'V i é f e í J A k J OURNAL NYSSA VOLUME XXXXVIIT NO. 3 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 5. 1353 Lira Department Saves Polalces In Aii-Nighi Fighl Nys^a volunteer firemen saved ap- ■ proximately 10 000 bags of certified ■ seed potatoes Tuesday night and ■ early Wednesday morning after fire ■ brake out on the roof of a J. C. Wat- ■ son potato cellar four miles south of 1 Nyssa on the Adrian highway. The fire started sometime before 8 o’clock in baled straw on the east <: end of the storage cellar rocf and it . j was necessary for the firemen to W pour water onto the fire that spread * in the straw. Most of the volunteers £ answering the rural alarm remained I on duty all night and the truck and part of the firemen continued on the fj job until Wednesday noon. It is believed that a large part of ¡¡t the potatoes can be saved, since the actual fire was on the storage roof <- and water that drained onto the K stored potatoes is reported to have done no damage. Fire Chief Frank Morris and two employees of the J. C. Watson Co. from Parma were overcome by £ smoke and given emergency treat­ ment at the Malheur Memorial hos­ pital. There conditions are reported T not serious. Some difficuty was encountered in getting a water supply when the de- jjg partment first answered the call and III after the contents of the rural truck tank was used. The truck came back I to Nyssa for more water and later I in the evening an irrigation pump I was started at a farm west of the I storage cellar. It was necessary to f pump the water into a lateral ditch [ where the fire truck pumper was able to get a continuing source of water. Additional water was obtained from a tanker brought to the fire by the Parma fire department and by equipment supplied by the Des­ sert Sheep Co. A false alarm and wrong directions sent the department on a dry run earlier in the evening. Workmen were burning weeds near the rodeo grounds and someone turned in an alarm, but gave the wrong address. The burning of 'he weeds was being supervised ana under constant ob­ servation. 8 Red Cross Drive - ja ■wifeiSi oirinan Sought ncy will be ht aunt i daces most ea c mmunity. Thiis was the decision f irrived at during a meetii ig of the Malheur count y chapter of the H cd Cro. v last Friday at the O n !, ario home of Fr,ink Ryan, chapter hoine service chairman. Gle■nn Burton, manager of B & M Farm Equipment Co., ha' been ap- pointed Ny>sa Fiind Drive iohairman. who announcedl Wedne- day that team captains would be selected within the next :few days t spacious building, showing the no- voted Wednesday in favor of a state bell, this will bring about the federal Carl Schaltes, agricultural com ­ was focusing his lens on them, the store on its opening day last Thors- lions counters and yardage goods legislative bill which would eliminate the justice courts in Malheur county mittee chairman, led a general dis­ allottment of beet acreage to keep persons in the aOove picture were lay. The photograph is a quarter shelving.—Photo by Yost, and replace them with a district cussion on weed and gopher control. sugar production within the limita­ but a few of the several hundred who view looking to the left front of the tions of the sugar act. court. The action followed investiga­ He reported on a meeting held in Although the local sugar company tion by a special committee chair- February at Ontario for all agri- is still taking contracts for this maned by Clifford Mink. The com ­ \ cultural chairmen who discussed year's crop, federal allottment of mittee. after three meetings, re­ , dairy improvement. acreage will undoubtedly be invoked ported that justices of tiro peace are The Saturday meeting was attend- here next year if imposed elsewhere, not required to have training or ex­ d by 44J members. Zobell explained. Such allottments perience in law and have no author­ would be based on past acreages ity to instruct a jury. A justice court contracted in the Nyssa area. is not a court of record, the com ­ A hearing for Rena Ditty, operator The sugar act provisions have not mittee reported. of the Rainbow hotel in Nyssn, who been imposed here since 1940, it was Final details of the Junior Cham­ A Civil Defense meeting for ob­ was charged Feb. 16 with contempt Regarding the proposed district pointed out by Zobell, who encour­ ber of commerce charter night pro­ server post personnel is scheduled at of court, was postponed fer one week ( court, it was reported that a judge aged farmers who intend to contract the Nyssa city hall for 7:30 p. m. late Tuesday afternoon by Circuit gram were completed during the must be a lawyer, the court would be with the sugar company this year Monday. March 16, Paul Penrod an- 1 Judge M. A. Biggs, it was announced i Tuesday night session of the Jay- one of record. It would pay its own, _ , . . .. , , . . .. to do so during this month. . . ., . . .. , featurday is the date set for the Wednesday ml District Attorney cees' board o f directors. nounced. way and similar courts In other parts „ Zobell reported that beet crops in . L . . , . , ! second annual Junior Dairy Day, The chartering program will be of Oregon have operated successfully 1 The meeting was arranged by the Charles Swan. sponsored by the Jersey Cattle club California looked good. Some of The hearing was originally set for held Saturday. March 14. 8 p. m„ at since 1913. Mink said further find- Boise filter center for Civil Defense for benefit of Future Farmers of | them, he said, would be harvested In the high school. Keith Baird of On­ ings are that one-third of Oregon’s with Maj. T. A. Burden of the Boise Thursday of this week, but the de­ America chapters and 4-H clubs of two to three months while others center scheduled to assist in organ- i fendant told the court "she was un­ tario, Jaycees state director, will people now have district courts and Malheur county. are now being planted. serve as toastmaster. able to obtain legal counsel” and no Justices of the peace. The pro­ izing observers here. Planting operations are just be­ Starting at 2 p. m„ the program Presenting the charter will be posed district court would also serve ginning here. Acreage will be con­ It was explained that Nyssa is now asked for extended time. According will be held in the Little Theatre of in a semi-alert category, not because to the district attorney, March 12 is Larry Moore of Portland, state Jay­ as a small claims court, the commit­ the high school. Irvin Hart, Vale, is siderably in excess of that of last cees president. Marvin Wilson, presi­ tee reported. year. o f danger o f attack in this area, but the final date for the hearing. president of the host club. Contempt of court proceedings dent, will receive the charter on be­ The proposed legislation would a- \ Accompanied by his wife, Zobell because Nyssa is the last point south Several authorities on cattle breed­ were filed following a raid by state half o f the Nyssa chapter. bolish the justice courts in Malheur als«\spent tim* visiting with friends of Canadian border points and is ing are spotted On the program, A1 Krieg of Portland, national di­ county’s three towns and replace headed by Jens Svlnth, Portland, and a brother at San Diego. strategically located Ifom both north police'dfle morning of Feb. 15. After and west points to give warning in a previous raid at the Rainbow April rector, U. S. Junior Chamber of them with a district court for the western field man for the American the event of aerial attacks from 20, 1952, a permanent injunction was | Commerce, is scheduled as guest county. The court would be estab­ Jersey club, with offices at Colum­ entered forever restraining the Rain­ speaker. lished in the county seat and would “ the top of the world.” bus, O. bow premises from being used for Job’s Daughters will serve the din­ hold court “ from time to time In A code for transmittal of warn­ immoral purposes. Others will be Royce Roberts, ner and furnish musical entertain­ each of the three largest cities," the ings has already been planned for City Manager E K Burton report­ The defendant assured the couitt ment, including dinner music. Ac­ bill reads, interpreted as meaning manager, Malheur Dairy Breeders’ Nyssa. that “ no dilatory action would be j companist will be Miss Ann Mae that Nyssa and Ontario would have association; Ray Olson, Guernsey ed this week that he had received City Manager E. K. Burton return­ Cattle club, and Louis Wettstein, no notice of any kind from the*5tate Penrod said that individuals, pre­ taken” regarding the contempt ed Monday morning from Portland court as needed to take care of cases Fife. Holstein Cattle club. Sanitary Authority regarding air where he attended the annual con­ ferably those able to serve as a team charges and date of hearing. Charter night arrangements com ­ formerly handled by the Justice Also on the program will be an pollution in Nyssa. Burton said that vention of city managers held there of two, are wanted for special as­ mittee chairman is Kenny Chard. court, in addition to some cases that FFA parliamentary procedure dem­ inquiries have been made regarding last Friday and Saturday. Repre­ signments. Local persons, who ex­ Ticket committee chairman Is Bill now go to the circuit court. onstration by Ronald Peterson, Ad­ statements that an adverse report pect to be permanent residents here sentatives from cities in Oregon, Blodgett. The bill also provides that the rian, and Donald Good, Ontario. had been made about the city, but Washington and Idaho were in at­ and not subject to call to the arm­ Guests at the board session were change would not be made until the Music will be furnished by the 4-H no information of any kind has been ed forces, are wanted for part time tendance and the group voted to Dr. George Cobern, Vern Cleaver, expiration of the terms of existing clubs. officially released here by either form an association for ythe north­ duty and to receive training in the Harry Boles, Tom Church and Don | justices of the peace, and the justice Refreshments will be served by the the State Sanitary Authority or the west region to include the states event of an emergency. Herron. I with the longest tenure In office ladles of the Jersey Cattle club, with Air Pollution Authority. represented in addition to Montana. All phases of plans made by the Also discussed were plans for the ) would be eligible as the district Mrs. Louis Smith in charge. The city manager stated that rou­ Sessions were informal, Burton Civil Defense department will be ex­ Jaycees’ Easter Egg Hunt, scheduled judge if he could qualify as required Arrangements for the Junior Day tine tests had been made here at dif­ said, and valuable information was plained at the meeting and movies for Saturday, April 4. L. L. Wright by law. Big Bend—A history of the Big were made by E. M. Houser, Ontario; ferent times, but the results of tests gained from discussion of city pro­ 1 will be shown. The general public is Bend community highlighted a foun­ was named chairman, to be assisted A district Judge would receive an William Toomb, Adrian, and Charlie made this winter have not been an­ ' invited to the meeting. blems and management. ders day program last Thursday by Jerry Stengel and Jim Nicholson. annual salary of $6,000 paid by the Grider, Nyssa. nounced. About 800 youngsters are expected county. night at the Lower Bend P.-T.A. meeting at the school house. Mrs. to participate. There will be 2,000 Donald K. Meldrum and J. R. Mary Brumbach, who came west in colored eggs hidden in the city park Winchell, representing the Beet 1902 and took an active part in help­ and the assistance of the Boy Scouts Sugar Refinery Employees union, ing build a progressive community, will be given in 1 policing” the area asked the chamber to oppose bills told of activities of those who came prior to the time for the search. that have been introduced in the The Chamber or Commerce voted Oregon legislature that would hinder here soon after the turn of the cen­ Law enforcement is something of large number of children and moth­ tury. Saturday to assist the Jaycees with unions. Meldrum explained that one If the Nyssa volunteer fire depart­ 1952 was at the Amalgamated Sugar many definitions, innumerable in­ ers with small children who must use Many of the pioneers came here funds to buy eggs or prizes and final of the bills would eliminate the terpretations and a variety of phases the cross-walks and be on the alert and invested in mining operations action will be taken by the special closed shop and another would make ment received compensation for Co. May 13 when approximately their work in protecting homes and $150,000 damage was done to ma­ that involves the general public’s for cars that use Nyssa’s Main street, along the Snake river and in 1905 events committee. any one member o f a union respon­ other property of the Nyssa area terials stored in a warehouse and to cooperation and understanding, both as the town’s principal thor­ the Wade school was constructed, sible for actions of all other mem­ from destruction by fire, the public the structure Itself. The only cas­ Chief of Police Arnold Sortland oughfare and a state highway. “The the historian said. The Big Bend bers. would “owe them something like ualty recorded during the year was pedestrains also have a responsibility commented this week. No law en­ park, an eight-acre tract, was level­ President Jake Fischer referred $20,411 for the work they did in at a dwelling where a woman was forcement body can carry out its of considering the traffic problem ed. trees were planted and a vast the question to the legislative com ­ 1952," it was revealed this week when overcome by smoke and was revived duties without the support o f the and of using designated cross-walks lawn was seeded. The park was dedi­ mittee composed o f Mink, Harold the annual fire department report by the firemen, who used the de­ public, which must have full confi­ Instead of Jay-walking in the mid­ cated in March, 1912 for the bene- Henigson and Clyde Snider. The partment resuscltator. was made. dence in its officers, whether they dle of the block,” he said. (Continued on Page 12) numbers o f the bills referred to are In establishing the “ imaginary Something that definitely is being are federal, state or local, he stated. During last year, the fire fighters unknown and copies are to be ob­ Dollar Days will come to Nyssa tained and studied. The new chief of police, who has given a lot o f study along with strong answered 37 calls in the city and dollar figures” to emphasize the March 19, 20 and 21 according to served several years as a law en­ persuasion o f the local police force only one of them was a false alarm. work that has been done by the de­ plans recently made and announced Assistant Fire Chief Ralph Lawr­ partment if firemen were paid, forcement officer, went on to ex­ is the pedestrians' rights on the this week by the merchants’ pro­ ence. who compiles the annual rec­ Lawrence said that Nyssa’s volun­ plain that a theory, not altogether sidewalks throughout town, Sortland Arcadia — The Arcadia Sunshine motion committee of the Chamber ords, reported that a total o f 511 teers receive no remuneration for new, is that police officers should said. He went on to explain that the club Is sponsoring a one-act play to of commerce, of which Fred Bracken men responded to the 37 alarms and any of their work. In many localities make every effort to encourage rec­ problem is not serious this time of be given Tuesday at the Arcadia Apple Valley—Word was received the time involved amounted to only volunteer firemen receive from $1 ognition o f existing laws, rather year, but definitely is a problem school house. The play will be free, is chairman. Glenn Burton has been named here last week o f the tragic accident 17 hours on duty, not counting the to $2.50 for every fire call and $1 or than to build up a record on the during the summer months. Loiterers but each member is being asked to number of arrests and convictions who “gang up” in large groups fre­ bring a pie to be bought by the men. special chairman of the Dollar Days which snuffed out the life of two runs to and from the fires or extra $1.50 an hour for the time they de­ quently make it difficut for those There will also be a cake walk. affair, which will be participated in and one-half year-old Sam Matzen. time needed to clean equipment, vote to fire fighting In places where over a set period o f time. He called attention to traffic regu­ using the sidewalks to pass down All the proceeds will go to the by all merchants and other business­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Matzen of check hoses and arrange everything firemen are paid it Is usually cus­ Izee, Ore., Tuesday afternoon. In order for the next alarm. An tomary to pay them for practice lations which are always a problem the street, so efforts are now being Malheur Memorial hospital polio men o f the community. The boy was playing in back of average of 10 firemen responded to sessions, too, he said. Others on the committee Include in a town that has not grown to the made to discourage any tendancy to fund. The $20,411 is a total based on The name o f the plav Is “ Henry Bob Wilson, Harold Brendle, Eddie the p«st office where his father Is each of the year’s alarms. metropolitan staus. Nyssa has park­ have such a situation in Nyssa. the 59 calls for both city and rural Nyssa has far from a bad record Gets a Mail Order Wife.” Taylor, Bob Thompson and Edward postmaster and the family lives, and ing limts in its business district and There were 22 rural calls for the the concensus of opinion seems to in general rowdyism, but a small Boydell. Also assisting are Leonard was not seen by the driver o f a mail fire department last year, and only fires, 18,725 man-hours fighting fires and practice once each week, truck who backed over him, killing Hewett, Chet Bowns, Jerry Flesey be that everyone is lax in observing minority can sometimes magnify the one o f those was a false alarm. A all based on $1 an hour and $1 for him Instantly. the regulation, Sortland said. With­ opinions o f individuals when as few and Dick Yost. total of 239 firemen responded to the Luneral services were held Thurs­ rural calls, but the number of hours each practice session and each a- Members of the committee have out fanfare and melodrama result­ as one o rtwo drunks are causing a ing from “ wholesale arrests” this disturbance, the chief said. This M. H. Craig, 48, of Ontario became been calling on business people to day. Bill Matzen, father o f the boy, on all the fires was rftore than larm. An average of 18 men have problem will have to be solved over situation is being dealt with from the third member of Nyssa’s police ■ inform them of details of the Dollar lived for several years In Apple Val- double those within the city limits turned out for each week’s practice. Lawrence made it clear that men­ I ley with his parents and attended a period of time for the benefit of two angles; enforcement of the law department this week to com plete1 Days program. because of a fire last summer at the Burton wishes It announced that Parma high school. His grandfath- sugar factory where volunteers were tion o f the lack of pay by no means those who wish to come to Nyssa in regard to being drunk in public the police force composed of Chief and do their shopping, the chief and enforcement of regulations con­ Arnold Sortland and Patrolman \ if anyone has been missed who j er, William Matzen, resides in Nys- on duty all night, and some o f them indicates a desire for consideration of setting up a salary schedule or went on to say. “Those who want to cerning the sale of Intoxicants to David Gray, who started their dutiesj would like to participate, he should sa. most of the following day. The sugar an effort to “ tell the public how get In touch with a member o f the buy merchandise from the local an individual “ who already has had last week. factory is outside the city limits and much we are doing for nothing.” He stores, want to have someplace to one too many,” it was explained. Craig Is a former professional committee. The committee was to PATROLMEN QUESTS OF was listed as a rural fire. FIREMEN AT MEETING explained that city officials have on park their cars and that is some­ Nyssa now has its full police force boxer and served with the U. S. meet again this Thursday noon. Lawrence said that it Is impos­ numerous occasions offered to work David Gray and M. H. Craig, new times difficult when business men of the chief and two patrolmen, Marine Corps. His law enforcement sible to make an estimate o f the out a pay scale, but each time the patrolmen on Nyssa’s police force, 6TII GK AND« IIIID and their employees use the parking making it possible to carry out a experience includes^ several years were guests o f Nyssa Fire depart­ total property loss due to fire. By firemen have voluntarily voted to spaces from 9 a. m. until 6 p. m.,” policy urged by the city council and with the San Diego sheriff’s office. FOR HERMAN TOWNE ment during the refreshments period the same token, figures on the esti­ continue to operate the fire depart­ Only birth recorded by Malheur by numerous individuals. There will he said. ' of the department's monthly busi- i mated amount of property saved ment without any remuneration of Memorial hospial during the past Recognition o f pedestrians' right- be extensive foot partol work day BOARD MEMBER APPOINTED from possible loss cannot be made any kind. Mrs. Leland Montgomery o f Owy­ week was a son born to Mr. and Mrs. ness meeting Monday night. of-way at crosswalks should be ob­ and night in the business district because of conflicting estimates ot Refreshments of hamburgers “ We're Just a bunch o f guys who Robert Barry of Nyssa, last Satur­ served better, and that is something and as complete car patrol through­ hee was appointed to the board of ^mothered in Spaghetti and coffee valuation, insurance coverage and like to fight fires and make every else that will have to come about out the residential and commercial the Primary a ociation o f the LX> H. day. The chill is the saith '¿randson of were prepared and served by Bill even lack of insurance on personal effort to save as much property from church Saturday at stake prepara­ through an educational campaign section as possible at all times. property as veil as buildings. destruction as possible,’’ the assist- and full cooperation o f the public. Chief Sortland said that the po- tion meeting, Mr Elwood Flindert Herman Town*, Mrs Barry being his Wahlert. A near-perfect attendance, ant hr* chart sud. The m s t disastrous Hr* during , 34 out o f M member*, i h itw riisd. daughter announced. The chief cited the example of the