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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 5. 1953 VAGE FOUR a-rd k came from Quincy Wa. h. ter. Caroline of LaO rande H. z ba W a t i 1 t\ IN overnight 'Tue day with t ..t-r au-'.t V. ..tit ICn. p ia i« „ . Idren are staj a id ancle. Mr and Mr Chapin. in 4 here for ■ > - tiir*e ** * *h . L o i* < oun sll Mr E J Hch -n, M: H mer he gets the hou e built for them Phone O ll-JI 3: vir, Mr Jame» Lai there Mr-). Carrie Hill of B. . e and Mr- George Schweizer wert ni B i-e Tue day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price, Sr.. Ira. Mainon H.lli J r: a: C n : Ifn o r e Jr„ and Joel attended the Farm • health club met Thur-day, Feb. 19 Bureau'^ fun night at Willow Creek of Hjm edale were Sunday after in Boi-e Tuesday on bu.-im noon visitor:) at the home o f Mr at the school building. Two songs, Saturday. II IN PIANO Ki t IT »L Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs Wal Hill. "Sm ile” and “ It Is No Secret" were Piano students o f Barbara Atte- Patty Flanagan was out of school led by Amadna Rios and Larry Kenneth Price and Rodney visited Glenn. Reports on Good Eating at his parent’s home and in the last week with an infected toe. After bery were presented in recital Sun Habits were given by Judy Wilson evening Mr. and Mrs. Don Share the doctor operated on it it has im day, Feb 22. at her home Part.cip.i- ting were Larry and Leslie Snyder, and Stephen Benedict. Mrs. Tressie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. proved and she Is going to school Rex and Keith Langley, Barbara King, club leader, talked on Eating Ira Price. thin week. Brewer, Mile Wilson, Lana Rice, Habits. Me and Mrs. Jame> Robb o f Moses Saturday Mrs. S. E Flanagan, Judy Wilson. Kent Mann, Diane Low A skit, "Th e Safety P lay” was giv Lake came Sunday. They are going Terry and Patty went to Boise. and Leitha Woodard. en with the following characters: to take back some o f their grain Sunday, Elver Nielsen. E ven doctor, Dale Taylor; nurse. Dianne and seed grains, as they return Chard and Doyn Price drove up to Use Journal Classified Ads Maulding; Linda. Linda Hipp; Gene, Tuesday. above Vale to help straighten M ar Larry Glenn; Carol, Teresa Bing Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price gave a ion Chard’s truck which upset with ham; Bobby, David Poulson; Fran birthday party last Monday for their •a load o f hay. The driver was not cis, Linda Moncur and Leslie, Benny mall son. Joel. There were 18 small injured, only brui-t-d and the truck Montoya. guests. Those present were Mrs. H was not badly damaged Mrs. Chard, Okano and Bobby, Mrs. Harold Sny- Mrs. Nielsen and her sons went to Attend Anniversary Party der and Royal, Mrs. Kenneth Price Mrs. Doyn Price home to spend the Mr. and Mr J. C. Smith attended f Adrian and Rodney, Billy Martin a silver wedding anniversary party f Owyhee Corners, Kathy, Jodie for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fritts in and Jackie Strickland, Margie Mar- Apple Valley Sunday. The party was t:n, Axel, Mark and Maryln Stephen, held in the new auditorium of the Bruce and Linda Chadd, Eldon and school. LaVerne Widmer, and Joel. Mrs. Don A potluck dinner was served and a Share helped her mother serve a program given for 100 guests pn - birthday cake, ice cream and punch, ent. The honored couple received after the small guests had played games for some time and Joel had opened his gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell ate Sunday dinner at the home of his parents, M r and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell Mr and Mrs. O. H. Schweizer went to Reno Friday to visit their son. Bud, and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Notheis gave a surprise birthday supper for their daughter, Clarice, Saturday night. Miss Zwemke o f Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweizer and Mrs. Mildred Hue o f Nyssa were guests. Saturday evening, a group of friends had a party for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dimmick at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fyllingness. General W.S.C.S. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Homer Didericksen Tiie regular meeting o f the WSCS of the Methodist church will be held were host and hostess at the Claude in the church basement at 8 o'clock, Wilson home for a card party. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thursday evening of this week. The program entitled, "Youth and Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson, the Church” will be presented by the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin, Mr. M. Y. F. group and their sponsors, and Mrs. Elver Nielsen, Mr. and i I A d ib iti their adaptability to circumstances and their respect for the patterns t>f nature, and described graphically the formation o f certain -imple Jap anese words written in pictographs. At the dinner which followed Rev. Ya.saki's talk, the group listened to Japanc-e songs uni, by Patsy Yone- yama of Nyssa. The day's activities were climaxed I ( - presented in the evening at the Japanese community building. The plays were spoken in Japanese and accompanied by string instruments and occasional -inging. The first of the serie o f Delta Kappa Gamma meetings on the In tercultural theme was held in Jan uary at the D ill House in Nyssa and featured Mrs Lloyd Wilson whose talk on her homeland was part of the club's ob ervance of its "Eng lish Neighbors.” 'Our Basque Neigh bors” will be featured a the third program in the series at the so ciety’s March meeting Mr. and Mrs. Club Meets Renstrom Insurance Agency We A re Pleased io Introduce Ourselves to Patrons of B R O W N IE 'S CAFE, And to Slate That It W ill Be Our Policy to Continue . . . . Mr. and Mr- Warren Farmer en tertained members of their Mr. and Mrs club at their home Wednesday evening. Guests were Dr and Mrs. John Olsen. Mrs. Grant Lewis held high score and Edward Boydell held Mr and Mrs. Charles Steffen-. The women extend a special invitation second high. to the parents o f the young people and to the men o f the church. Courteous Service Accomodations for Luncheon Parties Special Attention to Family Groups Sunday Dinner Guests Sunday dinner guests of Roger Young People Meet Barnes were Dannie and Donnie Members o f the C. Y F. o f the Bingaman o f Fhuitland and Bobby Christian church met last Wednes Pond. day evening for a “ Song Fest.” Entertain Employees Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner en tertained employees of “ Everybodys” and their husbands and wives at a potluck dinner Saturday evening. T h e evening was spent informally. Mrs. W yckoff Entertains Mrs. Dwight W yckoff entertained at a bridge foursome Friday evening at her home. Guests included Mrs. Huston Wilson, Mrs. Edward Boy dell and Mrs. Herb Smith. Enjoy Rollar Skating Party Members o f the Junior class of the Christian church had a roller skating party Friday night in On tario. Accompanying them was their teacher, Mrs. Roy Barnes and Mr. Barnes. At the close of the evening the group had softies. Nine boys and girls attended. Sgt. and Mrs. Howard Honored Mrs Bill Norman gave a party Wednesday evening in honor of Sgt. and Mrs. Bill Howurd o f Treasure Island, Oalif. Guests included Mr and Mrs. Ray FY>x, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coleman and Mr and Mrs. Gene Ventrees. Mrs. Herb Fischer Entertains Bill and Lyda Kohl Funeral Services Held for Pioneer John Isaac Boston was born M ay 2, 1875 at Kirkwood, 111. and, while a small child, moved with his par ents to Nebraska and later to Wash ington county, Kans., where he lived until he was 21 years old. Jan. 6, 1903 he was married to Anna M Smith and farmed in I l l i nois until moving to Idaho with his family in 1908 He made his home in Apple Valley until last August when he and his wife went to C a li fornia to be with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Howard Jamison. He died there Feb 14, 1953 Surviving besides his wife are three sons, John Raymond, P o rt land; Earl Eugene, Parma, and Roy Wilson, Orchard, Wash., and one daughter, Mary E. Jamison, Napa, Calif. One son, Henry S,. died in Nov., 1949 He also left 18 grand children, four brothers and four sisters and several nephews and nieces. Funeral services were held at the Apple Valley community church Feb 20, with the Rev. H, G. McCaUister of the Nyssa Methodist church officiating. Music was fu r nished by Mi and Mrs Dwight S e ward and Interment was In Parma cemetery with the Nyssa Fhmeral home in charge. Mrs. Herb Fischer entertained members of her bridge club W ed nesday evening. Feb. 25. with Mrs Tom Eldredge as a guest player. Mrs. Ward Tyler won high score, Ten members were present at the Mrs Ray Russell won low and Mrs. Buz/mg Needles 4-H sewing club Glenn Kenaston won thi traveling held at the home of Rena Dirksen prize. F>b 21. Instructions and demonstrations on posture and modeling clothes Tuesday Afternoon Club were given by the club's leader, Mrs. Meets At Pavette Mrs. Bernard Frost entertained A Hickman. Catherine Coleman and Lynnette Hickman gave a demon members o f her Tuesday afternoon stration on how to iron a slip pro bridge club at her home In Payette. perly Dolores Van Zelf demonstra Mrs Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs. ted polishing shoes. Frost's sister were guests. The The sewing club enjoyed sampling Oeorge Washington theme was car cookies the Oregon T ra il cooking ried through-out the decoration antf club brought to be Judged. For en tertainment Dolores Van Zelf sang dessert, Mrs Herb Fischer won high score a song and Rena Dirksen sang a and Mrs. Henry Hartley won sec Dutch song. Refreshments o f cook ies. punch and ice cream were ser ond high. ved by the hostess, Mrs. Joe D irk sen. Griders Entertain The next meeting will be at the Mr and Mr-- Charley Grider were home of Catherine Ooleman March host and hostess to guests for two tables o f bridge Saturday night at their home. Mr and Mrs. Tom Eld- Th e date o í Jesus' birth is placed rldgc were high score prize winners. at 4 B C. Dick and Sadie Butcher 113 Main Phone 160 Here is Chrysler Quality SURPRISINGLY LOW COST Buzzing Needles 4-H Hold Meeting Nyssa Elevator • I f you’re “ budget-minded,” this may astonish you . . ; « . . . this stunning new Chrysler Windsor can be had for little more than a low-priced car with all its extras! • Here’s Chrysler quality and prestige at modest cost. Plus Chrysler size, comfort, and safety, too! • Famous Spitfire engine is a joy to command . . . in every driving situation! • Full-time Power Steering, if you wish it, lets you turn and park with the gentlest of guidance. No wheel fight, ever! The beautiful CHRYSLER WINDSOR Phone 42 A 5-LB. BAG OF CHICK STARTER W IL L BE GIVEN W ITH EACH ORDER OF 100 CHICKS WAGGONER MOTOR CO one of Americas first family of fine cars !