games, prospects o f having a field for play ing softball. Th e club has another three of them at home, have been committee working on the possibil- scheduled for the Nyssa high school ties of forming a local league. Bulldogs, according to announce Visitors o f the club Included John ment of Coach Howard Lovejoy. Turner, Caldwell; Chet Iden, Em mett; Bernard Frost, Payette, and First of these was set for Tuesday of Dave Oray, Nyssa acting chief of this week with Parma on the Bull- police. i dog diamond. 2 Home Games for Bulldogs This W eek SPORTS CORNER Ace Pastime CGI] in T O llii lil L 6 Q u In Men s League W ith but two more sessions re- maining in the second half. Ace Pas- time seems assured of copping 'he second half flag in the Men’s Com- mercial Bowling league while cur- rently riding along on a 3-pcint lead following last Thursday’s play T . u ‘ sP o .is aggoner Mo- tors, only one point ahead of Bowl- ing Center. Nyssa Lumber and Tob- ler’s Feed have been waging a run- ning battle for last place. Tobler’s currently holds the cellar spot. Parma, Idaho DR. C. J. RICE ANNOUNCES and Thursday evenings 7 to 9 and Saturday 1 to 5:30. Call Ontario 143 for appointment. DR. CHARLES J. RICE Chiropractic Physician Formerly instructor at chiropractic college of U. of N.H.A., Denver 130 S. W. 2nd Avw.. Center Theatre Bldg., Ontario WIN m WILSON’S H O S I E R Y CONTEST! Inspect the pair of famous MOJUD HOSIERY STYLE 901 on display in our store window . . . . . . Then come in and register for the Contest by answering the question How many feet of Nylon thread are there in this pair of Style 901 Mojud Hose?" 1st PRIZE — 6 prs. of Mojud Nylon Hose 2nd PRIZE — 3 prs. of Mojud Nylon Hose SEND YOUR C L E A N IN G to PARMA DRY CLEANERS E d ilxl by DICK YOST Pick Up and Delivery Nampa will play here this Friday afternoon, followed by a return game next Tuesday. Boise high school will be met twice, once here on April 3 and in a return game at Boise April 7. AT THE BARN Regular Snake River Valley play K. Sadamorl, Ace Pastime, bested will open for the Bulldogs against N. Van Meter, Bowling Center, by Ontario on the Tigers’ field on April two points to win individual high Every Saturday Night game honors. His score was 227 Van I 10’ Other schools in the SRV league Meter posted three more points than Music by include Vale, Emmett, Weiser, M e i S. Takami, Ace Pastime, to take in ridian and Payette. There will be dividual high game honors with a THE N IG H T H AW KERS i but one round of conference play 57«. Cafe Service The Aces took all team honors — this year, with no play-offs in the 2236 for series and 776 for single I seven-school league. game. Nyssa Lumber was second with scores of 2074 and 717. Standings Team Won Lost Ace Pastime 22*, 13*, Waggoner Motors - 19', 164 Bowling Center 18*, 174 Team No. 1 18 18 that for those finding it difficult to see him during regu Nyssa Lumber 20>, 154 lar office hours, he w ill keep his office open Tuesday Tobler’s Feed 14 22 Public Dance PAGE B E Y » Archery Meeting Planned Tonight A Nyssa Archery club meeting is scheduled for 7 30 Thursday evening (tonight) at the city hall where m- »tructions will be given on how to handlp and >hoot a lx>w h‘ *’ to make bow strings and other lntri- ca<u*s ° f th * spot,. Bet*een eight and members who li\e in On- tario are Planni11« t0 attend tne meeting, local bowmen reported. The generaj pupjlc is invited to the meet- ^ ** lng' archeO course was completed *as* wee*t on the Hillcrest cemetery road northwest of Nyssa where regu lation targets are maintained for practice and for matches. Members of the club have extended an inva- tatlon for anyone to use the new course. Bowlers Make Good Showing In Tournament Four Ny.vsa women bowlers placed among the first ten in several events cf the preliminary round of play in the 1953 Idaho State Women’s Bowl- tng tournament, which opened last Saturday at Boise. Maxine Brown posted 1418 points in the scratch all-events class and B Jefferies 497 tn the scratch sin gles event. B Burbidge and Fay- Brown bowled 930 to place in th? .-cratch doubles. The Nyssa women were members I of two teams from here that were entered in the tournament through the Fayette City Bowling associa tion. One o f the teams, B A E Cafe, finished in third place in the team handicap matches Saturday night with a score of 2845 Stunz Lumber, the other Nyssa team, bowled a 2613 game. Maxine Brown was one of the few As president o f the Oregon State j tournament bowlers who received a School Activities Board. Henry H art pin in recognition of making a 200 ley, superintendent of Nyssa schools, or better score. She had one 206 Hartley Attends State Meetings During Vacation presented the awards at the conclu- j sion Saturday night of the 35th an nual state basketball tournament at Eugene, sponsored by the School Ac tivities board. Hartley was present at the tourna ment from Thursday, through Satur day and presided over meetings of the school activities board between tournament games. The first three days of the week, C. G. (R ed) Waggoner was in re ceipt Wednesday o f a telegram from . which was spring vacation for „ the the Chrysler Corporation announ-1 N>’ssa schools, saw Hartley in Port cing a sharp reduction on all models I land attending the 50th anniversary convention of the Oregon Education of the manufacturing firms cars. Waggoner quoted the telegram as association. Highlights o f the convention, stating that the “ attractive louver prices at the approach of the spring theme of which was ‘T h e Golden buying season are made possible by- Days o f OEA,” Hartley said, were increased production.” which has dedication o f the association’s new become possible, he said, because of building at Portland, the banquet address by Mrs. Sarah Caldwell, the lifting of price controls. president, National Education asso ciation, o f Ohio, and the installa P.-T.A. OFFIC IALS IN tion of officers. ONTARIO OF CONSULTATIONS Among the new officers who were Mrs. Ellen D Bieler, field consult installed, and who were elected by ant for the National Congress of the association representative as Parent-Teachers association, will be sembly last December, was James in Ontario to meet with P.-T.A o f Evans of Baker, a member of the ficials o f the area, according to an board of control. nouncement released Wednesday. . . . . . , ______ She will hold office hours at the ed . the skating party at Nampa. .. .. .. r,j _ .. . Women’s Club house between 9:30 Visitors at the Ed Bassett home a.m. and 4 p.m. and 7:30 to 10 p.m. Sunday evening were Mr. and Mi . ! George Eichner Patty, Carolyn and “ SCHOOL D A Y S ” Theme Ronnie. OF A P R IL C IV IC CLUB Mrs. Lynn Hurst and Mrs. Ed Ba - “ Little Red School House Days” \ sett were two in this neighborhood will be the theme o f the Civic club who received certificates or seals for I meeting to be held April 15. All their certificates for books they have members and guests are invited to read in the reading circle in the dress as little boys and girls, teach Mary Martha club. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hopkins and ers or school board members. Mrs. George Schweizer will be chairman son o f Roswell and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Altig, Mary Conn and of the meeting. Sharon cailid on Mr. and Mrs. Spark.-, to help them celebrate their W IN N ERS OF PR IZE S 23rd wedding anniversary on Sun Winners of door prizes offered by Western Corrugator Co. during iti day. A nice anniversary present for Mr. showing o f the new Hudson Jet car and Mrs. Art Sparks was a phone last Friday and Saturday were Jerry call from their son, Guy, who is at Gyllenskog, an electric roaster, and Camp Roberts, Calif. John Th iel of Sunset Valley, a mix- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and little master. girls and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bower and family called at the W il bur Chapin’s in Sunset Valley Sat urday in honor o f Marvin Bower who is home for a few days from the Navy and for Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed Bassett Charles Chapin. Mr. Chapin is in Phone 089J11 the Air Force. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Toomb and The Farm Bureau held its regulai Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toomb had sup monthly meeting in the Ag building per with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer with a good attendance Monday Sunday evening. night. Ronnie Thompson was absent from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapin are school Monday because cl illness. visiting this week at the Charles Mr. and Mrs. Karp of Emmett and Bowers home and with other rela Mr. and Mrs. Lance Earp of The tives. Dalles were Sunday visitors at the Little Kathy and Janie Ph ifer at- Herschel Thompson home. ¡tended the birthday party Monday Mr and Mr Herschel Thompson i f° r little Elaine Kurtz. It was El- vent to Enterprise Thursday and aine’s second birthday. Friday. Mrs. W illis Conant arrived home from California last Friday. Kerosene is colled paraffin oil in We hope for a speedy recovery of England. our minister, the Rev. Henry Moore of Adrian, who was taken ill sud Mauna Loa in Hawaii is the larg denly last Sunday. est active volcano. The Hurst family had supper F ri day night with the M L. Kurtz and Dudley Kurtz families. David Hurst attended a skating party at Nampa Monday night. W alter G ray is visiting at the N. P French home. W alter also attend- Dealer Announces Car Prices Slashed Kingman Kolony game Members of Stunz Lumber team, Virginia Bybee, Fern Kesler, Edrts Jones, Blanche Jeffries and M ild red Liming. B & E C a fe’s players are B. J. Burbidge, F'ay Brown, Mary Bolles, Belva Dene Reitin- baugh and Maxine Brown. Tournament play will resume this Thursday night with many new en tries. The Nyssa teams will not bowl again. Pocatello w ill be host for the 1954 tournament. Rifle Club Members To Work on Range Members of Nyssa Rifle and Pistol club will hold another work ses sion on the club’s range Sunday, ac cording to Ralph Lawrence, presi dent. Work remaining to be done con sists of putting two buildings, moved onto the range last Sunday, into readiness to be used for storage of equipment and target carriers, Lawrence said. Sunday. April 12, has been set as the date of the club’s first scheduled . ___ shoot, weather permitting. Monday — Thursday Women's League Tighten's Pace Phone Parma 79 Collect W hile lower bracket teams aiul leading B <fc E Cafe were all losing, Owy hee Beauty Shop, Berrett s Ser- j vice and Stunz Lumber, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place teams, respectively, were bettering themselves with substan tial wins in the Women's Commer cial Bi JVlmg league Monday night. There were no changes in stand- I mgs. but B <V E Cafe's lead was cut to five points over the Beauty-s, who ' are in turn but two points ahead of | Berrett's. Only clean sweep wa- made by Stunz Lumber in winning four from Brownie’s Cafe. Stunz Lumber took all team hon ors with 17«) for high series and 631 for high team game. Everybody's Inc. was second In both events with scores of 1764 and 606. Blanche Jeffries of Everybody's Inc. and Marge Pace of Muir-Rob- ears-Burningham captured individ ual honors. Jelleries posting 204 for high individual game and 561 lor high individual series. Pace’s scores for the same events were 193 and 499 Playing brackets for next Monday pair Stunz Lumber vs Owyhee Beauty Shop, Brownie’s Cafe vs Ber- rett’s Service. Everybody’s Inc. vs Hospital and Mulr-Roberts-Burn- lngham vs B & E Cafe. Standings Team Won Lost B & E Cafe 36 12 Owyhee Beauty 31 17 B erret’s Service 29 19 • Cuts lawns quickly and clean Stunz Lumber 26 22 ly — levels weed patches Everybody's Inc. 25 23 Brownie’s Cale 17 31 • Quick-starting Jacobsen 1V4 Muir-Roberts- hp. engine Burnlngham 314 164 • E a s y h a n d lin g — w e ig h s Hospital 114 364 only 64 pounds SPIN THROUGH your grass cutting • Close trim m in g— cuts with*, in an inch o f objects COMING EVENTS Friday. March 27—Cinderella Ball, new gym at 8:15 p m. Saturday, March 28—Last In a series of Odd Fellows and Rebekah’s card parties at the I.O.O.F. hall. Fh-iday, April 2—General meeting of the W.S.C.S. at the home of Mrs. C liff Main at 2 p. m. C o m o In a n d o*k a b o u t o u r o a t y p a y m e n t p la n . Hollingsworths' Phone 142 WHITE ROSE SEED SPUDS The clubs range is located on the °ld Vale highway, 12 miles west of Nyssa. Greenhouse Tested Phone 066-J1 ktte Closing Sunday Nighi NAZARENE REVIVAL Thursday Through Sunday Tire service as YO U like it! Standard brand tires and tubes at right prices . . . and prompt, efficient service with a smile! Our men are tups In the trade . . . that’s why they’re here! You’ll like their better way uf doing things! É m 7:45 Each Evening Featuring ' î&.-Jl atm - If Instrumental and Vocal Music By A. L. and Mrs. Crane and Rev. George Gillespie Evangelist- Organist Rev. Gillespie and Family WELCOME CHURCH of the NAZARENE 414 Good Ave. Nyssa, Ore. Robert O. Jackson, Pastor EVERY LADY ELIGIBLE! POPCORN Contest starts Thurs., March 26 Now we're in the business of growing POPCORN — For information on acreage 3rd to 10th PRIZE-1 pr. Mojud Nylon Hose and contracts, see the boys at the Ends Saturday, April 4 Dessert Seed Co. Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Dry Good*. Shoe*. Roady to-W**r X Ray Shoe, Fitting Phone 32 Nyssa, Ore. Phone 132