• • THE IVTfSA OATS CITY JOTOMAL, V T I I A CMKOOK THURSDAY MARCH If, IflU f THE ____ I ? * QUICK For Sal© For Sale Journal office not later than noon Tuesdav. Publication of any classified advertisement w ill not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. BEST BUYS Wanted For Sale or Trade W AN TED T O R E N T Two or three FOR SALE OR 'TOADE « lots, fco- bedroom hou.se in good location f o r ; «ether, in Ontario. Sewer In. S. permanent residence See Robert Hoffman. l*tó S W. Park Ave , Port- Sltow at O ordons Market ll-3tp Uuut o r e 9-**». Classified Advertising Rates Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the PAGE ELEVEN To Buy Or Sell See Mei A n d y M c G i n n i s IN T E R IO R AND E XTERIO R DECORATOR Spray or Brush Phone 273-W NYSSA, OREGON ll-2tp : FOR SALE OR T R A D E —2-bedroom modern home and 1 acre productive land l ‘v mi No. Nj -a Immediate possession. Consider dairy cows. Phone New Plymouth 7303, Carl (Taylor. U-4t. 'Silver Tongued Orator" Speaker FARM S terms. W A N TE D - Trucking of any kind, 20 acres close to Nyssa. lays per- 70 acres close to Nysaa, highly pro- except livestock Phone 293-J POR SALE — Upper Snake River SALE A beautiful 1949 :wo- feet, ideal for a development. Good ductive, 32 tons beets per acre last 10-3tp FARMS Vallev 1-drop Russet Seed, 1st year *°“ e Kreen Chrysler Windsor 4 Door farm land. $18.000. $5.000 down, easy year, spacious 6 room modern home. ■ . » .> * out of certification. Call 035-J1. -C om pletely overhauled-door pan- You can pasture 100 head of cattle terms. full basement, stoker heat, also, 5 W A N TE D —Clean cotton rags Gate A t 1x11110-1 OTK ll-2tp. e 5 recovered with quality plastic, has and still have 60-70 acres for hay j ust listed. 155 acres, water cost room semi-modern home, adequate City Journal. 8-3tp ____ _ _ seat covers, radio, turn signal, back Robert Palmer Is the speaker for and row crop. The former owner $90 per year Suitable for row crop out buildings. POR SALE—We a ne r pigs Elver E, up light, a very nice car throughout, the K nife and Fork club dinner got rich here. Buy this deal for and stock, will raise onions, beets j acre 2 bedroom modern home W AN TED nveeting scheduled to begin at 7:30 Nielsen, Nyssa. Phone 08-R3. only $1395. Guaranteed. Waggoner $iO(X,j on terms and you can g t; and spuds. 3-bedroom modern home, excellem mcdern home several out Dead Animals 11-ltp. Motors. Phone 180. Saturday evening at the East Side rich, too. tenant h o t;*, large barn, close to building il0500 tfrm , cafe in Ontario. Removed Free. 156 A. D IV E R SIFIE D FARM town. $37,000, $1.000 per year, POR SALE—P fa ff sewing machines. FOR SALE— 1946 Ford Super De- Called "Th e silver tongued orator Phone N.vrwa 102-W 94 cultivated acres with good 2- 160 acres, row crop and stock deal. HOMES Portable or cabinet. Firestone Store, luxe Tudor, motor good, appearance of the west" by Colorado's Edwin S. bedroom modern home and good Small home, 10-hd. cow barn. $25,000. 2 bedroom modern home, wall to Payette 670. 2-tf. good, visor, black finish with white Johnson, he is described the nearest set of buildings. Late model tractor terms. wall carpeting in living room, $5,800, Idaho Animal Products Co. ------------ —— I side wall tires. A sweet car for only thing to W ill Rogers and his home- and all equipment included. $27,- 2-bedroom, modern home, in coun- tAsy terms. spun, dehghtful philosophy, but with- try, garden spot. $35 per month. 1 bedroom modern home, sleeping , . 000. $15,000 down. .„h u . ___ k ......i_________ W ANTED—Highest pnees pam for , out Rogers' lariat. Folkman. Phone 044-J2, Sunset VaJ- pQR S A|Ty _ Comf0rtable 5_room ^ W HOME—100 ACRES 80 acres good laying land, oeen in P°rch. bedroom in basement, large ¿ ¿ ^ h t e r h or«6 ° Clyde Smith “ A City of Happiness" Ls the tide _______________ ' home, furnished, good Dlumblne. One o f the most beautiful homes pasture and hay for past 8 years, l°t, garage, $6.000. easy terms. phone 306, Ontario. Across fr o m !o f Palmer's talk about Loveland, FX)R SALE— White Rose seed pota- bath, electric equipment, oil heat, in in the the county. county. Choice Choice land land in 5-room modern home, 13 head cow 2 bedroom modern home, attached Ontario Sales yard 23mtfc ; colo , where “ all competitors are good area. Owner has interests barn, $26,500, $15,000; dawn. easy garage, full basement. 100 ft. front- j toes, 1st year out o f certification, clean garden, garage $3850, cash friends and there hasn’t been a m aj- age, $10.500 elsewhere and must leave. $50,000 terms, Arvel L. Child, phone 068-J2. 10-3tp quick. See Owner. 1017 Freeport, or crime committed in years." The will buy this. -----------------------------------------------Caldwell, Idaho. ll-2tp. 70 head cattle set up, outside BUSINESS O PPO R TU N IT IE S speaker expresses his faith in human FDR SALE—4 room modem house, READ Y PO R B IG PR O F ITS range, 2 sets of improvements, $17,- Business opportunity in Nyssa. We have been appointed agents for nature and puts to shame the idea with nice lawn and shade trees, piQH R A I.p _a 40-gal. and 2 50-gal Cheapest water in the valley. 000, $10.000 down. It's a money maker, building and the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Mak there's nothing but money-changers equipped with gas. Phone 78-J About 70 acres good land, 23 more used electric water heaters. 28-foot 292 acres, 72 Irrigable, 5 room business goes, ing loans on 40 acres or more. A t at the temple and “ bad men” wait 10-tfc. a little steep. This one can oe electric refrigerator. 2 electric ran modern home, also 3 room home, 11 unit motel in Twin Falls, on tractive interest rates. Terms to ing to pounce upon you and your made to pay big $30,000, 1/3 down, ges, one with griddle. 2 electric table W EEKEND SPEC IAL pocketbook at every turn o f the road. several out buildings, land lays ex- highway, will consider trading for suit the borrower. easy terms. , model griddles, also about 20 used oil ( loar-out m le of 2-yr. old cellent, $36.000, $10.000 down. ranch in Nyssa area. BERNARD EASTM AN heaters and 2 used electric ranges. 94 ACRES— NEW HOME Hawaii consists o f 20 Islands, nine Rose Bushes 59c Real Estate Insurance 120 acres, 79 acres irrigated, really FOR RENT 70-G0 cultivated, balance fenced Ideal Gas & Appliance, Phone 125. o f them inhabited. Reg. 79c Phene «4 pasture land. Above average for row crop land, ready for produc- 13 acres row crop land cash, 11-tf. BEN F R A N K L IN STORE row crop and stock. $30.000. i tlon, small home, lots of out build- 1 bedroom modern home, sleep- Tourists spend $35.000.000 annually ings. $30.500, $15,000 down, easy ing porch, basement, garage. A bee-keeper is an aptculturist. POR SALE—-Wire-tied and third PO R SALE—Baoy Chicks, day-old 63 ACRES—GO O D HOME in Hawaii. cutting hay. H. W. G riffith , Phone and started chicks. Lemon's Hatch 2-bedroom modern home on 63 032-J4. 10-2tp. ery, one mile north on highway. Ph The Fourdrimer machine is used good acres. Ideal for dairy and Total area of the Canal Zone is in paper manufacture. 331-W. 9-4tp. Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. crop farming. $20,000, one-third 6 4 « s q u a r e miles. ■ FOR SALE—26-foot. '48 model trail- INSURANCE LOAN'S down. n $ e r house. Inquire Veltex Service, New USED APPLIAN C E S 7 ACRES—6-ROOM HOUSE NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 20« [Plymouth. 10-2tp. Estate Range $¿5.00 Close in Oregon side location. Old $10.00 ditch water, $11,000, terms ar Hotpoint Range _______ ¡FO R SALE—Good eating potatoes. ranged. $25 00 Speed Queen Washer | $3 a sack, delivered. Phone 023-R2, Easy W a s h er______ _________ $10.00 L IS T IN G S W ANTED ■ Cecil Evans. 9-3tc. We have lots of prospetes for good Priced to Sell farms and homes. List yours witn NOTICE: W ILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE ■ FOR S A LE —300 sacks -white rose FOR RE N T—4-room modern house. us and prepare to move. Last week my dog bit the milk seed potatoes. First year from certi- Vacant now. J. C. Smith, phone man. My boy threw a ball through G O ING PLACES? HOMES fication $4 75. M. A. Rataezyk, route 52-tf. the neighbors window. I hooked my Vacation accident Insurance pays Attractive and step-saving floor 78-J. I 2, Nyssa. 9-tf. $5.000 for accidental death. I'p to plan. 2 bedrooms, living room, FOR R E N T — New Clarke 8-lncn fishing partner while casting. But dining room, kitchen and bath on floor sanders and 4-kich edger. my Personal Liability policy paid all I Hiawatha motor scooter; only 2- $1000 for Dr., Hospital, Nurse and the bills. For $10,000 protection it other medical expense. Costs only 16-tf. cost me only $10 per year. You bet I years-old, just recently overhauled, Stunz Lumber Co. $5.00 for one month. utility room, storage room and $50. Call Phone 328-M. 7tf. ter get a policy from— BERNARD EASTMAN furnace room in basement. Stoker FOR R E N T—Clean, unfurnished, 3- Insurance Phone 64 BERNARD EASTM AN I POR SALE—Hydra - loader. Used heat. Best o f locations. $12,500, room basement apartment. Lights, 315 Main St. I one season. Phone 047-R2. Donald heat furnished. Laundry facilities. 8,5 Main Phane 64 F.H.A. terms. I Hite. 8-tf. 114 North 4th St. 8-3tp. Ccmmends His love toward us FOR SALE MORE TH A N A HOME White Rose Seed Potatoes IT . , . ~ 7 in that while we were yet sinners. Choose this lovely pre-war home Z T Z _ _ _ S j FOR SA LE —W ire tied baled hay. FOK « - M j n j g - . P . . = . Rotntn . * . S t « . , 1 year out from certification. I 3rd crop. Located near Adrian. M. and enjoy a new -way of life! Con- witjj beat and Phone 49. 1 your Bible. 10-ltp. L. Kurtz, Nyssa, phone 054-R2 venient location— walking distance phone Mrs. E. M. Bair, 288-W 6-tf. 054-R1 evenings. to shopping, library, schools, chur- j 8-tf. Stop having septic tank trouble by 8-4tp. ches, park. 4 finished bedrooms, PO R SALE—Used Hotpoint refrige fireplace carpet, fu ll basement, EOR R E N T —Furnished apartment, putting in Field Drain. Phone 136-W rator, good condition— bargain price. PO R SALE— New 1952 and 1953 re stoker heat, paved street. A ll this w - Foster, 17 No. 9th, or call evenings. 9-tf. Firestone Store. 6-tf. frigerators at close-out prices. Fire- 157-J. 5-tf. ------------------------------------------- for $12,500. terms arranged. Will do baby sitting In my home, Farmall Cub tractor, with dozer and stone Store, Nyssa. ____ 8-tf. $ JUST COM PLETED FO R RB N T -3 room upstairs apart Mrs. Jim Belveal. Vet. Housing Apt. ; full line o f equipment. Completely p o R SALE—One of the best small 3-bedroo<m home with attached ment. Steam heat. Call 112 or 392-J, 7 Phone 388-NM. 8-4tp. ■ overhauled, $695. Call Phone 328-M {arms in Bolse Valley 22 acres irrl- garage. Shiny hardwood floors Nyssa. 5-tf. MATERIAL ONLY throughout, large kitchen with ---- — New Telegraphy class starting Mon gated, 19 dry land. All fenced sheep- dinette, central heating. This ls a day, March 16, in Nampa Business tight. A acres fruit. Nice hrme. My ON APPROVED CREDIT beautifully designed new home College School o f Telegraphy. Class A™1, " lease on 40 acres joining will sell to heater $59.50. Ideal Gas & Appli- buy£j. T e n m or wilI sell stocked on a 70 foot lot. Paved street— es will meet 7:00 to 10;00 P. M. daily, sidewalks and driveway all in. JUST LOOK A l TIIK LIN E -U P OF . Monday through Friday. Write, '______________________________ ___and equipped. Allen Eallard, Rt. 2, j Strictly FHA construction. Be the QUALITY USED CARS phone, or come In for consulation. PO R SALE—Hotpoint home freezer Parma, Idaho, Phone 129-L. ll-2tp.I first to live in this home. $13,000, Our Price Invites Comparison Nampa Business College, Nampa. —excellent condition. Easy terms, — —--------------------------- easy terms if desired. Firestone Store. 2-tf. FO R S A L E -W in d o w shades from S PE C IA L 1951 Chev. Sedan, power glide Idaho. G. I. Approved. 9-3t. _______________________________________1 ft. to 6 ft., cloth or paper. Free V ^ transmission, radio, heater, 2-bedroom modern home, nearly PO R S ALE —Fuller paints and wall rayon pulls with each purchase, many other extras. $1645 Child care in my home. Mrs. Roger new, $5800, $1,000 down. 6-tf. paper. Budget terms available. Fire- Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 block west Tucker, Phone 011-R3. 1950 Chev. sedan; with power glide. ROOM A -P L E N T Y — stone Store. 2-tf. depot. 5-tf. $1445 radio, heater. One owner 4 room house with four more M ISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. rooms in basement. Modern ten 1951 Jeep station wagen. very SPEC IAL New electric Iowa cream separator. Here comes color. A washable, rub- ant house, always rented. Extra lot clean. One owner; berized finish for Interior walls and Tw o bedroom home, modern, elec. Has had less than 100 gallons of with this. $7250. has overdrive ........ .... $1445 wood trim. dish washer, carpeted living room, milk run through, $35. Call Phone 617 Good John Ostrom. Ownir Phon« 384 O N LY $3,000? •covers most surfaces in one unl- part basement, garage, excellent j 328-M. 7-tf. Yes sir. we have one, all modern, 1948 BulcK Super sedan. Body form coat. location. Paved St. and finish perfect, tires good. only $1.500 down. 1951 Studebaker convertible; 13.000 •dries to a satin s$ieen In less than $775«.«« 3-BEDROOM ECONOM Y HOM S As-ts for only — $795 one hour. miles, with automatic trans. W ill Mr. Working-man, here is a spaci BERNARD EASTM AN •twelve handsome colors all ready trade for older car. Call Phone 1950 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan; radio,1 ous, comfortable home for your Real Estate Insurance 328-M. to 7-tf. heater, very clean interior and , use. ,__ __ family, nearly new and well lo 16-tf. Phone 64 runs like new ........... $1.396 Lumber ° ° cated, $8300, easy terms. BUSINESS O P P O R T U N IT IE S 194© Buick sedan, fully equipped and M ISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux FO R SALE— M ilk cows, Oueri^seys, FREE M OTEL RATE S H IG H ? Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and perfect in every respect, low cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. W hy don’t you get on the receiving Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone mileage $1.495 Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, end and enjoy those high rates? 44-tf. 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from 1947 Pontiac sedan; best one in the P1™0« 0287-J4. Phone Nysaa 10«-R We have a good 14 unit met el for Ontario sale yard. 2mtfc country $995 $40,000, all modern and furnished. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Ca. TR1MZ R E A D Y -P A S T E D 1942 Olds sedan, new motor and Terms can be arranged. SARAZIN CLINIC W ALLPAPER DR. C. M. TYLER clean *435 ! AN INCOM E FO R L IF E FO R SALE— Used oil heaters— all H a lf Price New— B E TTE R T H A N E V E R Dr. J. J. Sarazin Apartment houses provide sure 1941 Chevrolet. 3 to choose W ILSON B U ILD IN G sizes and makes. Ideal Gas and Ap $395 Policy covers CANCER, as well as W hile It Lasts and steady Incomes for thousands Phone 165-J. Nyssa Dr. K. E. Kerby from many other dread diseases. Costs o f owners. We have several good pliance. H i. NYSSA O ffe * Hours From 9 to 5 Dr. K. A. Danford 1941 Willys sedan, runs good. only $12 per year for whole family. ones. Ex apt Saturdays. 1 to 11 F U R N IT U R E CO. Physicians and Surgeons As ls *159 FO R S A L » 1 bl. West U. P. Depot INSURANCE 1940 Olds, 2 to choose from. Name 100 acres— good location, beautiful J. R. CUNDALL 4-tf. Phone 218 16 North 3rd. your price. Dentist — ' home, new machine shed, excellent 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 L. A. M AULDING, M. D. Phone 56-J FO R SALE— Just arrived, new ship- ^ $50 qoo Bob Thompson Agency. 1939 Chevrolet sedan Make an M ISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks Physician and Surgeon Sarazin Clinic ■ ment o f 1953 wallpaper patterns, j sh with equipment and cesspools cleaned. Phone Ray- offer. Phone 37 NYS6A OREGON pneed as low as 25c single r o ll Nys- ^ house Qn 1/4 acre fronting high. mand Hild. 64-W4 Parma, or 24. T R IC K S Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 sa Furniture Co.. 1 block west U P way ^ good farmir^ w n ter. $2,900, Parma Hardware. 17-tf. Dally Except Saturday and 1952 Chev. 2-ton truck, less than DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 5,000 miles. 179-in. wheel base. ° cp0t’___________________________ ’ ' *1000 down. PO R RE N T—Three bedroom home Child care in my home by day, week Dental Clinic 2 speed axle, 8 25x20 tires, or evening. Phone 337-R. 8-tf. PO R SA LE — Good reconditioned 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An in Nyssa Three blocks from P. O. 7th and Bower perfect --------- ------------ $2250 sewing machines, different makes, abundance of free gravity water, Owner, Mrs. D. Pamperien, Rt. 1, ________ Phone 393-W ________ $20. Nyssa Furniture Co., 1 block $31.500, easy terms. ___ B. 3, Vale. ll-2tp. 1950 Chevrolet 3 4-ton pickup with M ISCELLANEOUS—Do you need money to remodel your home or to flat bed. west U. P. depot. 4-tf. 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 PAULUS FO R RENT ------------------------ ------------------------- down, balance like rent. 1950 Chevrolet '‘¿-ton, 4-speed trans. build outbuildings or garage? We JEWELRY STORE Laundry with complete equipment | can arrange a loan for you and give FOR SALE Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn very clean; two to choose from. ►■you up to three years to pay It. Union Pacific Tim e Inspector EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C $60.00 month. 2-bedroom home, new construe- and chicken house $4,200. JEW ELRY — D IAM O N D S Several older model pickups, ideal fjyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc 101 East 1st St Phone 256 N YSSA IN SU RAN CE A G E N C Y tlon; completely modern, dining W ATCHES Physiotherapy Fleetro-Therapy Ralph O. Lawrence, Agent room, attached garage; very good Main Street at Second f" r trans COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is readv ________ Nvssa, Oregon BOB TH O M PSO N AGENCY Nysaa, Oregon 194« Ford '¿-ton, 4-speed trans ^ buijd your driveway, parking area, location on K in g ave. $12,000, terms. Phone 97 runs like a new pickup, has radio ( ^h ooi yard, feed lot, lounging ¡ 1 r 2-bedroom modern home, F H A. ------------ PO R R E N T —M odem 3-room furn- and heater. implement shed. Only pugmUl as- approved, good location, corner lot. Two bedroom home', utility room, ¿shed apartment. Phone 133-R. , paved street, very nice yard. $9500. garage. Cement block construction. li- t fo 1948 Ford 2-ton with beet bed, 2- { phaltlc concrete mix In this area, NYSSA VETERINARY sneed axle and very good 825x20 Low cost, guaranteed work, free estt- Rural grocery store with cold stor 50x150 lot. $7.000. terms. |________________________________ DR. J. A. McFALL ‘ P6 , mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A age lockers, excellent location on Good 4-room house, part base- FOR R E N T —3 bedroom modern CLINIC DR. JOHN EASLY llres „ . ______ .! or phone 280. Ontario. 13-tf. busy highway. Reasonable terms. ment, nice yard, good location. Only house, 5 m i l « out on Highway 96. 1947 Chevrolet 2-ton. with 2-speed _______________________________ Dr. B. E. Ross Dr. D. R. Mason Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon 2 bedroom modern home, full $5500, $1000 down, balance like rent >45 a month. and beet bed; cab like new W ith- _ Large and Small Animals basement, extra large lot well Im 1-bedroom house, garage, cloae to out exception the nicest '47 beet NYSSA IN SU RAN CE AG ENC Y DR. GEO. E. COBERN 407 Main St. Phone 202-W proved, $5,000, easy terms. East town. Only $4500, terms. Ralph G. Lawrence, agent truck <Jn any lot. EVENINGS B Y A P P O IN T M E N T Fourth street. Duplex 1 block from Main St.. Nyaaa, Oregon. 72« Main Phone 355 N YSSA IN SU RAN CE AG ENC Y . 150x150 corner lot, paved both Dr. Marvin M. Prentic« LO O K -rH^ W A N T E D — Industrious man with Ralph O - Lawrence. Agent streets. $12,000 Veterinär» Siirr»..n ARTIFICIAL FOR R E N T 2-room furnished cab- c o m p a r e TERMS AND B Y ALL ^ wl^ * f h(^ ° d^ ltty ° 165 Main St. Larcr and Small tntmal* ,mln 8t- Fb «n e 3 _M o d em houses, garages, shade, INSEMINATION in. Chadwick camp. 4-tf MEANS - COM PARE W A R R A N - ,¡T e a r “ here I have been «11- 216 W. Park «h «1 1 paved street, 3 blocks from Main St. L A GRANDE TIEB BEFORE YO U BU Y. ¡ng for years. Oood opportunity. I f New Plymouth !*«►>. AU rented. Excellent Income pro- p o R r e n t Three-room fumUhed LIV E STO C K T R A N S PO R T v iv c c a M n T n R g you like outside work and your own perty. All three for only $U.7S0, easy cloRe in H H Kingrey. BLUFFVIEW K. H. Mare N YSS A M OTORS profitable business write or see me DR. VERNON WARD Jersey, Guernsey, Holstein ! terms if desired. Nyssa RepresenUUve Phone 137-W Phone 168 promptly. L K Hopper, Parma, Ida. I Main A 3rd Milking Shorthorn We have several good business Veterinarian Phone 134 10-2t. Lonnie P. Ahnstedt Large nr Small Animal* locations, all priced right. FOR R E N T —3-room large furnished 113 Ennis Ave. D m Technician BERNARD EASTM AN H EliP W A N T K D — Addreas and mali Apt with bath. C K Olson, 704 King 5-tf H »m e d a le Id a h o Phone 2185 or 4073 postali Makc over $60 week. Send Real Estate lis w s a «« Ave. Phone 251-W . 4-tf. Gate City Journal Bex 745 *»<■ Mew Plymouth, Ida. FO R SALE— Use»! Frigidaire range »1 lor inetrustione. Ltndo, W ater- Phone *4 FOR REN T Ptunt «pray gun P irt- A138 Meni den and Ap- __ — Io «! Uk* Clusifini Ad». atone star*. tlF tfc 8-tf CLASGIEIKD POM R M U V T B « S K . S E 5095 WagRoner Mot"rs-phone 180 Farm Loans MEL BECK—REALTOR For Rent Miscellaneous I I DO Y O U . . . . Need An Extra Room? You Can Now Have An Average 12x12 Room for as Little as 10.00 Per Month. Used Car Bargains SEE JOHN FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS NYSSA LUMBER CO. PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY POLIO KEN POND“ “ ” «™ Physicians Dentists KEN POND For Rent Jewelry Stores Chiropractor FARM LOANS Optometrists Help Wanted Vetprinarians