f PAGE TWELVE THE HY8SA GATE CXTT JOOTUfAL, MTSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 2*. 1SS9 Shoplifter Runs A fow l Law ; Gets National P-TA ’onsultanl to be In Cn*ario Today NVits4 U M HU H I 10 « PO LIO FUND C A M P A IG N Adrian F.B. Gets A w ard Announced Births . . . Betty Boencg o f Oregon T rail na (Continued from Page 1) beer , . county w.ru.er I of member-* of committee* who aided the Carl Raymond O rgy eeh in the campaign and in hi.* thanks the Adrian A regular me.-t. ship, accord.ng to E M Hau °r ‘ t* ail who made a contribution, large center of the Farm Bureau was county extension agent. This is a or small, to the record-breaking fund. Pratt reported »100 scholarship given annually by held March 15. L A break-down o f the March of Quick action on the part of a n legislation and : ,-iewed bills be the Union Pacific Railroad for out Dune* contributions on a community fore the senate and house of the standing achievement in 4-H club • ► Pa : j - basis follows: || j legislature that are of importance work. Malhi-ur i:.tj ire ii'iti pitii.c the $5,159 70 Ontario Announcement of the award was and appearance in justice court vi it n March 26 f Mr Ellen D ill to the Farm Bureau. 6,094 07 Ny*.-a contained in the scholarship cer- within a pci ai of 45 minutes. Lynn Hurst rep : ted on the dairy B ■ i field Militant I the Na t.ficat ? just received from Joe Jarvis, i 2,174 26 Vale situation He led a discussion on Richard B. V * tional Congress of Parents and agricultural development supervisor 1,245 15 Jordan Valley gov-rnmer.t buying if butter and the f .r the Union Pacific. by city poll « tit. r he was identified Teachers, according to word received 817.84 Adrian u e f synthetics jr dairy products. Betty has been in 4-H club work this week from County Council 408 81 Ironside Luit Siam and Jake Borge re f r seven years, and has specialized ten pocket knives from the Ny*.*a President Mrs. Kenneth Greenfield. Willowcreek 388.65 ported on row crop and small seed. . 1 the 4-H clothing project. She was M The meeting will be at the Women’s Arock, Rcme, Mrs. Jake Borge read a letter of electeS on the basis of her 4-H pro that Vargas was seen by Victor club house in Ontario from 10 a m. Antelope 352.00 thanks from the Malheur county ject work, scholastic record in school Haburchuk, manager of the store, to 3 pin. with an ever... g session1 296 60 Brogan health center for a health bond that and participation in community and who ran into the street and at also scheduled. Harper 221.08 had been purchased by the bureau county activities. tempted to catch Vargas. He wts Mrs. Bieler will spend the month 123 72 Westfall Lynette Hickman o f Arcadia was during the recent polio drive able to retrieve the knives, but Var of March in Oregon, meeting with named alternate, and will receive Grove 76 53 Discussion was ii Id on the FHA ga fled City polic1 irrested the officers and members throughout the the scholarship if Betty is unable to Juntura 69 07 state banquet to be held at Ontario use it. man a hort time later and took him tate Her purpose in coming is lead River*ide 50 97 next year was decided to wait before Ju rice of the Peace Don ership training for present and fu The scholarship requires that the Drusy 37.58 until more .nfornrmon could be ob recipient be registered in the school I Graham where Vargas waived his ture officers. Plans call for inten-j Jamieson 9 50 tained before making definite plans. of agriculture or home economics at rights to a preliminary hearing,1 sive work at each conference, using Unity 2 00 Mrs. Dorothy Reuter reported that the State College So it will be avail guilty and was sentenced to a year visual aids, workshops, and congress . the Cairo Junction .chool would be able for Betty when she enters Ore- j in the county jail and fined $50. publications, as well as a more for- j Total 18,523 23 ready for meeting* of the County gon State College this fall. Vargas had been released earlier mal type o f presentation of policies Farm Bureau in the near future. that day from the city jail where and procedures o f the national or-1 Potluck lunch and a social hour gamzation. Mrs Jennelle Moorhead, I he had been confined the night be followed the busine - meeting. state president, has stressed thatj fore on a drunk charge. Acting Chief A noted scientist and grantee of of Police David Gray said Vargas’ since the field consultant cannot, the National Foundation for In fa n long record included 29 convictions possibly visit every county in Ore- tile Paralysis will be heard in a radio GARDEN CLUB TO Sunday night’s service will close a series o f revival meetings being and that he wa recently relmaed • ’n- member» may attend any con broadcast this Thursday evening, ac HOLD P LA N T SALE Members of A N K garden club conducted at the Nazarene church, front the Washington state peniten- | lerence which is most convenient for cording to Clyde Snider. Malheur will hold a plant *ule April 4 at the the Rev. Robert O. Jackson announ tia ji where he had served a term I them- Local pr< nave been county N F IP chairman Broadcast Nyssa Bowling Center, next to the ced. The meetings are featuring in for grand larceny. ' Notified through the Oregon P -T A. time is 8 :45 p. m . MST, over CBS | bulletin o f Mrs. Bieler’s schedule. post office in Nyssa. strumental and vocal music by Mr. stations. Other police action during the past Mrs. Bieler’s visit is being antici- Doors will be open to the public at and Mrs. A. L. Crane and the Rev. week included the arrest of Mar- [Mted with a great deal of pleasure, 11 o’clock and remain open until 6 George Gillespie, an evangelist, and selina L. I,ara.*a, 31, who wa.* charg according to Mrs. Greenfield, be Eagles A uxiliary o'clock. Each member will bring his family. ed with driving while under the in cause her professional training and Nominates Officers some of her choice plants as well as The local pastor stated that there fluence of liquor. In city police court background o f P - T A . experience Eagles auxiliary met March 17 and more common ones for sale. has been exceptionally good atten he pleaded guilty and was fined $50 and community service make her an nominated the following officers: Mrs. R. H. Young of Parma and dance each evening since the revivals and confined for 25 days. Juan Dias ideal person to serve as a field con president, Mrs. Gladys Byers; vice Mrs. Frank Morgan o f Nyssa are started last week with audiences ex Felan, 31, was arrested for public sultant for the National Congress ■ president, Mrs. Dorothy Runcorn; co-chairman of the event. pressing their appreciation for the intoxication and was fined $25 by of Parents and Teachers. She holds chaplain, Mrs. Ruth Collins, and services and the music. Police Judge J C. Smith. He is in ____ _ a master's degree from Chicago Uni Mrs. Lucile Runcorn; treasurer, Mrs. the city jail in lieu of payment of versity, having majored in physcol- Irene Lane and Mrs. Marion Meyers; he fine. ogy, philosophy, and human develop inside guard, Mrs. Lillie Hopper; A plea of not guilty was entered ment. She has taught school at both outside guard. Mrs. Betty Faries; J A drivers license examiner will be Saturday by Herbert H Fisher who the secondary and college level, and one year trustee, Mrs. Johnnie Rus was arrested early Saturday morn served as the guidance director of a sell, Mrs. Bernice Sewell and Mrs. in Nyssa Friday of this week to give HAVE ing by state police and charged with large school system. For several lone Storm; auxiliary mother, Mrs. tests for person* wishing original PROPER drunken driving. Justice Graham summers she has been in charge of Lucille Runcorn and Mrs. Lydia W il licenses or perimts to drive, it was LIABILITY announced by the ecretary of state’s j set tlie date of trial for March 28 health and hosipital services at son. | office. Examination* will be given at e t 1:30. INSURANCE childrens’ summer camp The raffle gift was won by Mrs. She has for many years devoted Bernice Sewell. The next meeting the Nyssa city hall between 9 a .m . Lest Wednesday Leo Gallogoes ap- nr peared in the Justice court on a much tune to civic affairs, particl- ror nf n t f i r r r * . mill h.. h»M and 2 p. m. Applicants are a ked to file appli drunken driving charge after being paring in church and community April 7 INSU RANCE cations well ahead of t he scheduled i arrested by Sheriff John E lfering.; organizations which focused par- 4 dress backward party is to be closing hour to assure time for com He pleaded guilty to the charge anil ticular attention on promoting the 16 N orth 3rd Phone 218 held. pletion of the required license tests. fa s fined $150 and given 30 (lays m best interest o f children and youth. Year In Jail Farm Reports Polio Broadcast P1AYSAF 1 KEN POND REAL ESTATE jail. The court gave him 90 dayi to A list o f her activities would include pay the fine and suspended the jail G irl Scout leadership, membership sentence. on a community library board and recreation commission, and work with the Red Cross and a community hospital. Travel over a large part of the American continent, including Can ada, Central America, the Canal Zone, and the West Indies has pre pared her well for the continual traveling that is required o f a field service consultant of the National TELEPH O NE 108 Congress of Parents and Teachers. Her initiation in P -T A work start ed with committee chairmanships when her two daughters were grow T H U R S D A Y -F R ID A Y ing up. and included the presidency of her local unit. M A R C H 26-27 The program of sending field con sultants to work with state congres s's is a part of the extension pro grain o f the National Congress of In Technicolor with I Parents and Teachers. It is sup- G R E G O R Y PECK ixirted by funds raised at the Foun IN N Bl.VTH tiers Day teas held by local asso A N TH O N Y Q U INN ciations in February. JOHN M clN TIR E The story o f red- blooded men ( ’ll AMBER ACTS ON LABOR who thrived on danger and of a BILLS, P A R K IN G PROBLEM S beautiful woman who risked all (Continued from Page 1) for love. liberal arts college Instead o f a teacher’s college. He recommended the measure a* a step forward in S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 28 regional education. Leonard Hewitt, presiding at the meeting in the absence of President GENE A V T R Y Jake Fi i her. reported on a parking (• A ll. D AV IS clinic attended by himself, Emil Also Stun/, and Thomas Jones in Boise Tuesday It was brought out at the clinic that traffic and parking pro blem.* are becoming acute through out the nation and will be more THE BO W ERY BOVS severe in small town* within a short time S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y Stun* repirted that parking me ters were discussed as a partial solu M A R C H 29-30 tion, and Jones reported that park-J it •ng meters were reported to have In- ] creased retail business as much as five times However, the Nyssa dele with gation wa* unofficially advised that no meters be Installed until all other M AU REEN O 'S U LLIV A N means to solve traffic and parking EDMUND GW EN problems are exhausted. Jones stat C H A R LIE D R A K E ed that a> mayor, he would recom G IG I PIE R R E A U mend that the city council turn the __ see a Chimpanzee piay font- matter over to the Chamber for ball? It's a riot o f laughs and sur study. prises from start to finish. The Chamber, at the suggestion of Matinee Sun. 1: 3* J L Herriman, agreed to wait until action is taken by the city council tiefore the parking ineter issue Is T U E S D A Y . M A R C H 31 tlioroughly discussed. Members were reminded that the annual Nu Acres banquet has been set for April 9 Moving pictures on wildlife were With furnished by Stunz Lumber Co. JAMES MASON NYSSA THEATRE L "THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS" "SILVER CANYON" W i v * ------------------ - ■■■» "NO HOLDS BARRED" BONZO GOES TO COLLEGE" "LADY POSSESSED" JUNE H AVOC STEPH EN DUANE Drama. W E D .-T H U R S . A P R I L 1-2 "BIG JIM McLAIN" with N A N U Y O LSO N JAMES ARNES8 JOHN W A Y N E A L A N N A P IE R A high tension stury of un-Am er ican activities, filmed In the trop ical wonders of an island paradise. W eather A little more than a quarter-inch o f rain fell during four days of last week, a week that was marked by temperatures ranging from 49 de grees (Friday i to 73 degrees (Tues day* for an average of a little over 56 dearees. Coldest night was Mon day. when the thermometer dropped to 29. Max. Min. Free. March 18 51 31 March 19 _50 04 38 March 20 49 35 .1$ March 21 54 33 .02 March 21 33 54 115 March 23 « » March 24 73 31 March 28 _ 40 March 18—a daughter to M Mr Paul Demmer, Nys^a. MEN'S REVERSIBLE JACKETS As FOR RE N T Two room* and bath, fully equipped 15 Park avenue Ph , 11-tic. _______ FOR R E N T -Furnished and untar nished apartments. Phone 123-J. 11-tf. and March 18—a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Derroh, Jr., Ontario. March 21—A daughter to Mr. and Mr* Camilio Luna. Nyssa, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ham ilton, Nyssa. March 22— a son to Mr. and Mr O^car Bratton, Ontario. March 24—A son to Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell, Nyssa. March 25— A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garcia, Ontario. FOR SALE— Model 40-A Multiplex saw, in 1st class condition. $250 In quire at Johnsons Cabinet Shop. I 1- mi. north Parma-Nyssa junction. 11-ltp. W AN TED — Garden plowing with Cub Farmall after school. Saturdays and Sundays. Phone 326-M. 11-3:. HOW'S CA lf GAINING? BEAUTENA'S REALLY PUTTING IT ONI N azarene Revival Closes Sunday Driver Tests Here Friday This W eek Too Late To Classify Five girls and two boy- were given birth during the past week a: Mal heur Memorial hospital You dairymen who entered our calf growing contest better drop around and see how Beautena is putting on the size and weight! See if she’s beating your calf in percent of weight gain (depending on breed you’re usin£.) Remember: at 5 months we weign ’em and pay off fine billfold to you if you beat Beautena. Come on in and check Beautena! a Those Who Have Registered for FREE CHICKS May Pick Them Up Monday TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL, Inc. Phone 26 17 Good Ave. A d v e rtis e d in VOGUE and GLAMOUR Choose your fashion As Advertised in Choose Your Fashion-Wise EASTER DRESS Life - Esquire - Time PERM ANENTLY . . . W rink le Resistant W ater Repellant from our new selections— Nylons Crepes - Cottons Slubs Novelty Rayons R E S IS T S . . . Food, Fruit Juice, Coffee, Ice Cream, Ink or M ud Stains SIZES 38-44 RUFFLES and FRILLS $ 1295 For the Sm all Set Sizes 1 to 6x — 7-12 SV $ $1.98 to $4.98 BOYS' JACKETS TO MATCH Sizes 6 - 1 6 EASTER SEWING SPECIALS $795 EMBOSSED COTTON PRINTS Various Patterns and Colors Regular 79c S LACKS FOR E A S T E R 6 6 £ yd. MEN S FINE DRESS SLACKS PUCKERED NYLON Tailored by “D A Y S ” Woolens, Flannels, Tweeds, Gabardines 45-in. W ide Blue, Magenta, Red, Yellow , Green, Beige, Orchid, N avy Priced from S6.95 to $19.95 $ 1.39 yd. BOYS' WASHABLE DRESS SLACKS OPEN Til 9 P. M. Every Saturday for Your Shopping C onvenience. Cotton and Gabardines Sizes 1- 16 — Plains and Plaids EVERYBODY SAVES AT Priced from S I.98 to $4.98 PACKAGED ROSES Tw o Y ea r — Field G row n — Everblooming HEADQUARTERS Clim bers or Bush 2 For $ 1.00 So Popular Last W eek— W i re Doing it Once M crtl it^ BASKETS— CANDIES— GOODIES— W e Give S & H G reen Stam ps NYSSA OREGON