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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1953)
n a w rra U t iA L A D W R T ItilW L K U L /U tV W T IM N G o a ti crrr j o o u a l it n ä . oboow » th pm pat , mabch » , \m L K > U AB u u ,a w m n u M TISIK’O U G A L AB TW NG I Elaine VlcK an Labor, $T5 00 Ted Wilson. iM bcr B » l 88 MOTU K OF Hl A KIM » PETITION pan y C u lti, thenoe u 'M i. it:d o n *-li| W i «Ute to /o r tht tract, at a public »Ale U b# p A T T M T V P P iT T R T Fran* Ellerm*. Deputy Sheriff, Luther O FretB-iak lAhrw 1 TO ORGANIZE WATER <M>NTBOL ! Canal to the eastern boundary Uta m i • — and « „ m i ______________ caoteréma oí «Aid haki at 10-15 o'clock a. w. on the V W KJ l ì 1 A U V J U l t i I O i; * Hne *»*v w *m m « mrnmrn _____ ______ 0Z B 74 O Y Chester. Lxfatr, C m * I " ---- « - right i - t - oi - • — - ♦ a ^I *“A -- -------------- ---- ---------------------- — ---- ---- of - said J Canal way. thence .4 lactam J. b a u « t i » North »ta t <»«•- '¿TZ T’ 1 , ----- . , i Joseph D. Barnes, Tax Clerk, Albert Buckingham. L•bur. **»* I*. DISTRICT in a general southerly direction a- - nar ^ . Í follow K * * u * « ' * trusts * “ * . i»rx t>vV L *- . . j o ... f ih* floaUiw«*t _ Quarter ^ o f f the «E143 4T7 Theodore N Tuning. Lxbor *U6 4B At tba < w nty 4 »art of thr State < 1# long the eastern boundary l u » of e*d Section 2 . tlverue East one-half S * ‘. « 1«. T 31 S R *1 * W M r ty C aw t It Tarea Jean P Bond. Tax Clerk, 1154 32 George Ross. Labor. 29 for tita < uanty of M alhnr aid Owyhee Ditcn of way mila to tiia Center o f Section 3. t » - Oregon, containing 40 acres. | < W iA aiaA y U m 4ak Day a/ > Elaine McKown, Tax Clerk. $70 97 A L, Labor. »14011. In the Matter of the Organization across Sactioai 6 Townahgi 2C Rang* in* U » N.,rthaa.-t co rt«r of the RuL may be maue oy the principal m y. H H l p WatAlns. Deputy Clerk, »226 65 A H Englehardt. Labor, $230 78. of 4i> and aero - tha N ; Uie*. : q tarter -Southwe.-t Quarter of said Section M B B1 am ires. Deputy Clerk, Order appointing Daidley Situ n as O. O Holley. Labor, $9 50 V Uierre North -a » -e « h t h m.le to ! or ^ afwnt either pers< nally at the O V T H U RIVER W ATUt OON- of Section 12 in Township 3: itaige Tt Chaj-man of the Board o f Commis Jot Reed. Lab^r. $218 96 ce by ma.! n k a, DISTRICT A5 to a point where aid ea lern the N.,rthwe,t corner of tha South- sion er of the Housir« Authority of Sybil M Mosley, Clerks Steno., Earl Gibbs, Labor, $1S5.98 m r n a r . ts k e e ie b y o p v e n that boundary of the Owyhee Ditch Com- West Quarter of the Southwest ‘ Bids s«it toy mail Will be consid E>ton E Wilson, Labor, $ » 50 arad only if received at this office Malheur County „ . . $ 1 « 75. • petition ha. <i in the of- right of way intersect the Q larter of the Northeast Quarter Mansur. Clerks Steno., Billy Jantzen. Labor. $94 48 Order issuing a quit ctaun dead to Hazel L ,—v . — „ ...... _____ __ st one- prior to U » hour fixed for the sale - Etc* of tha County Clerk for line be: ween .-ec- of said Section 2 thence E* ----- Malheur j ... . .s o ,wn* u t h r4i*1 and north Henry Glascock. Labor, $123 35 , »ißo 37 ________ 20, Range ___ 45 fourth mile to the Southeast com er These bids must be accompanied by Mfnme E. Luper. County, Ort-c :• <>n thi 10th day of tlo,^ , ______ ,n r<>-J»rish»fp Ralph F B-gelow, Deputy Asses- James Shelton, Lobur, $25221 Order designating a road to be ~ i'ch 1963 ' ' the »ruamzatjon of M)d u Jf| ToJkn, n4< 21 Ranwe 45. of the Northeast Quarter of the certified check.- or pcat-offlce money torneò George A Gardner. Labor, $114 08. • * a'" : ' f d d^,lrf‘ct thence South along Uie range Ung Southwest Quarter of tha Nonhea.,t orders for the amounts < the bids approved fo r w ork from Harper to I J „ . w . Ray C. Weldm. Labor, $130 51. $o be known n the Oa>hee Water b (ty H n Range 45 ulld Range « a Quarter o f said Section 2; thence ajld must ^ enciosed 11. «»led en- Westfall Milford S Ingebritsen. Deputy As- W M Riggle, Labor, $>4 90 O on t.-. D.-:r;. ! and i.U ^ tiU o n ' total of approxijnaUiy one-fourth North approximately one-eighth velopes The envelope mu. -, be mar- Order for redemption by C. H e^ ° r ^ , 7 V Leonard R. Patterson. Labor, alialib. en .si t h aring t< the niUe to the Southwest corner of thw mile to the we tern boundary Une o f J " ' j ^ , t. nand com er Vogt and Oladys L Vogt of real pn - '■ Graham- C!erlt Assessor, »154 30 Judge of aid Court in the County NorthW(>>t Quarter of the South- the right oJ way o f the said Collins 111 “ ** 1 . ,, nertv from 1450 -ax forerlncu-e 1154 95 Gene Graham. Labor, $9 50 Court R>"m in th- City - f Vale. ' Quaru-r of said Section 7. Ditch; thence in a northeasterly di- substantially as fo lio v * Order for resolution of the draft Jessie Lucille Hart. Clerk Asseasor U. S. National Bank of Portland, O n ron , on the 27th day of April, Town, ^ p ^ Uange 45, thence East rection along the western boundary ^ ’ of a proposed a n ^ c r e a te the office 1165 70 Anne R. Leggitt, Sec. School Supt., Federal Tax Withheld, $397 50. * * 3 a- th< hou I ten lock A. M. », • line o f said Oollin.i Ditch to the 10 13 a m . April — .¡»o^ o i a County Auditor o f Malheur $146 92. State Tax Commission. State Tax between Town hip The person mas highest County. saiu 0,1 corner of the Southwest Quarter of Township * r” *“ ‘ “ K - line - — - - -------- --*•— -----«----------- mmedi Leland L. Tr.plett, Court Report- Witlihekl, $53.22. T h e f ,. sin g , atria md correct ,, aDUthwest Quarter of aid Sec- 20 and 21 ; thence easterly along said bid will be required :• pa> unmeui . , ( .<j<lrt (ou rn , A d jo u n , f<1 ............................. . r - u ... l . A Q n , ,l l ,AnA* . .. 1 . . . , ... t l,,., ,, • _ __ ■r, $202 90 Public Employes Retirement Sys- copy of said petition, excepting . V, the tJon {¿,ence ^ south one-half mile r Township line to , the Southeast cor- ately the amount thereof Term Wednesday thr 11th day of L, A Maukiing, County Physician, tem. Social Security. $174.70. nami tha signer» -------* — *>■— * ^ Quarter ----- *----- of • the ____ . adi t . u .> - rtf ihn ner of the » Southwest Any persons claiming February, 1953. I $37 50. 1 State Industrial Accident Comm., tu the Southeast corner ‘ J *- Southweat Quarter of Section 36,, the ab ove-d escrib ed .and are ad o f said petition. Northwest Quarter of the ritirili ^ .... ^ ------------- *---- — —AW 1 Order cn entering proceedings of Edna Farris. County Nurse, $282.75. Workman's Compensation. $226 37. F E T IT IO N M )K O R C A N IZ A T IO N west Quarter of Section 18, Town Township 20, Range; thence North vUcd ^ ide tJleir ciaim- or oblec- the County Court in the Commis Edith Knott, Clerk Health Dept., SPECIAL RELIEF approximately one-fourth mile and tioni on or the time desig- l a the County Court o f th r State o f ship 21. Range 46: thence West one sioner's Journal. $13627. Moores Bus Depot, Bus fare and half mile to the Southwest comer across the railroad right of way of nated for Sale O regon for the County o f M alheur Order on agreement fer the dis- Wanda Hedin, Clerk Health Dept., meals lor Alice Roycraft, $46 00 said Union Pacific or Oregon Short Any person entitled to claim a p ^ a j 0f flood water in the Sand $1H86 George Troy, Clothes for Alice In the Matter of the Organization of the Northeast Quarter of the Railroad right of way of said - - Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Union Pacific or Oregon Short Line Preference right under the first pro- Hollow District, Loretta M Gifford, Clerk Health Nees, $27 50 of Township 21, Range 45; thence Moores Bus Depot, Bus ticket, OWVIIKK RIVKii. WATelR CON lurtn mile Order for the construction of a Dept., $27 44 South one-fourth mile to to tne the soum- south- Railroad right o f way; thence in a vi*»o to said section 14 a-- an owner Ora C. Hope, Clerk Health Dept., $31 75. THOL DISTRICT. west corner of the Southeast Quar- northeasterly direction across said of contiguous land mis : assert his road north and west of Vale. o .i M and -- j a .1— ok 1-, Town- -r-—.... claim - i" i ~ within —>i-i" 30 m days a.-,-* from fr,.m the the date Order for construction o o f f a a I bridge $526. Berle Phifer, Transportation to We. 'ht undersigned p. itioners, ^ of ^ Northeast Quarter of said SecUon 36 Section 25, in date Order for construction Raymond Ruff, County S«nitar- Portland, $52 00. 6* hereby respectfully show and rep- Section j 3; teener West along the shiP 30• Range 46 to a point where of public offering ar.d conditional over Malheur River five miles above ian, $263.17. V.ALE-JORDAN GRAZING resent as follow ognter line of aid Section 13 one- 'aid railroad right o f .way Inter- | sale to the highest bidder and at the Vale. Deimer L. Edmonds, Janitor DISTRICT 1 That each of the petitioners hall mUe ^ m*. Northwest corner -»cts the east and west quarter sec- expiration of said preference right o rd e r for posting county bridges, State Tax Commission, State tax herein is a bona fide .....- * - * ”— * - - — • -* **-- «nn line in the N ortheast Q u a r t e r ___ , j ______ w .,Zu. u... Keen «* . I The following claims against Mal- Health Dept., $39 00. withheld from wages, $24.24. of land situated Collector o f Internal Revenue, «lanes o f Uie pr Federal Tax withheld from wages, trol district as hereinafter P B . . „ ________________ ________ $234.10. a n d qualified under the laws of the »ect Q u a rter o f the Southwest Quar- l b e North Half and the South! Manager. A P Goodell, Commissioner's Fees, Mary F Graham. Justice of the Jordan Valley Grange, Rental on Btate o f Oregon to petition for the ter sald Section 13; thence West ,Iali ot the Southeast Quarter Peace, $120 90. First publication March 19, 1953. $24 48 Grange hail, $15 00 organixation of a water control dls- one-fourth mile to the Section line of said Section 25 to the Range L. E Hammack, Commissioner's | E_ E Jones, Justice o f the Peace, Last publication April 16, 1953. Dry Creek Cattle Association, Re trict and that together we are the between Secttons 13 and 14. Town- lines between Ranges 46 and 47; Fees, $46.52. $30 71 imbursing funds, $549.25. owners of more than twenty (20) ^ ip 21, Range 45 E W M ; to tJie thence across said range line to NOTICE OF HALE H S Sackett, Election Exp $1 28, Elmer Tiffany, Janitor, $124 49. LAW LIBRARY - tuv Southeast ijuuuicaoi, tvi nei \ o 1 f the U » South uwuvu- 1 percent of the acreage within the Northwest com er of the Southwest the corner Public Employes Retirement Sys The American Law Book Com boundxrie: <>f the pi /po-ed district Quarter o f Uie Southwest Quarter west Quarter o f the Northwest Quar- ,n ‘ b*1 <'o«nty Court for the State Circuit Court, 63c. Justice Court, 86c, tem. Social Security, $222.38. pany, Law books, $25.00. X. described in tills petition. ,,f ...ud Section 13. thence South ter o f the Southwest Quarter oi Sec- o f • Oregon Exp r^lgyylr’c , $19 35 /"If 822 * * “ fo “ r the County of Malheur ~ « * Office VichAM f C' 14 y U. S. National Bank of Portland, Bancroft-Whitney Company, books, 2. That the name of the proposed une-fourth mile along the Section Uon 30 Township 20, Range 47; In the Matter of the Estate of Fi-hers, Cleirks O ff Exp., $8 10. $18 00. dk^trict diall be OWYHEE RIVER line between Sections 13 and 14. thence North One-half mile to the Mallie J. Greeley, Deceased. Van Horn, Treasurer’s Exp Federal Tax Withheld. $657 55. State Industrial Accident Comm., NYSSA ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2 WATER CONTROL DISTRICT, and Township 21, South. Range 45 to Southeast corner of the Southwest NOTICE is hereby g.ven that un- $23 30 Grant Rinehart, Supplies and la the bnundarie there ! . hall be as the Southwest com er of said Sec- Quarter o i the Northwest Quarter der and by virtue of an order of the Charles W. Swan, District At- Workmen's Compensation, $20 33. State Tax Ccmmissino. State Tax bor, $10,941.05. follow> tion 13; thence Ei>t one nule to uf the Northwest Quarter o f said County Court of the State of Oregon iorne.-!f. ®x*>- COUNTY LIBRARY Beginning ,i a point at the North- Southeast corner o f said Section Section 30; thence East to the north for ^ County, of \i',iheur made - Wllliam E- I^Rgitt, O ff Exp. $5 45, Withheld. *74.11. Malheur County Library, Salaries east Corner of thr Southeast Quar- 13. thence continidng Ea t on i.a and south center line in said Sec- H , n. Travel, $34.24. $89 69. j GENERAL ROAD FUND Be ire Payette Lumber Co., Sup- and expenses, $1,104.52 ter of the South we.-1 Quart .: o f Sec - S<. tion line 1 ne-fourth mile to the tion 30, being the Southeast com er ana em e re o o n tne Jtnn aa> 01 u e - The j K G¡n oom oany, School plies, $51.41. ENFORCE MENT FUND tion 19. Township 20, South, Range Southeast corner of the Southwest of the Northeast Quarter of the Ce” r r’ , m the matter 01 the Supt. Off. Supplies, $140 estate of Mallie J. Greeley, deco, Powell's Office Supply. School Armco Drainage A Metal Pro- Wayne G Huffman, Law Enforce 47 E W M . thence W ot to the quarter of Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of said Section ~ “v ducts. Culvert. $106.71. the undersigned, as Administrator of Supt. Off. Exp., $361. ment, $2C0 OO. Northwest Corner of tlie S uthwest Section 18, Township 21. Range 46. 30; thence North one-half mile to Wesco Service, Car Exp. Assessor, City o f Vale, Water, $2.50. S. STANTON Quarter of the Southwe 1 Quarter of thence North one-fourth mile to the place o f beginning, being the said estate, will sell at private sale, $7.12. Nelson Equ.pment Company, Sup County Judge said Section 19; thence South to the the Northeast corner of the South- Northeast corner of the Southeast! for cash or upon such terms and Mel Ingebritsen, Mileage, Deputy plies. $57 57 A. P. GOODELL Nurthe.i t Corner of Section 25, in west Quarter of the Southwest Quar- Quarter of the Southwest Quarter ¡ considerations as shall be to the best Assessor, $35.36. Albert Buckingham, Petty Cash, County Commissioner Township 20. South. Range 46 E - ter of said Section 18: thence East o f Section 19, Township 20, Range interests of said estate, the follow- Ralph Bigelow, Mileage, Deputy $49 81. L E. HAMMACK ing described real property situate W M thence West to the North- i one-fourth mile to the Southeast 47- Bullock Auto Parts, Supplies, County Commissioner. 3. That the number of acres of in Malheur County, State of Oregon, Assessor, $43 36. west corner of mid Section 25. corner o f the Northeast Quarter of Ontario Arugus-Observer, O ffic $34 38 thence South along the SecUon line the Southwest Quarter o f said Sec- land contained within the boun to-Tvit: ial Adv., $52.00. The Malheur Enterprise, Time daries of said District as above set NOTICE OF SALE brtween Sections 25 and 26 to the tion 18; thence North one-fourth The Northeast Quarter o f the Ontario Argus-Observer, School Cards, $41.30. For sale by sealed bids, the follow Northeast comer of the Southeast mile to the East and West center- forth is hereby estimated at 4500 Northwest Quarter (NE% NW '«) Supt. Off. Exp , $3 50 Basche-Sage Hardware Company, • ing described real property located Quarter of Uie Southea t Quarter of line of said Section 18, being the acres. of Section Fifteen (16), Town The Malheur Enterprise. Assessor Supplies, $59 08. 4. That all, or substantially all, oI in the County o f Malheur, State of «aid Section 26; thence West to the center of said Section; thence East Exp , $36 80, Health Dept., 810.70, ship Thirty-one (31) South, The Salt Lake Hardware Co., Sup Oregon, to-wit: Northwest com er of the Southeast one-fourth mile along said center the land contained within the Official Adv. $44.72, Circuit Court, plies, $21 05. Rajige Forty-fotir < 44) E.W.M, Lot Three (3) in block Two (2) Quarter of Uie Southeast Quarter of section line one-fourtii mile to the boundaries will be benefited by the $3 85. Clerk's Off. Exp *8 96, $105 02. Malheur Home Telephone Com o f Highway Subdivision. Second «mul SecUon 26. thence South Southwest com er of the Southeast construction of the flood, or surface Bids for said property must be in Edna Farris, R. N„ Health Dept. pany, Telephone, $12.90. Addition, according to the Cor to the Southwest corner of the Quarter of the Northeast Quarter water control works proposed to be writing and must specify the pur Exu.. $147.17. Vale Consumers Cooperative, rected Plat of Oregon and West- Bout v Northeast of said S< tion 18, Township 21 ■constructed, and that the construc- chase price offered, together with Sharw Surgical Company o f Idaho, Hardware, $2.40 tern Colonization Company Sub Quarter of Section 35. Town hip 20. Range 46; thence North 1 mile t< Uon of said works wiH be conducive the terms o f payment of same, and Health D e p t, $9.80. Bunting Tractor Co., Inc., Parts, division, Second Addition, on file South, Range 46. thence West along the east and west center line of to the public health, welfare and must be filed with the undersigned Idaho T v no onter Exchange, Heal $72 26 ufety of the land owners of said in the County Clerk’s O ffice in Section 7, Township 21, Range 4C, the center line of said SecUon 35 to at the office of Harold Henigson, at th Dept., $97.50. Nicholson Equipment Company, Malheur County. Oregon. the Southwest corner of said South being the Northeast corner of the proposed district. torney for the Administrator herein, Vak* Supnlv Cornuanv, Repairs on $3.15. WHEREFORE, your petitioners The property is located just Wert west Quarter of the Northeast Quar Northwest Quarter o f the South pray that this court make its order !at 106 Mam street in the City of Old Folks Home, $46.70. H Kings worths’, Inc.. Parts, $2.50. of Radio Station on U. S. Highway ter of said Section 35. being to the east Quarter of said Section 7; Welctme Inn Cafe, Circuit Court Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, on Public Employes Retirement Sys No. 30, approximately_ two miles Center o f said Sect am 35: thence thence N rth along the North and that the lands included within the and after the 30th day of March, Exp., $34.40. tem, Social Security Expense, $45.26 Northwest o f Ontario. Lot is 250 feet South along the North and South * uth center line of said Section 7, boundaries of said proposed district Stuart F. Cooper, Circuit Court 1953. Union Pacific Railroad Company, by 250 feet. Dwelling o f recent con- center line of said Section 35 one- i ne-fourth mile to the Northeast a.s above set out be organized into Exp.. $27.31. That a deed will be executed to Rental. $3.00. struction, three bed rooms, shake hailf nule to the Southeast corner of » rner of the Southeast Quarter of a water control district under the M. A. Biggs, O ffice Exp.. $60 00 Kowallis and Richards, Supplies, exterior, 130 feet well. the Southeast Quarter of the South the Northwest Quarter of said Sec provisions of Chapter 289 o f the the best and highest bidder there Richard Humphrey, Rent Health $14.56. Sale will be by sealed bids. Refer west Quarter 1 f said Section 35; ts n 7. thence West one-fourth mile General Laws o f the State of Ore- for, subject to the right of said Ad- Office. $100.00. Western Equipment Company, to Number L-4S60. Envelope contain t the Northwest corner of said ' 'n for 1947 and acts amendatory! min(. tr: tnr rn, . o-'iiice, siuu.ou. thence West one-fourth mile to the 's Quarter of the Northwest thereto. ^ ' Joseph * * ' ” *»• M. D.. Coroner's Parts, $3.01. ing bid must be plainly marked Southwest corner of said Southeast Southeast Quarter of aid Section 7. thence IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have b , subjec« to confirmation of ^ $62 00 4 P. Goodell, Inspecting Roads, "Sealed Bid.” A good and sufficient Qunrter f the Southwest Quarter \ r;li ciK-huli m ie to the North- iffixed my name as the County e the above entitled Court. Leland L. Triplett, Coroners Exp. $51 54. bond or certified check for ten per ■ — rWo t o H t this K i c 9 20th f t t K H day a v j~ of , f P February, o h rn a fp 4 $123.60. 1 1 0 fin of said Section 35. thence North Dated Standard Oil Company of Calif., cent (10%) o f bid must accompany one-fourth mile to the Northwest v'-t corner of the Southeast Quar Clerk of Malheur County, Oregon 1953. A Maulding. Mental Exam- Dr. L Supplies, mnWae $113.48 tiv j in bid. Right reserved to reject any and corner of said Southeast Quarter of ter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec and ex-officio clerk of the above Everett L. Miller ¡nation . $15.00. C. E. Ha wk, Road Grading, $80 00. all bids. This property will be sold entitled Court. • we • the Southwest Quarter of said Sec tion 6, To vn urn Administrator of the Estate of V B Staples, Justice Court Exp , Eastern Oregon Equipment Co., “ as Is H. S. SACKETT Minimum price $4550.00. tion 35; thence West one-half mile thence East one-fourth mile to the $25.00. Parts, $33 32. County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk Mallie J. Greeley, deceased. Minimum acceptable terms ten per to the Northwest corner of the Northeast lom er oi said Soutn- J. J. Sarazin, Vital Statistics, C. A Wood Rebabbitting Service, cent <10% t down, twelve (12> years First Publication Feb. 26. 1953. Southeast Quarter of the South east quarter of the Southwest Quar I of the County Court. $39 50. Services, $3.20. publication March 19. 1953. Last Publication March 26. 1953. to pay balance. Interest swill be e a s t Quarter of Section 31 Town ter i f Section 6, thence North one- Margaret M. Payne. Vital Statis- D. N. Nordling Parts Company, charged at the rate of five per cent Last publication April 16, 1953. LEGAL ADVERTISING ship 20. Range 46; thence South feurth mile along the north and t les, $95 50. Supplies, $65 33 • 5%) per annum on unpaid balance. one-fourth nule to the South •ujuth center l'ne of sa d Section 6 I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Boise Payette Lumber Company, Basche-Sage Hardware Company, Bids will be opened at the office of NOTICE o i ANNUAL AND west corner o f aid Southeast t i the center of said Section, being Courthouse Exp.. $347.62 Sealed bids will be received by the I Reinforcing Steel, $94.38 SPECIAL ELECTION the undersigned on April 23, 1953 at Quarter of the Smithea Oii irtrr of the Northwest corner of the North- 1 Fred Weld.n, Courthouse Exp., x^ e Salt Lake Hardware Ccm- 3:00 P. M. vi -i Quarter of the Southeast Quar- Lily of Ny.-vsa at the Ctij Hall Build- of said Seen. 11 34: thence West one $4.95. pany. Supplies. $33 03 DIRECTOR OF VETERANS’ NYSSA ROAD ASSESSMENT half mile to the S>•uthwest corner tcr of said Section 6; thence East big, Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, J E Colerick, Courthouse E x p , Olson Manufacturing Company, of the Southeast Quarter of the along sa.U east and wen center lme until 8:00 P M „ April 14, 1953 for AFFAIRS DISTRICT NO. 2 $4.72. Parts. $87.12. 303 State Library Building. Southwest Quarter of suid Section ,lf Swtlon 6 to the Southeast corner the Remodeling of Fire House and of Vale, Courthouse Exp., NOTICE is hereby given that on Oily Vale Shoe Shop, Canvas, $6 20. Salem. Oregon. >4; thence North one-half mile to oi the SouUieast Quarter of the ( Construction o f Storage Building, Idaho Tire Exchange, Capping First publication March 26th, 1903. the North we t corner of the North- •st°* theuit Quarter cl said Section , Work is to be performed under one Uie 1+th dav of April, 1963, at the Gordon I M00 Oxnam, Bangs Indem- Tires, $14.91 City « a ll o f the City o f Nyssa. in Last publication April 16th, 1953. • Quarter of the Southwest Quar- ti: thence North nlong the Section | gent.ral contract Vale Supply Company. Supplies, T ' M aquis ter of said Section 34. thence West hne between Sections 5 and 6 in Bjds rpcr,v<,d lfter ^ t[m(. for the County of Malheur. State of Bangs Idem- $5 50. one mile on the Center line of Sec- township 21, Range 46, one-fourth , >Denitw wlU not ^ oonJ dwprt Oregon, the annual election for a nity Claim. $40 00. j Jordan Valley Garage, Supplies, tHuis 34 and 33. Township 20. Range nule U' 'he Northwest corner of the bidder may withdraw his b d if director of said Nyssa Road Assess- Jantzen & Davis. Bangs Indem- $9.49. £ '* •' \Wu.iru, , f ,he Northwest | ter the ......mem District No. 2 will be held at hour set for the receiving mervt U^strict No. 2 Claim $8 00 Malheur Motor, Inc., Repairs and Northeast Quarter of the South- Quarter of said Section 5: thence thereof, or before award of contract. 9 o clock in the morning and will nity Wendell V Richmond, Bangs in- Parts, $11.35. west Quarter of Section 33. Town- K*‘ rt one-fourth mile to Uve North- . , . , continue until 6 o'clock in the after- demnity Claim. $8 00. Vale Auto Body Shop, Services, ship 20, Range 46, thence North one- east corner of siik I Southwest Quar- unless said award is delayed for a ^ d#y ^ d Owyhee Grocery Company, Tax $10 50. half mile to the Northeast corner u'r of the Northwest Quarter o f period exceeding thirty days. viru rHFn v r m r E is 40 ------- ---------- - - .............- Idaho Power Company, Lights, FURTHER NOTICE giv- Refund. $395 Plans, specifications and docu- FURITlEK NUTKGS is hereby nereuy « (tiv- ov.---- - of tlie Northwest Quarter of the Section 5: thence North one-fourth North» t Quarter of said Section mile 10 Hie Township line between , ments may bo examined or obtained en that on the • same date at lhe 5iP o^llaIIlba,lgh' Coun > -1- • *30 55^ _ Estimates Gladly Given 3 8 ; thence West on the Section line Towinhip JO .uid 21: being the from E K Burton. City Manager.' *ame place a" d tlnJ5 V ^Tsessm ent J^hn C Elierlng, Trovel, $29.00. A P Aten Later nS ? ’ between Section- 28 and 33. and 29 North we t corner of Uie Northeast city of Nyssa. Oregon. tlon of sald N>’s,a R" ad Assessment VVedern Ullion Telegraph Co * Al ’ Labor' 9380 53 Clifford Hyke. Labor. $368.27. and 32. to where aid Section line Quarter of the Northwest Quarter: EiU.h bld shall ^ accompanied by Dlstrlct No- 2 ^ *»*“ for the Sheriff's O ff Exp. $2 50 Orville Lakey. Labor, $229 61. Intersects the e.irtern boundary line of Sectwn 5 Townahip 21. Range a certUled check or a bld bond in the Purpo-rt of voting on the proposition Stockman-s Car(>i Prisoner & Jail Carson Pierce. Labor, $294 12. Phone 134L2 of , , than 5 - , the to authorize said district to levy an Exp. $4121. of the right of way of the Owyhee 4<. thence East to Uie Southeast Harold Shepherd, Labor. $266 01. Ditch Company Canal in the North the'som hw e-t QuirtVr o t " ^ v t io n ^"lount of the bid. made payable to 4Sf f ^ ' en‘ of ten ,10’ ^ U s a8a ^ Malheur Enterprise. Tax Collec- Lowell Shelton, Labor, $242.34. east Quarter of the Northwest tne ‘ irnw< Quarter 01 section . _ » .. all o i :lic real property included tion E x p . $100. > 30 K Inge ail thence the City of Nyssa, , ... , Carl Sperling. Labor, $292 24 Parma, Idaho Quarter o f said Section 32, Town- n l \ * Xijg Succes-ful bidder will be re- wit^ ln tbe boundaries of said dis- Waggoner Motor Company, S h e r -1 Gordon Pemberton, Labor, $262 77. Mhip 20. Range 46; thence in a south- North along the North and South . trict, in addition to the regular ten i f f - Travel, $12.20 westerly direction to apoint where f ilt e r line of Section 32. Township qulred to pay for and file a per ' 10* null assessment authorized by Malheur Motor Inc., S h eriff's1 the eiu-teni boundary hne of the 20. Range 46. being the Northwest formance bond in the amount of statute, said additional assessment 'Travel. $37 77 corner « > 1 the SouUis-ert Quarter of Owyhee Ditch Company Canal right 100% of the basic bid and the sur Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Sher o f way Intersects the line between the Southeast Quarter of said Sec ety for said bond shall be with a to be u.-ed for maintenance of roads iffs Travel, $151 37 the Southwest Quarter and the tion 32. Township 20. South, Range company satisfactory to the Owner of the district during the fiscal year Frank Elfering. Overtime A Trav Southeast Quarter of the NorUi- 46. thence Ea.-t one-fourth nule to el. $25 CO. All bids will be opened and rend 1953 54 !hr Northea-t corner o f the South west Quarter of aid Section 32; Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this 10th Dr L M Koger, Veterinarian Ex aloud at the City Hull Building im thence South to the Southeast cor west Quarter of the Southeast Quar- day of March. 1953 pense. $308 75. mediately after the closing hour for . ner of the Southw< st Quarter of the te ro f aid SecUon 38; thence South E H BRANDT Don's Drive-In Market, Indigent Northwest Quarter of Section 32. one-fourth mile to the Townrfup receiving bids, namely 8 00 F M . Chairman o f the Board of Dl- Veteran Exp, $70 80 April 14, 1953. thence West along the center line Idaho Power Ciwnpany, Health The Cttv of Nvsaa re serve* the recto:.- Ny-sa Road Assessment Dis- o f said Section 32, to where said tlienee K.u-t along -aid Township Dept.. $10 25. Courthouse Exp. $51 55 trict No 2. center section line intersects the Une to the Northwest corner of the nght to rejevt any and or all bids. $6180 First publication March 19. 1963. 1 K. i . V eastern boundary line of Uie right Northeast Quarter of the Northeast ofSMu OtEHg La.-t publication April 9, 1953. of way of the Owyhee Ditch Com Quarter of Section 4. In Township City of Nyssa Malheur Heme Telephone Co., pany Canal being approximately at 21, Range 46. thence South one- Malheur County, Oregon v iit w t t o i k f i h t o RS Courthouse E xp . $134 00. 14 South 6th Phon* 5-M fourth mile to Uie Southwest cor tt>e Northwest corner of the North First pubUcatlon March 19. 1953 In the Matter of the Estate o f CoUrthoUse west Quarter of the Southwest ner of said Northeast Quarter of Last pubUcatlon Aprii 2, 1963. CORNKLIUS J BLOKKER. de- Furniture Exp . $220 81 Quarter of said Section 32. T\>wn- Uie Nerthea.-t Quarter of said Sec Idaho Typewriter Exchange .Court ceased. ship 20, Range 46. thence along the tion 4 thence East one-fourth mile NOTICI KOB PI B U C A TIO y house Furniture Exp $182 50 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. to the Section Une between Sec ea-tern boundary line of Uie right nOLATXD T I M I Wayne & Edward Ker. Bangs In- That the undersigned has been duly o f way of Uie Owyhee Ditch Com tions 3 and 4. Township 21. Range ---- --------------------— ~ y ltJ1T _» demnity Claim. $8 00 PUBLIC LAND SALE pany Canal in a southwesterly di 46. being the Southeast corner of and regularly appointed El^ c ‘ Edward W. Ker. Bangs Indemnity the above-entitled « « t e : aU peri»n« tl600 rect«) to a point where said Owy the Northeast Quarter of the NUrth- l nitrii States D rp.irtm rnl ot the having claims agamn said estate arc ch fford j IUrne Ban(ts indetn- hee Ditch Company right of way in east Quarter o f said Section 4: hereby inotified to present the *wnf. | -----** ^ In terior Land O ffioe tersects Uie Section line between thence in a general souUiea-sterly Clifton L Arvawalt. Bang- Indem and "..••■■■■■ ■■■■■■' thony Yturri, Attorney at Law. On nity claim. $19 21. 11. 1953 Range 46. thence West ami acro - !* 1,1 Raymond N Ledgerwood, Bangs the said Owyhee Ditch right of way J***®11 cal>al known as the Collins NOTICE is hereby given that un tarto. Oregon, or First Ontario Bank. Indemnity Claim. $32 00 299 South Oregon Street. Ontario, to a point In the northwest com er P 1U'£ **’ a p int wlu-re -an. Collins der provisions o f section 2455. R S Leonard L Goodell, Bangs Indem o f the Northea-t Quarter of the Ultch mter.-ec:.- the Section line ,w- amended by section 14 of the act Oregon, within six months o f the nity Claim. $8 00. Northwest Quarter o f the Northwest ’ v<T,n * ,vtl,',ui‘ - a,ld • |*!1‘ of June 28. 1934 <48 Stat., 1274*, and date of the first publication hereof. O. W Holderman, Grand Jury THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Quarter of -aid Section 6; thence -hip>21. R » * « •$•, being ;'.pprvxl- pui auit I no application of M A. OF PORTLAND Witness, $4 72. SouUi approximately ime-fourth » ' at¿>' « ^ ' r‘u' r. lof Easterday, Serial No Oregon 02114. S Stanton. County Court Ex DiV.e o f First publication: March Phone 196-J Nyssa mile to an Intersection with the H»" Northwest Qua ter . _ pense. $9145 there will be offered, to the highest 19. 1963 western boundary Une of the right Quarter of the SouthweN Q ia r- Elmer Tiffany. Labor, $100 00 iblicatlon: April 16. 1953 . than $3t6<>0 Las N w laid Owyhe«' Ditch Com- ter of said BecUon 2, thence NortT. oh! lor b . PROCEEDINGS $2*D j MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS : L an 3Ê _ F( H 6F 3d O HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER F ir P si d Now that spring is almost here, it's time to make sure your tires are in good shape Let Us Recap Them! F si $: w t O.K. RUBBER WELDERS J ïL ; :■ : » S i s r V E3 » F I t SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 1 I 1 Roto-Rooter Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE I