THF NYSSA GATE C IT Y JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. TH URSDAY. M ARCH 5. 1953 PAGE N IN E J r :n\ irpri ed Mr and Mr- Noel the game- Mr- John Frahmbach t y p e e k k o k a n s w e r t o Tuppeny on their 29th wedding an- was guest Ref reshir erved “ WHY EDITORS LEAVE TOWN” n.versary Tuesday evening - at I • by the hos H . I , n ||dt( " A ‘cnee in a million” error in Us Mr and Mrs. Henry Eden. Jerry Tuesday. s J re lltrd when a cor­ Mr and Junior. Mr and Mrs. Leon Mur- Modern Pioneer C'lub Phone Furnia 1-F21 day and Pat Smith visited Imogene daughter. Ann. e g u e s t, rection line for a bowling story con­ Phone W0-R3 Ecien and Janice Jones in Boise Mrs. Gatl Si agview, taining the word- "terrett's Service Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Sta: ■: < Wash., were lu cl Mr. v Everybody's, I n c ,’ a a - inadver­ Mr. :ld M: Jame- McOinnL and A - * itk :u. Sunday, Mr and Mrs. dinner and went over and spent Junior tently placed in a ne w- aeo unt of Dale Glenn will be in the Nys>a t.sii.c d w h a dinner h. noring Mr. and Mrs. M L Ji ° . Adrian and their grand- Henry Eden. Jerry and Junior and Sunday aiternoon wuh her par. ::- son. S: evie Davis, were Sunday dm- her mother, Mrs Luther Murray. hospital for several more days. He and Mr- Eugene Judd of Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. Herb The is had the state police raid at the R.unbow Mr. and Mrs Frank Dines, it. H me­ ner gi hotel. lunch with Mr and Mr le' : ' at the Harvey Hatch went to Worden, Wash.. 1 3 visit their has gas gangerme in hi- knee. Ruben dal*. heme. The la - 1 paragraph of the Rain- The Irvin Topliff family spent •vho will -con bo m vlng to Hailey. Oraham Saturday. daughter. Mrs. Roger Van Landing- Mr. and M r Herb Thema- v. j Guest- were Mr. and Mrs. John b. w account, in part, should have Mrs. Myrtle Hatch and her h Tlie- and her sister. Mrs. Sunday at the J R Suter home in D vner and Ronald Lane of Cald­ their daughter and family, Mr and Mr. and Mr- J. L Sutt r had read: “ . . D.strict Attorney Charles Mr Clara Cassell, were din- Wohiclte, returning heme Tuesday. Parma. The cccasi. n was a birthday well. Mrs. Riley Dillie. in Weiser Sunday lunch with the Irvin T< j>l:ff- Mon- Swan . . . . issued an injunction last ner gue-t at the iU bb Weir home Mrs Noel Tuppeny attended the celebration honoring Irvin, Eleanor and also visited Mr and Mr H, y Modem Pioneer club met Tuesday day noon. December forever forbidding the c inty extension committee meet- and Mrs. Suter. Wyman in Oregon Slope. rooms to be used for any immoral The whole community was shocked r- ^ ■ ' *c Hatch and Mrs. Clara hig in Ontario '.I. nci.iy afternoon Friday, Mr. and M: - Lou McCoy at the home of Mrs Ruben Graham. Journal Classified Ads get results. or illegal purposes . . . to hear of the suddent passing S it- w . / ere w lng in ,?aldweU , Juni0/. Eden Ieft Monday for Fort of Ontario. Mr and Mrs. Lee Hou-e- Mr- Irvin Topliff was in charge of holder o f th e Owyhei and Mr and urday night of one of its old pio­ weane-day with Mrs. C assell's au n t, Lewis Wash. „ Jess" Pa:ne Sharen and Karen Roberts at- U r . Claude Smith visited at the neers, Will Schultz o f Caldwell, who Mr and Mrs. 3eard of Sunny tended the 4-H club Thursday even- Huzh Glenn heme was a resident o f Big Bend for many S! pe visited her aunt, Mrs. Ray ing at the home ol Mrs. Leota " w ! w o L ^ „ years. Cart vright, Sunday morning and Kreigh in Kingman Kclony. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Graham spent Mr. and Mrs. Gordie Dicker-on vere Sunday dinner guests at the Mr and Mrs. Bud Prosser and Wednesday in Boise at the H L. and family of Parma called at the Raymond Cartwright home. family of Pilot Rock. Ore . spent the B-Vard heme. Mr-. Byard is their John Thompson home Sunday after­ Mr and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water veek-end with his parents. Mr and daughter. noon. *nd Lcraine were Sunday dinner Mrs. Elmer Prosser. Little Terrv Mr. and Mr- John Frahmbach Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny, Mr ■ Sue-ts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prosser will remain with his grand'- have purchased the Taka-ugi farm, and Mrs. John Thompson, Harvey Jesses Higgins. parent- for a few days’ visit. They moved here frem Montana. Hatch, Miss Helen Hatch and Mr M. a..d Mr- Herb Thomas at- Mi-- Ilieen Fogleman of Nampa Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn had as Boyce Van De Water attended the tended the L e h " L 7 Z t ' o i Nampa guest for Sunday dinner Mar­ Farmer's Institute near Ontario T V .” n h X i ? I f a 1 l' yi-s;Ung her aunt and uncle, Mr. their t Wednesday. A large crowd was pre- evening' h * Ad a Saturday and Mr' B°.vce Van de Water, this v l’d Hutchison of Burn-. Mervel is receiving therapy treatments at the ent and enjoyed the free turkey din- M r^ H erb Thomas attended t h e t a s t * « ner sponsored by Ontario Branch ladies pinochle club at the home f iv I d k , ! thy . , Cleverly . . and ^ „ Mrs. Nyssa Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mr.-. M. L. Kurtz com­ U S. National Bank of Portland. Mr- L W D ie tin g F n d a v T fte -- " h: lpt'd Vlth the FK A' w // Several extension units modeled noon " ' fathei and -on banquet Friday even- bined business with plea.-ure Mon­ their better dress and coat. Helen Im. gene Eder. and Janice Jones lng *'*llch held in Adrian. day with a trip to Boise. They saw Hatch, her better dre.--. and Mr.-, were overnight guest- with their rfi't i!fn Vt B,r’? k T**, m the the Zub.zareia brothers, had dinner B yce Van De Water, her better p rent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and < „ . s. from U * A » » a B uttt. ^ Mr I called on the Virgil Hoffman's twin Harvey Hatch attended the live- grand nieces of Mrs. Kurtz proving at this time. stock sale in Ontario last Tuesday. M: John Thompson. „ Alice and Mr. Mary Brumbach attended Mrs. Don Ross, formerly Joan B< ok club Saturday afternoon at the Newkirk, will be substituting in the home of Mrs. Alva Watt in Parma. Adrian schools for Mrs. Charles Mi.-.- Clarice Nothei.- reviewed “The Newbill for a month. Mrs Newbill Giant by Edna Ferber is having trouble with her eyes. Mr and Mrs. Denver Edwards and The Earl Saari- have moved frim Mr. and Mr.- Dyre Roberts, Sharen , _, . TI * ^ \ L \ G 1 N E y o u rself sitting I N S I D E a circle o f hot radiators! and Karen were dinner guests at the 1 le Charles Harr:- place to the for- mer Lovelace place in Kingman Y o u ’d so o n feel pretty w ell “ co o k ed . ’ But if y o u sat D O W N on a radia­ j h-me of Mr. and Mrs. Babe Hamil­ Kjlony. They will be missed in this ton in Newell Height Sunday. tor, the application o f heat w o u ld he d ecid ed ly con cen tra ted . T h e same community. principle applies to .M onarch’s exclusive side heat co o k er. M o n a r c h ’s side Mr. and Mr.-. James Peterson, Mr. heat actually “ w raps” the heat around the fo o d — speeds c o o k in g — tenderizes and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mr. and m ore th o r o u g h ly — and hakes rather than stew s. N o need to stir — HERE S HOW CULLIGAN Mrs. A. M. Hammon and Mr. and Mrs. Durlin Hammon. Kay and Pete „ _ fo o d s d o n o t stick to b o tto m ! SOFT WATER SERVICE attended the Den Bi-hop-Barbara Mrs. Alva C kkm I ell Sanders wedding reception at the SAVES YOU MONEY! Phone 069-IU Nyssa take hou.-e Thursday. „ ~ ‘ ‘ ’ The Farm Bureau held their an- W ith soft water you’ll require ^ r„ ° yd. Reaver, Cleaver , ;iuai iun nigbt Saturday evening in from half to two-thirds lest and Mr. and Mr- George Cleaver the Willow Creek Grange hall. Those soap for dishes and laundry were in Nampa Friday. attending from Adrian were Mr. . . . and clothes washed in M r and Mrs. Willis Bertram. Mr. and Mrs Dick Krelgh Mr and Mrs. soft water wear 20% to * 0 % and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and Mr. and Huben Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Jake longer! Recognized authorise» Mrs. George Cleaver attended a Borge_ Mr and Tony Martinez, meeting of the Owyhee Riding club Mr and Mrs. Lee Saxton> have proved that hard water at the Walter Fox home Friday and sherrie, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn cost* the average family over $100.00 per yearl W ith C u l- eV" Ung' . . . T .. .... | Hurst, Mr. and Mrs Lynn Kyger, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and and ^ and Mrs Saxton. ligan Service you can have all Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were a- Mrs v<.rna Costley and children the filtered soft water you mong those who attended the Farm- had Sunday dmner at the Elvln need . . . without buying s ers Institute at Boulevard Grange Warden home water softener! Call us today. Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Durlin Hammon and Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. Ixiyd Adams visited L Judd atUnded county P _T A \ George Adams at the Nyssa hospital meeting in Nyssa Saturday. where he spent three days last week Mr. ard Mrs. C. R. Mills and Ross for observation. had Sunday dinner at the M. L. Mr. and Mrs. William Jensen and Kurtz home. Mr. and Mrs. Goodurn Peterson of The dealers of the Ford, Farmall, Marquette, , . . Nebr., , spent several Allis Chalmers and Case tractor days last week at the home of James compames demonstrated their trac- Stephen, Jr Mr Jensen is a broth- tors Saturday on ^ Jake , er of Mrs. Stephen. They were en— j arm route to Bremerton to visit two sons , Alan Hiari ceIebrated his eighlh P a y e t t e , I d a ., P h o n e 7 3 6 - W -------O r C a ll who are in the Navy and whose ship birthday Saturday with 20 of his News From Big Bend Newell Heights News “DeepHeet” Cooker Is DIFFERENT SIDE because it has HEAT Buena Visla CULLIGAN s e / tw â fà SERVICE Culligan Soft Water Service M r s . L lo y d L e w is , N y s s a 2 9 4 -J The Economical Way Is The Frozen Food Locker Plan BEEF IS LOW RRICED Fill up your locker or deep freeze now Let Our Experts Cure and Process Your Pork We Use Only the Best Obtainable Materials in Our Processing Plant. Our Smokehouse is Automatically Fired with Butane Heat, and We Use only Hardwood Sawdust for Smoke. Custom Butchering and Curing W e Butcher Beef for the Hide FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE Vi mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant Pkone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room i 13n/r ° C ! d th e rf , _. friends in attendance. The children Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Bishop have pIayed games and enjoyed the ; named their new son Donald Ray. freshments of ice cream, cake and Mrs. Lewis Baty and daughter of Buhl visited over the week-end with An alI. day Womens Farm Bureau her father, Will Cleaver, at the regional meeting was held in Adrian George Cleaver home. Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and state women.s chairman> and M/ s Sandra were Sunday dinner guests Alma Schroeder> state offical sec. at the Lloyd Cleaver home. retary, conducted leaders training Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and Mr. school. There was a potluck luncheon and Mrs. Lawrence Miller and daugh­ at noon. ter were guests Saturday evening at Mr. and Mrs, M O. Judd enter- the Loyd Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram at- , evening, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clea tended the theatre in Ontario Sun- ver- day evening and had refreshments j Burham Olnstead of Nebraska and at the Bertram home after the Joe Wheeler of Salem were over- I show. j night guests at the Glenn Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runcorn and home Friday They are Mrs. H off- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy, Sr., left man’s cousins Mr. and Mrs Lester Cleaver en­ Sunday for Portland on a business tertained at Wednesday evening din­ . trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy, Jr., and ner for Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver boys and Michel Runcorn were Sun­ and Alan. day dinner guests at the John Bowen home in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Topliff and daughter were Sunday dinner guests at the Don Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended The answer to everyday insurance problems* the wrestling matches at Ontario Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were Sunday evening dinner guests at By the John Murphy home in Nyssa. R A LPH Mrs. Eugene Stephen entertained Friday evening at a birthday party LAW RENCE for her husband’s birthday and for their wedding anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sterphen, Mr and Mrs. Fred Stephen and Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr. Refresh­ ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen en­ tertained at the Country club Sat­ urday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. John Strickland and Mr. and Mrs H l’ESTION: A letter from my Glen Strickland. parents informs me part of the The Cup and Saucer club, a new- roof on their house was blown off ly organized 4-H cooking club, held by a strong wind storm. Is it its first meeting last week at the Windstorm Insurance which cov­ home of the leader, Mrs. Eugene ers damage of that kind? Stephen, with 10 girls joining. ANSWER: That form of damage E. L. Jamison o f Nyssa was a Sun­ eould be covered by Windstorm day dinner guest at the home of his insurance but most people find it daughter, Mrs. Willis Bertram. leas expensive to handle It under Mrs. Wilson Winter took a group the Extended Coverage clause of 4-H members roller skating at which can be added to an or­ Ontario Saturday evening. dinary fire policy. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver en­ tertained at Sunday dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mangus Ekanger. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and boys, Mrs. | •If you’ll address your own In­ surance questions to this office, Lewis Baty and daughter, Will Clea­ we’ll try to give you the correct ver and Mr and Mrs Eugene Clea­ answers and there will be no ver. charge or obligation of any kind. Mr John Bowen of Vale, spent N y ssa In su ra n ce A g e n c y Friday at the LaVern Cleaver home. 105 Main St. Phone 51 Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver had a Uieir guest* ter dinner Friday UoujijCnf fe 'v y / Roast Chickan HERE ere three dishes you cm prepare better kelly with "Side Meet," m MONARCH’S Electric Range Model IMF. WE G IV E S & H GREEN STAM PS PETERSON FURNITURE Co. The DependabD Furniture Store N Y S S A — V A L E — O N T A R IO - PAYETTE THE GREAT NEW Safti-Flight Tire by F IS K Now Handled by BERRETT'S SERVICE For the discriminating car owner who wants the BEST and SAFEST in tires Change-over Special We W ill Give Free A Man's or Lady's Bulova Wrist W atch for Each Set of Old Passenger Tires. Lei's Trade Today! W e also carry a full line of Fisk truck tires BERRETT'S SERVICE Car