THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 5. 1953 Legal Advertising burial ut your navy Eastern Stars Hold Regular Meeting tc q v 'B i R5ERK" 19 OtBlvED FQOM VIKING S E A M E N W H O Nyssa Order oi Ea-iern Stars held their regular meeting Monday and patrons night was observed. Worthy matron Kathryn Simmons presented W orthy Patron Jaccb Simmons with a bountonniere and a memento and a song ot welcome was sung to past patrons by the Nyssa chapter mem bers. A fter the meeting, entertainment was provided by Masons and East ern Stars who dressed in comedy outfits. Refreshments were served by hosts and hostesses. M r and Mrs. Bert L:enkaemper and Mr and Mrs. Edward Boydell. ‘ BUOVB ” n a v ig a t io n a l L IF E S A V IN G S O T T m E i O TO S H O W C O U B A G E . REMOVED TMHQ AOM >a an O A lO S nam e B i DQOCO i NG T h E LAST t h QEE l CTTEDS of t f o u g h t 'BAPE5ARK T he n o o se w ood f o b th e BARE SHIRT. W OOD A X "B U O Y A N T ■ Stake Rose Prom Given In Nvssa The Nyssa stake Rose Prom was YAM EC®» held Saturday night at the stake is T h e n i c k n a m e G i v e n to house under the sponsorship of the Mr. and Mrs. J. El wood Minders an a m CP i C a n i o a D ino Mia Maids and Explorers. The nounce the engagement of their C A P T A IN S BV theme, "Moonlight and Roses” was DUTCH m e q c h a n t s daughter, Cieo Ann to Lorin C. effectively carried out in the pro WHO CALLED t h e m Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar gram and decorations. A large or * VANKEQ5 “ ence K. Saunders of Vale. An early W H IC H M EANT ange lighted moon shone on the June wedding is planned.— Photo by W RANGLERS garden of roses. Sehoen. During the floor show, members of the Vale ward danced to ‘ Moon beams” and sang ‘ Moonlight and Roses." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann and Wards in charge were, refresh ments, Nyssa 1st and Parma; ad family of Apple Valley were Sunday vertising and clean-up, Nyssa 2nd; dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl dance programs, Parma and floor Burningham. Mrs. Lester Chase (Barbara Tuek- show, Vale. Mrs. Alva Goodell Mrs. Frank Skeen and Richard jer) and son Dean arrived in Nyssa G n gg are stake leaders for the Mia to visit for two weeks at the home Phone 069-K1 Tales of palm trees flourishing on Maids and Explorers. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- the now-tmrren plains of eastern ❖ —❖ neth Tucker. Oregon and of tropical trees grow- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Mr and Mrs E CieaVer Brendles Entertain Diana Chandler has been sick this tag in the Willamette Valley are re- vealed by a unique study o f fossil ' ,.r Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle en- past week, and daughters and Mr. and Mrs tertained members of their Mr. and >|r. antj ;virs. James Morrison of wood deposits by two Oregon State Lester Cleaver and family were Sun college scientists. Mrs. bridge club at their home Mon- p arma visited Sunday at the home day dinner guests at the George day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 0f ancj j^rs j 0hn Barnett. Sat- Tim e is being rolled back some cleaver home. VVilson were guest players. Mr. and urcjay visitors at the Barnett home 30 million years by wood fossils that Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Mrs. Grant Rinehart won high and ,Vere M rs .H H Kingrey and Mrs. have long since changed to stone Alan were entertained at the John Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson won the j 3 en Sheets of Apple Valley but which are still remarkably well 3 o Wen home in Vale Sunday. Din- consolation prize. Jack C’Ufford of Ogden visited last Preserved. Nearly whole petrified ner was in observance o f Mrs. Cleav- ' trees, trunks and limbs are found er's birthday. week at the Frank Skeen home. Mrs. Wilton in great quantities throughout Ore- Barbara Tanner pent Friday and Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Grider left Jackson Honored Sunday on ¡£ | wm n m , n , Bend, Post and Burns. two gjris attended the Emmett-Nys- Mrs. T. J. Hillman gave a dinner to Arizona and California. , Despite the tremendous sources of sa game. party Saturday night to honor her Mr. and Mrs. Agner Jensen and material in the Northwest, practical- Mr and Mrs. Guy Tanner called daughter, Mrs. Wilton Jackson on her birthday anniversary. Quests in Jean Marie of Payette and Mr. and t jy nothing has been done with wood on Mrs. Alta Pekkala in Ontario cluded, Mrs. W ilton Jackson on her Mrs. M. E. Jensen visited Sunday a t . fossiLs. The q s c research by Dr H. Sunday, I l . Hergert, research chemist for the birthday anniversary. Guests in the J. E. Brower home. Bobby Lou Attebery attended a Oregon Forest Products laboratory, cluded Mr. and Mrs. W illiam W ahl B U ILD IN G PERMITS party for her cousin, Roxie Ann A t and Dr. Harry K Phinney, associate ert and family and Mrs. Nora L. tebery Sunday in Vale. professor of botany and geology, Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. ( arl Burninghom represents the first big-scale benture C. K. Olson. and family were in Salt Lake from into the fiejd ». Dorothy Erwin Thursday until Sunday of last week 1. Entertains League visiting friends and relatives. 1. Members o f the Young Adult class Mr. and Mrs. Koy Barnes visited of leaf floras. The wood deposits Hulin and Son,^ Builders of the Methodist church met Sun in Fruitland Sunday evening at the Jan. 28, Enlarge building, 15x30 have the advantage over the leaf day night at the home of Miss Doro Emerson Bingaman home. | studies in that perhaps 8 or 10 times j thy Erwin in Apple Valley. Keith Mr. and Mrs, Ray Bouns of Boise Herman led the devotions and Mrs. > were dinner guests Saturday night at as many characteristics are avail lock. able for more-exact identifications. Tom Nishizaki o f Ontario had the Chester Bowns home. charge o f the program. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison ar Miss Deloras Coffm an was elected rived home Thursday from San P e new insight into a distant past that John G. O'Toole president o f the group upon resigna dro, Calif., where they spent a week was much different from the Oregon 20x20, masonry, Lot 2, Block ] o f today. tion o f Mrs. Nishizaki. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Duane H ol Teutsch addition, $1,000, Sam Hath The fossils tell of trees, for exam <•—+ comb. oway, Signal Oil Co. Mrs. Mitchell Entertained | Mrs. T. J. Hillman returned Sun ple, that are now extinct or found Feb 15, Construct building. 37x2< Mrs. D. E. Mitchell was honored day to her home in Victorville, Calif., in far different climates. The semi- Reece and 7th, Block 13, $8,000 Ken tropical forests revealed by the fos at a surprise party given at her after visiting two weeks at the home neth Pond. home Monday evening. Guests were o f her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. sils and earlier leaf deposits are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Myrlck, Mr. and Mrs. W ilton Jackson. Accom- representative today o f the Indo- GRANDSON ARRIVES j vr„ and Mrs. C lifford Beckstead, Mr. and panying her grandmother to Cali China area. Mrs. Noel Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. fornia for an extended visit was Swamp cypress, a deep south tree newick, Wash., formerly of Nyssa Lyle Miner, Mrs. Mamie Baker and Caren Jackson. of the present time: Katsura, which are parents of a son, Rodney J. Me Mrs. J. R. Dougal of Boise visited J grows throughout Japan Trocho- Mrs. Violet Ure. over the week-end at the home of China; and many other exotic spe- Kee. her sister, Mrs. George McKee. Birthday Party __________________ Annette Cohen was an over-night cies have been found once natives of Judy Gorrell was honored on her “ Hors de combat" means disable« 12th birthday at a party given for guest Thursday o f Nancy Skeen. The Oregon. Dr. Hergert and Dr. Phin- ney have found too, however, t h a t ! from fighting. her by her mother, Mrs. Jim G rlffen. event was Nancy’s birthday. Mrs. Royal Carver of Plain City even in those days trees were both- The legal definition o f ‘ ‘infant' Thursday evening seven o f her fri ends gathered to help her celebrate. visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. | ered by wood insects and diseases. | is any person not o f age. Frank Skeen. Ice cream and cake were served. .j.__ Mrs. Roy Rookstool and children and Pvt. and Mrs. Robert Rookstool Pvt. a n d Mrs. Robert were in Boise Friday. A U T O M A T IC LAN D L E V E L » LOCAL NEWS Palm Trees Once Florished Here Buena Vista A N D H Y D R A U L IC S C R A P E R wrnmmtmmmmwmmmmmm n infle r ¡SI T #0 f/hcjH o** "‘5 & W m »*■ $«* 11 1» Light Draft Large Copocity Short Turning Radiut for Two Plow and Three Plow Tractort Springtooth Attachment Available for Modelt 9, 12 and 289 in lube service as there is in Phone 117 $ 1.00 Offer Good to March 15. SCHOEN PORTRAITS Phone 227-J 114 South 3rd St. Nyssa. Oregon Weekend B R A C K I E N ’ 5 1 ” c _ s p e c ia ls DENIM MEN'S WORK „ 36-in. wide— Blue—Green PANTS g Red—Brown — Grey ^ Thur.-Fri.-Sai.-Mon. only I 9 < Yd. SEERSUCKER Permanent Finish ~ g Sanforized Whipcords M 36-in. wide — Striped—Gret I 9 < Green—Brown — Red ~ Sizes 29 to 44 M SHIRTS ^ o Green MEN'S WORK . A H |1“ Blue Chambray Sizes 14 Vie to 17 MEN'S PRINT SKIRTS C WORK SOCKS ¿ Exclusive fe ature All Models. Wheeli at endt of blade, feel out the h ig h placet ond lo w placet and move the blade up and down AUTOMATICALLY to cut and fill. Plan now to u»e an Everiman thlt FALL for needed leveling and dirt moving. Fill thote pot hole« and gullie»— improve drainage. Now you con level ond harrow In tho tamo operation with tho now Everiman ipringtooth ottachmont. Savet o leporoto harrowing — will ridge fields to prevent blow ing— producet a tuperlor teed bed, especially for winter wheat. Come in today for FULL DETAILS. ® Phone 142 i t ^ Random Color Pr. LADIES' 4 ANKLETS Continuous Rib Sizes 6 to 11 Rag. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. only J 9 c BRACKEN'S Now 39c Open Eveiy Saturday LADIES' BLOUSES ^ Assorted Sizes and Colors Night Until 9 o'clock > 9 C Dry Goods HOLLINGSWORTHS', Inc. SOS Main f Sizes 10 to 12 Hydraulic Models for Wheel Tractort Small and Large Crawlers cars. -Ai/r 6 for Billfold Size Prints Ankle Length There's just as much BERRETT'S Service and Caie S 2 -8 9 Size 22 to 30 Mechanical Models Our technicians believe in taking time to do a careful, thorough job. PORTRAIT Thura.-Fri.-Sat. only Dinner Guests difference Gold Toned Yd. Expert Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson of Homedale were dinner guests Tues day evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaw. 8x10 The Northeast Quarter o f the Northwest Quarter (N E S N W 1.) of Section Fifteen (15), Town ship Thirty-one (31) South, Range Forty-four (44) E.W.M. Bids for said property must be in 1 " Hereford Breeders Plan Annual Show Tne annual -prtng sh«.w and sale -taged by the Ea-tern Oregon Here ford Breeders' association is sched uled for March 19 and 20 at the fairgrounds In Ontario. A total of 60 bulls and 25 females have been consigned from leading herds of the area, including Fay C >rn of Ny -a Commercial range producers of Oregon. Idaho, Nevada and Washington are expected to be on hand to view the cattle program starting at 1 p. m March 19 The main event of the two-day program, the auction sale, will begin at I p. m. March 20 with Ellis White of Ontario as auctioneer. Home prepared food will be fea tured at a banquet and entertain ment scheduled for 7 p. m. the first PLANS MADE FOB day at the Ontario veterans hall. ANNUAL BANQUET Si Williams of Hermiston is the Mrs W O. Peterson and Mrs. show manager. Walker Low are chairmen in charge Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinley of the arrangements for the annual Junior Women's Amity club ban were dinner guests Saturday at the quet to be held at the Payette Coun- home o f Mr and Mrs. F. S. Webster in Payette. Sunday they were dinner , try club. Friday is the date set for the a f guests o f Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Allen at Payette. fair. NOTICE OF SALE In the County Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur In the Matter of the Estate of Mallie J. Greeley. Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that un der and by virtue of an order o f the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, made ; and entered on the 30th day o f De cember, 1952, in the matter o f the estate of Mallie J. Greeley, deceased, the undersigned, as Administrator of said estate, will sell at private sale, for cash or upon such terms and considerations as shall be to the best interests of said estate, the follow ing described real property situate in Malheur County, State o f Oregon, to-wit: Rookstool Honored Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool en A t Winchester Bay this season tertained at a dinner Sunday in hon 29,500 anglers caught over 18.500 or of their son and daughter-in-law, salmon, weighing nearly 102 tons. Pvt. and Mrs. Robert Rookstool. They have been visiting friends and relatives in Nyssa and Homedale for the past 10 days. Guests included Mr and Mrs. Curt Eason and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ga- ton Eason and family. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tibbet and Mrs. Blaine of Homedale; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rookstool o f Parma; Mrs. Fern Thompson and family o f Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shoemaker o f Payette. Pvt. Rookstool left Tuesday for New Jersey to await assignment in the European theater. + — + cha.-e price effered, t gether the terms of payment oi ,-ame, and must be filed with the undersigned at the office of Harold Henigson. at torney for the Administrator herein, at 106 Main Street in the City of N.V'-a. Malheur County, Oregon, on and after the 30th day of March, 1953 Th at a deed will be executed to the best and highest bidder there for, subject to the right of said Ad ministrator to reject any and all bids and subject to confirmation of sale by the above entitled Court. Dated this 20th day of February. 1953 Everett L. Miller Administrator of the Estate of Mallie J Greeley, deceased. First Publication Feb 26. 1953. La-t Publication March 26. 1953. NOTICE O f E Q U A LIZ A T IO N NOTICE is hereby given, that the B ard of Directors o f the Owyhee Irrigat.on District, sitting a- a Board f Equalization, will meet on the 16th day o f March. 1953 at 8 00 >‘ck»ck P M of .vaid day at its office m N yssa , Oregon, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the as- -essment roll and apportionment of charges for operation and mainten ance for the water season of 1953 The assessment for the estimated cost of operation and maintenance >f the North Board of Control of the Owyhee Project, allocable to the Owyhee Irrigation District, expenses of administration, reserve for de linquencies in collections and gen eral reserve is $165 per irrigable acre; the assessment for construc tion charges for 1953 is $2.10 per irrigable acre The assessment for operation and maintenance and the first half of construction charges to $5 70 will be payable on and after March 16. 1953 and will become delinquent on and after April 10, 1953 Interest will be charged on all delinquent assessments at the rate o i 4 o f 1% per month or any fraction thereof on and after April 10. 1953 The assessment roll and records relating thereto may be inspected at the office of the District by any in terested person during office hours of each business day. By order of the Board of Directors. OW YHEE IR R IG A T IO N D IS T R IC T By Harold Henigson, Secretary. I First publication Feb. 19. 1953. Last publication Mar. 12, 1953. , PAGE F IV E Shoes Clothing 1^1 a r a d n * c [C ll S Your Quality Store X Ray Shoe Fitting