TUB WY3SA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 11. 1931 Curial Ñutes Bridge Club Meets Mrs. Aden WiLon entertained entertained members of her Thurs­ day bridge club at her home Thurs­ day evening. Mrs. Josephine Gold­ man wa- a guest. Mrs. Nick Rudhck won f.rst prize, Mrs. Eddie P veil - .'n sccrnd high and Mrs. Homer Jackson von the traveling prize. Past Presidents Meet i dinner ia honor of Prof. and Mr Harold Bumgarner of Colorado Springs Tuesday noon at their home. Oue.ts vere Mr- R A Kellogg of Nampa; Mr and Mrs. Eld Wilde. Mr and Mrs. Albert Seward, Mr and Mr- LeRoy Seward. Mr. and Mrs. D >n Seward Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Sanders and Rev and Mrs. Robert Jackson. Entertain At Canasta Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilson en­ tertained at a caua-ta party Sutur- 1 day evening at their home High Pinochle Played score was won by Jim Shaw and Mrs. Mr and Mr-. George Schweizer Wilson. entertained Saturday night at a pi­ nochle party. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perko wen low and Mr and Mr-. Mrs. Bovdell Entertains. Mrs. Edward B< ydell entertained Leonard Nt vgen von high prize. members of her Thursday afternoon i — :• bridge club at her home Mrs. Herb Dinner Guests Smith was guest of honor. Other Dinner guests Saturday evening at gue.-ts were Mrs. Ted Morgan, Mrs. the home of Mrs. Raymond Larson G-rdon Fouch, Mrs. Paul House, Mr. and Mrs. Tair.eji lloashi of were Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell Mr- Grant Le wis, Mrs. Dick Tensen Wrfsrr, form rh of Nyssa announce and Miss Doris Koontz of Boise. and Mrs. Fred Bracken. the engagement of their daughter, Prizes were given to Mrs. Paul Charlotte, to Eirhi Hirata, son of Houie, Mrs. Warren Farmer and K. Hirata of 1‘ arkd ilc, Ore. The date Legion Auxiliary Meets Members o f the American Legion Mr.-. Herb Smith. of the wedding has been set for auxiliary met Thur.-day night at the April 12 to be held in Portland. home of Mrs. Clifford Mink. The St. Paul’s Guild Meets Miss lloashi is a 11>50 graduate of auxiliary presented 10 copies of the Members of the St. Paul’s Episco­ Nyssa high school. The groom-elect book, “ Key To Peace,” to the Nyssa pal guild met at the home of Mrs. is a graduate of Parkdale high school high school library. Members dis­ William Schireman with Mrs. Dick and was recently discharged from cussed plans foT the Legion birthday Stockham as co-hostess. Mrs. Ed­ the U. S. Army. —Photo by Harano dinner. ward Boydell gave the lesson on the •1*—•!* prayer book. held In Nyssa March 30 for Vale. Dinner Given Plans were made for the district Ontario and Nyssa guild members. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward gave women's auxiliary meeting to be Refreshments were served to 12 members present. Tuesday Bridge FUL-COLOR any color you want NOW GET RUBBER-BASE PAINT IN T h e y ’ re here! — all the hundreds o f colors in Fuller’s fam ous Jewel Case! VV.S.C.S. Meeting Members c f the Past Pre dent Held Thursday Night Parley of the American Lc.:.en and The general W.S.C.S meeting was their hu-'-bands attended a dinner In Id Thur-day night at the Meth■>- puny Sunday at the Payette Coun­ church The therfie was "Youth try club. and the Church." Those who took part on the program were Bi>b Hart­ Mr. and Mrs. Ivlace Honored ley. president el M Y F and mem­ Mr». Henry Simlnar entertained ber- of the youth fellowship as fol­ last Saturday evening at a social lows: Ruth Herrman, Leah Sager, evening in honor c f Mr and Mr Onna Pounds, Phyllis Fox, David Kenneth Mace on the.r weddun an­ Hartley, Ronnie Buckner. Gerald niversary. Cox and Stan Thompson Special thank- was given to Mr. and Mrs. Charle- Steffens, sponsors Pink and Blue of the group Ned Snider was recog­ Shower Given Mr-. Harold Kurtz wa- h red nized a- conference M.Y F. presi­ dent. last Tue.-day evening at a pink and Refreshments were served. blue shower given at the home of Mrs Cliff Main. The evening wa We have the largest stock of lino­ spent playing games, with Mr-. leum m this locality. Your Frigidaire Merildean Robbins and Mrs. L. E dealer, Peterson Furniture Co. Robbins in charge. 40 guests were present. Plastic Prints and Plastic Inlaid Hostesses were Mrs Cliff Main. Linoleum, over 70 pattern- to choose Mr-. George Coleman and Mrs. Le­ from. Your Frigidaire Dealer. Petcr- roy Herrman. -on Furniture Co. LEMON'S HATCHERY HAULING Insured Carrier — Local and Long Distance BYBEE BROS. TRUCKING Frank Pike, mgr. Phone 070-R11 8x10 Gold Toned PORTRAIT SO -89 SCHOEN PORTRAITS 114 South 3rd St. Phone 227-J Nyssa. Oregon Rt. 2, Box 42 Mrs. George Mitchell entertained Tuesday afternoon at two tables of bridge. Mrs. Leonard Hewett was a guest. Eva Boydell wen high score and Mrs. Ray Larson won second high. n Olive Beus Entertains Miss Olive Beus entertained at n dinner party Tuesday night. The centerpiece was pink and yellow car­ nations and snap dragons. Places were laid for Janelle Haney, Roberta i Morfitt, Avon Peter-on. Nanette By­ bee. Carol Folkman, Lorraine Fisch­ er and the hostess. The girls spent a social evening together. PICK Y OUR P A R T N E R S Thursday Bridge Club Meets Mrs. C. A. Mallay entertained members of her Thursday bridge club at her home last week. Mrs. G. H. Kenaston won high prize and Mrs. Art Boydell won the traveling prize. svv Mrs. Steffens Entertains FUL-C0L0R PRINTS Works faster, smoother than any paint you've ever known. • Dries in one hour. • Seals itself against dirt. • Washes again and again, for years. • Never any objectionable odor. • Gives beautiful velvet sheen to walls and woodwork. DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE 417 Main Phone 2 Mrs. Charles Steffens entertained members of her Adult General Clothing class at her home Monday evening at a tea and social hour. She entertained Wednesday evening for members of her tailoring class. Job’s Daughters Meet Job's Daughters met Thursday night at the Masonic hall. Plans ! were made for a delegation o f girls ! to attend the state meeting at Port­ land in April. Phillis Cheldelin and i Kris Rinehart were elected dele- i gates. The girls had their pictures ' taken for the state. Plans were made for the Jaycee , banquet which they will serve Sat- ! j urday night. Mix ’n match fun-lovin’ separates in Original Sailcloth for summer livin' in the sun! Washable, wear­ able, wonderful...in new and care­ free colors. All are unmistakably White Stag! 15 C H IC K S a ) T O G G L E J A C K with chevron pockets on upper sleeves, XS S M I ................. $ 6 . 9 5 C A L F S K fN N E R S , tapered to calf, 8 1 8 .. 5 .5 0 b ) S T A - B R A stays in place — detachable, adjustable straps, 10 2 0 ................... 2 . 9 5 W H IS T L E BRITCHES, uncuffed shorts, with side zip, 8 1 6 .......................... ( ) C A R R Y -A L L with plastic lin in g ........... 3 .7 5 2 .9 5 d ) T R A IN M A N S JA C K E T with adjustable cuffs. 8 20 .................................... 4 .9 $ C l A M D IG G E R S * for roll up, roll down casualness, 8 20 .............................. 4 .9 5 • ) S IE E V C K S S T O P lo wear lucked In or oui, 10 20 ................................. 4 . 3 0 LITTLE B O Y SH O R T S , culled ihorti, tide xipped, 8 20............................ 3 .9 5 C o lo rs : Cleon White, Soil Red, Summer Navy, Depth Green, Tar Black, Charcoal, Heavenly Blue, Pink Coral, Seal Brown, Sun Yellow, M aplenut — all with contrast stitching. Re«. U. S. Pot These are LEGHORN COCKERELS and make wonderful eating. REGISTER FOR YOUR FREE CHICKS March 19-20-21, Nyssa "Dollar D ays" Anyone coming in and registering during these days will be informed when chicks may be picked up. Not Necessary to Bring Box at Time of Registration NO TELEPHONE REGISTRATIONS Only One Person in Family May Register TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL, Inc. 17 Good Ave. Phone 26 Dealer for famou» PURINA CHOWS and PURINA FARM SUPPLIES JW Bracken 's Dry Goods, Clothing 6 for S1.00 Offer Good to March 15. Be Sure To Gel the Chicks You Want Place Your Order in Advance Chicks Available Wednesdays and Saturdays New Hampshires, White Rocks, White Leghorns Austra Whites Nyssa LIVESTOCK Billfold Size Prints Now Operated By Ed Lemon Phone 331-W PAGE FIYE Your Quality Store X-Ray Shoo Fitting