th e WYSSÀ GATE CITT JOCMIAL. V Y U JL OftEOON. THURSDAY. MARCH M 19S3 Newell Heights No Chicken t h e g a t e c it y j o u r n a l b ia v e r . a l t e m _ Advertíate« Gee. L Wbertea Owner* RICHARD H N. YOST _ Duknt D. Alten N E WS P A P E R SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Malheur County. Or**on. and Payette and Canyon Counties. Idah o: P U B L I S HE RS 1 y e a r -------------------------g o * 6 Month* e20* Elsewhere in the C f l A per y e a r ------------------ •>>* Single Copies — ■*! (Strictly m Advance» ASSOCIATION Published every Thursday Entered at the postofllce through the United Statea the act at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under o l March 3. 1879 A Successful Promotion Nyssa merchants and other business firms did them­ selves proud last week when they joined together for the Dollar Day promotion that appealed to the buying public. People came to town to investigate the hundreds public Peope came to town to investigate the hundreds of special offers being made by individual merchants and found the advance advertising was correct: merchandise was being offered at great savings and the supply and selections were large enough to accomodate all comers A fact that cannot be overlooked is that Nyssa busi­ ness firms can join together to reach a common goal. Whether competitive or not, they have something in common and that is to attract people from the surround­ ing rural communities and the town itself. More and more people are finding Nyssa s boast of being the most complete shopping center in the valley a lot more than idle talk. “Shop Nyssa and nothing can stop Nyssa” is a slogan that can become better known throughout the Snake nver valley. Dr H. G. Mr< »Ulster Minister 9 46 a m . church school. 11 a m . morning worship. 7 p m . Youth Fellowship. CHURCH NOTES FIRST Church of t hri*t C H R IS TIA N Aastia J. HoUin («worth. Minuter I* a. m . church »chool. Evlr. L. D.b. 1st WARD Gordon Ray, Bishop 9:15 a. m., priesthood meeUng. Hwliou. superintendent 10 30 a. m., Sunday schooL 11 a m.. miming worship, directed 7 30 p m . sacrament meeting. by aatotter Tuesday, 2 p m , relief society. 7 p. m.. Christian Youth Fellow - Wednesday. 4 p. m , primary; 7:30 p. m , M . I. A. • p m . evening worship. *“ m L D. S. 2nd WARD D. Hubert Chrliitenaen. Bishop 9.15 a m . priesthood meeUng. 10'30 a m . Sunday school. 8 p m.. sacrament meeting. Tuesday, 2 p m . relief society Wednesday. 4 p. m , primary; p m . M U . THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rnbrrt Jaeksen. Pi-tor 1* a m . Sunday school 11 p m . morning worship 7 p m . N Y P S and Junior meet- FAITH L l 'l HF.R4N ( HI R( H Fifth Street and Park Avenue John L. Briehl. Pastor 10 a m., 6unday school. 11 a m . divine worship. W ed, 8 p m. Lenten services; 8 45 p m., education class. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. CO M M UN ITY METHODIST CHURCH CATH O LIC CHURCH A-1 USED CAR SPRING VALUES 1952 Ford Victoria . . . 2450 Fordomatic, Heater, Radio, WSW Tires, Low Mileage 1951 Chevrolet Tudor . 1495 Radio, Heater, Very’ Clean 1949 Ford Custom Tudor 1055 Radio, Heater 1949 Ford Deluxe Fordor 1055 Heater, Good Rubber 1948 Chev. Fleetline Tudor 935 Heater, Radio, Seat Covers 1952 Ford Pickup . . . 1495 Deluxe Cab. Heater, Low Mileage 1941 Ford Fordor . . . . 245 Heater. Radio 1938 Ford P a n e l........... 95 A Dandy Fishing Car A L L THESE UNITS CARRY S.E.I. W A R R A N T Y S MONTHS OR WOO MILES H E R R I M A N MOTOR CO. USED CAR HFADQVAKTr.nS S P A R K L IN G and translucent red. At the regular meeting o f the yellow , orange. :.rr.e-eoloced — grade school P -T-4 March 19 the that's the way to have your eggs following officers were elected: O r­ this Easter. Even the Bunny is ville Giloert. president; Mrs K en ­ surprised at these novel eggs, foe they're a bit of mimicry done neth McDcr.ald. first vice president; with fruit-flavored gelatin. Durlm Hammcn. second vice pre.-;- Like the real dent; Mrs Varner Hopkins. secre­ McCoy, t h e s e tary Charles W itty, treasurer These eggs are good officers will be installed April 18 f r y. ungsteri The high school P -T A elected the unique officers March 2 They were as fo l­ w a y t h e y 're • hatched" w ill lows Earl Saar.a president: Louis Prat: vice president: Edr.a DeHay- en. secretary, and Wesley T o lliv e r.' treasurer. Misses Shirley Haney. Sharrcn Anderson. Linda Blanche and Mas­ ter Pete Hammcn danced in 'h e junior gold and green ball floor show fascinate them Fcr added appeal, serve them in neats of snowy Saturday evening. Sunday Mrs Durlin Hammcn and white or green-tir.ted coconut. JE LLIE D EASTFR EGGS K ay attended the Gladys Peterson (Dessert ar Salad» piano recital in Parma. Miss Elaine Kurta was honored Dissolve 1 package fruit-flavor­ on her second birthday with a party ed gelatin (any flavor» in 1 cup Monday afternoon. The I I little hot water. Add 't cup cold water. guests played games and ate ic e . Four into 8 egg shell5, u'ing fun­ nel or small pitcher. Set eggs on cream and cake. Mr and Mrs Doyle Lawder and end in egg container. Chill over children o i Rupert, Ida . were week­ night. Dip “ eggs'’ quickly in warm end guests o f Mrs Lawder's parents. water, crack shells and peel off. Mr and Mrs A M Hammcn. Mr and Mrs Lew Dykstra. Mr Serve jellied eggs .n nests made o f shredded lettuce or coconut. and Mrs. Lou MoCoy o f Ontario and Garnish w ith candy eggs, cut M r and Mrs. Dale Oler.n were Sun­ fruit, mayonnaise, or sweetened day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs whipped cream Makes 8 Easter Hugh Glenn. eggs Mr and Mrs. Richard Dalton. Mr •To rem ove yolks and whites', and Mrs Kenneth Smith. Mr ar.d crack small end of each egg slight­ Mrs. James Peterson and Mr and ly. Pick aw ay enough of shell so Mrs Durlin Hammcn attended the that the yolk and white w ill drop L X )S Elders banquet in Ontario out Rinse inside of shell with Friday evening. cold water. Mr and Mrs Erbar. Keyser of .Vote Use egg volks and whites Paul. Ida., and Mr and Mrs. John to prepare scrambled eggs for Stewart o f Buhl, Ida . visited with "a ster breakfast (A N S ) Mr and Mrs Dick Kreigh last w e e k - --------------— ------------------------ end. The Keysers were returning granddaughter, b. rr. to Mrs. B.ll home from Detroit where they pur- Hamilton Saturday afternoon, chased a new car. Mr and Mrs Lynn Hu:-: of K.r.g- Mr. and Mrs Irvin T o p liff, Mr man Kelony were dinner guests of and Mrs Ronald Saxton, M r and Mr and Mr- Dudle- K^rtz and Mr Mrs. Dudley Kurtz. Mr and Mrs. and Mrs M. L K _r:z Friday even­ Dale Glenn and Mrs Stanley Hill ing. attended the 20-40 Supper club St. Modern Pioneer club will be held Patrick's day party held at the a: the home o f Mr Carl Hill Tues- U. P church Tuesday evening. The day afternoon group voted to raise funds for a _______________ baptismal fountain which will cost about 9135 They are planning a chilli supper Thursday night to be held in the church basement. The Mrs. Kenneth McDonald public Is invited, Phone 99h-R3 The Adrian home extension group met at the home of Betty Glenn O K K met Wednesday, afternoon Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Edna Mae at the home o f Mrs Gerald Slippy Wimsott, the county home exten­ with Mrs Chet Mills and Mrs. Bob sion agent, gave the demonstration M orfitt as oo-ho :esses. Two gue--ts, in "Better Buying." Mrs Bertha Ciilbertson o f Califor­ Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn, Mr. and nia and Mrs. Nellie Newbill of Nys­ Mr Dick Kreigh. Mr and Mrs. Dud­ sa, attended. Door prizes were won ley Kurtz and Mrs. Arlene Sparks by Mrs. Charley Culbertson and Mrs attended a pinochle party ot the Kenneth McDonald Bingo was play­ Kenneth Price home Mark H art­ ed and Mrs. Bertha Culbertson. Mrs. ley and Leota Kreigh won high. O.^car Houston and Mrs Harlan Dudley Kurtz and June Hartley won , , Koger were winners. Refreshments traveling and Dale and Betty Glenn , „ . . n low in » * | °* home-made ice cream and cook­ won ies were served. Mr and Mrs. Wesley Piercy, Mrs. Mrs. Werner Peutz entertained a Arlene Sparks and Linda. Mr and group of friends Saturday evening Mr M L Kurtz and Mr and Mr,. in honor o f her hu-band's birthday. C. B Hill were Sunday dinner guests Gue-ts were Mr and Mrs Bill Willis o f Mr and M r; K I Peterson of and children o f Adrian; Mr and Adrian Mrs. Robert M orfitt of Owyhee dam The U P church board met at the and Toots Peutz. Dick Kreigh home Thursday even­ Mr Byrd Walters returned home ing. Thursday evening from Boise where Mrs. C. B Hill and Mrs. Lydia -he had been with her father. Ralph Worden called on Mrs. Sipes in the Jones, when he was operated on at Caldwell hospital Thursday after­ the veterans hospital. noon. ..ght at the Kenpeth Pr.ce home Mt Charley Culbertson and Mrs Berth* Culbertson visred with Mrs Lynn Kygar Sunday while the men » rked with the cattie. Mr *r.d Mr Kygar and children of Parma were Sunday guests at the Lynn Kygar home also. Nancy Hill of Adrian spent Sun­ day afternoon with Brenda Walters who was visiting here from Boi-e that day. Mr; Lee Levitt entertained with dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs. Archie Mo=e and Richard and Mary Lovitt who have March birthdays. National Potato Acreage Increased and an increase in the » « « {e r n state« of B percent. S> me of the early pring are»« have increased 18 per cent more, Bond said, bringing the total of ex­ pected production of potatoes up to the levels of 1946 and 1960 In those years large amounts o l potatoes were bought by the government under price supports, and prices lor sup. plies moving in the trade were near cost of production levels. Past ex­ perience has shown that normal na­ tional consumption will use up a- round 360 million bushels o f potatoes annually I f growers carry through with the acreage sho»wn by their planting intentions, production at average yields would total between 370 and 365 million bushels. Acreage o f corn this year, accord­ ing to the planting intentions report, The last report of national potato will result in about 15 percent less acreage to be available ahead cf production than last year, with bar­ local planting time is in according ley about 10 per cent less. to Turner Bond, county extension agent The U. S. Department of A g­ The famous cherry trees in Wash­ riculture report of intentions to ington, D. C., blossom in April ar.d plant, released March 19, shows an May mcrease in intended potato acreage of 6 -a precent nationally over 1952,1 Henry V II I had six wives. From where I Joe Marsh "Biff" Falls for His Own Story B if f M organ’« fon r-year-*ld daughter Rusty is something of a night owl. Stays awake way past her bedtime. Every night Mrs. Morgan com­ plained about how hard it was to get Rusty to go to sleep. Finally B iff decided to handle the situa­ tion. “ Anyone can get a kid to sleep — takes a little patience! Here, hand me her storybook.” He grabs the book and goes into Rusty’s room. About an hour later Rusty comes padding out in pajamas and hands her mother the book. “ Read it quietly," she whispers, “ ao we don’t wake Daddy.” From where I sit. Biff won't be so quick to be a “child-care spe­ cialist” the next time. If we could just resist being such “know it alls,” our neighbors would be better off. Take those who would deny me a glass of beer with my supper — well. I might not care for the buttermilk they like. We all ought to realize that we all have different abilities and dif­ ferent preferences, too. Owyhee ASsEM Bl V OF GOD Frank C C«iey. Pastor ftvuth In* and Reece Are. 10 a m . Sunday school 11 a m.. morning worship • p m . evangefcstK service T u e a . 8 p m prayer m B p m . young peop.e 7.45 p m . evangelistic service. Eggs, These Medrra PVeseer ( lab P beate M U - C h *r~ « and Dor. Share sent a tru * l ad 40 O ctane Lynn Kygar.. Char­ ge Culbertson and Werner and Toots Peuu sprayed and branded cattle a: the K ygar place Sunday Mr and Mrs Marx Hartley and children were dinner guests at the Sam Hartley home Sunday. Joanne H anley was heme for the week-end from Br.gam Young university m Utah Sunset Valley livestock 4-H club , met with Larry Culbertson Satur­ day There were 20 member pres­ ent Mrs Robert Smith o f Nyssa brought her brother, Paul Knot- t ingham , to the meeting and visited nuh Mrs Culbertson. Rudolph Hite took his grandson. Jimmy Abbott, back to Hair.e? Sun- 1 day after Jimmy had spent his spring vacation here with his grand­ father and uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs Omar Hite. Sirs Clyde HcJte enjoyed a visit from two o f her cousins Friday. They were Den Alspaugh of Los Angeles and Glenn Alspaugh. who is on fur- lt ugh from the army in Korea where he has been stationed. Sunday evening guests in the E E Crocker home were Mr and Mrs. Perry Bole and Mr and Mrs Brown, all of Vale. Mr and Mrs Ed Ca e and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs Lee Saxton and family. Charlotte and Ronald Ditty of Ontario spent Thursday in the T. H Brewer home Mrs. Brewer took the young people home Friday. Mrs. Esther Koger and Mrs Lura Miilestead attended the Associated club meeting in Ontario Saturday as representatives from the O K K Mr and Mrs Donald DeHaven and Debbie o f Weiser were Sunday guests at the Omar Hite home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Mayes have visited a few days in the A C. H a n ­ kins home before leaving for British Columbia on a vacation. Mrs. Nellie Newbill of Nyssa spent a few days last week with Mrs. Ellis Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters had all their children home for dinner Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Jack Walters c f Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Waiters and Brenda of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hartley a t­ tended a pinochle party Saturday 8 , r ^ v r " r r"a*> , ot S ’r * - - phone c l i Iron, h er'd .“ g h " r ' i a r j JeeV “ " ^ ' " ^ 7 s FIRST thing in the morning . . . LAST thing at night h “u ¡ y r s j r r i arC /af tu eluded Mrs. Kirkland and daughters. The losers of the sophomore mag- Vfr D . . ... “nd **«• • »«d Chil- . the winning Junior McGinnis team L iG r a ndl ^ w°f Friday the 13th at Anita Pratts ^ '* * * home The group played Games and % danced. Th e teachers present were leave April 1 tor Jamaica to become Mr and Mrs. Glenn Ward. Athol missionaries. ■ Sayre, and Mr Detlenne Mrs. Kenneth Parker Is spending Mr and Mrs Babe Hamilton an­ a few days at the Viv Marshall home nounce the arrival of their third after having surgery at the Nyssa hospital. Park Avenue and Third Street Che: Mills shipped two truck loads Hembert A hie*. O. F. M. o f fat cattle to Portland Saturday ! Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m and daily at 8 a. m. 9 a m . Catechism classes. line sale sale race rare held heldTherr azine their party for ; ÄT r % u t * EFIM O F II. CHURCH C. T. Crenshaw. Er, 1 er I 46 a m Sondai I I a m . morning worship thing you do in the morning and the last thing at night is to switch the lights on and o if. Bel ween times your day is filled with using the multitude of electric services to per­ form your work with a minnnim of vour own energy. I he tasks performed hy electricity in this modern day are numbered hy the dozen. You are using more electricity than ever before because it is the most valuable hired hand you can hire, yet the cheapest. No Fiddling Round with Us We Give . . . • Good Service • Quality Food W * A r* Open 24 Hour* Daily- me w»» Wednesday 8 p en. prayer family budget—high in value, low in cost. W h e re els« can you get so much for the pennies per day you spend for electricity’? I d a h o P o w e r ’s a v e ra g e ra te s fo r h o u s e h o ld electrUl service a re 35 p e r c e n t b e lo w th e n a tio n a l a v e ra g * I D A H O V p O > V E R ¿ & c 2 t e £ U .D < * * So M U O t-C ostsS o H 11 a m . n a riin i eve* first In fact, electricity is the biggest bargain in th« I H I Rt H OF CHRIST Parma. Id ah« McConnel Ave. O. E Robins«». Minister 10 a m . Bible study 11 a. tn , morning worship. *? m Sunday evening service. Wednesday, S p m . Bible study. Bps. tlie house heated, preserving your food and heating water. CHURCH OK THE BRETHREN Christian Center Mission East 2nd and'Ehrgood 10 a m , Sunday school. 11 a m , morning worship 7 30 p m.. evangelistic service. M I S S I» »* « R t B \ P 1 I « T ( HI b Cidre L e» Id b ff P talee 10 a m . Sunday school ere, At night, electricity goes on working—keeping vour A D K I W COM M UNITY CHURCH Henry E. Moore. Pastor 10 a. m , Bible school. 11 a. m „ morning worship. 11 a m . Junior church. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Adrian, Oregon 10 a m , church school. 11 a. m , morning worship. Chn nres B & ECAFE