THE NYSIA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 12. IS53 PAGE TWELVE b u r ia l N o te s Dinner Guests Mr and Mrs. Clifford Faulkner were dinner guests Sunday at the C N. Neely hi me. v * Home E c Club Meets The Home Economics club of the 1 la ;t Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lucille Runcorn. Eleven members and < ne guest answered roll call with their favorite childhood poem Mrs. Ore.-’ ly won the door prize. A rm .it; dell, president, announc- ed that the year book and historian book would be ready for the Pomona grange meeting at Harper the last o f May. She also asked the ladies to make a one-piece dress and fancy hankies to be on display at that t tne The president gave a report on the Pomona grange meeting at Chalk Butte last Saturday. The club voted to send $5 to the .Ted Cress. Iva Adam> gave a talk on short cuts in sewing. The April meeting will be held at : N un R 11 cael will be answered by April Foci happenings. iments were served by the hostess and Dorothy Runcorn. + -+ E n t e r t a in s P in o c h le C lu b \|rs John Osirom entertained members of her Wednesday after- n >n pinochle club at her home with Mrs Cecil Morrison, Mrs. Tom John- son and Mrs. V. W. Duus as guest players. Mrs Nettie Bennett won high prize and Mrs Emil Stunz won low Advert it rmmt From where I s it... 6y Joe Marsh prize The traveling prizes were won by Mrs H H Kingrey and Mrs. Sam McConnell v v G i r l Scouts Meet Oirl Scouts of trcop No. 5 met ar.i c.m pleted the hcmem ak.nj badge tht> week. Marjorie Tyler wa> el cteu secretary and treasurer of th gr up u tfak reporter. There are 19 girls in the treep. ♦ ♦ Employees Honored Apprcx mately 70 employees of the Hollingsworth stores of Vale, Ontario and Nyssa were honored at a banquet Thursday night at the E.i t Side Cafe in Ontario. During the dinner hour, they were enter- tained with music from the East Side lounge orchestra. Attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Myrick, Mr and Mrs. J hn Reeves, Mr. and Mrs Uel Al- sup. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollings worth, Mr and Mrs. Bob Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Murl Marcum and Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Duchniak. pass. Tcm W eek city street super- .ntendent. a.>-ured Nys axis there wa no trouble . ,:h c p .at. .n c l the water system, no experiments were being conducted arid the Main street *'i> not rece.ving a "special w&sh- .ng.” VARIETY C ITY PROBLEMS DISCl'SSED Bi COUNCIL • Continued from Page 1> hcenses be issued at the beginning of the next fiscal year, July 1. to i allow time for sanitary inspections and compilation cf rep rts. The council gave consideration, but withheld action, on requests that restrictions be placed on use o f air guns within the city. Residents of the city had complained that song birds have been killed by air guns. The city manager reported that approximate’ '/ 150 dogs have been licensed in :he city and eight have been disposed of. Within the next two weeks all owners of all unli censed canines will have been con tacted regarding licenses, Burton re ported. Oouncilmen voted to a trict equipment oppose Members of the council engaged .n state house bill that would permit counties to impose county- wide bu-i- detailed discussion of city franchi e ness license fees, possible action to destroy weeds on vacant lots and charge the work to the property owners, was discussed and action was taken to call ter bids tor alter- at on and enlargement of the fire station to house new rural fire dis tor utilities with detailed reports read by the city manager c f revenue derived by other municipalities in Oregon that now tax telephone and power companies. No official action •was taken pending receipt of more detailed information. Nyssa Elevator Phone 42 Did you see that “ Classified Ad” last week? The one that wanted a farmhand who had to be “an expert agriculturiat, sheep herder, tra cto r driver, bridge player,” plitt being "an authority on chemistry and mathematics” ? Slim Thomas, who ran that ad more or less as a joke, called and said, “ I got 23 answers ami almost every one claimed they could meet all those qualifications 1 That means I want to keep the man I have— ‘ Handy’ Peters. staying. Handy never pretends to be an expert, he’s just a good all-around hired hand.” From where I sit. Slim’s smart to he wary o f people who consider themselves to be all-around "ex perts.” Some folks will “ expert” on anything— from the clothes a man should wear to whether he ought to drink beer or butter milk. Personally I don’t want to “ classify” myself as knowing all the right answers. “ He was thinking o f quitting but now I ’ve y «t to talk him into o Copyright, I 'ljJ , United States Breners Foundation SEPTIC TAKES PUMPED and Roto-Rooter Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Phone 196-J Nyssa Renstrom Insurance Agency S PO R TS M E N . . . . You are invited to a full evening of colored movie entertainment Thursday., March 19, 8 P. M. _ _ Nyssa High School Littlo Theatre 'FAMILY AFOOT IN THE YUKON' Follow the Albees in their 300-mile hike. "ALASKAN BIG GAME" "FISH ON" Fishing and hunting at their best Sponsored by Nyssa Rifle and Pistol Club For the Best In Seeds and Seed Grains BUY Your Requirements From A tale o f FB I vs Soviet spies with GEORGE M U R PH Y V IR G IN IA G ILM O RE _______ F IN L E Y CU RR IE _______ SU N D AY-M O N D AY MARCH 15-16 "YANKEE BUCCANEER" Color by Technicolor with JEFF < H AND LER SUOTT B R AD Y SUZAN B A LL GEORGE M ATH EW S The black flag flies at her mast head— the U. S. Navy mans her guns to wreck the Spanish Main. Matinee Sun. 1:30 TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY M ARCH 17-13 "UNTAMED FRONTIER" CHEESE PORTERS Elbow MACARONI Color by Technicolor with JOSEPH CO TTO N SH ELLY W IN T E R S SCOTT B R A D Y SUSAN B A LL The stcry o f a sprawling cattle empire in a western struggle a- gain-t the homesteaders. Action, adventure and romance. 2 lb. !cai 8 9 6 24 oz. Pkgs. 2 for . . . 6 5 c SWEET — JUICY ORANGES A L L YOU CAN GET IN A NO. 10 TOTE BAG FIRM— RIPE FRESH— CRISP CARROTS Ctn. 2 Bun. 1561 TOMATOES . . . ,2 5 c LUMBER JACK 24-oz SYRUP 2 bottles 6 9 6 a M V .A l v '- s r i U l f l B i M SHURFINE 59c 403 Arcadia Nfaaa Phone 132 5 Big Days— Thursday Through Monday MIGHTIEST OF MOTION PICTURES! ^ SPRY SHORTENING With Coupon Vac Pack TECHNICOLOR COFFEE Lb. 8 3 c 3 lb. can 796 B IT T Y C O R N EI C H A R ITO N inoli- hie -ran 1 AM 0 URGRAHAME O O RO TH Y 0RÀNGE G L O R IA HfNRY WllCOION im ([TIGER HI-C SUN V A LL E Y 3 cans 8 9 6 U W R tN C f TIERNEY CMMCTT K t U T COCCIOLA A N T O IN U K C ON CU LO MARGARINE ^ OTARI \ PA R JM V P IC T lR i fMKtfrtbKM N IKI Ik H l! IM M « I Hi m m lM Nh|N|Ni< (n aitorC n a In a M I'liN iiM . [ Q U A L I T Y M E A T S | 3 lbs. . . . . . . 696 M 1 «■ « 'Mn a « Sai * M> I tag. M al I* «M M *\ A A á A A A A A A FA T — B O N E Y RIB BOIL SAUSAGE Lb. 2 5 6 4 lbs. $ 1 .0 0 LAR GE FRANKS 2 lbs. 7 9 6 D IA M O N D WAX PAPER TAYLOR’S TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY M ARCH 24-25 "HANGMAN'S KNOT" 1 9 6 roll with RAN D O LPH SUOTT DONNA REED CLAUDE JARM AN, JR. R IC H A R D DEN NIN G A technicolor western with hero ism and treachery, heart stopping excitement and thrill packed ad- FOOD MARKET riJS VN IIU.IIU \Y ot Tl f rs 425 Arcadia Blvd. Admission only— Adults 65c and Children 25c Performances l hurs.. Sat. and Sun. continuous showing from 1:30— Shows 1:30, 4:10, 6:50 and 9:30; Friday and Monday, 2 shows starting at 6:45 and 9:30. With Coupon Stake Gold, Green Ball Planned Sat. Two fire hydrants on Mam street wer opened early Wednesday morn ing to supply water for the state department that was cleaning cul verts and utlct- east i t Uie uudtr- TH U R SD A Y-FR ID A Y S A TU R D A Y SU N D AY-M O N D AY M ARCH 19-20-21-22-23 C ecil B.D e M ille ’ s C IT Y W \TI It I s| n TO Dessert Seed Co. "THE ROAD TO BALI" "WALK EAST ON BEACON" S.S.V. Auxiliary Names Officers; Lists Activities Saturday evening o f this week is the date set for the Nyssa stake Oold and Green ball to be held at the Ny>sa stake house. Sixteen queens from six wards In the stake will reign over the a. fair. A floor show o f music and special dances will be given BING CRO SB Y BOB HOPE D O RO TH Y LAM OU R PETER A S K IN SATU R D AY, MARCH 14 Among those who attended the Elks party in Ontario Friday evening were Messrs, and Mesdames Shorty Brandt, Bill Russell, Ray Russell, G. H Kenaston, Dale Garrison, W il ber Holcomb, Nick Rudelick, John Broad, Lamont Fife, H. L. Pace. Hert) Fischer, Tom Burningham, Bob Thompson, Harold Brendle, Ken Renstrom, Eddie Taylor and Orin Sumner. Sylvia Jayo. Nyssa high school student has been elected vice presi dent o f Oregon’s Future Homemak ers o f America. The honor was bestowed when o f ficers of the state organization were i announced last Thursday at the opening session o f the eight annual FHA convention at Corvallis. Another signal honor came to the Nyssa FHA chapter when three of ! its members were awarded state homemaker degrees during the Fri day night banquet. Th e three, first ever to receive the degree from Nyssa, were Violet Dry- dale. Olendn M o » and Betty Hill. Sharon Rosenbalm o f Perrydale ! high school was elected new presi dent. succeeding Ruthellyn Fruitiger of Portland. Only other Ea.-kern Oregon FHA girl to receive office was a Union high school student, named secre tary. This is the first time a Nyssa girl has been elected to state o ffice In the organization. New officers were installed Friday during the group's formal banquet. More than 300 girls were In at tendance at the opening meeting. Janice Williams was the other FHA delegate from the Nyssa chapter. Mrs. Frank Jayo accompanied the girls. TH U R SD A Y-FR ID A Y MARCH 12-13 W IT H EACH ORDER OF 100 CHICKS Attend Elks Party Sylvia Jayo Elected State FHA Officer TELEPHONE 10» A 5-LB. B A G OF CHICK STARTER W I L L BE G IV E N Mrs. Howard Lovejoy entertained members o f her Tuesday afternoon bridge club at her home. Mrs. Murl Lancaster was a guest player Mrs. Walter MrPartland won high and Mrs. G rant Rinehart wen second. ❖ —* Sunset Valley— Mrs. Carl Simpson was elected president of the Sunset Valley auxiliary at a meeting last week at the home o f Mrs. Dick Wyatt. There were 13 members and one guest. Mrs. Kenneth Parker, present at the meeting. Other new officers are Mr^. Albert Notheis, vice president; Mrs. Wayne Garner, sec retary, and Mrs. George Folkman, treasurer. The organization voted to separate the offices of secretary and treasurer because of too much work for one person. The year’s activities were in co operation with the Sunset Valley board o f directors in installing inner i swinging doors and numerous minor improvements at the Sunset Valley hall and having the piano tuned. The auxiliary was responsible for I painting and erection o f road signs with the names of 43 families who I live on west Klamath read and the adjoining >ide roads, Lytle, Norwood, Sunset Drive and Mitchell Butte Drive: made a $25 contribution to the polio fund; contributed $5 to buy material for clothing for Korean orphans; sent the Gate City Journal to boys of the valley who had been drafted into the armed -ervlces; con tinued with the regular winter dance series at the hall. Mrs. Frank Perko will be hostess for the April meeting o f the Auxil iary. THEATRE .A Technicolor production of the South Seas, loaded with tunes, beautiful gals and gags galore. Mrs Love joy Entertains A Difficult “Situation" NYSSA Phone 222 TH U R S D A Y -F R ID A Y M ARCH 26-27 "THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS" In Technicolor with G R E G O R Y PEC K A N N B L Y T II A N T H O N Y Q U IN N JOHN M cIN T IR E The story o f red- blooded men who thrived on danger and o f a beautiful woman who risked for love. all