THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1*53 News From Big Bend Mias Helen Hatch Phoqe Parva» 1-FÎ1 vtr.v Noil Tuppeny. Mrs. Mary Thompson and Helen Hatch atten ded the extension tailoring work- shop held in the basement of the church in Adrian. This being the last tailoring workship meeting, all tried to have their garments pretty well finished There were eight in the class with six suits and two coats. Next meeting will be with Mrs. George Ellers Tuesday after noon, Feb. 17. Miss Alice Thompson accompan ied Rev Bank- and Miss Merrill of Parma to Boise Sunday afternoon, where they attended the Youth Presbyterian council meeting at the home of Bob Coffin. Mrs. Walter Bishop and Mrs. Mary Brumbach attended the Royal Neighbor lodge in Wilder Monday Dr. Clare F. Conley EYES EXAMINED (Opp. Sears) DU1 9-3371 519 Cleveland. Caldwell. Ida. night at the home of Mrs Miles. , Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins and family and her mother. Mrs. Creola Betts, went to Baker wast week to visit her sister. Betty Mrs. Betts re mained for a longer xisit. Mr and Mrs. Ira Pettis of Ros well spent Saturday evening at the Ralph Stark home Mrs. Bernice Aufderhan and daughter. Gladys, rf Caldwell visited Sunday evening at the Stark home. Mr and Mrs. Ed Maure and fam ily of Wilder were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vande Water. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny visited Sunday at the Ezra Mackey home in Adrian. Mrs. Charles Witty has been ill with the flu. but is better and able to go back to school. Mrs. Esther Bennett, Mrs. Varner Hopkins. Mrs. John Packwood, Mrs. Boyce Vande Water and Helen Hatch attended a shower for Shirley (Sparks) Altig last Tuesday after noon in the church basement in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stanton visited in Boise last Sunday with 1 old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bren- i amen. Miss Alice Thompson, went with the Adrian band to the music fes tival held Wednesday and Thurs- ! day in Ontario. Alice and Jackie Smith were overnight guests of Jackie’s sister, Miss Darlene Smith, We Will Gladly Do Your Custom Dressing of Poultry at 3 0 0 each Gem Produce Co. Corner 6th & Good Phone 17 who lives m Ontario Mrs Noel Tuppeny attended t h e 1 the door prize The next meeting Friday afternoon visitors at the will be Feb 27 at the home o f Mrs home o f Mr and Mrs Samuel Whit Reynolds, all o f Baker, were Sunday Don Lytle with Mrs. Marie Mangón aker were Mrs. Ted Dick and daugh afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. ters. t Bob Thompson. t co-hostess. Mr» Paulina M.Ulani* Clyde Bowers came home from the Nyssa hospital last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Y Kido. who re-'.de Fifteen couples attended the an on the Jack Oroot farm, left NYSSA first of February for a . .ree-months’ nual Arcadia Sunshine club Valen tine party at the home of Mr. and visit in Japan. CAB SERVICE Mrs. Brig Olson. After a potluck John Casteel of P -upper, bunco was played. Mrs. On- ing his daughter. Mr Bullard won high prize; Mrs. Fred man and family. Phone 217 Schilling, second high; Mrs. Les Mr. and Mrs. L E Jameson, traveling prize, and Mrs Mrs. Robbins’ parent Trail ways Depot Marie Mangón, low prize. George Stockfleth < f day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cec: 24-HR. SERVICE g and 2nd anniversary sale; same family of Apple 1 Sat- unt as luxurious $59 50 mat- urday evening at :n Moel- resses, only $39 95. Peterson Furni Owned and Operated by Ed Griffin ler home. ere Co. it. Miss Corabelle C : man of Boise, spent the weekend nth her par- ents, Mr and Mrs. Cl >rge Coleman, David Muragami i out of school this week after a to sileetomy Fri- W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE day. as always Mr and Mr-. O Bullard were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L :er Reece near All Animals Must Pass Health Examination Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob left Friday for Vancouver Wash , to visit their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thursman, and other relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. S Coleman and While Prices Are Low family o f Shelby, Ohio, spent Mon day night with Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman. The Arcadia Sunshine club met W e Cut, Cure, Wrap and Freeze Feb. 13 at the home of Mrs. L. E Robbins, with Mrs. George Moeller co-hostess. Seventeen members were STATE INSPECTED MEAT present. Mrs Dorothy Bowers drew Adrian News regular oountv extension ciub meet ing in Ontario Tuesday Mr and Mrs Leon Murray and family and Pac Smith were Sunday dinner guests it the Henry Eden home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eden and Jetry and Mrs Tom Jones and Mary Elien went to Boise Saturday They had dinner with their girls, Imogene Eden and Janice Jones Mrs. Mary Brumbach attended study club at the home of Mrs Ar thur Walz in Parma Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Joe King and Har vey Hatch attended the dairymen's annual meeting Monday in Caldwell. Mr and Mr- Herb Thomas at tended a card party Saturday even ing at the Legion hall in Adrian. A week ago Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas visited their daughter. Mr- Ri’.ey Diliie and fam ily in Weiser. Their little grand daughter. Pat Diliie returned home with them for an overnight visit. Sunday their daughter, Mrs. Diliie. and family came over to visit and get the little girl. Friday afternoon Mrs. Herb Thomas entertained her pinochle club at her home. Mrs Carl Hill won high score, Mrs. Bill Ashcraft and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft won traveling and Mrs. Jack Raney of Parma won i low. Leonard Woods, Allen Bennett, Mike Sillonis and Jimmy Thompson came home from school on the bus Thursday evening with Phillip Hatch to help him celebrate his birthday. They enjoyed a birthday supper and a a big Valentine birthday cake. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Alice. After supper they all attended the basketball Mrs. Gaylen Raney, in Huntington game in Adrian. Sunday. A 4-H cooking club class was or A week ago Saturday Mr. and Mrs ganized Jan. 28 in the lower Bend J. R Howarth of Weiser were over school district. Mrs Joe Ku*? was night guests at the Herb Thomas elected leader and Mrs. Collins, as home. sistant. Officers are president. Jim Fritzsimons; vice president. Kay Cleverly; secretary, Helen Fritzsim- | ons, and reporter. Pete Brice. They meet every Wednesday after school. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch and Mr. and Mrs. Robt Weir and Mary were supper guests at the Ralph Stark home Monday evening. Other guests were Mrs. Minnie Sayre of Caldwell and her aunt, Mrs. Edith \ Thorpe, who is visiting her. Mrs. Thorpe. Mrs. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch and Mr. Stark were young folks together more than 50 years ago, so enjoyed visiting over old days. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schultz of Cald- | well, Mr. and Mrs. George Cart- j wright o f Adrian and Mr. and Mrs. | Raymond Cartwright and family | were Sunday dinner guests at the Ray Cartwright home. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Jimmy and Phillip Hatch visited at the Leroy Bennett home Sunday af- j ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas visited j her brother and family, Mr. and 1 From faraway places-more oil for you In Sumatra back in 1924, Standard geologists began mapping possible deposits o f oil. But not until last year did Sumatran wells start adding to available oil supplies. This operation, costing some $62 million to date, was pioneered by Standard. It is now carried on jointly with The Texas Company under the name “ Caltex.” PAGE SEVEN Buy Now HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEATS Nyasa. Or*. Phon« 395 W 1 mile North, Vi mile West on Columbia Ave. During Sealy’s Once-A-Year Anniversary Sale! MATTRESS Discontinued 1952 Pattern! S A V E s 195S Sam« Coil-Count as L«x«n««s $59.50 Mattr«ss«s! Same Quality Construction ! Same Fre-Built Borders! Same "Body-Balanced” Innerspring Unit! Same Tailored Handles for Easy Tenting! Sam« Deluxe Decorator-Oesigaed Long-Wearing Coven! to San Francisco B a y com e ta nker ; Sumatran crude—returns on the long ,. indard undertook nearly 30 years ago. Otner ipments go elsewhere in the world, aiding prog- is and adding defensive strength. Four friendly tions in particular benefit directly. First, o f course, ihe young Indonesian Republic, o f which Sumatra a part. Then Australia, Japan and the Philip pe*. They produce practically no oil o f their own. '.t will be supplied in the near future by refineries *hich Caltex is helping to build, And, o f course, the Sumatran oil brought into this country helpa keep you in gasoline and the many other petroleum products you’ ve come to rely on. 9 Standard’s ac tivities abroad, typified by this flow o f Sumatran crude, are constantly being expanded, as an added guarantee that petroleum needs o f the free world will continue to be met. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve yea better Same quality Matching Bex Spring for last $39.95 la M Twl* m i M t M IT S OUR BIRTHDAY AND Y O U GET THE PRES ENTS’ Because it’i like getting a gift when you can find genuine S e a l y iNNEaspaiNG M a t t s e s s e s at this un believably LOW PRICE*.. and wait ’til you tee em ' Handsome, sturdy, super-comfortable*, with years and years of really luxurious rest built in* Only because Sealy baa ducontinued these beautiful, durable ticking l^ttem s can we bring you this sensational VALU E’ Quantities ara limited’ So com e in N O W ’ i l l O U B WINDOWS« WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Thfc Dependable Furniture Store N Y S S A — VALE — ONTARIO — PAYETTE