P VI THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1953 S V .» party M nda> afternoi Guest ., .1 . i:i. i. ..-r- H. L ;a Kr -h. Lur. Si un : Sen .. H fght M H b Thcmas of Bend and M. Carl P.ercy Modera I'loneer ( lub was t.ijoyed Mr- D L Hurst gave a of Oregon Trail. l’ .iitlir OS') h3 Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz and short revie w of the book. Our Other Vocation" by Or Trueblocd. Quests ch.laren returned home Sunday ev­ . Ml Uld Ml I-"a ening from a ten day- tr.p to Calif­ Several of the students In the \.. . music department in high school Price tf Sun-et Valley, Mr. and Mrs. ornia to visit friend-, in Stockton, took part in the two-day music clinic Auker. Mr. and Mr- H. Bennett of relatives in Port Chicago ar.d San M I M: H I M Ti D.eg Temperatures in San Diego in Ontario Tuesday and Wednesday Those playing in the band included Mr and Mr- K L Peterson. Mr varied around 65 degrees. Mrs. George Judd and son, Gordon Roberta Vanderpool, Connie Mont­ and Mrs. H E Day, Mrs Knott and gomery, Ronald and Fran Peterson «*- Cowling of \dr:an. Mr and Mrs Judd, cf Parma were callers at the In the glee club, Kay Hammon and Bill Toomb, Mr and Mrs. Ed Bassett. M L Judd home Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. W Tcomb were call­ Betty Hammon were among the sing Mr and Mrs. N P. French, Mr. and ers. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Vander­ Mrs. D. L. Hurst of Kingman Kolony ers at the W E Piercy home Tues­ pool, Joe and Judy, and Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Cecil Hill and Mr. and day evening Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Graham -acorge ocniemer of Newell Mrs £) Hammon at’ ended the con­ motored to Boi-e Thursday evening Heights. cert Wednesday evening. Mrs Reuben Graham entertained for dinner and a party at the H L. Sunday School Supt. and Mr> M Byard home. Mr and Mrs Irvin Topliff enter­ tained at a dinner Sunday in honor of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Harry Warren and Mr and Mrs. J. R. Suiter's wedding anniversaries. Oth­ er guests were her brother and wife, From Nyssa Mr. and Mr- Wayne Warren, all of Parma. EASTBOUND Mr and Mrs. H. L. Byard and 4:15 A M. 9:00 P.M. fam.ly of Boise -pent the week end at the parental Reuben Graham WESTBOUND home 1:50 P.M. *6:35 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 5:5« A.M. .vlr. and Mr A. M Hammon have 'i Local to Boise— Daily except Sundays and National Holidays received w rd of the arrival of their 'Local to Weiser—Daily except Sundays and National Holidays first grandchild, a daughter born to Mrs. Marie Thomas, Agent Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stanton in 309 Main St. Phone 217 Salt Lake City on Feb. 12. Mrs. Stanton was formerly Thelma Burn- ingham There are five generations living in Mr H.unmcn's family. Her mother i- enjoying good health at i the age ol 91. Mr. and Mr Roy Strickland and family of Owyhee were dinner guests : a week ago Sunday at the Irvin Top­ liff home. Each roll of film processed entitles you to a chance on Mrs. M L Kurtz called to see the new baby at the Vern Parker home a camera to be given away each week for one month. Saturday afternoon and was also a visitor at the W E. Piercy home. Mrs. Roy Huai's sister, Mrs. Kay Johnson and daughter. Katherine, of 48-Hour Roll Film Processing San Francisco flew in for a short visit from Thursday until Saturday. Wesley Piercy attended the sale Also fast service on all types c j ji with Mr. Peterson Friday afternoon. The seventh and eighth graders of the Adrian school enjoyed a Valen­ tine dance party in their recreation room Saturday night with their room mothers and teachers as spon­ sors. Room mothers was Mesdames 114 South 3rd St. Phone 227-J R McK nlry and Mrs. Dyre Roberts. Mrs. Elvin Worden of Newell Heights and Mrs. Gail Martin of Adrian, room mothers of Mrs. Dav­ idson’s first graders, planned and served refreshments of cup cakes and punch fer the Valentine party Friday at school. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker and Joan of Owyhee were dinner guests Sunday at the Len Saxton home. Dependable Service Mr. and Mr-. Ronald Saxton and children Joined the John Auker fam­ ily at a dinner in their home in Big Bend honoring Lester Auker, who is In Nyssa Phone home from O T. C. at Klamath Falls, Saturday night. Lester return­ ed 1 i schi ol Sunday afternoon. M. L. Kurtz as elder, and Rev. Henry Moore as pastor, attended a meeting of ministers and elders in Nampa Wedne day. All visiting mem ber.s were dinner guests at the E. E. Fletcher Oil Company Patterson heme preceding the meet- ng. They took action to officially call a minister to serve the Nampa United Presbyterian church. Mr and Mrs. George Elfers and son, George, whi is home on fur- lough, called at the George Schiemer home Sunday afternoon. The Lee and Ron Saxton families are enjoying a new water .softener installed Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Worden were hosts at a card party Saturday ev­ ening Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laan, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox, Mr and Mrs. Stanley Hill and Mrs Hill's mother, Mrs. Jackson, who is visiting here. Nearly 70 people gathered at the United Presbyterian church Thurs­ day evening to hear Ba.ssey O ’Kou, a student at the College of Idaho. He eame to the United States in 1919 from Nigeria on a British schol­ arship. His talk was mostly the question and answer kind, giving the audience the opportunity to ask a- Try One of Our Delicious bout the things they were most in­ terested in. Mr and Mrs. M. L. Judd were among the guests Saturday evening at a pre-game buffet luncheon at the John Donner home in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Embree of Harp­ er called at the M. O. Judd home Saturday evening. » k Newell Heights TRAtlWAYS DEPARTURES FREE CAMERA of I l.l.r. SCHOEN PORTRAITS [EM HEAT PROMPT DELIVERY vith htr grandm- ther. Mrs. LOCAL NEWS FI rente Kygar, while Merle K ygern in Portland. Mr. and 31rs. LelanJ Kicks anti Lynn Kygar, Kenneth McDonald Del plan to leave Thursday for Se­ Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Toots Peutz attended the bull at vie to meet Mr-. R:ck’.- son. -Major Pi.one 0N»-R3 sale in Ontario Saturday. Dale Blake, who will arrive there from Japan, where he had been sta­ Mr. ar.d Mr Lee Hou.-eholder. Mr Sealy 72nd anniversary sale; same tioned for the past two and a half years. m re. M coil count as luxurious $59.50 mat­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl t Urkston of T. jutner were Sunday dinner guests tresses. only $39 95 Peterson Furni­ Baker were Sunday dinner guests of a: the Lee Strickland home. ture Co. 6— It. Mr. and Mrs Hudson Robb. Clark- Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and Mary Ellen and Fred Deffer had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wild Mr and Mrs. Charley Hayes of Wilder had dinner with Mr. and Mrs T H Brewer Wednesday Mrs. Byrd Walters went to Boise Saturday when she heard that her father, Ralph Jones, was in the hos- p.tal. Mrs. Walters returned to her home Monday evening Mr Jones is to have surgery soon Mr. and V . A1 Parker and Char­ lotte spent ^ ..id ay in Nampa with his sister anu family, Mr. and Mrs. George Titney. Mrs. George Schweizer, who is re­ cuperating from surgery at her home had several callers last week Friday Mr Jim Langley and Jimmy, Mrs George Okano and son and Mrs. Bud ! Wilson and Lois. Sunday callers were Mrs T in Ni.shitani and child- j ren and Mr Magnus Ekunger. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer were Sunday d.nner guests at the home! of Mr.' and Mrs. Homer Brewer. Mrs. George Johnson and Jimir.y and Harriet of Haines spent the week end with Mr. and Mr Omar H.te, Sunday visitors were Mr. and ! Mrs. Jim Hit? and family of Haine'- : ad Mr. and Mr-. Don DtHaven ar.-i Debby of Weiser. Mr' and Mrs. Dale Glenn were Sunday evening guests at the Ger­ ald Slippy he me. Mrs. Fay Willhite of Murtaugh, M odal TO - T ra cto r lllg t t r a t a d Ida. spent Thursday and Friday with her sister, Mrs. Ellis Walters and family. Mr and Mrs. Calvin Martin are having a new house built at Owyhee Junction next to the Owyhee Groc­ ery and near Mr. Martin’s black­ Y O U ’LL C H O O S E THE N EW smith shop. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Todd received Your next tractor could cost you hundreds of wasted dollars in word that twin daughters had been needless upkeep on a big expensive machine all because of the often born Feb. 12 to their son. B M.S.N. mistaken idea that a lot of built-in weight is the only way to make and Mrs. Gerald Todd, in Sebast- sure of ample traction. apol„ Calif. Gerald is in Japan serv­ With the Ferguson System, there’s no need for ballast weight. ing in the U. S. Navy. Traction is developed automatically as needed. 3-Point Linkage of Mrs. T. H. Brewer entertained 10 implement to tractor and hydraulic control make use of natural women at her home Thursday after­ forces to automatically increase weight andtraction tosuit the job. noon. Traction with the Ferguson System gives the Ferguson Tractor Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald power efficiency equal to tractors of much larger size and greater and children were Friday evening weight. dinner guests at the Gene Combs The specially-designed Continental valve-in-head engine stresses home. economy as well as more than ample 2-plow power. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore and Before you buy a new tractor, measure the job-to-job performance son of Notus were over night guests of the New Ferguson ag. at any other tractor. Make a date with us of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crocker Sat­ now for your demonstration. urday. Bobby Skinner was among the group of young people attending a surprise birthday party for Edith Mathews Saturday night in Adrian at the Dave Mathews, Jr. home. Keith K.vgar and son, Jesse, of Parma and Junior Doty of Adrian called at the Fl< rence Kygar home Phone 181 Sunday. Merle Kygar left Sunday evening by bus for Portland where he will have an interview with the V. A. concerning the rehabilitation of blinded veterans. Mr. and Mrs Charley Culbertson entertained 16 friends at their home ■ Saturday evening. Sharon Slippy is spending a few Owyhee Vic M easure TRACTION.. FERGUSON TRACTOR! FiW up your locker now Let Our Experts Cure and Process Your Pork ÍúVEt-2.£MXN S S N Striking New R«l A ir 2-Door S«don • • • fe a tu rin g C h e v r o le t ’s n e w "'B lu e -F la m e ” h ig h -c o m p re ss io n e n g in e ! Enftrz/y W e accept the hide in payment of $ 2 J5 Round trip only plus tax Lv. \ y «a 9:15 a.m. Ar. Boise __ __ 11:05 a m. I.V. Ho 1 so 4:45 p.m. Ar. Nyssa 0:35 p.m the Cost of slaughtering your beef FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE bfhty uff J u WAV ï - 3 i*R, 1 3«9 .1 e q u ip m n t and trim illustrated is dependent on availa- matetici J i * ^ S ÌS p ^ _ ♦ HI f g l l N D i T Bv)S U N I Main St MrovyA oned a- Owy­ hee Tru"k and Implement. Mr. a n d M r s . Lewis Runs tailed a: the Fay Hall home in Arcadia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke were dinner guests at the Albert Smith home of Wei.-er Sunday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler called at the home of their son and family, Mr and Mrs. Evan Tobler, Sunday j evening. Phone 217 The '53 Chevrolet offers you the most powerful performance of any low-priced car-together with extraordinary new economy-with an entirety new 115-h.p. “ Blue-Flame ” Valve-in-Head engine, coupled with a new Fowerglide automatic transmission.* It’s the most powerful engine in its neld-with an extra-high compression ratio of 7.5 to 1! Come in . . . see and drive this dynamic new pacemaker of low-priced cars with all its many wonderful advancements. v Advanced High-Compression "Thrift-King” Valve-in-Heod Engine Chevrolet also offers an advanced 108-h.p. ’’Thrift-King” engine in gear- shut models, brings you blazing new performance and even greater economy •Com nation of Fowerglide automatic transmission and llS.hn ortion.il on ' Two-Ten - and Bel Air models a, extra cost. n •. Blue'Flam' MORI PEOPLE BUY CHEVROIITS THAN ANY OTMIB t i l l NYSSA MOTORS 420 MAIN . NYSSA, ORE. PHONE 188