Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19 1953 were Mr- Grant Rine.iu and Mr- Ward ,v Prize winner- fer gm -uig ;ames KMrn Y r r ir n v n . form er n » m t of Wire Mr and Mr Ora • L e w - th»- Owyhee Truck and Implement Co o f Ny a now o f Cedar City, Utah, visited friends here Sunday. Dinner at Country Club Shower Held Tuesday Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson and ilaucli- Mr and Mr- Jay Bvbee and Mr For Mrs. Kenneth Altig and Mr.- James Rus-ell dined at the ter. Mrs Bob McCla-ky, o f Caldwell, Country club near Payette Saturday- were Wednesday dinner guests of A shower was held at the Adrian Mr and Mrs. John Reeves and Mrs. evening. Community church Tuesday after Ditty Mi Mr H noon fer Mrs. Kenneth Altig. nee Km grey called later in the evening. Shirley Sparks, with co-hostesse- Kindergarten Mr. and Mrs. l ei \l-up and >lr. Fern Hatch, Mary Jarvis. Barbara Valentine Party and Mr- John Reeve- were gue-t- Hat* and Betty Jarvis officiating Twelve children c f the kindergar at :iie Erne-t Stephensen home S at The Valentine theme was carried ten class held a Valentine party at urday evening. throughout the decorations. The ser- home ; Mrs U yd Tc bit r F ri Mrs. Mae llellon -pent Fliur-d i> Ing tables were covered with lace day. Exchange of Valentine.- vi-re nr rniug with Mr-. Lora Ditty. tablecloth, which were centered with made. < 1 tests at the Kenneth Keeee home red tapers. core Mr Reece’s sister and broth- Mrs. Dick Stockholm, aunt cf the er-tn-Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Thane Lank- Dinner A t East Side Cafe bride, cut and served the three-tier Birthday, Anniversary : rd. o f Marsing and parents. Mr A g n up c< nsistii | Mi wedding cake. Pouring were Pat An Honored At Dinner Sunday inti Mr W P Hcndericks. Mrs. Kenneth R et. Mr- Chari« trim and Bonita Langlols. Norma Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Neely and fam Reit.r.baugh and Mr and Mrs. c A. u r. and Mrs. Douglas Kenton and Blake o f Calc: .veil and Fern 1’ : ily entertained a: a covered dish ■ •*ni ’ • t Baker were Wednesday a --w ed with the gifts and Mrs. dinner Sunday, the birth Reece were guests t r dinner a: the f Mr. 1 Stanley Hill was in charge o f the day ■' : i:.a Messenmith, Greta Me — East Side Cafe in Ontario Saturday ly. Mi and Mi evening. entertainme-nt. sersmith. Inez Adams and Blanche Ed Pruyn and mother, Mr G- ,: a There were 80 guest- present for Neely. The occasion also honored Benton. Pinochle Party He! 1 the occasion. -he Hath wedding anniversary Mr. Ur. . lid Mr-. George Bassett « e r e Mr. and M r .. LL yd Tobler enter nd Mr.-. Harold Shannon. aftem i >n callers at the home I tained at a V al« n Others in attendance were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L G. Poulsen. Engagement Told lu ia Saturday at their home. Gue-ts and Mrs. S. A. Me.-.-er.-mith/Mr. and Saturday afternoon guests o f Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Raymond. Nys IQ Mrs. Tom Adam- and sen.- and Mr. . n Ml ai d Ml Mildred Phillip- were her niece and sa, announced this week of the en Winners at pinochle were Mr. and Hiers cf Wei-er. Also pre.-ent were family. Mr. and Mr.-. Earl Spark- of gagement of their daughter, Patricia Mr. and Mrs. David S t.h r and Mrs. I-’rank Perko, hi hi and Mr. and Pasco, Wash. to Louis Larkin of Vale, son of Mr. Mr.-. George Schweizer, low. daughters. Patty and Beverly M at Mr. and Mrs. (1. II. McCauley of and Mrs. E. Larkin. thew- of Payette, the Shannon fam Vallejo, Calif., and Mrs. Helen E v- Mi.- - Raymond is employed by the ily c f Fruitland and M.-s Bertheen M YF Hold Farewell Dinner •ng i f Oakland, Calif., are visiting Malheur Home Telephone Co., and Faulkner cf Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. C liff Main were h -t Mr. and Mr.-. Ross Brown and sons. is a graduate of Nyssa high school and hoste.;.- at a dinner honoring Mrs. Brown is a daughter o f the in the class c f 1951. Larkin was re Jack W.nchell by the Methodist McCauleys and a niece of Mrs. E.v- cently discharged from the Marine Rebekah Lodge Meet Yellow Rose Rebekah ledge No. Youth Fellowship Y ung Adult iri£. Corps and will enter the airforce in Mr. and Mrs. M. Peterson visited 202 met Thursday for their regular greup, Thursday. Additi« nal guest the near future. e -ion. with 23 members and one were the Rev. and Mr.-. H. G. Mc- their son- and family, Mr. and Mr- Cailister and Mrs. Phyllis Counsil. I. C Chad .vick and Mr. and Mrs. guest in attendance. Grant Peter on, Sunday. Announcement was made for the Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pearson visa o.rthciay party to be held at 8 o ’clock Entertain At Canasta Party Mr. and Mr.-. Kenneth Mace en ed Mr-. Pearson’s parents, Mr. and rhur.-day at the I. O. O. F. hall a ncring members having birthday- tertained Mr. and Mr-. Henry Sim- Mr Tom Linder of Payette Thurs I ianer at a tana .a party li.ld at day nci returned with their nephew months January, for the night. •uary and March. H te.-e- will be heir h me Sunday , . oiling. 'dr. and Mrs. Mark Moncur and tho.-e who had birthds during Octo- children spent Sunday afternoon cer, Neveir.ber and December. Saturday Party with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Short o f Co-ho-te-.-es for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Th mas Jones were Lria Guthrie, Mae Bellon and Hattie .tost and hostess at a biidge party Vale. Joe Mauglin attended a basketball Warren. Saturday evening at their home. game in Caldwell Saturday. Prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. .Mr. and Mrs. llarry Hathaway at- Lou Herriman and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sparks Honored At t 'tided a birthday dinner for Claude Clyde Snider. Party Held In Boise Micheál Sunday. Mrs. Howard Sparks was honored it a birthday party given by Mrs. Dinner Guests Discontinued 1952 pattern Sealy an- Mr. and Mrs. William DeGrofft. niver-ary. NOW only $39 95. Peter Bill Morastica at her heme in Boise Saturday evening. Gue-ts were Mr. Jr., and two daughter- of Wallowa son Furniture Co. 6-It. and Mrs. Leroy Burbank. Mr. and were Sunday dinner guests of Mr Mrs. Bill Holtz of Boise, Mr. and and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper. The i oo Late To Classify Mrs Joe Burbank, Mrs. Hanna Bur- DeGroffts were week-end visiter- in tank, Ray Sparks of Minidoka, How Nyssa on a combined business and FO R SALE — Baled hay. Frank . ard Sparks and Bob Conley o f Boise. pleasure trip. Skeen, phone 063-R11. 6-2t. Cards were in play with prizes a- varded to Mrs. Sparks, h,gh; Bob Tuesday Eve Bridge FOR SALE— 100 acres, beautiful Conley, high; Mrs. Joe Burbank, Mrs. Robert Wilson entertained home, new machine shed. excellent traveling and Joe Burbank, low. her Tuesday evening bridge club at soil, good location. $50,000. Bob 6-tf. her home, with prizes being won by- Thompson Agency. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, high; Mrs. Walter Celebrates Tenth Birthday K ay Roberts, daughter o f Mr! and Roth, second, and Mrs. Duant Alters, Mrs. Snoden Roberts, celebrated her low. tenth birthday with a party at her home Saturday. Guests were dressed Dinner at Eastside Cafe in their mothers’ clothes, with prizes Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox enter gomg to Beverly Brown, first, and tained Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith at Minnette Woodard, second, for the dinner at the East Side cafe in O n best costumes. Tanya Burningham tario Sunday. Attending the movies I won the prize in the bunco game. later the two couples returned to the Refreshments were served by Mrs. Fox home for cards. Roberts. •i*— Variai Actiliitii'5 O. E. S. Meeting Held Monday Nyssa Order of Eastern Star he’d iu regular meeting Monday night in the Masonic hall, with apprec.ation fo r the star points. Visitors of the local chapter were Mrs. H L. Peter-on, past grand worthy matron c l Oregon. Mrs Jane Bereth. worthy matron, and Harry Johansen, werthy patron o f Star chapter No. 69, Ontario, and Mr- Phyllis Becker, worthy patron, and G. J. Chester, worthy patron, of Gold Chain chapter. Vale. Mr-. Josephine Rigney. pa-t worthy matron o." Ny-.-a, received frem M r - Peterson the honcr cf commission for grand representative for the state o f Idaho for a period of three years. During the evening Bonnie Ward sang Oh V ondrous Star.” Appreci ation gifts were presented to the star point- by K ay Simmons, worthy matron. Nyssa. Refreshments were served by host- for the evening. Thelma Miller. Virginia Timmerman and Bonnie Ward. The table was decorated with daffodils. Hosts at Monday Dinner Mr. and Mr.-. W yatt Smith had as guests fer dinner Monday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cates of Hereford. Tex. Mrs. Cates is the former Neta Smith, niece o f Mr. Smith. s* Pink and Blue Shower LOCAL NEWS M: Donald C> uruiey. Mrs Jay Bybee Mr- J A Cindell and Mr Porti W illi a pmk and blue shower held at the Bybee home Friday, in honor of Mr- Gerald Curry. Among the out-of-town gue-ts were Mrs Rennie Barry of Payette, Mrs. Clyde Jenkui-. Mrs Kenneth Keim. Mr- Keith Baird, Mrs W ally Orth, all of Ontario. Mrs. Jack -Sveaney and Mr-. Pat Sveaney, both of Caldwell and from Vale. Mrs Danny Lawrence and Mr- Ni l- lie Lawrence. Prize winners cf came- were Mrs. Orth. Mrs. Danny Lawrence and Mrs Elmer H.ll. NOTICE TO PUBLIC 1953 D og License Fees A re N ow Due and P a y a b le At City Recorder's PAGE FIVE A.N.K. Garden Club Hears Talk on Trees Dr A M Finley cf the Parma branch o f the Umver.-ity o f Idaho experimental station spoke on plant disease- before the A N K Garden club, which met at the Parma home of Mrs R H Young M. Gertrude Johnson was assistant hostess. Dr. Finley stressed the necessity for better care o f ornamental tree.- and endorsed the book, Plant Dis eases.'’ by Dr. Cynthia Westcott. which the club voted to purchase fer its library. Mrs. Earl McClure o f Caldwell was received into the club a.s a new member. A committee, composed of Mr- Frank Morgan, Mr-. Ye ung and Mr Sid Flanagan, is to be in charge of a spring plant .-ale. to be held in Nys a the day before Easter. Luncheon was served on table decorated with flowers in yellow vases. 4 Million ( \RD P \KTI S< HI Dl I FD I- in a eric of benefit card parties sponsored by the Oregon Trail grange will be held next Tues day, 8 ?0 p. m . at the Oregon Trail school house. Prizes and refresh ment- will be offered. The public is invited. On 400 LABELS i.i k i Shiny Whit* ONLY $100 Poatpad A tta c h t h » * to » " « ¡ o p * » * « • |n<t «cldtwi W ted&ut £aA ef i rV •‘PFAFF is k : _ r: Port! » 4 ,2 a o p u s j»«* :* : V 'LJE ■' ' — ‘. Î y W ~S SE W IN G li MACHINE P e o p le w ho know an d appreciate the value of fine sewing favor the PFAFF because, PFAFF alone makes all sewing . . . all finishing so amazingly easy.. . for be ginner and expert alike! Take the PFAFF way to more as well. in the City Hall O ffice H errim an Used Units Monday Evening Bridge Wednesday Bridge Club 1852 Ford Victoria Fordomatic, Radio, Heater, W SW Tires. 1851 Ford Custom'ine Tudcr Overdrive, Heater, Radio. 1950 Ford Fordor Heater, Seat Covers. 1949 Ford Fordor Heater, Seat Covers. 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Tudor Heater. Radio. 1946 Ford Fordor Heater. These Cars All Carry S.E.I. W arranties Covered For 6 Month« or 6000 Milee For the Best Values in the Valley See Us WE HAVE SEVERAL "CHEAPIES" THAT W ILL MAKE DANDY FISHING AND IRRIGATING CARS CHECK OUR FINANCE PLAN HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. You Can't Beat Our Deals Mrs. Raymond Russell was hostess to her Wednesday Bridge club at | her home with guest players Mrs. Emma Quimby and Mrs. Louis Pheiler of Ontario. Decorations and 'refreshm ent- were carried out in the Valentine theme. Winner; at cards were Mrs. Joe Mugha-n, high; Mrs. Harry Miner, low, and Mrs. Glenn Kenaston, traveling. Turkey Dinner Held Mrs. Wilton Jackson was hostess to her bridge club Monday evening. Mrs. Eddie Powell was high score winner. Want to Grow Flower Seed? Mrs. Barney Wilson was hostess at a turkey dinner held Sunday of last week in honor of Mr. W ilson’s 71st birthday. Others joining in the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Richey, Mr and Mrs. Alvah Sutliff, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W yckoff and three children and Mrs. Houston CARD OF TH A N K S J Wilson and Lorraine. We wish to t-hank our many friends ❖ —•{• for all the kindness and sympathy Maulding Children Hold extended to us in so many wonderful Valentine Parties ways in the death o f our beloved son Two valentine parties were held and brother. at the L. A. Maulding home over the Mr and Mrs. Ward Lundy week end, with Dianne entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Ward C. Lundy Saturday and Roger host Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runcorn Prize winners for games played at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Phillips the two parties were Jill Henneman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schirman | and Jan Rinehart. Miss Carrol Anne Lundy. ❖ —4* Sealy 72nd anniversary sale; same Valentine Bridge Party Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding en coil count as luxurious $59.50 mat tertained at bridge Saturday night tresses, only $39.95. Peterson Furni at their home. Winners at bridge ture Co. 6— It. We Have Recleaned and Treated Seed Grains . . . . WHEAT BARLEY OATS Order Your Requirements NOW We Do Custom CLEANING TREATING Dessert Seed Co. Come In For a Free Demonstration Today Call or Write the A R M Y D IS P A T C H USES ■\f. N \M I IS It I PO R T Mrs. Scott O. Hiatt of Ny.-.-a told the Journal this week that a report icceived last week from the Army i l v - service her on, Cpl. Ylllis G. Hiatt, was incorrect In -.hat the Army information service nacivertently used her maiden name .’ or that of Cpl. Hiatt's wife. The corporal's wife is the former Evelyn | ¡¿oung of Parma, Mrs. H.att said. The new- dispatch revealed that Cpl. H iatt is taking a six-weeks course in infirmation and education at Ft. Slocum, N. Y. Now You Can Own a PFAFF DESSERT SEED CO. Nyssa, Ore. Easy Terms — Generous Trade-in Don B. Moss Firestone Store