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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1953)
G A T T C IT Y J O U B V A L . Day« G o n a By ìn Nyssa Com m unity F ron the J ou n tl FU« 5 Year. Age March 25. IMS of N y*a who received badges at a Construction » expected to start court of honor at Roswell Monday next week on a brick business build- night were Joe Robertson Edward mg to be erected at Third street and BoydeH rren Lath- Bower by the Heldt Brothers. Ever- en. Arthur Co, a. Bruce Fahrney. i ^ ^ R° bert rne Curtls Warren Larson. Robt building, 30 by 100 ieet, will pro- Johannesen, Clifford Lathen How- vide space for four offices or stores ard Larson, and Robt. Wilson. Scouts - P.ans for the district Memorial Roust n WiLson Paul \yre and Ray- hospital to be erected at Nyssa were mond Graham ako attended approved by the board of directors 25 Years Ago March 1928 Tuesday night and they hope con- Proprietor L E Ruddy of Lou’s struction can be started about June Place on South Fir-t street has add- 1 Owyhee Truck and Implement ed a brightened appearance to his Co. has started construction of a place of business with a ccat of fresh 40 by 80 foot addition to its present paint and a brand new awning----- building at Fourth and Main,—Carl A. C. Alford who recently purchased Roth and B un Haney have pur- the Strode Bldg, on First street op- chased Freeman s Machine Sh:>p posite the post office has had it com- from Walter Freeman.----- Evoava- pletely renovated and will soon be tion of a basement for the new ready to open his place of business.— ' Catholic church to be erected in R P Davis announces that he is Nyssa was started Monday by Clar- opening a real estate office in the ence Leseberg.----- C. E. Lesebe.-g, room next door to the Journal o f f i n g his heavy equipment, did the fice.----- A fine new home is being excavating for the new Nyssa Vet- erected on the L. T Larson ranch erans Memorial Hall at Second and a basement and cement work street and Ehrgood. Monday. are being done for a house on the 10 1 ears Ago March 25, 1043 Sid Skinser ranch where the Fred Seven cases o f typhoid fever have Keck family now live, been reported in the Sunset Valley 30 Years Ago March 30. 1923 district near Nyssa.------Nyssa school Dorothy Cook was the successful students have purchased more than contestant in the try-out contest $8.000 worth of war bonds and held at the Presbyterian church Sat- stamps since the sale was started urday evening and will represent the following the entrance of the U. S. Nyssa school at the county declama- into the war.----- The school boards tory contest to be held at O ntario.! of the grade and high schools have Other contestants were Idoyd Evans, added a further cost-of-living bonus Jessie Carter, Elda Brown, Chas. of $120 to the teachers salaries.----- Leuck. Verna Thompson and Clif- High school youths Bob Browne, Ray ford Fields.------Miss Violet Cox has Larson, Bob Eldridge, Tom Church accepted a position as stenographer and Clay Morgan are attending a in Judge Davis’ office at Vale.------ three-day convention of the Hi-Y at W W. Foster had the misfortune to Boise. | lose 56 hives of bees by fire. The 15 Years Agt» March 24, 1938 bees were valued at $10 per hive.- The Golden Rule Store will re j Idaho Power Co. Is advertising the open Saturday with a brand new j new copper tub automatic washer stock of merchandise, according to 1 and the patented Paragon clothes | C. W Buchner, manager. It has basket with callasible legs—only $1 been closed 10 days for a complete down and $5 a month. remodeling job.------A P Ramsey of 35 Years Ago March 22, 1918 Gooding, Ida., new owner of the \ The first war saving stamp club j Cash Grocery Co., has taken over in Malheur county was organized in ! the active management of the store Nyssa Thursday evening rwith H. F. which will now be known as Rem- 3rown president and Miss Elizabeth sey’s Market.----- The Frank Morgans Thompson, secretary. ------ Chas. are getting settled into their new | Prahl and Dean Issacs have installed home which was recently completed ! a sheep shearing plant near Nyssa at their ranch on the highway.------! and are at work on a band of 16,000 Ed Case o f Portland bought lots belonging to Lester Sewell. Eight frem one to five in block 86 of West- I men employed average about i50 field addition from Pete Dearon ! — ---------------------------------------------- — last Friday and plans to erect a 1 building for a furniture sto/e on the site immediately. 20 Years Ago March 30, 1933 In honor of their golden wedding ! day, a crowd o f 50 friends and rela- j Optometrist tives surprised Mr. and Mrs. J. T. I Long at their beautiful country home Eyes Examined in Arcadia Tuesday evening.—Owy- j nee Canyon Days will arrive in Nyssa Friday, Saturday, April 14 Phone 9-2312 and 15, rwhen all Snake River Valley i 718 Arthur St. will be welcomed to the spring frolic j of the Nyssa Commercial club. Dr. ! Caldwell, I d a h o E. D. Ncrcott, club president, has | been voted chairman of this second annual celebration. ------ Boy Scouts I shew*- per day par m a n ----- I f L Judd went to Vale Tuesday ho take examination for the army.— - W il son Bros . the Main street grocers, have put on a brand new Ford de livery wagon with Aden Wilson in charge as head chauffeur----- Hot lunches were started at the high school this week Over 30 high school students and the faculty enjoy the hot lunches every noon. 44 Year* Ago Man h 27. 141J The big ice box for the Nyssa Meat Market arrived during the week and has been placed in position. It is certainly a beauty, with capacity of two tone of ice I: is 9x8x6 and 1 nearly $300.----- J Alden, an old ac quaintance of Messrs. Orell and Lawrence of Nyssa has been corre sponding with Mr. Orel! with a view of ccming to Nyssa to put in a flour- O B Z G O H . T H T J B S D A Y . M A R C H I I . ISSI in* mail----- 10O carloads of prunes for the 1*13 crop o f the big Idanha ranch near Nyssa is the estimate placed by the owner. W U Sander son, upon the yield this season, an increase of nearly 90 percent over last year’s crop. KEt'OYXBS rkO M OFERATION Mrs. William Wahlert was resting comfortably at home this week fol lowing an operation last Thursday. She was released from an Ontario h '.pital. where the surgery was per formed, on Sunday. PAG E T H R U M ...L igh t, Fast Pickups The dance called the cancan orig inated in Paris about 1830 Gelett Burgess is credited with coining the word “blurb Wani To Grow Flower Seed? Call or W rite the DESSERT SEED C O . N o w M o d e l K -1 2 0 p ic k u p wih. Nyssa, O regon A d A R uk attachm ents- N e w In te rn a tio n a l Truck Line Offer* 307 New Features ^ìto to t fatiate... to a r r a n g * fo r n * w listin gs o r d ire c to ry a d v e r t i s i n g in th e New Telephone Directory New International pickups deliver un equalled light-duty performance. Interna tional's emphasis on a long-range program of truck research and development has re sulted in greater versatility in the New International pickups and other New In ternational Trucks. N e w M e d .I I - 1 M w itk 12-foot grata, body and Coaifo-Vision cob. N o w - feature» you w a n t in A m e ric a * m a rt c om p lete truck lin e: 161 b a sic m o d e ls .. . N e w In te rn a tio n a l sty lin g identified by the IH em blem . . . 307 n e w la b o r a to r y -p r o v e d , r o a d - p ro v e d fe a tu re s . . . First truck b u ild e r to offer choice of gasoline or LP gas with Underwrit ers' Laboratories listing in 1 Vi-ton sizes and other models . . C o m f o - V is io n c a b with one- piece Sweepsight windshield; new comfort and interior styling . . Steel-flex f r a m e s . . . 2 9 6 W h e e lb a s e s E a s y s t a r t in g , g r e a t e r f u e l econom y . W id e r a n g e of axle ratios . . . R e a l ste e rin g com fort and control . . . Sizes from N e w M o d e l 1 - 1 1 0 p ic k u p w ith 8 fo a l b o d y. O th e r p ic k u p m od els a v a ila b le Vi-ton to 90,000 lbs. GVW rating. with 6 h o n d 9-foot b odies. Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. DR. C.W. CRAVES 401 Main Phone 245 cTi O u r B u s in e s s O ff. -e T h # M o u n ta in S ta te s T # l# p h o n # # T # l# 9 * a p n C o IN T E R N A T IO N A L TR U C K S S t a n d a r d o f the H / g ft w o y M alheur Hom e Telep hone Co. ■; • •• . -j;, ADRIAN WELCOMES NO TALKIE METERS JUST P L A I N NO WALKIE METERS NO PARKIE METERS GLAD TO MEET-CHERS PLENTY OF R O O M FOR LIGHT POLE L E A N E R S And Friendly Gr o u ps WE WILL EV EN JOIN Y O U ! "WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD WILL AND HAVE LOTS OF IT " ADRIAN MERCHANTS O