THE WTSSA OATS CXTT JOUIMAL. WT— A. OREGON. Order of Eastern jtw s Meet iS n m a l iV c t i l h t u 's Order o f Fa.*»em Star« hekJ a school of instruction night Monday at the M.i-omc hall A dinner was held previous to the meeting in hon­ or o f Miss Carlotta Wiseman of Grants Pass, Grand conductress of Grand chapter of Oregon. Another distinguished visitor was Mrs Dessa Hofstetter, worthy ma­ tron of Adah Chapter, Independ­ ence. Ore Mrs. Hofstetter is mother of Mrs. Edward Boydell and is col­ lege librarian at Oregon college of Education. Mrs. Paul Penrod was another visitor. Refreshments were served at the clo.-e of the meeting with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Beydell and Ethel Mary Backinan as host and hostesses. ♦ — G* Garden Club Meets With Mrs. W. Fox Stake Gold and Green Ball Held; 20 Queens Honored Members of the A N K. Garden club met Tuesday afternoon at the h^me of Mrs. Walter Fox. Mrs. Net­ tie Bennett assisted the hostess. After several themes for the fair booth had been proposed, the presi­ dent, Mrs. George Schweizer ap­ pointed a committee to plan the booth. Women to serve on the com ­ mittee are Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. Ray Wilson of Parma, Mrs Thomas Nishitani, Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mrs. Maurice L. Judd. The group voted to cooperate with the Ontario and Vale clubs to stage a spring flower dhow in Ontario. Mrs. Elton McCormick o f Parma discussed gladiolus. She stressed the fact that the age and health of the Glad bulb is more important than its size. She also warned the group not to plant Glads near beans be­ cause of the Mosaic disease. Tentative plans were made for a plant sale to be held April 4 in Nys­ sa. Mrs. John Oliver of Jordan Valley and Mrs. Carl Seburn were guests of the club. The next meeting will be held April 14 at tile home of Mrs. Hous­ ton Wilson with Mrs. Edward Boy- dell assisting. Twenty queens reigned over the annual Nyssa stake Gold and Green ball which wai presented Saturday evening in the stake house for 500 stake members and their guests. These chosen as queens for their attendance and participation in church affairs, meetings and activi­ ties were Carol Folkman, Karen Farmen, Joan Mitchell. Olive Beus, Avon Peterson, Ranae Lee, Carol Winegar, Sue Farson, Norene Dur- rant, Irene Goates, Darlis Hull, Nan- nette Bybee, Carol Fife, Lorraine Fischer, Jolene Hunter, Amy LewL, Joan Grigg, Joan Blodgett, Michy Gardner and Vivian Preston. The theme o f the Ball, which .s an annual affair w. s "Manhat ,n”. A New York skyline fo: med the back ground decoration. Each qre<-r. car­ ried a model’s hat box whicn con­ tained her crown and arhinestone bracelet was given to them as favors. The floor show program included a duet, "Manhattan” by Florence Low and Pearl Woodard; dance, "Pcx Trot Frolic,” by 48 girls from the six wards in the stake; "Sym ­ phony Waltz,” by 10 couples; "Exhi­ bition Waltz” by Verel and Ranae Ashby; men’s quartet, "Eastside, Westside” by Blaine Holliday, Rulon Huntington, Robert E. Lee and Rex Tolman. The dance numbers were directed by Mr. and Mrs. Alma Hendricks, stake dance directors. Jacob Kapp and Mrs. Ezra O. Carr were co-chairmen for the ball and were assisted by members of the Y.W. and Y.M.I A. stake boards. LOCAL N EW S~ Farewell Partv Given Mr. and Mrs. John Lucero had a farewell party Monday for their nephew. B.ll Santillanes, who left for the service Tuesday night. They entertained 27 guests. Those from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gerra and Mr and Mrs. Frank Rodrigez of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Ernnie Ramerez of Nampa. Rerfeshments were served. ♦ — THURSDAY, If ARCH It. 1W3 M l E l » * WOJRD OF U K T 1 Wvird wa> received here a i the Mr and Mr* *u»*eU Smith birth of «igtu p»*ind. ounce -on to Mr and Mr- Fred Florey of r rtiai.J The boy was bi rn M»rch R D(«lan and Mr 17 and is :he first grandson of Mr Timson, of Biker, and Mrs. Le Roy Herrman. M the: end at the G. L of the child is the former Angela Herrman. Wednesday in N * a « .a visiting Mr R C Richardson Mr and Mrs. J and Mrs. Robert »pent the week Smith home. Rev. E. J. H ollingsw orth is The Arcadia 4-H Livestock club met Thursday evening at the home of Duane Drydale. Judging dairy cows was the subject. Refreshments were served by tue hostess, Mrs. Tommy Drydale. The next meeting will be held at the Cecil Houston home. Young Adults Meet Members of the Young Adult League o f the Methodist church met Sunday evening at the home of Miss Deloras Coffman. Miss Coffman led the devotions and Cliff Main was in charge o f the program. ALL AREA FARMERS Are Invited TO A FREE ARC in NOTICE T O C R E D IT O R S Mountain Home this week-end hold­ ing an evangelistic meeting for Rev. In the Matter of the Estate of CORNELIUS J. BLOKKER, de­ Ira K Hall. Mr. am ! Mrs. C. K. O lson were in ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Boise Tuesday on business. >lr. an d M rs .W ard W ieiirkr were Tlvrt the undersigned has been duly dinner guests Sunday evening a: and regularly appointed Executor of Vale at the heme of Mr. and Mr.- the above-entitled estate; all persons having clam.- against said estate are’ Art c’ mith. Mr. a n d Mrs. Les M athaitev visited hereby notified to present the same, Friday with Mrs. Brb Burns in On­ verified as by law required to the undersigned ait the office of An­ tario. Mr. an d Mrs. G e w s e V Baer and thony Yturri. Attorney at La w. On­ Mr- Pearlee Kinscr visited Luck\ tario. Oregon, or the Trust Depart- Peak dam Sunday. Later they visited meiv. of The First National Bank of friends at the Veterans hospital in Portland, Portland. Oregon, within six months of the date of the first Boise. Mrs. R ob ert Ia>ng returned to her publication hereof. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK heme this week after vis ting a few OF PORTLAND days in Boise with relative.-. Date of First publication: March B ob B u m s o f O n tario, a form er re.-ident of Nyssa, visited here Frt- 19. iy&3 Date of last publication: April 16. day and attended to business mat­ 1953. ters. Mr. a n d M rs. D on WELDING CLINIC Thursday, March 26. 8 P. M. At Nyssa High School FREE REFRESMENTS This will be a practical demonstration of the use of arc welding on the farm. Bring in your small broken steel pieces, castings or worn parts. Educational film on farm welding. Come . . . and bring your neighbor. Clinic sponsored by the B, M oss and Entertain Mr and Mrs. Club Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Moss and fam­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner enter­ ily returned Wednesday afternoon tained members of their Mr. and after .-pending five days in Utah Mrs. club last Sunday night. Guest visiting friends and relatives. D in ner guests M onday n ight at players were Mr and Mrs Wilton Jackson and Mr and Mrs. Harold the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaw were Mr and Mrs. Marvin Wilson Brendle. and Janalee. Wilton Jackson and Henry Miner Mr. an d M rs. Leo W. C hild left won prizes. Wednesday for Utah where they •:«—❖ will .spend an indefinite time visit­ ing friends and relat.ves, including Hosts to Bridge Club Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones en­ their son-in-law and daughter. Mr tertained their Mr. and Mrs. Bridge and Mrs. Hugo Olsen at Peterson. Mr. a n d Mrs. I. F. Sw rrt and son, club last Thursday evening at their ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snider Darrell, o f Twin Falls spent the week end visiting at the home of were high score winners. Mr and Mrs. Quigley Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Quigley are sisters. 4-H Club Meets PAGE FIVE Don Graham Gets U.N. Korean Medal Don Graham, Nyssa justice of the peace and veteran of three wars under two flags, Monday received a United Nations medal from the Navy department in Washington, D. C. for his service aboard the U, S. S. Men­ ard. Judge Graham served 16 months in Korean and Japanese waters. It is .the first such medal issued in the Nyssa area, Graham said. He was informed by the Navy de­ partment that he Is eligible for the Korean Service medal, but they are not yet available. Graham received several other medals previous to the one issued this week, but described them as of "minor importance.” NORCO COMPANY, 1123 Idaho. Boise and the LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY DAYS CLASSIFIED FOR RESULTS SEND YOUR CLEANING Thursday - Friday - Saturday to PARMA DRY CLEANERS Pick Up and Delivery CHASSIS LUBRICATION S1.00 5-QTS. HAVOLINE OIL $2.00 Monday — Thursday Total Regular Price Phone Parma 79 Collect DOLLAR DÀ Y SPECIAL both for . . $ 2 .0 0 STOCK A D JU ST M E N T $ 1.00 You Save 33^% Masons Honored Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason were honored guests at surprise party given for them by members of the ! high school class of the Christian church. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. J Hollingsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Mason were present­ ed with a juniper shrub by the group. HERRIMÀN MOTOR CO. Mr. and Mrs. Foster entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Sager at dinner Wednesday evening. The occasion was Mr . Sager’s birthday. ❖ —4* Dinner Guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D:ck and girls of Apple Valley were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home o f Air. and Mrs. Mark Moncur. ♦ —4* Rebekah Lodge Meets The Nyssa Rebekah Lodge met in j regular session Thursday night at the I.O.O.F. hall with 25 members present. Mrs. Richard Yost from Olympic Lodge No. 301 of Tacoma, ! Wash, was a guest. New staff members put on a de­ gree work in a practice session. Plans were made to attend the meet­ ing o f the Vale Rebekah lodge. Hostess were Mrs. John Reeves, Blanch Hite and Ida Walters. Regular Price On Sale 1— 1952 Coronado Automatic W ashing Machine 299.95 229.95 247.90 1,57.50 70.00 49.95 70.00 39.95 44.95 29.95 1— 1952 Coronado Electric Range Refrigerator W ashing Machine 1—Used Electric Stove March 19-20-21 1—Used RCA Radio & Record Player 45.00 25.00 32.95 14.95 1—Used Radio ________________ 17.65 11.95 13.15 7.10 10.75 15.75 21.65 1—34x70 O blong 1—28x58 O blong 1— 18x70 O blong 1—22x44 Oval 1—24x48 Oval 1— 18x70 Oval 1—34x70 Oval 3—Fram Filters W all Paper, single roll 14 Gallons Prestone 1—Used Baby Buggy 9.98 6.98 7.98 4.19 6.49 9.19 12.98 5.98 10c . 3.65 39.95 2.75 19.95 Folding Type 20% DISCOUNT ON LAMPS, TOYS Thursday Friday BREADED VEAL Saturday Thursday - Friday - Saturday RANCH S T Y L E RUGS Odds and Ends FRIED OYSTERS . 1—Used Thor Auto-Magic Regular 10.95 to 15.75 CHICKEN FRIED STEAK . 1—Used Wosiinghouse Hand Made in Oval and Oblong Patterns—Bright Colors B & E CAFE 314 Main, Nyssa Phone 77 __,j. Birthday Dinner Given $3.00 4—Used 7.50 6.98 SALE DATES March 20th to March 31st, Inclusive Used Hotpoint Home Freezer Reg. 225.50 200.00 Portable Electric Record Player 26.95 Plays all 3 speeds and sizes of records 50-Ft. Plastic Garden Hose W. H. LEMON, A uthortzrd Dealer Nyssa, O regon 215 Main 3.99 Special Irrigating Boots Reg. 6.95 and up All 25% OFF 26-Gal. G arbage Cans Reg. 5.45 4.59 Lawn Chairs Reg. 6.95 Each Only 4.49 Used Lawn Mowers As Low As ----- — 7.95 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on Housewares — Bicycles — Fishing Tackle Big Trade-in Allowances on Your Used Tires * Starting Saturday, B & E C afe Will Remain Open 24 Hours Daily. 39.95 Also Bargains in New and Used Power Lawn Mowers. and GIFT FURNITURE W ashing M achine Motors, Each 1—Used Bicycle, as is Armstrong Portable Ironer Reg. 56.95 Only it "¡¡J) Phone 244-J COME IN AND TRADE NOW DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE Nyssa, Oregon