THZ NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY FFERUARY 19. I9S3 PAGE FOU* Buena Vista Mrv Viva CíoodeU Phon» 069-Kl Feb 10 with n.r.e Ta >le ;n pla’. ■ Junk H rhile SI l O rd ar.d Jim Maliey won >ec 'r.a h .-h and Mr Wyatt Smith ar.d Walter Fox won traveling pr.zei. Reire hment- vert trved by Mr R. > Holme- Mrs. Aloert » .- o h ar.d Mr- Alva Ooodell. Mr and Mr Liyd Adam.- spent Monday evening at the Alva Gocdeli home. Mr ar..: Mr- George Cleaver and Mr and Mr- La Vern Cleaver ar.d Ala . r . tu Tue-cay fr m M:»s- ca r. There they had vetted the past three Will Cleaver, uncle of Oe\r. Cleaver, accompanied them borne for a visit. No Change In \| v. • n at tended a har.^ie: and bull sale at Bulldog Editorship V <t Becau.-e of erroneous information day it wa- recently stated in the Gate Ur ar.d Mrs CU1Í Muir. were dm- City Journal that D ::- Wilson had lie: f-est u: thè Edward T. ph.'f succeeded Jolene Hinter as editor be me Sue of The Bulldog, newspaper Mr arc Mr Henry E-;r : ar.d of Nyssa high school and Vaughn c Mt.-.d-un and > It should have been stated that U r- I>!& rt Cictvcr &£C DO Tere M W . editor of the school paper for the Bur.r-a;. d G>- -ced r." 1953-54 term. Ur ar.d M. Mis Hunter remain- editor for the W balance of this term the Ed . . I . . : . . day. Mr ar.d Mr David Mos< o f Og- der. visited with Mr and Mr Wayne BJhpson Monday. They are uncle and aunt of the Simps' ns. Mrs. Id Bassett Mr and Mr Tren Jane-. Mr. and Mr Henry E plin and Mr. and Mr Phone 0S9J11 Wayne Simp>on were among tho-e attending a roller ,-kating party at A shower wa given at the Presby Ontario Wedne day Later the group had a supper at the Law terian church in Adrian Tuesday, Feb. 10. for Shirley Spark rence Cleverly home at Fruitland. Mr Thurman Hill, Marcie and and Kenneth Altig They received Darlene, and Mr. and Mr Loyd 102 gift.-. There were 75 ladies and Adam vi ited J. F. Hill Sunday tn several children present. Refresh a Bci-e hospital and report he is ments of punch, coffee and the wed ding cake were -erved This couple much improved. Thurman Hill, Delbert. Vale and wa- married at the parsonage in Wayne Gardner fi-hed near John Greenleaf. Feb 2. 1953 by the Rev Oscar Brown. It was a double ring Day Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Simplon. Mr ceremony. L:;-le Kathy and Janie Phifer v e and Mr- Elwood Flinders and Mr iled their grandparents, Mr and Mr.-. Edison Child attended tlu ( » Green ball at Parma or. and Mr- Charle> Bower Friday and Thu: . evening. They later had Saturday. Mr i i Mrs. Jim Phifer finished refre -iim its at the Flinders home Mr am Mr s O E Cheidelin play- moving in their home Sunday on the ed card- ae Alva Goodeil home Beaumont place near the old school. The L R Price family has moved Ti cut of our neighborhood into the Mr ar. Til irm H.::. M l ie ar.d D.-.r■lene •pent M nday even C wlir.g place in Adrian. Mr and Mrs. A1 Thompson and ing a; the Willils B e rr Mr ar.d Mr w i Lund;ir. Sr. Mr. and Mrs Bill Toomb attended left i r Salerri where they a meeting at the Vale American hall Saturday. will vi-.; ! vo or three week.v Mr and Mrs. Bill Toomb and Mr Mr and Mr Howard Day were Sunday d.:r.ner gue.sts at the Le-:er ar.d Mrs. Dale A.-craft of Kingman Kolony attended the card party giv Cleaver hi me. Among ihOM; from out of town en by the American Legion at the attending the Warren Lundy fun- American hall in Adrian. This is the eral were Mr and Mr Fred Sher- ‘ r‘ the series to be given, man o f Allensville, Lloyd Dickerson ^Jr*. Toomb won high for ladies and o f Salem. Jack Susee o l Hillsboro. Mr Toe mb won second for men. Mr- Dale Ashcraft visited at Mt Mr and Mr Albert Belleque and Ronnie Shot of Gerva.-, Mr and Vernon from Friday to Monday. Mr and Mrs. Charles Bowers and Mrs. Fred Lane of Portland. Mr and Mr- J B Ke.- ler of Tigard Chuck went to Payette Thursday and Mr. and Mr- P E Lundy of and had dinner at the Clyde Bowers . home Culver Sharon Fox, Russell Bassett and Ouy Tanner received word that his sister. Mrs. Ann Pratt, entered a Billy and Ronald Day attended the hospital at Portland for a major Valentine party and dance at the grade school in Adrian Saturday operation. Among those attending a surprise night. Mr and Mrs. Art Sparks visited party at the Harold Wilson home Saturday from this community were at the George Elfer home Sunday Mr and Mr J.m Ritchie. Mr and afternoon in the Big Bend district Norma Blake and Mr and Mr Mrs Howard, Mr. and Mr Eugene. Lloyd. Lester and La Vern Cleaver Kenneth Altig helped Dick Sparks Refreshments were furnished by the to celebrate his birthday at the par ental home o f Mr and Mrs. Art guests Evelyn Cleaver returned from Pay ■ 11 ette Saturdav where -he had \.-ited , . ‘ £v ^ Bassett and at the Elmer Be« ! h«me nda fand Mr- Eugene Cleaver and l.he Geor*e Eichners of Mr r and Mr . . fam ilv were Sunday dinner guests NyDs' a M° nday eve" in* Some dogs in this neighborhood at the Jim Chadd h< me got inu ) the chicken pc M ign Ekanv Mr and M: Mrs N P French -un : Geor were c while the French- wet Cleavt ind.u and killled about 50 o f ti Cle Mr ana d Mr Ben ar Will C leaver were in B"i-e T h i' same thing happen Mandi Ben s id Will Cleaver are a mon ih ago. taking g about 53 French ’s chickens. Cotl-ul' g a do •or there. M F.d Ba--ctt wa- a visitor a Mr Glen M liman and Mr the N P French hiuii" M nday nner gue-ts at the Glene.. M Ed Ba--ett and M' In.i Sunday. A V H urke ho Barbara Tinner wa« an vernight Russell called at the Art Sparks guest at the Shirley Schilling home home Sunday. Mr and Mr- Lynn Hur-: Mr and neear N> a M« nday Mr- Bill Toomb. Mr and M: - N E1 Mr- S B H ffman entertained the Out Our Way club at her home French and Mr and Mr- Ed Ba - Thursday afternoon with 11 memb -ett were a few from this neighbor ers an-werlng r- 11 call Valentine hood who attended the potluck sup gifts were exchanged and a lunch of per at the M L Kurtz home Sun sandwiches, cake and coffee v u day night. served The next meeting will be at A defensible contract is one which the La Vern Cleaver home March "2 Mr and Mr> Loyd Adams enter can be voided tained with three tables of pinochle Saturday evening High prizes were Discontinued 1952 pattern Sealy an- won by Mrs. George Cleaver and niver-ary. NOW only $39 95 Peter Willis Bertram while Mr- Willis son Furniture Co. Bertram and Howard Finger won low Refreshments were served. Mr and Mr- George Knowles were Sunday dinner guests at the Mancie Bislw p home Mr and Mr- Allen Jones and family and Mr and Mr- John M •- Calister wire dinner guest.- at the Scott Hiatt hi me Sunday At the pinochle party at Orange THE STORE WITH EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Prices In This Advertisement Effective Friday & Saturday FEBRUARY 20 AND 21 Clearwater Nyssa Elevator Phone 42 BABY CHICK PRICES PER 100 St Run Pullets Ckls. SWIFT'S LAYERS Swift's Golden Neck Layers 99c 5 cans Waconia Pure $ 48.00 $1200 2500 48.00 5.00 New Hampshire $19 00 $ 30.00 $1900 White Le ;horns 19.00 38 00 500 Austra-lorp 19 00 36 00 SWIFT'S STANDARD CHICKS A 5-LB. BAG OF CHICK STARTER WILL BE GIVEN WITH EACH ORDER OF 100 CHICKS and MEAT BALLS 2 cans .........49 c CANNED GOODS Best for flavor! Eest for value! INDIAN GEM has the superior goodness that comes from the harvest of Idoho s famed 51b. gardens and orchards. SORGHUM E a c h ............ 15 Ounce SPÀ5 EÏÏ! INDIAN 1.37 Derby Whole Kernel Corn 5 cans 83c Cream Style Corn 5 cans 79c Cut Green Beans 3 cans 59c Pie Cherries 2 cans 42c Dark Sweet Cherries 2 cans 53c Purple Plums 3 cans 59c 12 Ounce Roast Beef :!a c h ............ C f t A £ Ä S S • • V • . • W • • . V > . \ • \ V • \ • • \ _ “a XX i « i i i i %••••%• •• • • • • • » ' • • • • • . 46 Cune« Del Monte Pineapple Friskie ' lib .c a n X 47c 3 c a n s ...................... Hunt's No. 2‘ z Sliced or Halves Nalley's PEACHES 2 cans Betty Crocker 38c regular YELLOW CAKE MIX 2 pkgs................6 3 c w : *»t xcz w a - 53c 2 cans i i ris "7 5 i , Meal Tenderizer EGG NO O DLES & CHICKEN AN INEXPENSIVE MEAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — Morrell's Readv-to-Eat 1 pound MARGARINE 4 Ihs. fo r........... S9C Swift's No. 2; - Cans pO O D Si FO R TH E J j Now on Display Wb c » o : ce ^ meats Sun Valley m 2 cans ........ 9 9 c 49cl GARDEN SEEDS * “ PIÎER'$ tí . n No. 302 ASPARAGUS 2 c a n s ............ 49c CHILI Adolph's Advertised in Reader’s Digest Each Dawn Fresh 1 lb. can 65c :r mil — y n i i i a M — Stokely's 46 Ounce ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT DOG FOOD Peanui Sutler I E a ch .......... S I . 9 9 DAFFODILS This Weekend at New Low Price st/tso# Kraft VELVEETA CHEESE PICNIC HAMS Lb....................... 4 9 ^ 2 lbs. SKINLESS FRANKS Lb....................... 4 9 0 2 ca n s .......... 65c BEEF ROAST Lb....................... 3 9 C 2 pkgs.......... 27c 99c Starkist 15 oz. tin NEW DELICIOUS, 3 AND CRISP-FRESH CELERY HEARTS . . ea. 20c NOODLES and TUNA KRAFT DINNERS Chef Boy-Ar-Dee SUNKIST ORANGES . . Lb. 9 * CAULIFLOWER_ _ _ Lb. 1 6 £ SPAGHETTI DINNERS Surloin. Rib. T-Bone $ 25.00 Swift’s Skv-Hi Lavers Here's the TUNA Kingman Kolony Haley's STEAKS Lb....................... 55c Shoulder LAME ROAST Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 c 10c Coupon in Box E a c h ...........45c LETTU CE................ 1 0 c WILSON S SUPER MARKET Modern Methods Make Shopping Easier Here’’ Phone 21 ím Free Parking and Delivery