THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON ffiw y / Æ ii THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1953 PAGE NW E LOCAL NEWS Q t/ic » Thursday overnight gue.t - t Die Sydney Walker home was Mr- W al­ ker's uncle. Verr. n Babcock, of Granger, Wash. 'l l ami Mrs. George HiUon \era Harold and Marilyn and Tommy Messier were Sunday dinner guest- Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any of Mr and Mrs Vernon Wilson of Baker first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted Mr and Mrs. J. K. Winrhell and page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the later than Tuesday evening. Jack and Mr and Mrs Norvelle Rob­ bins were Sunday evening guests of Mr and Mrs B L Adams of Home- dale II II /»hell journeyed to Re* berg, Ida . Wednesday ar.d ret imed with FARM S terms. 70 acres close to Nyssa, highly pro­ hi- mother, Mr- Stella Z. bell to be Just listed. 155 acre-, water co.-t FOR S A L E —1946 Chevrolet 2-door FOR SA LE —160 acres. 98 irrigable -i Thursday guest at his N\'-u home ductive. 32 tons beets per acre last $90 per year. Suitable for row crcp part row crop. 2 mi. east, 14 north FARM S Stylemaster, Jim Norris, Mendiola Dr .iiul M rs It i tian l F h a m y q n year, spacious 6 room modern home, and stock, will raise onions, beet' wen Monday and Tuesday guests of Rd. Rt. 1, Nyssa. 6-ltp. Middleton, Ida. Topsicic Bros. 156 A D IV E R SIFIE D FARM and spuds 3-bedroom modern home, full basement, stoker heat, also, 5 6-4tp. 94 cultivated acres with good 2- tenant house, large barn, close to room semi-modern home, adequate Mr and Mrs. Jack Zittercob before B >R SALE— Used Hotpoint refrige­ ------------ --------------------------------- -- making their new home in Payette. bedroom modern home and good town $37.000. $1,000 per year. out buildings. rator, good condition— bargain price. FOR SALE— Window shades from Mrs. Orrin Cnrrv of Juntura spent set of buildings. Late model tractor 1 ft. to 6 ft., cloth or paper. Free 160 acres, row crcp and stock deal. Firestone Store. 6-tf. 1 acre. 2 bedroom modern home, three days. Monday through Wed- and all equipment included $27,- Small home. 10-hd cow barn $25.000 rayon pulls with each purchase. excellent nu dern home, several out n< -day at the home of Mr and M r' Used 62-gal Westinghouse water Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 block west 000. $15.000 down. terms. Janie- Yost. Other Monday guests building. $10.500. terms. heater $50 50. Ideal Gas & Appli­ depot. 5-tf. READ Y FOR B IG P R O F ITS were John McRea and Miss Mary 2-bedroom, modern home. In coun­ HOMES ance. 6-tf. Goodman of Burns. Mrs Yost - Cheapest water In the valley. try, garden spot. $35 per month. 2 bedroom modern home, wall to FOR SALE— 1947 Plymouth 4-door— About 70 acres good land, 23 more FOR SALE -Used tlvuble-bed box radio, heater, good rubber $795 80 acres good laying land, oeen In wall carpeting in living room. $5,800, a little steep. This one can oe springs. Phone 454-W. 614 King Ave. Phone 180. Waggoner Motor Co. pasture and hay for past 8 years. easy terms. made to pay big. $30.000, 1 3 down, 6-ltp. 5-rocm modern home. 13 head cow _____________________________________ 6-It. ! easy terms. 1 bedroom modern home, sleeping barn, $26.500, $15.000: down, easy porch, bedroom in basement, large FOR S A L E Hotpolnt home freezer p o R S A L E -4 0 tons gc ■ 83 ACRE STO CK FARM lot, garage, $6.000, easy terms. -e x c e lle n t condition. Easy terms, ha>. phone 018_J2 John Schenk Good place to run beef or dairy tetms. 70 head cattle set up, outside cattle, paid-up water right for 80 Firestone Store. 2-tf. 5-2tp 2 bedroom modern home, attached acres. You can't beat this for range. 2 sets o f improvements $17.- garage, full basement, 100 ft. front­ $13,500. Easy terms. FOR SALE— Fuller paints and wall PO R SA LE —Completely modern, 4- 000. $10.000 down. age. $10.500 paper. Budget terms available. Fire­ year-old 2 bedroom home. Choice 94 ACRES—NEW HOME 292 acres, 72 irrigable, 5 room BUSINESS O PPO R TU N IT IE S 70-60 cultivated, balance fenced modern home, also 3 room home, stone Store. 2-tf. corner location. Full basement, with 11 unit motel in Twin Falls, on pasture land. Above average for several out buildings, land lays ex­ highway, will consider trading for knouty pine recreation room with 1950 DeSoto Custom 4-door Low bunk bed. Pull drapes, air condition­ row crop and stock. $30,000 cellent. $36.000. $10.000 down. ranch in N.\"a area. mileage, clean as a pin. Call Harry, ed, automatic dish washer, electric 63 ACRES—G O O D HOME 120 acres. 79 acres irrigated, really FOR RENT 180. Waggoner Motor Co. 6-lt. water heater, stoker and furnace. 14 South 6th 2- bedroom modern home on 63 top row crop land, ready for produc­ 13 acres row crop land—cash. good acres. Ideal for dairy and tion. small home, lots of out build­ FOR SA LE —Used refrigerator, ex­ Phone 142 or 451. Earl W. Hollings­ 1 bedroom modern home, sleep­ l-tf. crop farming. 520,000, one-third ings, $30,500, $15 000 down, easy ing porch, 4 basement, garage. cellent condition. $250. Phone 94-R worth. down. 5-tf 1948 Chrysler Windsor 4-door. M o­ 7 ACRES—6-ROOM HOUSE FOR S A LE —Baled Straw. R. Titus tor completely overhauled, interior Close in Oregon side location. Old Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. ditch water, 511.000. terms ar­ Nyssa, Phone 122-J. 5-2t clean. Special $1,145. Cal: Harry, 180. Waggoner Motor Co. 6-lt. ranged. LOANS INSURANCE FOR SALE— W hie Betsville turkeys NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 200 FO R SALE—Year-from -certification L IS T IN G S W AN TED C. H. Cassell, phone 086R11. 5-2tp russett seed potatoes. Phone 045-J1, We have lots ol prospetes for good farms and homes. List yours witn 3-5tp FOR SALE— 1940 Chev. $125 Fin- Chester Tsuda, Ontario. us and prepare to move. condition. See at Veltex Service HOMES Station. 5-tf. FOR SALE—P fa ff sewing machines. Portable or cabinet. Firestone Store. MORE TH A N A HOME FOR KENT 3 room upstairs apart- child care in nr- h me Mrs Reger Choose this lovely pre-war home ment. Steam heat. Call 112 or 392-J. Tucker. Phone 011-R3. FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernseys, 2-tf. 6-tf HoLteins and Jerseys, milkers and and enjoy a new way of life! Con­ Nyssa. 5-tf. _______________________ ■ ■ —— i springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone FO R s a l e Used Westinghouse ele­ venient location—walking distance 306. Ontario, Oregon, across from ctric range, $39.50. Ideal Gas and to shopping, library, schools, chur­ FOR R E N T —2-room furnished cab­ 3-tf Ontario sale yard 2mtfc Appliance. ches, park. 4 finished bedrooms, in, Chadwick camp. 4-tf _____________________________ _ ---------- , --------------------------------------------- ' fireplace, carpet, full basement, T R IM Z READ Y-PASTED W A N TE D — Highest pn ott paVl for Good 4-room house, part base­ stoker heat, paved street. A ll this FOR R E N T —4-room modem home slaughter horses Clyde Smith W ALLPAPER ment. nice yard, good location. Only for $12,500, terms arranged. in town, partial basement. Call 36-R phone 306, Ontario. Across from Half Price $5500, $1000 down, balance like rent, i 4-tf Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc W hile It Lasts 1-bedroom house, garage, close to BE YO U R O W N LAN D LO R D Nearly new 2-bedroom home, j N YSSA town. Only $4500, terms. PO R R E N T —Clean 3-bedroom home, W AN TED —2 wheeled 'i or 3 4 ton FU R N ITU R E CO. Duplex 1 block from Main St., [ Shiny hardwood floors, lots of three blocks south o f Nyssa post o f­ capacity trailer with good tires. built-ins. Terms like rent. $7500. 1 bl. West U\ P. Depot 150x150 corner lot, paved both fice, $38 a month. 2-room cabin with W rite D. G. Combs, Rt. 2, Nyssa. JUST BEING COM PLETED 4-tf. streets, $12,000. 3-3tp 3- bedroom home with attached bath, $20 a month. Mrs. D. Pamper - 3— M odem houses, garages, shade,; FO R SALE—Just arrived, new ship- j paved street, 3 blocks from Main S t.! garage. Shiny hardwood floors len, owner. Rt. 1, Box 3, Vale, Ore. W ANTED— Industrious man with 4-3tp. ment o f 1963 wallpaper patterns,! All rented. Excellent Income p r o - j throughout, large kitchen with car to supply 1500 families in M al­ dinette, central heating. This Is a priced as low as 25c single roll. Nys­ perty. All three fo r only $11,750, easy beautifully designed new home POR R E N T —Three-room furnished heur county with Rawleigh Products. sa Furniture Co., 1 block west U.P. terms if desired. on a 70 foot lot. Paved street— ! apartment, close In. H. H. Kingrey, This is near where I have been sell­ depot. 4-tf. We have several good business sidewalks and driveway all in. Phone 127-W. 5-tf. ing for years Help to get started Strictly FHA construction. Be the For information and interview write locations, all priced right. NOTICE first to hve in this home. $13,000, FOR R E N T — Modern, furnished 3- at once L. Hopper, Parma, Idaho. BERNARD EASTM AN W ill take cash bids on the corrals' easy terms If desired. room apartment. Phone 133-R. R t*l Estate Insurance 5-3t. and scales and small sheds at the VETERANS SPEC IAL Phone 34 old Sale Yard at Nyssa. Also cash 2-bedroom modem home, nearly POR R E N T —3-room large furnished W AN TED bids on the large Sale Bldg, to be new, $5,800, $1,300 down. Apt with bath. C. K Olson, 704 King FREE moved. Or make a bid with good Dead Animals ENJOY C O U N T R Y L IF E — Ave. Phone 251-W. 4-tf. terms on the 3 4 acres including all Special — Modern 2-bedroom — 1 Removed Free. Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals FOR R E N T — Furnished apartment, acre $5.700. bldgs, and corrals. Mail to Phone Nyss» 102-W utilities and heat furnished. 112 ROOM A -P L E N T Y — ROBINSON R E A L T Y Phone Nyssa 100-R Payette 670. 4 room house with four more Park Ave., Nyssa, phone 337-R. ^ Kuna, Idaho Idaho Animal Produets Co. Idaho-Orvgon Rendering Co. rooms in basement. Modern ten­ 5-2t. 5-2t ant house, always rented. Extra lot with thus. $7250. FOR R E N T —4-room modern house. W AN TED — 2-bedroom home, near 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline DeLuxe. FO R SALE— Used oil heaters— all O N L Y $3.000? Vacant now. J. C, Smith, phone school. Garage, central heat. Call Radio, heater, seat covers, door pan­ sizes and makes. Ideal Gas and Ap- ; Yes sir, we have one, all modern, 78-J. 52-tf. Johnnie Goddard, B & M Equipment els recovered with quilted plastic, l-tf. | cnly $1.500 down. 2-tone. Priced to go, $1,375. Call pliance. Co. ED £E 9 F TO W N FOR R E N T — Furnished basement 180—ask for Harry. Waggoner M o­ FOR SAI.B Nearly new, 2 bedrooms, 100 fo o t 1 Apt. Stunz duplex. 38-tf. tor Co. 6-lt. | Blacksmith shop with equipment W AN TED — W ire-tied second cut- lot, $7 500, u :m to suit. ing baled hay. Phone 870-R even­ f o r r e n t - Furnished apartm ent a n i house on L 4 acre fronting high­ 3-BEDROOM ECONOM Y HOME FO R SALE — Good reconditioned Mr. Working-man, here is a spaci­ with bath, light and heat furnished. ings, Ontario. Henry Van Egmond. sewing machines, different makes. way in good farming center. $2,900, 4-5tp. 32-tf. ous, comfortable home for your Phone 63-J. $1,000 down. $20. Nyssa Furniture Co., 1 block family, nearly new and well lo­ 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An west U. P. depot. 4-tf. FOR RE N T — New Clarke R-incn cated, $3300, easy terms. Legal Advertising abundance of free gravity water, floor sanders and 6-tich edger. BUSINESS O P P O R T U N IT IE S FO R SALE— 1-bed room hou^e. $2500, $31,500, easy terms. Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. Phone 11 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 M O TE L RATE S H IG H ? NOTICE OF E Q U A LIZ A T IO N $750 down, balance $35 per month. W hy don’t you get on the receiving Bob Thompson Agency. 4-tf. down, balance like rent. NO TICE IS H ERE BY GIVEN, end and enjoy those high rates? Acreage— 2 bedroom house, barn Th at the board o f directors of the We have a good 14 unit motel for PO R S A LE —Good used G. E. wash­ and chicken house $4,200. Ridgeview Irrigation District will 2 bedroom home near city park $40.000, all modern and furnished. M ISCELLEANOUS — W all-Satin. | meet at the Ridgeview School House ing machine, $25. Firestone Store. Here comes color. A washable, rub- ] In the County of Malheur, State of Terms can be arranged. 4-tf. $4,600, terms. berized finish for interior walls and Oregon, that being the District’s o f­ AN INCOM E FO R L IF E wood trim. fice, at 7:30 P. M on the 23rd day Apartment houses provide sure FO R SALE— 1940 Chevrolet 2-door BOB TH O M PSO N AG ENC Y •covers most surface* In one uni­ o f F’ebruary, 1953, to sit as a Board and steady incomes for thousands sedan. Fair condition. $125. Phone Phone 97 form coat. o f owners. We have several good o f Equalization for the purpose of 003-J4 or apply Veltex Service Sta. •dries to a satin sheen in less than ones. reviewing and correcting its assess­ 4 -lt 1942 Buick Super Sedanette. New one hour. ment and apportionment of taxes for brakes; motor and tires A -’ ; $345 •twelve handsome colors all ready OR SALE—Horner accordian, 1952 Waggoner Motor Co., phone 180. defraying the operation, mainten­ to use. SARAZIN CLINIC icdel, like new, 120 bass. Antone Phone 218 Nyssa Lumber Co. 5 -lt 16 North 3rd. 18-tf. ance and construction costs and ex­ penses fo r the District for the year — ichter. Phone 162-M. 4-tf. Dr. J. J. Sarazin MISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux o f 1953. Any complaint concerning FO R SALE Dr. K. E. Kerby O R SALE—Two 2-rooms furnished cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. the assessments or any changes de­ 1948 Ford Tractor Dr. K. A. Danford sired must be entered with the Sec­ Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, abins to be moved. Chas. Wade 306 1950 Ford Tractor P h y sic ia n s a n d S u rg e o n * 44-tf. retary of the District before the We have been appointed agents for phone 0287-J4. last Main, Nyssa. 1942 Ford-Ferguson date named herein in order to re­ the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. M ak­ A ll Reconditioned L. A. MAULDING. M. D. ceive proper consideration from the FOR SALE ing loans on 40 acres or more. A t­ and Guaranteed Physician and S u rg e o n Board. 2-bedroom home, new construc- tractive Interest rates. Terms to Bauman Farm Phone 37 The 1953 assessment may be seen ion; completely modern, dining suit the borrower. Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Equipment New—BE TTER T H A N E V E R at the Ridgeview Irrigation District oom, attached garage; very good BERNARD EASTM AN Dally Except Saturday and 4-lt. ! Policy cavers CANCER, as well as office at the Ridgeview School House x a tio n on K in g ave. $12,000, terms. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Real Estate In.suran re many other dread diseases. Costs or at the office o f the Owyhee South FO R SALE— Wired-tied, second and Phone $4 only $12 per year for whole family. 2-bedroom modern home. F H .A . Board o f Control In Homedale, Ida­ third cutting hay. H. W. G riffith , approved, good location, corner lot, ho. phone 032-J4. 5-2tp. Done toy order o f the board o f di­ javed street, very nice yard. $©500. 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 PAULUS rectors. Rural grocery store with cold stor­ FO R SALE—Twin-size springs, mat­ Fells» Echevarria JEWELRY STORE age lockers, excellent location on tress; over-stuffed chair, Cogswell FO R SA LE — ’48 Plymouth, In good Now is the time to gravel your lanes, Secretary, Ridgeview Irrigation Union Pacific Tim e Inspector jusy highway. Reasonable terms. chair. All in excellent condition. Call condition. Price $775. Phone 074-J1. feed yards and road ways. Phone District. 138-W. 37-tf. JEW ELRY — D IAM ONDS S bedroom modern home, full 317-W. 5-3tp. 5-tf. Date o f First Publication Janu­ W ATCHES aasement, extra large lot well im­ M ISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks ary 29, 1963 Main Sltreet at Second FO R R E N T —3-room furnished mod­ proved, $5.000, easy terms. East and cesspools cleaned. Phone R a y­ Date o f Last Publication February e m apt. Phone 016-R2. 5-2t. mond HUd, 64-W4 fourth street. Parma, or 24, 1$, 1968. N Y SS A IN SU RAN CE AG ENC Y 17-tf W AN TED — Man or woman to make FO R R E N T —Paint spray gun. Firo- Parma Hardware Ralph G „ Lawrence, Agent 21Ftfc. 195 Main St. Phone M Insurance and credit investigations stooe store. DR. J. A. McFALL He that hears my words and be­ fee basis. No experience necessary. two terms. lieves on Him that sent me, has DR. JOHN EASLY POR SALE— Used electric Sew Gem State age, occupation. Reply P O. FOR R E N T—F*umished apartment. everlasting life and shall not come 21. Ontario. Oregon Call Mrs E M. Bair, 288-W. 6-tf. Box 553, Boise, Idaho. 6-3t.; ind Kenmore Sewing machines, into condemnation, but Is passed cabinet models, excellent condition. from death unto life. John 5:24. Financing Up lo $700.00 HOUSEWIVES, make $10 to »40 PO R R E N T —For man, warm room, Bargain prices. Easy terms. Fire­ weekly at home, Re-weaving. Piece next to bath. Dwight Smith. Phone Study your Bible. • Seed*, feed, garden seeds, stone Store, Nyssa. 2-tf. work basis. Low cost training pro­ 398-W. 6-tf. Child care in my home by day, week GATE CITY LODGE seed grains, farm swpplle gram W rite Box Q. Nyssa Gate City or evening. Phone 337-R. 6-tf. FOR SALE— 5000 Strawberry Orates, No. 214 I. O. O. F. • W rite today for application Journal. 6-2tp. FO R R E N T —F’umlshed house, 4- rooms and bath, oil heat. Phone 12 cup capacity. Quick sale at 5 Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 blanks - or 30-60 days ahead M ISCELLANEOUS—Do you need 6-2t. cents each. First come first served. HFDP W A N TE D —I f there are any 039-R3. South First Street of spring or fall needs. money to remodel your home or to Dali Ontario 359 . 47-tf. local ex-beauty operators desiring • W rite for lateest price list« build outbuildings or gdrage? We FO R R E N T —55 acres, B. H. New- A R T IF IC IA L part or full time work please apply • Early planning with us will bum. One mile southwest o f New can arrange a loan for you and give LA GRANDE INSEMINATION in person at Owyhee Beauty Shop. Plymouth, Ida. save you considerable money 6-2tp you up to three years to pay It. LIVE STO C K T R A N S P O R T 10 S 2nd St. 2-tf. Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc • Buyers of all seeds. W rite to; K. II. Mace FOR RE N T O R S ALE—8-room mod­ BLUFFVIEW Nyssa Representative Jersey, Ouernsey, Holstein em house, available about Mar 1. COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready Phone 134 to build your driveway, parking area, Milking Shorthorn Phone Rodger Anderson, 068-J1 school yard, feed lot, lounging » r 113 Ennis Ave. L e n n i r P. A h n s t e d t Parma, Idaho — Stores at; FO R R E N T— Furnished apartment, implement shed. Only pugmill as­ Technician 5-tf. Nysaa Phone 2186 or 4073 W W Foster, 17 No. 9th. or call phaltic concrete mix In this area. FOR S A LE —Used Frtgtdalre range New Plymouth, I d a . Caldwell. Homwdale, Parma. 157-J. 5-tf. Low cost, guaranteed worts, free esti­ mate. Budget plan. R t 2, Box 2$OA like new, $136. Ideal Oae and Ap- or phone 380, Ontario. 13-tf. Use Journal Ctassinad Ade. plutnre >*tl Classified Advertising Rates For Sale For Sale BEST BUYS I To Buy Or Sell See Mel Mrs. John O i j > SUPERIOR Painf & Glass Get Ready for Your Spring House Cleaning. We have lots of wallpaper books to select the type for your own homes. With Bennett’s colorizer paints you can get the exact color without extra mixing, ing. 110 Main Phone 310 T. E. (Tom) Sparks, Mgr. Get Ready For Winter Have Your Tires Re-capped Snowcaps- Traction Treads O.K. RUBBER WELDERS Phone 5-M MEL BECK—REALTOR .V/ <3R«n 5Tft For Rent On All Miscellaneous Wanted HEATING FUEL Purchased In Any Quantity Fuel ASSOCIATED Stove and Furnace Oil O il Delivered to your tank — when ordered or on a regular route basis. We Never Leave You Without Heat THOMPSON OIL CO. Nyssa Miscellaneous PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY FARM LOANS Physicians KEN POND“ “ « ” " Farm Loans POLIO For Rent Jewelry Stores KEN POND K & S & « Help Wanted Optometrists Lodges Use Watts Seed Co. Dentists DR. C. M. TYLER W IL S O N B U IL D IN G Phone 165- J, N y s s a €>ffVe Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 5$-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dental Clinic 7th a n d Bower Phone 393-W Chiropractor EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. 101 East 1st St. P h y s io th e ra p y Nyssa, Oregon Veterinarians DR. B. E ROSS Veterinarian Veterinary Supplies S m a ll and Largr Animals Office flours 8 A M. to 8 P. M. Phone Nyssa 202-W 407 Main St. Dr. Marvin M. Prentice Veterinary Surgeon Largr and Small Animals 216 W Park ’ Ph 5.141 1 New Plymouth. Idaho j DR. VERNON WARD Veterinarian L a r g e o r S m a ll A n im a l* Gate City Journal Clarified Ads. Phone 259 E le c tr o -T h e r a p y H o m e d a le . I d a h e 78$ Phone j P | »71 1