Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1953)
TH E N YS S A DiOiiuay. March 2 Eyes Examined Chatter Box Club The Cnatu mecC.i d Alva G i I v..h M r¿. ¿¿tad ¡Alford Utvvh. At 220 Main S*ree\ Nyssa Glasses Fitted Lenses Duplicated P À Y E T T E WOODWORKS Under New Management Mr». \v CLARENCE KELLER Phone 641-J Payette p COIH» M a r v in W ilson .. II, M .... | W( OS h : d M nc.ay - . given by Mr. a-a M; . E .VC A V-tient, ne box vit me exrhanxed. Re we ts cf V n- Fi nuer.s in honor . f t ?re anniversary. Place tine ca tes. i?e cream and Cv t or we e. ved by the and th 0- eight. Mr-. O E. Cheldeli n. Tiie next meeting will- be a ne Ruth and Naomi Ci rclt j Loyd / .dam» i me M.irch 18 .vith The Ru:h and N . mi Cir< f the | \Ir». r nurman Hill a» co-h Method:»t cliurch lield r P u- ...— y ary meeting at the h ¿n\c M Dw.rht W v.koff Tliur Amitv Club Meets The Rev. R bert O. J?tek n o he Mrs. \v. o. Peter-en .vas hi ¿te Nazarene church wa- g uest spe ak ?r. t a the membe of the Juniv r w Rev. Jack on sh;>wed clor ed es :nen's Am:; y club at her ionie Thur-d ay evening. Mrs Lloj d To b- and gave a talk on S .vau silai id in Africa where he and ? 1rs. Ja ;k> on 1er gave a talk ci ner travels to Nt \v Orleans and Mexico. Mrs. Peterson served a shrimp -upper to 12 members present. Table •" *V/ / decorations carried the Patriotic theme. Irretì v r - ' Mr. and Mr». Paul Penrod enter tained at dinner Saturday evening for Mrs. Marion Meyers, M.»- Doro thy Erwin and Mr». Anna Henggeler. Later in the evening the group was joined by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bing- man and Mr. and Mrs. Sam for pinochle. Mrs. Bingman won high, Mr. Bingman won low and Dorothy Er win won the traveling prize. The answer to everyday insurance problems' Mr. and Mr.-. Tom Eldndge enter tained members of their Saturday- evening bridge club at their home. Guest players were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Alters and Mr. and Mrs. ' Chari.e Grider. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde I Snyder von prizes for high score : and Charlie Grider .von the gue.-t [ prize. Mr. and and Mrs and Mr. Vale. LAWRENCE Mr. and Mr . Raymond Pierce at tended a wedding anniversary din ner la»t Sunday in honor of Mr. and | Mr».. Lewi- Tuttle on their 37th an niversary. Other members of the family in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tultie and family of Wilder; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fox of Apple Valley and Glenn Tuttle. Cure and Process Your Pork We Use Only the Best Obtainable Materials in Our Processing Plant. Our Smokehouse is Automatically Fired with Butane Heat, and We Use only Hardwood Sawdust for Smoke. Custom Butchering and Curing W e Butcher Beef for the Hide FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE Vz mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room Mr and Mr Ed B vdel! enter tained member» of their Mr. and Mr- Bridge club ’ Dr. and Mr Jchn Ol-en a gue»: player» Warren Farmer, Grant Le vi» and Mr- Grant Lev » .vtre prlzi win- Mr. ( T in * K. C o i i I pv EYES EXAM INED IV .".upper N\ ,- P esh a MI Makes Bought—Sold- Rented iy D. Fletcher's Mr (Opp. Soars) T Y P E W R I T E R S f Mr ..ale. !». Li Dial 9-3371 519 ( lev eland, Caldwell. Ida. Repaired I > peuriter F\rlianee Hi way 20 Weft P.O. Box 459- Boise. Ph 26961- Idaho DR. C.W.GRAVESi Optometrist Kyes Examined a x a Phone 9-2312 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho For Y our Palronago and Service I want to thank the general public for the splendid patronage during the time I owned and operated EDER HARDWARE CO. Nyssa, Oregon BROWNIE'S CAFE N E X T . V ? I N T E R ••• a v u t e c i The excellent patronage by residents o f * CONSTANT fUELSUWT IX IE 5 E 0 sonnel it was my pleasure to have em- QI ESTION: A car traveling it high speed passed me on the road, hitting the highway boulder is it went by. A rock thrown hark by its wheels, broke my wind shield. Is there any i- suranee pro tection for an an eut of III it kind. ANSWER: The < oprehmrlve I Insurance which 1» . - ua ! : with an auto fire pm «- i t ¡1 would pay for a lo» >f that k; nl. PU w ith B u ilt- in A ir - C o n d it io n e r I sincerely hope the new owners, V *— ■ g u , « * Mr. and Mrs. William Kohl COgA^ fft W d u s t , O il « ,? * .* and e „ c 1 umv . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Butcher, will enjoy the support and cooperation iived. Á Í it Nyssa Insurance Aqency 105 Main St. AL L- RPOSE FURNACE ployd during the time the cafe was un der my management. *If you’ll address y ur own in surance questions ta this office, we’ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any 1.ind. F FRED B-N N ETT D y ’ d.cenom, N **- " p c Fuiiy . ‘V, ;. Mm w li b rin g > U- < FREE ESTIMATES Gladly Given on All Phone 53 Heating and Sheet Metal Work at EDER'S Sheet Metal Shop. .'H P B O ■ ■ ■ ■ Phone 46 i Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom Entertain »SOHNE 4.100 SVW tt «0.000 CCD Olisti n.wo snr u in . no k v > té Young Adult Class Meets Members of the Young Adult Class of the Methodist church met Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Main. Mrs. Main led the devotions and Harold Kurtz was in , charge of the program. ❖ —* Sunday Dinner Guests Dinner gue»ts Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild were Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Ash, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kutz and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kutz all of Boise; Mr. and Mr». M. E. Williams of Livermore, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medlock and family and Bob Amble and Virginia Yoigt of Nyssa. •5*—•> U fff» - i* S ITU I R tf tfc. -ES* GMS envers aÿ bases With State Inspected Meats Buy Now W hile Prices Are Low W e Cut, Cure, W ra p and Freeze Throughout the % -, and 1-ton- capacity range, C M C presents 19 pickup, stake, panel and package delivery chassis models that offer Hydra-Matic D rive*— as well as the highest-comfiression gas oline truck engines ever designed. D ual-K an? ' H y d r a -M a t ic D r iv e has one setting for traffic — another for gas-saving open going. H yd ra- Matic takes over all gearshifting effort A N D judgment. An ultramodern engine brings the tremendous lift of 8.0-1 compres sion with regular gasoline. And with even m ore p ow er d e liv e re d to HOPKINS WHOLESALE NEAT P h o n « 39S-W N y »«a . O r ». 1 mile North, V a mile West on Columbia Ave. $159 Q t.............$498 Gal. o ffer Hydra-M afic sh iftin g Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell en tertained at a dinner party Satur- Ours Is the Only Plant in Malheur County . . . Thero’s nothing like It for beautiful, smooth room decoration. Gorgeous colors that dry in one hour, make painting easy—even if you’ve never painted before! ...1 9 new lig h t tru ck m odels George Mitchells Entertain W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE AS A L W A Y S I Bridge Club Held ties, was made possible by the fine per Dinner guests Sunday at the U. H. Neiger home were Thomas Burns of Temple, Texas and Florence Meili of Ontario. Later the group drove to Jordan Valley and Lake Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom enter tained members of their Mr. and ■ Mrs. Club at their home Saturday evening. Mrs. Walter Fox won high for women and Harry Kingrey won high for men. Traveling prizes were won by Mrs. Wyatt Smith and Bill Schoen. Four tables were in play. PAG E TH REE of Nyssa and the surrounding communi Dinner Guests Let Our Experts i of A. R. St phe Family Celebrates Wedding Anniversary Mr 1 J By RALPH Entertain Bridge Club Mrs. Kenneth Pond wa- honored at a birthday party given at her heme. Guest - were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds of Namm. Eddie BEEF IS LOW PRICED Fill up your locker or deep freeze now trd A t t e n d s Bi Yi . Mr. D- ML re Mr. is on U ! munit y and t t ccntac Birthday Party Given The Economical Way is The Frozen Food Locker Plan T H U R S D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 28. 1953 and the.r v. b >ys vere en m. non- ary v rk I r five year». Three tn.- were centered a- 'S * ! . ak and t vo year» eme returning to the U the fall of 1051. a» M: 1 er Wyck if a» day evening at were laid for 11 F. \l tae gr.up played ar.u Guests .vert- \l. aiui V ’-' il, Mr. and M. Mr. and Mrs. Wa un ana Mrs. J hn An oh t K . ntz cf B .i c. Penrods Entertain Cabinets, Sashes and Doors OREGON. •s- b u r i n i  r t i l i i t i i ' s DR. GEO. E. CCEERN O ptcmcrLisi Announces the Opening of His Office C A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A (Doop Colors Slightly Higher) 16 Regular Colors — Hundreds of Intermixtures the wheels, there’s more mileage squeezed from the gas! FOR A L L PAINT T h e re ’s a new electrical system — greater stopping power — heavier construction. SUPPLIES SEE EDER'S See fo r y o u rse lf how these all modern G M C ’i are "built like th« big ones” — those brawny G M CTs of 26,000 G V W and up that lead «11 heavy-duty trucks in sales. PAINT DEPT. at trnm n t ! a *»» JUCUZZI PUMPS is d " * A General Motors and PUMP SERVICE Value SEE OR CALL DOUG A T EDER'S Phone 46 ROBERTS-NYSSA, Inc. 2nd Si. Good Av#. ■ — ■ After 6 p. m. Call 326-M. Nyssa, Or#. You’ll do b etter on a u sed truck w ith you r G M C d e a le r 3