XTMA o a t s c r r r journal . m m oreoom T h u rsd ay , m arch 11. i»u PAGE SEVER bi sistss *>» «wait orroftTt nut Instruction Qualify new for pending examína­ te i.- Government pi»;t;oru pay as high a' $73 00 per week to start. Write Box (J. Nyssa. 7-*t. Classified Advertising Rates Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale For Sale Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mel FARM S Whatever your previous business experience you can be secure and independent, making an income be­ yond your fondest dreams as the op­ erator o f your own Dairy Mart Tasty S veet Frozen Custard Store Na­ tional Organization will back you with advertising, selling and business management assistance and a pro­ tected territory No royalties to pay- no franchise expense, you retain ownership A small investment will bring you a bright future in this profitable, enjoyable business. For full particulars, »rite : No. 12. Box Q Nyssa. 10-ltp terms. 70 acres close to Nyssa. highly pro­ 20 acres close to Nyssa, lays per­ FOR SALE—84 acre row crop-dairy f o r SALE— 1948 "70" O liver trac­ fect, ideal for a development Good ductive, 32 tons beets per acre last FARMS tor. guaranteed good condition. Geo. farm. Complete with 40 dairy cattle, farm land. $18.000. $5.000 down, easy year, spacious 6 room modern home, f i 'it man Phone 0+4-J2, Sunset Val­ power equipment, new 32x100 foot 146 A D IV E RSIFIED FARM terms. full basement, stoker heat, also, 5 ley. 10-ltc. barn, out-buildings, house and fu rn­ 94 cultivated acres with good 2- Just listed. 155 acres, water cost room semi-modern home, adequate iture. On highway, school bus, milk, bedroom modem home and good $90 per year. Suitable for row crop out buildings. FOR SALE—W hite Rose seed pota­ mad routes. Also 130 acres row crop set of buildings. Late model tractor and stock, will raise onions, beets toes, 1st year out o f certification. land on pavement at Moses Lake, 1 acre, 2 bedroom modern home, and all equipment included. $27.- and spuds. 3-bedroom modern home, Arvel L. Child, phene 068-J2. 10-3tp. Wash. Can give immediate posses­ excellent modern home, several out tenant house, large barn, close to 000, $15,000 down. building, $10.500, terms. FOR S A LE - -4 room modern house, sion. Write Rt. 2, Box 197, Vale, NEW H O M E—100 ACRES town $37.000. $1.000 per year. Oregon. 10-ltp. with nice lawn and shade trees, HOMES 160 acres, row crop and stock deal. One of the most beautiful homes equipped with gas. Phone 78-J. Small home, 10-hd. cow barn $25,000. 2 bedroom modern home, wall to W AN TED —Trucking o f any kind FOR SA LE —Baby Chicks, day-old in the county. Choice land in 10-tfc. wall carpeting in living room. $5,800, except livestock. Phone 290-J. and started chicks. Lemon's Hatch­ good area Owner has interests terms. 10-3tp. vasy terms. 2-bedroom, modern home. In coun­ FOR S A LE —W ire-tied and third ery, one mile north on highway. Ph elsewhere and must leave. $50,000 try. garden spot. $35 per month. 9-4tp 1 bedroom modern home, sleeping W A N T E D Clear. cutting hay. H. W G riffith , Phone 331-W. will buy this. g-3tp. 032-J4 10-2tp. 80 acres good laying land, been in porch, bedroom in basement, large City Journal. READ Y FO R B IG PROFTTS G O ING PLACES? Cheapest water in the valley. pasture and hay for past 8 years, lot, garage, $6,000. easy terms. Vacation accident Insurance pays FOR. SALE—26-foot, 48 model trail­ About 70 acres good land, 23 more 5-room modern home. 13 head cow 2 bedroom modern home, attached W ANTED er house. Inquire Veltex Service, New $500 00 for accidental death. Up to a little steep. This one can oe barn, $26,500, $15,000; dawn, easy garage, full basement, 100 ft. front­ $1000 for Dr. Hospital, Nurse and Dead Animals Plymouth. 10-2tp. made to pay big. $30.000, 1/3 down, terms. age. $10.500 other medical expense. Costs only Removed Free. easy terms. 70 head cattle set up, outside BUSINESS O PPO R TU N ITIE S T o make room fbr a bigger and bet­ $5.00 for one month. 94 .ACRES— NEW HOME Phone Nysaa 1W-W BERNARD EASTM AN range, 2 sets o f improvements, $17.- ter grocery store, I have moved new Business opportunity in Nyssa. - 70-80 cultivated, balance fenced 000. $10.000 down. Payette 67*. Phone 64 and used appliances to my ware­ Insurance It's a money maker, building and pasture land. Above average for 315 Main St. Idaho Animal Products Co. houses. Now's your chance to get a 292 acres, 72 irrigable. 5 room business goes. row crop and stock. $30,000 good buy—>ust call Easy Ez, .tele­ modern home, also 3 room home, 11 unit motel in Twin Falls, on phone 44)6 or 061-R1. 10-It. FO R SALE—Ear corn, $2 50 hun­ 63 ACRES—GOOD HOME several out buildings, land lays ex­ highway, will consider trading for j W ANTED— Highest prices paid for dred, small amounts, ground. Phone 2- bedroom modern home on 63 cellent, $36,000, $10,000 down. slaughter horses Clyde Smith ranch in Nyssa area. FOR SALE—-4-foot. Hotpoint home 076-J3. B P. Rookstool. 9-2tp. good acres. Ideal for dairy and phone 306, Ontario. Across from freezer, like new. Phone 08-J1. 120 acres. 79 acres irrigated, really FOR RENT crop farming. $20,000, one-third FOR SALE Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc 9-2tp. top row crop land, ready for produc­ 13 acres row crop land— cash. down. White Rose Seed Potatoes tion, small home, lots of out build­ 1 bedroom modern home, sleep­ 7 ACRES— 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE—Good eating potatoes. 1 year out from certification. Close in Oregon side location. Old ings, $30500, $15,000 down, easy ing porch, *y basement, garage. $3 a sack, delivered. Phone 023-R2. Phone 49. ditch water, $11,000, terms a r - * Cecil Evans. 9-3tc. 054-R1 evenings. ranged. 8-4tp. FO R SALE—300 sacks white rose Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. seed potatoes. First year from certi­ FO R SALE—New 1952 and 1953 re­ L IS T IN G S W ANTED LOANS INSURANCE We have lots of prospetes for good fication $4 75. M. A. Rataezyk, route frigerators at close-out prices. Fire-| NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 200 farms and homes. List yours witn 2, Nyssa. 9-tf. stone Store, Nyssa. 8 -tf.1 us and prepare to move. HOMES Hiawatha motor scooter; only 2- FOR SALE—Bonneville seed barley, MORE T H A N A HOME years-old, just recently overhauled, $3.36. Call 011-R3. 7-4t. I Choose this lovely pre-war home $50. Call Phone 328-M. 7tf. and enjoy a new way of life! Con­ FO R SALE— 160 acres. 98 irrigable venient location—walking distance JUST LO O K A T THE U N I-U F OF FOR SALE—Champion Heavy duty FO R SALE— Hydra - loader. Used part row crop. 2 mi. east, 1*4 north; inner tubas sizes. 6:50x16, 7:00x17 to shopping, library, schools, chur­ one season. Phone 047-R2. Donald Middleton, Ida. Topsick Bros. Q U A L IT Y USED CARS and 7:00x15; radio, electric toaster,! Hite. 8-tf. ches, park. 4 finished bedrooms, Our Price Invites Comparison 6-4tp. corn popper, movie machine, 16MM fireplace, carpet, full basement, 1950 Chev. sedan; with power glide, i FO R SALE—W ire tied baled hay. FOR SALE— Window shades from and screen, football, telephone stand stoker heat, paved street. A ll this radio, heater. One owner $1445 ' and desk, electric train, gun case, 3rd crop. Located near Adrian. M. 1 ft. to 6 ft., cloth or paper. Free j for $12,500. terms arranged. L. Kurtz, Nyssa, phone 064-R2. 1961 Jeep station wagon, very large bed rest pillow, Websters In - ! rayon pulls with each purchase.! JU ST CO M PLETED 6-tf. clean. One owner; ternational dictionary, allumlnum ; Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 block west J 3- bedroom home with attached has overdrive _________ $1445 utensils, scout clothes, brass cus- ' 5-tf. FO R SA LE —Used Hotpoint refrige­ depot. garage. Shiny hardwood floors pidor, army cot, white porcelain toil­ rator, good condition— bargain price. | throughout, large kitchen with 1948 Bulck Super sedan. Body New electric Iowa cream separator. et seat and a rollaway bed. Phone | Firestone Store. 6-tf. [ and finish perfect, tires good. dinette, central heating. This is a Has had less than 100 gallons of | beautifully designed new home 10-ltc. As-is for o n l y ............. $795 270-J, Mrs. Cdyde Snider. Farmall Cub tractor, with dozer and milk run through, $35. Call Phone on a 70 foot lot Paved street— 1952 Chevrolet sedan, with power- God Ccmmends His love toward us [ full line o f equipment. Completely 328-M. 7-tf. sidewalks and driveway all in. glide trans. Loaded with extras, In that while we were yet sinners. J overhauled, $695. Call Phone 328-M. Strictly FH A construction. Be the very low mileage. Priced to sell Christ died for us. Roman 5:8. Study | 7-tf. ; 1951 Studebaker convertible; 13,000 first to live in this home. $13,000, at only $1,995 your Bible. miles, with automatic trans. W illi 10-ltp. easy terms If desired. Average retail $2.100 Used 62-gal. Westinghouse water trade for older car. Call Phone VETERANS S PE C IA L bedroom modern home, nearly heater $59.50. Ideal Gas & Appli- 328-M. 7-tf. j 2- 1950 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan; radio,! Stop having septic tank trouble by new, $5,300, $1,000 down. ance. 6 -tf.1 — — -------------------------------- —— i heater, very clean interior and putting in Field Drain. Phone 136-W DAMAGED NEW H O TPO IN T 9-tf, ROOM A -P L E N T Y — runs like new .... $1,395 evenings. F O R SALE— Hotpoint home freezer DISHW ASHER 4 room house with four more —excellent condition. Easy terms, Save over $100.00. Damage Is on side rooms in basement. Modern ten­ 1950 Chevrolet 4-dr. special; radio, Will do baby sitting in my home, heater, light green good Mrs. Jim Belveal. Vet. Housing Apt. Firestone Store. 2-tf. and will not be seen after installed. I ant house, always rented. Extra lot 7. Phone 388-NM. 8-4tp paint $1,295 with this. $7250. 1 year new warranty. See it today. FO R SALE—Fuller paints and wall O N L Y $3.000? EZ CA R R A PPLIA N C E 1949 Bulck sedan, fully equipped and New Telegraphy class starting Mon­ Yes sir, we have one, all modern, paper. Budget terms available. F ire­ day, March 16, in Nampa Business perfect in every respect, low only $1,500 down. stone Store. 2-tf. FOR SALE—P fa ff ewln machines. mileage $1.495 College School of Telegraphy. Class- 3-BEDROOM ECO NO M Y HOME Portable or cabinet. Firestone Store. 1949 Willys Jeepder, very sporty and ■ e-. will meet 7:00 to 10:00 P. M. daily, Did you see the Atomic bomb from 2-tf. | Mr. Working-man, here is a spaci­ Friday. Write, ous. comfortable home for your Nyssa? Then come in and see tiie very nice $895 Monday through family, nearly new and well lo­ 1947 Pontiac sedan; best one in the phone, or come in for consulation. new Hotpoint electric washer. They FO R SA LE —Used Westinghouse ele­ cated, $8300, easy terms both clean up. 10-lt. ctric range, $39.50. Ideal Gas and country $995 Nampa Business College, Nampa, BUSINESS O P P O R T U N IT IE S Idaho. G. I. Approved. 9-3t. Appliance. 3-tf SPECH L 1946 Chevrolet Aero sedan; better M O TE L R A TE S H IG H ? Two bedroom home, modern, elec, than most '46s $795 Child care in my home. Mrs. Roger W hy don't you get on the receiving dish washer, carpeted living room, Tucker, Phone 011-R3. 6-tf. end and enjoy those high rates? 1942 Olds sedan, new motor and FREE part basement, garage, excellent We have a good 14 unit motel for clean $435 M ISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals location. Paved St. $40,000, all modern and furnished. 1941 Chevrolet, 3 to choose Here comes color. A washable, rub­ S7750.00 Terms can be arranged. Phone Nyssa 100-R from $395 berized finish for interior walls and AN INCO M E FO R L IF E BERNARD EASTM AN wood trim. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Apartment houses provide bure 1941 Willys sedan, runs good. Real Estate Insurance •covers most surfaces In one uni­ As is $159 and steady Incomes for thousand* form coat. Phone 64 o f owners. W e have several good 1940 Olds, 3 to choose from. Name •dries to a satin sheen in less than FO R SALE— Used oil heaters— all ones. FO R SALE—r.iilk cows, Oueri*seys, sizes and makes. Ideal Gas and A p ­ one hour. your price. Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and •twelve handsome colors all ready pliance. I-tf. K T N P O N T ) * EAL ESTATE 1939 Chevrolet sedan. Make an springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone to use. JVUN insurance offer. 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 TRUCKS Ontario sale yard 2mtfc 1951 Chevrolet LW B truck; 2-speed M ISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux Tw o bedroom home, utility room, T R IM Z R E A D Y-PA STE D axle. 825x20 tires, new timberlock, cleaners. Sales and service. Eld. R. W A LLP A P E R 15^ -fo o t combination fold-doam Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idaho, G A R D E N L O T FO R R E N T —Large, garage. Cement block construction. 44-tf. H a lf Price stock and grain rack, with only phone 0287-J4. free garden lot, water and rich soil. 50x150 lot. $7,000, terms. Good 4-room house, part base­ W hile It Lasts 8,000 actual miles. Only $2,660 Phone 270-J, Mrs. Clyde Snider. ment, nice yard, good location. Only N YSSA This truck sold new for $3,640 10-tfc. $5500, $1000 down, balance like rent. SA R A Z IN C LIN IC FU R N ITU R E CO. 1950 Chevrolet 3 4-ton pickup with 1-bedroom house, garage, close to FO R R E N T—3 bedroom modern 1 M. West U. P. Depot Dr. J. J. Sarazin fla t bed. New—B E TTE R T H A N E V E R town. Only $4500, terms. 4-tf. house, 5 miles out on Highway 95. Dr. K. E. Kerby Policy covers CANCE1R, as well as 1950 Chevrolet 14-ton, 4-speed trans. Duplex 1 block from Main St., $45 a month. many other dread diseases. Costs Dr. K. A. Danford very clean; two to choose from. 150x150 corner lot, paved both F O R SALE—Just arrived, new ship­ NYSSA INSU RANCE AG ENCY only $12 per year for whole family. Physicians and Surgeons streets, $12.000. 1949 Chevrolet 14-ton, 3 speed trans., ment o f 1953 wallpaper patterns, Ralph G. Lawrence, agent 3— Modern houses, garages, shade, mud and snow tires, radio and priced as low as 25c single roll. Nys­ Nyssa, Oregon. paved street, 3 blocks from Main St. j heater. sa Furniture Co., 1 block west U.P. Phone 218 18 North 3rd. L. A. M A U L D IN G , M. D. depot. 4-tf. FO R RE N T—Furnished duplex at All rented. Excellent Income p r o - , 1949 Ford 14-ton, 4-speed trans.; Physician and Surgeon M ISCELLANEOU S — Septic tanks perty. All three for only $11,750, easy runs like a new pickup, has radio and cesspools cleaned. Phone Ray- 10-tfc. Phone 37 F O R S ALE — Good reconditioned 15 Park Ave. Phone 427-J. terms if desired. and heater. Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 mand Hild, 64-W4 Parma, or 24, sewing machines, different makes. W e have several good business Dally Except Saturday and FO R R E N T—2-room furnished cab­ 17-tf. 1948 Ford 2-ton with beet bed, 2- Parma Hardware. $20. Nyssa Furniture Co., 1 block locations, all priced right. Sunday Saturday 1!) to 12 in. Chadwick camp. 4-tf. speed axle and very good 825x20 west U. P. depot. 4-tf. BERNARD E ASTM AN Child care in my home by day, week tires. Real Estate Insurance or evening. Phone 337-R. 6-tf. F O R SALE—H om er accordian, 1952 FO R R E N T—Three-room furnished 1947 Chevrolet 2-ton. with 2-speed Phone ¿4 apartment, close In. H. H. Kingrey, model, like new. 120 bass. Antone and beet bed; cab like new. W ith ­ M ISC ELLANEO U S— Do you need 5-tf. Richter. Phone 162-M. 4-tf. Phone 127-W. FO R S A L » out exception the nicest ’47 beet money to remodel your home or to build outbuildings or garage? We truck on any lot. FO R R E N T —3-room large fumi-hed 100 acres— good location, beautiful FOR SALE PAULUS 2-bedroom home, new construc­ Apt with bath. C. K. Olson, 704 K in g home, new machine shed, excellent! LO O K THEM OVER—T R Y THEM can arrange a loan for you and give you up to three years to pay it. JEW ELRY STORE 4-tf. soil $50,000. Bob Thompson Agency. O U T — COM PARE PR IC E S — tion; completely modern, dining Ave. Phone 251-W. Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc Union Pacific Tim e Inspector CO M PARE TERMS A N D B Y A LL room, attached garage; very good Blacksmith shop with equipment; JEW ELRY — D IAM ONDS location on K in g ave. $12,000, terms. FO R R E N T —4-room modern house. and house on 1/4 acre fronting high­ MEANS — COM PARE W A R R A N ­ CO AST Blacktop Paving Co. Is readv W ATCHES to build your driveway, parking area, T IE S BEFORE Y O U BUY. 2-bedroom modern home. F f l A. Vacant now. J. C. Smith, phone way in good farm ing center. $2.900, Main Street at Second school yard, feed lot, lounging or 52-tf. $1.900 down. approved, good location, com er lot, 78-J. N Y SSA MOTORS Implement shed. Only pugmlll as­ paved street, very nice yard. $9500. 106 acres, 90 acres row crop. An FO R R E N T - New Clarke 8-tncto Phone 1*8 phaltic concrete mix in this area. Rural grocery store with cold stor­ floor sanders and 6-*ich edger abundance o f free gravity water, Main A 3rd Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti­ age lockers, excellent location on Stunz Lumber Co, 16-tf. $31500, easy terms. mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A busy highway. Reasonable terms. ----- %---------------------------------- 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 or phone 280, Ontario. 13-tf 2 bedroom modern home, full FO R R E N T —Clean, unfurnished, 3- down, balance like rent. DR. J. A. M cF A L L basement, extra large lot well Im­ room basement apartment. Lights, DR. JOHN E A S L Y Acreage—2 bedroom house, bam We have been appointed agenU for proved. $5.000, easy terms. East heat furnished. Laundry facilities. and chicken house $4.200 Phone 21. Ontario. Oregon the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. M ak­ 114 North 4th St. 8-3tp. Fourth street. ing loans on 40 acres or more. A t­ fi---------------■ ^ i V Y 8 S A INSU RANCE A G E N C Y FO R R E N T —Furnished apartment tractive interest rate«. Terms to W A N TE D — Industrious man with Ralph G_ Lawrence. Agent BOB TH O M PSO N A G E N C Y i car to supply Rawlelgh Products to xuit the borrower. 1*5 Main SL Phone U with heat and lights furnished. | Phone 97 A R T IF IC IA L Phone Mrs. E M. Bair, 268-W. | 1500 families In Malheur county BERNARD EASTM AN IN S E M IN A T IO N 8-tf . LA GRANDE Real Estate Insurance | This is near where I have been sell­ LIV E STO C K TR A N S P O R T ing for years. Oood opportunity. I f Phone 64 FO R R E N T —Paint spray gun. Fire­ you like outside work and your own K. H. Mace stone store. 21Ftfc. profitable business write or see me Nyssa Representative FOR SALE O R TR A D E —6 lots, to­ promptly. L. K. Hopper, Parma, Ida. Phone 134 FO R R E N T —Furnished apartment, gether, in Ontario. Sewer in. E. 10-2t 113 Ennis Ave. W W Foster, 17 No. 9th, or call Hoffman, 1925 8. W. Park Ave., Port­ FOUND—Set car keys Owner may 157-J. 5-tf. #-tf land, Ore. 9-3tp. identify at Journal office and pay FO R S A L « —Used Frigidaire range FO R R B N T —3 room upstairs apart­ FOR SALE O R TR A D E — For a for adrv. »»-»• like new, «1M Ideal Oa