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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1953)
NYSSA THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 26. 1953 VOLUME XXXXVIII NO. 11 Chamber Acts on Labor Bills and Parking Problems JOURNAL TWELVE PAGES Nyssa Seaman Home From Korea Area School Finance Class Planned for Weekend Billy M. Smith, seaman, USN. son of Mr and Mrs. Melvin C. Smith, route 2, Ny.v>a, arrived in the United States last Thursday from Kcrca aboard the destroyer USS Hopewell. Smith's ship is part of destroyer di vision 152, composed of four destroy ers. The division has operated with the fast carrier force and the Formosa patrol as well as undergoing exten sive anti-submarine training. Bom bardment of communist supply routes on the east coast of Korea and support of ROK infantry units have been assignments of units c f the division. The Hopewell, while serving a sec tion of rails north of Wonsan, drew fire twice in one morning. Gunfire from her own guns silenced the enemy before they could hit back. An adult cla»> in school finances will be held at the high school, room 3. Friday and Saturday, it was an nounced by Henry Hartley, super intendent of schools. Nyssa Reaches S6.000 In Polio Fund Campaign Nyssa's and Malheur county’s ef Nyssa’s Chamber of Commerce ac The Friday session will be fram forts m the 1953 March of Dimas cepted a report o f its legislative 7 to 9 45 p. m. and the Saturday one campaign, although falling short o f committee which recommended ac from 9 45 to 11:45 a m. the goal set by Hal Henigson, county tion on four labor bills now before Instructor of the course that car chairman, showed a marked increass the Oregon legislature. ries three hours of college credit will over the 1952 campaign, both in ths The committee, composed of Clyde be John Miller, director of teacher amount contributed and the pet Snider, Harold Henigson and Cliff education of Eastern Oregon College capita percentage of giving, accord Mink, met with Donald K Medrum of Education. ing to the final figures released this and Prank Russell, representing the The course, primarily for teach week by Henigson. sugar factory workers union, last Total amount contributed by Nys ers, will put emphasis on problems week. The committee approved a of financing education, including sa was $<5.004.07, approximately $2.- bill which would allow a union to principles o f budget making, school 000 more than the same people gars sue or be sued. “Do not pass" revenue, tax sources and the unit1 last year. recommendations were made on a Residents of Malheur county dug cost of education. bill that would allow an individual dowr. for $18,52623 The March o f member to sue his union, a bill re Dimes county committee had a-^ked quiring a secret ballot before a for $25,000 The amount given last strike is called and a bill, which in j year was in excess o f $12,000. part “ makes it unlawful to coerce This year's total represented a per any person to join a union." capita giving of .796 as against .546 Detailed explanations of the ac for 1962 The percentage of gain over tion taken were presented at Wed last year’s total contributioa waa nesday's Chamber meeting by Sni Nyssa merchants in general re .455 percent, Henigson said. der. The recommendations will be ported success far beyond their ex Malheur county's population, ac sent to Oregon legislative committee. pectations during the “ Dollar Days” cording to the 1950 U. S. census, ie Nyssa high school will be repre Supt. Henry Hartley announced promotion last Thursday, Friday and 23.223. that a meeting is scheduled for sented by five students at the re Saturday. Ontario, with almost twice th« Thursday night at 6:30 in Ontario gional speech contest to be held at Practically every retail business population of Nyssa, bettered Nys to discuss pending legislation to, LaGrande this Friday and Saturday j T w o m em bers o f the Nyssa Jaycees C h am ber w ill la u n ch its a ll-o u t c a m Thom as .lones on the left and Acting firm in Nyssa Joined in the Dollar sa’s effort by less than $100—to b« make Eastern Oregon State college a under sponsorship of the Oregon1 are dem on stratin g the new sc o tc h - paign to sell th e tape an d Installa C h ief o f P olice D avid G ray on th c Days event, either by offering at exact, $95.63. High School Speech league, accord lite tape an d how it should be a p tion serv ice to every ca r and truck right. Just com pletin g the Work are (Continued on Page 12) Henigson was profuse tn his prals« least one item of far greater value ing to R. V. Wilson, principal. plied to m otor vehicles for sa fer ow ner in th e area. W a tch in g the tw o First Vloe President K en Chard, for $1. or by tieing in higher priced (Continued on Page 12) Those who will attend and partici- j drivin g a fter night. T h e Ju n ior J a ycees w ith a p p rov a l are M ayor left, and P residen t M arvln W ilson, merchandise at greatly reduced right.— P h oto hy Schoen. pate are June Peterson, junior, en-1 prices. Several merchants reported tered in the panel discussion sec that sales for the three-day period tion; Lynnette Hickman, Junior, en- j exceeded those o f anv other com Chief of Police and Mrs. Arnold tered in the serious reading section; | parable period this year and were Sortland were called to St. Helena, Results of a Boy Scout fund rais Betty Lou Smith, junior, entered in j far above sales a year ago at this Calif, last week by the death of Mrs. ing campaign in three districts sur the poetry reading section; Kay Bal- j time. Many items, not considered Sortland’s brother, and because of rounding Nyssa have not yet been lantvne, sophomore, entered in the I "specials,” were sold along with the circumstances Sortland informed announced, Walter McPartland said humorous and serious reading sec-1 picked Dollar Day items and other City Manager E. K. Burton he might this week. tions, and V. L. Kesler, senior, en - 1 merchandise being sold at reduced be absent for two weeks. In the Owyhee district approxi tered in the persuasive speech sec-1 Miss Doris Rigney, Nyssa high prices. David Gray is serving as acting mately $200 was raised by worker» tion. school student, was informed this chief during his absence, and How Nyssa's Main street and lateral who covered a large rural area, ac One of a series of producer and week by the Oregon Christian En Saturday is the kick-off day for Lorin Cox, speech instructor and ard Crawford, 38, of Caldwell is as streets were evidence of the response cording to A C Hawkins. At Adrian the Nyssa Jaycees’ ” Light-a-Bum- handler meetings conducted by the deavor union that she had been de Speech club advisor, will accompany sisting on the police force. U. S. department of agriculture will clared winner in the state-wide per” campaign in which local mem shown when cars started coming to more than $100 has been collected, the students. town last Thursday afternoon. but two groups that have been solic A half dozen other students had be held Friday of this week, begin Christian Endeavor Citizenship A- bers will apply scotchlite reflective At a merchants' committee meet iting funds have not yet turned in tape to the bumpers of cars and ning at 8 p. m „ at the Nyssa high planned to enter the contest, but ward contest. trucks. The program is part of a ing Tuesday noon of this week, the [ their reports. Workers are still so ruled themselves out because of a school, it was announced by Roy The award was based on her essay, national safety campaign of the or three-day event was discussed with liciting funds in the Nyssa district Harai. conflicting date on the annual Cin “ A Letter to My Congressman,” in tentative plans made for similar which includes the rural area north Purpose of the meetings is to nom which she fully expressed her own ganization, backed by the public Traveling photographers are going derella ball. sales promotions at regular inter of town. safety committee of the National inate representatives for appoint from door to door in Nyssa with For purposes of the contest, the views, and on a citizenship service Junior chamber. vals. Although plans have not been McPartland said that a complete “ special” offers for portraits and ad region includes all of Eastern Ore ment to the administrative commit record that revealed all the activi- j completed, members of the mer ditional promises o f free pictures, it gon, and it will send winners in the tee for the f»Veral marketing order ties and responsibilities in which1 The Nyssa Jaycees will be located chants' committee stated that the report is expected by next week. at Berrett's Service station, Andy’s has Deen reported' Ron Schoen, ope first four places to the state meet regulating the handling of potatoes she has participated. week-end prior to Easter will see Service station and Bunn's Signal rator of Schoen Portraits of Nyssa, at Corvallis April 10 and 11. They in Idaho and Malheur county. Theme of Miss Rigney’s prize Service, in addition to a roving team further special values offered to the stated that he had been informed will compete with winners from the Hans C. Hess, marketing repre winning essay was “ I Speak for buying public. the peddlers have led numerous local state’s 10 other districts. sentative in Dever for the fruit and Christian Citizenship.” She expand covering the business district. Ap residents to believe they are con vegetable branch of the USDA’s ed this theme to show that Christian plication o f the tape takes but a More than a dozen local merch nected with his studio. Schoen em Production and Marketing Admin citizenship is the true answer to few minutes and it is the goal of ants met Tuesday noon and discus phasized that he has no connection istration, said at least two nomi most of the economic and moral the Junior chamber to refletorize sed over their lunch the possibilities every car and truck in the entire with the out-of-town promoters. nees will be sought for each of the problems of today. of forming an association of merch area. eight committee posts, and a like ants. As a state winner. Miss Rigney R E C E IV E S P R O M O T IO N Car and truck owners will be number for the respective alternate An organizational meeting set for will compete in the regional contest, Hubert L. Parker, son of Mr. and charged a fee for this service, and memberships. From the nominations next Tuesday noon at the Doll H oum Mrs. U. E. Parker of Willowa, form submitted, the secretary of agricul winner of which will be a competitor the revenue will be used for the cafe was the result. All merchant« erly of Nyssa has been promoted to Kiddies’ Easter egg hunt planned ture will appoint five producer and j in the national contest. are requested to attend. A grand prize of $250 is at stake, Two Nyssa chapter, Future Farm A 2c in the United States Air Force. for Saturday, April 4. Expressed purpose of such an or Dr. Dwight Rugh, dean of the three handler representatives and I plus a free trip to Denver, Colo. ers of America members were a- Parker is stationed in Newfoundland, ganization is to provide a vehlcl« At Tuesday evening's meeting of College of Idaho, is the scheduled their alternates. warded the state farmer degree dur and has been in the service for 20 for merchant promotions and aa the Jaycees, Acting Police Chief The meeting in Nyssa is for dis- j guest speaker for the annual meet ing the annual Oregon State FFA months. authorized group to act on beha’ t David Gray spoke on law enforce ing of the Malheur county Tuber trict 2. which includes Malheur convention at Corvallis, March 16-19. of merchants in the discussion and ment, Duane Alters talked about culosis and Health association to be county and the Idaho counties of Recipients of the state awards solution of their problems. publicity for an organization and its held next Tuesday evening in On Owyhee, Elmore, Boise, Valley and] were V. L. Kesler, retiring president Fred Bracken is acting chairman. community and Bernard Frost of counties west in Idaho. tario. Basil T. Osborne, executive Payette showed two films, one on of the local chapter, and Don Bow secretary of the county association, Handlers for this district will nom aeronautics and another on wildlife. ers, president-elect, according to the announced that a dinner will pre inate at a meeting at 2:30 p. m. Fri Sam Parks was welcomed as a new statement of Dwight Wyckoff, ag cede the meeting and those plan day at the Shipper association o f Charley Grider Is expected home instructor and FFA chapter advisor, ning to attend are asked to notify fice in Parma. this week from Ontario, Canada, member of the organization. who accompanied 10 members to the him by the end of this week. where he has spent the past several The next meeting will be next convention during the spring vaca Dr. Rugh joined the C o f I staff days completing the purchase of 28 Tuesday evening at 7:30 at Carl's tion. Several members of the Nyssa last August upon returning from 21 head of registered Jersey cows for Doll House, and will be a dinner A total of 72 state awards were American Legion were honored with years with the Vale in China asso his dairy farm north of the Nyssa meeting. tenure awards Saturday night when ciation, which has been carrying on made during the four-day conven city limits. the local post observed the 34th an medical and educational missionary tion, representing two percent of Mrs. Dale Garrison was Installed The highly bred Jerseys are a- niversary of the organization with a work in China for more than a half A new policy has been adopted by the total FFA enrollment in the president of the Malheur Memorial mong the first to come here from banquet at the Legion hall. the Malheur county court to enforce state that forms the eligibility list hospital auxiliary at special installa Andy McGinnis, Nyssa painting century. He remained in China for laws preventing the use of borrow Canada in large lots and are the for the annual awards. nearly two years after the Com tion service held in conjunction with contractor, received one of the high pits at the sides of county roads as first to be shipped to this area since The state farmer award is based the regular meeting of the organiza munists took over the Hunan prov an embargo was lifted several est awards of its kind for 35 con Dwight W yckoff, Jim Hartman drain ditches, County Commissioner secutive years of membership in the ince and was finally deported after months ago. The cows were pur and Ted Morgan will be the trio of principally on leadership and school tion Monday afternoon at the hos and community activities. O f im pital. Also installed were Mrs. Wil American Legion. Presented by Com a public trial and imprisonment In Alva Goodell announced. Goodell said that difficulty has chased at the Brampton Jersey five-minute speakers on the Friday portance, too, is the carrying out of mander Dale Bingman, McGinnis Canton on his way out of the coun bur Holcomb, vice president; Mrs. Farm, Brampton, Ontario. morning program of Nyssa Toast two productive projects for two been experienced in past years when was introduced as the only local try. Clifford Fox, secretary and Mrs. Mrs. Grider, known as Hope, in masters. member who had joined the Legion years. In addition, an applicant Bernard Eastman, treasurer. Mrs. Osborne attended a meeting o f all waste water was allowed to drain They will be Introduced by the must complete five improvement at a caucus in Paris near where he county secretaries and state staff into the borrow pits. The county is her partnership with her husband, Garrison succeeds Mrs. Bert Lien- was serving with the A. E. F. in 1918. workers in Portland last Thursday forced to maintain the area at the stated that the present herd will be Rev. John Brieh], toastmaster, and projects, 10 supplemental projects j sold as soon as possible and another Coming to Nyssa soon after the close their efforts will be evaluated by Art and must have netted at least $250 kaemper as president. and Friday. He reported that find sides of county roads and waste wat The installation ceremony was o f World War II, McGinnis Joined lot of cows will be purchased from Waiz, general critic. er brings a large amount of silt that from these projects. conducted by Mrs. W. W. Foster, the post here in the early 20s and ings for many counties on chest has to be cleaned out, the county the Canadian farm. They expect to A table topic, in which all present Others attending the convention chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Tobler and took an active part until lack o f j x-ray surveys indicate plans for sur commissioner said. build their permanent herd to about will participate, will be announced members forced the suspension of veys in each county every three year from Nyssa were Leslie Hiatt. Vard Mrs. Russell Cochrun who also ser 40 head, Mrs. Grider said. by Paul House. Property owners will be held re the charter. He retained his mem period. The generally accepted idea ved refreshments. Guests are welcome to visit the Olsen, Harlan Fox, Clarence Hart. bership in the organization by join is to place TB case findings on the sponsible and any expense resulting Mrs. Oarrlson announced commit Terry Flanagan, Gary Bybee. Neil club, which meets at 7 a. m. at from waste water will be placed on ing the Vale post and later the On local level through the county public tees and appointive officers for th« Tensen and Oary Jones. Brownie's cafe. tario post. When Nyssa’s post was; health department having x-ray the property owners’ tax rolls, it An action that affects the Nyssa coming year. Mrs. Bert Ltenkaemper rechartered in 1932, Mcginnis took units available in each county the was announced. chapter was the decision of the con will serve as historian; Mrs. Duane up his membership here again and year around, he said. Adrian— Earl Saari has been elect vention delegates to divide the East Alters, publicity, and named to th« has been active since that time. Another practical trend in find ed president of the Adrian high ern Oregon district into two districts. committee on members-at-large were Don Graham, veteran of World ing cases, is for hospitals to x-ray school P. T. A. with Lou Pratt nam War I and World War n , was hon The division will place Malheur Mrs. Harold Brendle, Mrs. John ed vice president, Edna DeHaven, R. V. Wilson, Murl Lancaster and and Baker counties in one district Broad and Mrs. Cecil Morrison. On ored with a 30-year certificate. Sid each patient admitted making it ney burbidge received a 10-year card possible to find three to four times Nyssa's all-community choir, secretary and Wes Tolliver, treas Walter McPartland, Nyssa school and Wallowa and Union counties in the finance committee, in charge and 10-year awards went to Alva the number of TB cases now locat which has been holding weekly re urer. principles, and Henry Hartley, su another. The Malheur-Baker dis of money raising projects, are Mrs. Goodell, Frank Rambo, Clarence M. ed, the secretary reported. hearsals in preparation for the pre New grade school officers are Or perintendent, will attend the East trict will be known as the Snake Holcomb, Mrs. Ormond Thomas, Pounds and Harold Henigson. Those Mrs. Dick Tensen, Mrs. Paul House sentation of an Easter cantata, will ville Gilbert, president; LaVonna ern Oregon Regional Conference of River district. receiving five-year recognition a- and Mrs. Finley Shuster and the hold its second practice of the week McDonald, first vice president; Dur- Elementary School Principals at La- wards were Charles Steffe-s. Robert sewing committee is composed o f Saturday night, it was announced lin Hammon, second vice president; Orande April 4, It was revealed Wed Wilson, Thomas Jones and Oscar Mrs. Ralph Lawrence, Mrs. Cochrun by Mrs Dwight Wyckoff, director. Mrs. Erma Hopkins, secretary, and nesday. Kurtz. and Mrs. Fred Guthrie. McPartland will be toastmaster at The rehearsal will be held in the Mr. Witty, treasurer. Mothers of children who will en Following a turkey dinner served Announcement was made that by the Legion auxiliary headed by ter the first grade of Nyssa schools high school gym at 8 p. m. The group The officers for both units will the luncheon meeting. During the Nominations were to be made for Mrs. Betty Wilson's dancing class afternoon session Hartley will sum Mrs. Clifford Mink. Robert Duncan, next fall will be guests of the Nyssa met in the gym for the first time serve for the ensuing year. the annual election o f officers of will present a dance recital May 2 marize the conference activities. sheriff of Grant county and past chapter, Parent-Teachers associa last Tuesday, where the cantata, Harold R. Newman, Adrian, is rice the Nyssa Eagles lodge this Wednes with proceeds to be given to the commander o f this Legion district, tion in a series o f meetings dealing "The Glorious Oalilean,” will be pre day evening (at the time the Jour hospital auxiliary benefit again this spoke to members and guests on the with the problems o f pre-school sented to the public Easter Sunday president o f the conference. nal was on the press), according to | year. The decision was made to hold dangers of socialism. evening. “Government should spring from youngsters, it was announced this Ken Renstrom, secretary. the regular monthly meeting of the P LA N S C O M P L E T E D Two rehearsal periods are set for the people and not from government week by Walter McPartland, grade next week, Monday and Saturday J. R. Kenaston, son of Mr. and Mrs. i EOR C IN D E R E L L A B A L L Procedure for the Nyssa lodge, auxiliary in a basement room of the school principal, and Mrs. Frank bureacracies,” the speaker assert nights at 8 p. m. in the high school. G. H. Kenaston, has been promoted Plans have been completed for the Renstrom said, Is to place names of hospital instead of in the Episcopal ed. “Only those problems which can Skeen, P.-T.A. president. to corporal, according to word re- Cinderella Ball to be held Friday members in nomination from the parish hall as in the past, and Mis. Tentative dates of the series of not be handled on a local level ceived here from the Air Force. Cpl. j evening at the new gym, beginning floor for the various offices, includ Foster read an Invitation to the should go to a state and national meetings are April 9, 16 and 30 with L IB A R A K Y H O U R S L IS T E D ing president, vice president, chap group to attend a benefit banquet Kenaston has been transferred t o - ; at 8:15. Mrs. Desmond Jones, Nyssa city level,” he commented. He went on all sessions to be held in the grade librarian, again reminds area resi Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands,] Theme of the program and ball lain. conductor, inner guard, outer sponsored by the Malheur County to cite instances he believed might school. dents that library hours are from which is the supply base for atom ic1 will be "Old Fashioned Oarden.” guard and treasurer. T B . and Health association March lead to controls by small groups of It Is planned to have a physician The annual election will be held 31 at the Eastside Cafe In Ontario. individuals and warned Legionaires or doctor, a nurse, several mothers 2:30 until 5 p. m. each Tuesday ana bomb experiments being carried on The Melody Men orchestra will pro Thursday and from 2 until 8 p. m. at Antiewetok. Wednesday, April 1, Renstrom said, The next regular meeting of the that they must embark on a crusade vide the music. to fight for Individual freedom and and teachers, as well as a represen- j on Saturdays. and urged a good turn-out o f the hospital auxiliary is slated for April The ball Is an annual affair and Cpl. Kenaston has been .serving individual liberty, which has never tative of the state board of health,' The library is situated in th« city | membership. 27. open lo the public. tn the Air Fore« for 19 month*. hall building. to address the meetings. beat von. "Dollar Days" Big Success, Merchants Say 5 Students Will Compete In Dist. Speech Contest Chief of Police Called to California Producer-Handler Doris Rigney In State Meeting Set for Winner Essay Contest Spud Marketing Scout Fund Drive Still in Progress Saturday Kickoff Day for Jaycee Safety Campaign Photo Peddlers Not Local Origin Association lor Merchants Planned Kesler, Bowers Win Stale FFA Farmer Awards Annual TB,Health Meeting Set for Next Tuesday Griders Purchase 28 Registered Jersey Milkers Nyssa Legion Has 34ih Anniversary Program Saturday Hospital Group Installs Officers; Name Committees County to Charge For Extra Work Toastmasters Club Welcomes Guests Adrian P.T.A. Units Name New Officers Final Rehearsals Set For Community Choir Pre-School Meetings Sponsored By P.-T.A. Conference Beckons School Principals Eagles Will Hold Election April 1 Nyssan Promoted Moved to Pacific