Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1953)
THE NYS8A GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S3 A. OREGON THURSDAY. MARCH 19. 19SJ Adrian News Mr». r » ( Ü M a la Optimism Voiced By Feed Dealer For '53 Output The Lettermans chib at the h * h _ , school sponsored some boxing mat- Proy ct>. « ” "~ che, Tuesday n.ght in the gymna,- fr" m ^esuxtk and poultry are lum. Proceeds vent to help pay for i f “ " thf n J v" llus Tobler ,tated this week after re the new score board. The Lions club turning from a Purina dealers meet will sponsor another on March 24 ing in Denver several days ago. Stm e College of Idaho boys will be The long-range profit picture on the card. __ . „ Í . j n ,n __loots good for the farm er and the _____, » __ , ________ feeder. Tobler commented Bach of were inducted in the Armed forces the 7,274.000 Americans directly en Tuesday. Th ey were sent to Fort gaged in the production of grain. Lewis „ B w ____ j meat and eggs must raise food for Mrs. Bob Eastman and daughter, „ . ,A . „ _ . . r d * 21 town and city dwellers. Em- “ i ,C> „ . visitimr her P*°5rinent continues high and this. 1 * -t‘ combined with the rapid increase in parents, Mr and Mrs. Olen Brotv n. populatlon ^ 0^ proVide a hrist Mr. and Mrs. Bill W illis and Mar- ¡or fo(Xj pro(juctst ^e said, sha were Sunday guests in Nampa The census bureau estimates that of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hatch. Lhe u. g population will increase Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft were about 2 5 million next year and that Sunday evening callers at the Lam- py 1975 the population will reach bert Dierking home. ¡ about 200 millón. These are extra The card parties sponsored by the mouths to be fed from the same Legion ended Saturday night. Scores number o f acres of producing land, were women: high. Hazel Roe; sec- From a national viewpoint, if the ond high. LaVonna McDonald, men. average American eats as much food high, Milte Petutz, second high. Rus- this year as last, these are some of sell McKague; traveling. Bernice the figures of how much production Toomtos. Harold Newman. Special will have to be increased: 84.5 mil- lions eggs; 5.5 million more laying prize. Bill Toombs. Mrs. Jim Moncarr and Kristine hens; 176.75 million pounds o f pork; _________________ _ and Mrs Martha Campbell, o f Boise, 1,523,500 market hogs; 151 million spent Thursday evening viisting the I pounds of beef; 73.75 million pounds Glen Browns. Kristine stayed to of poultry meat; - 24 5 - million fryers visit a few days with her grandpar 14 midlion pounds o f turkeys; 112.6 million gallons o f milk. ents. Scientific progress in agriculture! Mrs. Anna Sparks and Mrs. Mary has kept pace witth the needs. Tob- j Henderson spent Sunday in New 1er said. Development of hybrid Plymouth visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. grains, soil conservation, pasture un- 1 H. Bott. provement and better use o f fertiliz Mrs. Zola Coon, o f Notus, visited ers have stretched the productive j her mother, Mrs. Mary Henderson ability o f each acre o f land. Discovery and use o f "growth on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Martin en boosters" is increasing in the feed joyed a sight seeing drive Sunday line fo r the efficient growth and by going to John Day and Burns. production of livestock and poultry. It was their first time to see that Greatest improvements have been | made in rations o f young animals— country. __ poults, pigs, calves and other chicks, Bob Brown, o f Monmouth, Oregon, "'¿ingttae" young. a nephew of Glen Brown, spent last | _________ Wednesday here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and Junior were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis. _____ _ . Q,lr, I Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Ross, of Ed W ymer o f Parma, spent Sun- , Be.nd, visited over the week end at day here visiting his daughter, Mrs the home of their son and daughter- Howard Hatch. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Parks and family Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. i o f New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Gilbert R a f f played canasta at the 1 Eastman and daughter, o f Caldwell Wilbur Coffm an home. were Sunday guests at the E. E. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith drove ' to Boise to visit Wilbert Smith. Eastman home. Mrs. Alton Paris and son, Steven, I Howard Hatch spent last week in o f Pocatello, returned to their home J Burns and John Day on business. last Wednesday after spending a ! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moncarr, Mr. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jerry Mays, of Boise, were Dean Smith. Mrs. Smith is im dinner guests Sunday evening at the proving after a long serious illness. Glen Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Brady had as Ray Kelly, Marvin Sessions and their week-end guest, Peggy Brady, Marvin Bowers arrived home Satur daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. E. I. day on fourteen day furloughs. They Brady. have been stationed at San Diego. the Ontario hospital last week for **-er*»tian and treatment "Hie Arcadia Sunshine dug met at the home o f Mr- Cecil Houston on Mn. tirurgr M w irr Friday with M r, George Hust as Ph.o» U ! R! hostess. Fourteen members and two visitors were present Mrs. Les Bur Mrs. John Lucero and Mrs. Dan bank and Mrs. John Zlttercob were Gallegos gave a farewell party on visitors. Mrs. Burbank Irew the door prize. Several o f the member, Marah 9 at their h< me lo r Bill San- received gifts from their Sunshine tillanes, who left Tuesday for Fort sisters. The next meeting will be on Lewis, Wash, for his army training March 27 with Mrs. Fay Corn. There were 27 guest, present. A f t e r , the party they had a weiner roast. | Tony and Angelo Marostica left last Thursday fo r Sterlmg, Colo. to Bill i sa nephew of Mrs. Lucero. attend the funeral of their nephew. Visitors at the George Moeller Mario Marostica. wlfo was killed in home on Sunday were Mr and Mrs. an accident. Eggert O ft and boys and Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Philling were dinner Mrs. Cecil Boekweg and family, all of Apple Valley, Mr and Mrs Bob guests Thursday evening at the re McKinney and daughter, of Nyssa sidence of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hoeme in Payette. and August Moeller. Clarence Houston, who has been Clyde Bowers went back to the hospital with pneumonia again last In the army serving in Korea for week, but is recovering and will be the past 18 months, returned here able to come heme the first o f this last week after his discharge. He will visit relatives here, before re week. Mrs. Arnold Winkler was taken to I turning to California where he was Around Arcadia PAGE THR1 employed before he entered the ser called at ,the Fred Schilling home vice. Sunday evening Mr and Mrs. Fred Schilling at Anna and Catherine Gallegos are Uhe Koffman--Emisphar both employed at the Ontario hospi tended tal. wedding in Weiser Sunday after Sherry Tombs, of Nyssa. spent noon. the week end with Shirley Shilling Mrs. Conrad Reib and infant son Mr and Mrs. John Lucero return returned hi me from the Nyssa hos ed last week from Pocatello, Idaho, pital last week where they spent 10 days with their Don Bowers left Sunday with Ills daughter. Mrs. Jessie Jesevs and fain ag teacher. Dvight W yckoff to at Uy. tend the state convention of the F. Mr and Mrs. Bob Tombs, of Nys,a F A at Corvallis. EVERYDAY Rifle Club Mori©» Sport-men are reminded that they and their familie- and friends ara invited to be guests of the Nyss» R ifle and Pistol club for a showing of colored movies this Thursday In the high school Little Theatre, at 8 p. m. Several o f the movies will be aims of Alaskan adventure, fishing and hunting, including such tildes aa Family Afoot in the Yukon.“ A l- a,kan Big G am e" and 'Fish On." C A N BE D O L L A R D A Y IF Y O U REGISTER MARCH 19-20-21 FOR 15 CHICKS *1 Bs •A -« / Berretts $ DAYS $ Special Car Wash, Vacuum and Lub— All for . • • • 2 • While waiting for your car to be serviced, enjoy a TURKEY DINNER LOCAL NEWS NO COST 1 with all the trimmings 1 OBLIGATION in and register any of these Don’t bring containers at time of three days. You will be informed registration. No Telephone regis- when you may pick up your 15 trations. Only one person in family FREE chicks. may register for chicks. Com e at OR THESE ARE LEGHORN COCKERELS — W ONDERFUL E ATIN G Berrett s Cafe TOBLER S FEED & FUEL, Inc. Operated by Pete and Nina Shaw 17 Good Ave. Phone 26 Dealer for famous P U R IN A CHOWS and PU R IN A FARM SUPPLIES Berrett s Service & Cafe Nyssa Phone 117 AY.W .V.V.V.V.V.V, A Lower Bend Language classes of district 47 school are launching a project to write news for this community. The local P. T. A. meeting was held Tuesday evening, March 10 Th e following officers were appoint ed and elected for the coming year. Mrs. Thomas Jones, president; Mrs. Henry Wilson, vice president; Mrs Jack Jones, secretary and Mrs. Law rence Miller, treasurer. Th e group extended a vote o f thanks to Mrs. Joe King for her cooperation in her office of secretary the past year. She asked to be relieved of her office. Th e 4-H Cooperative Cooking club met at the home o f Mrs. Joe K in g last Wednesday. Th e club will ex hibit some o f their projects, carry on some demonstrations o f preparing dishes and also will have charge of serving at the next social P. T. A meeting March 26. Involuntary muscles are those that work automatically. í Values Bargains Thursday, Friday, Saturday Be here when the doors open and take advantage of our Terrific Dollar Days Savings. It's your opportunity to stretch the same old pay check to cover today's cost of living. Get more for your dollar during this sensa tional sale. Don't miss these values. BOYS' STRIPED OVERALLS Sanforized — Sizes 1 to 6 KLEENEX 200 Tissue Box — Limit 8 Boxes 8 Boxes ior ....................$ 1 .0 0 $ 1 .0 0 Clip This Coupon and Bring it to SUPERIOR PAINT & GLASS Thurs.,Fri.-Sat. It is Good for One Dollar on Any Order for Glass Amounting to $5 or More SUPERIOR Paint & Glass 110 Maia Phone 310 T.E. (To*) Spark» Mgr. Savings Men's Argyle Socks Regular 50c Ladies' Fancy Panties — 2 f o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.00 Regular Value 69c 3 P a i r . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.00 Sizes S, M, L LADIES' NYLON HOSE 51 Gauge — 15 Denier and 54 Gauge — 15 Denier First Quality 2 fo r . . . . . . . . . . A .■2 Cannon Turkish Towels — 3 f o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.00 Regular 59c A Real Value BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Sanforized — Sizes 2 to 14 $ 1 .0 0 $ 1 .0 0 WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-To-Wear Nyssa X-Ray Shoe Fitting Phone 32