THE N Y SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y SSA . OREGON. TH U R SD A Y FEBR U A R Y 19 1953 PA G E TWO Tuesday. 2 P m . relief society Wednesday, 4 P- ® . primary, THE G VTE CITY J<>1 RNAL DUANE E. B i t 11 \ K D H A L T E E S .......................................... E d i t a r N »nd p m.MIA P u b lU h rr A drrrU M ni > U n*«rr D u a n e B. A l t e r » a n d G e « . L. W h o r t o n O w ner» SU B S C R IP T IO N BATES In Malheur County. Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho: 5 % *- M 6 Months EUewhere In the C5.A , per y e a r ---------------- 13 (Strictly m Advance) 07 Published every Thursday a t Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United State* Mails, a s second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879 Church Funds To Be Used for Holland Relief C H I K C ll N O T E S ASSEMBLY OF G O D F r a n k C C o ie y , P a s t o r South 2 n d a n d R e e c e Ave. 10 a. m.. Sunday school. 11 a m., morning worship. 8 p. m , evangelistic service. Tues., 8 p. m., prayer service, rri., 8 p. m.. young people. First Christian church of Nyssa Is dedicating next Sunday night’s offering to flood relief and Christian th e c h u r c h o f th e benevolence ir. Europe, it has been N A Z A K F .N E announced by the Rev Austin J. R obert Jack so n . P a sto r Hollingsworth, pastor. The Rev. Don 10 a. m., Sunday school. ald R. Maxfield, former pastor of 11 p. m.. morning worship. the Nyssa congregation and now lo 7 p m., N.Y.PS. and Junior meet cated at Orly Field, France, will be ings. asked to search out worthy families 7 :45 p. m., evangelistic service. In the disaster area. Orly Field, where the Rev. Max- C O M M U N IT Y M E T H O D IS T field is located with his family, is ( H t ’R C H 3 0 miles out of Paris, the Nyssa pas D r . II. G. M c C a l l i s t e r , M i n i s t e r tor said He will drive his car, which 9:45 a. m.. church school. the government permitted him to 11 a. m„ morning worship. take to Europe, and will investigate 7 p. m , Youth Fellowship. relative.- of the Harm Polkerts, 103 East Third St., Nyssa, and William L. D .8 . 1st W A R D Holt, 104 East Third St., former G o r d o n K a y , K islia p residents of Holland. The Rev. Max- 9:15 a. m., priesthood meeting. field will drive from Paris to Utro- 10:30 a. m., Sunday school. cht, Holland. 7:30 p. m., sacrament meeting. Dressed in native garb, the Fol- kert and Holt families, members of Tuesday, 2 p. m.. relief society. the L. D S. church, will participate Wednesday, 4 p. m., primary; 7:30 in the Sunday evening services by p. m., M., I. A. singing hymns, solos and duets in their native Dutch self-accompanied L. D. S. 2 n d W A R D on the violin, harmonica, organ and 1). H u b e r t C h r i s t e n s e n , B i s h o p banjo. In English, they will describe 9:15 a m , priesthood meeting. conditions of their country. The 10)30 a *i., Sunday school. Rev Hollingsworth's sermon topic 8 p. m., sacrament meeting. will be “And Seeing the Mutltude He Had Compassion on Them." Offerings received will be sent to | the Rev Maxfield through the “Week of Compassion" headquarters ' o f the Christian church at Indian- i «polls, Ind. * t l l l l M i l l » K \ N < H I R< II f i f t h S treet a n d P a rk A renue J o h n L B riehl. P a sto r 10 a m , Sunday school. 11 a m , divine worship Wed, 8 p m. Lenten services 8 to p m.. education class You are cordially invited to wor ship with us. M ISSIO N A R Y B t P i l s T C H I R i l l E ld e r lla - k e ll D a re . P a s to r 10 a m.. Sunday school. 11 a m.. morning worship 8 p m . evening worship. Wedi.e-day. 8 p m.. prayer service Youth Rally Here Sunday Evening Ail young people’s groups In the community are invited to attend a C A T H O L IC C H U R C H Christian rally at the Nyssa Metho P a rk A venue a n d T h ird S treet dist church Sunday, it was announ E e m b e r t Ahle». O. F. M. ced Monday by Robert Hartley. Mass Sunday at U and 10 a. m Sponsored by the Chri.-uan YouUi and daily at 8 a. m. Fellowship of the Methodist church, 9 a m . , Catechism classes. the program will start at 7 p. m with the Rev B< b Smith of as A D R IA N C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H the principal speaker. Recreation for all youths attending have been H e n r y E. M o o r e , P a s t o r planned and refreshments will be 10 a m , Bible school. served. 11 a. m., morning worship. 11 a. m ., junior church. As in the past youth groups from all church denominations are in CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN vited to the rally. Hartley said. C h r i s t i a n C e n t e r M i s s io n E a s t 2 n d a n d ’E h rg 'o o d and Air». N orm an H urlbert T h e R ev. a n d M r s . E. J. W i l s o n of H.medale were Thursday afternoon guests at the James V Shaw home and Saturday afternoon visitors were Mrs. Kenny Chard and Stevie M r. and M rs. H arry N akashim a and family moved onto the Herb M r s . B u d W i l s i n a n d L o is c a l l e d Fischer ranch Saturday and were guests for d.nner at the W. K Wahl- on Mrs. George Schweizer Friday. CLaudcna Willson and Coleen By ert home that evening. S g t . E a r l S. S u l l in s , r e c e n t l y of bee visited over the week-end from Boise at the homes cf their parents, Fort Williams at Chandler. Ariz. Mr and Mrs. Claude Willson and spent the week-end visiting at the Murl Lancaster home Sgt Sullins Mr. and Mrs. S P Bvbee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toombs, Jr., has been spending his leave at Properly Planned Insurance Protects Against Unavoid able Loss. Call Us Today for Complete Plans on Protecting Your Investment. W1 STAND KTWHN T0U AMD LOSS I 10 a. m , church school. 11 a. m„ morning worship. C H U R C H O F C H R IS T P arm a, Idaho McC’o n n e l Ave. O. Ft. K o b i n s o n , M i n i s t e r Bob Thompson A gency 10 a. m , Bible study. 11 a m., morning worship. 8 p. m., Sunday evening service. Wedne-day. 8 p. m., Bible study. Phone 97 y ST. P A U L ’S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H C. T. C r e n s h a w , R e c to r 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m , morning worship. Home beauty begins with . . . PU R P O S E FURNACE w it h B u i l t - i n A ir-C o n d itio n e r u ~ V ‘ ---------- The miracles that come in cans Stunz Lum ber Co. O n e « u p on a fim« oranges were rare, expensive luxuries. Only the richest kids in town could afford them. If you were lucky you got one a year—in the toe of your Christmas stocking. T oday, m illions enjoy healthful orange juice packed in cans. The vita mins and minerals you get this way are just one example of an everyday miracle of modern living that every Oregon family takes pretty much for granted. 100 Sections Algoma WOOD H A R R O W S l * 5-Bar. 40-Tooth was held by the Christian Women's Fellow - 1 ship of the Christian church Thurs- I day at the church, followed by a business meeting. A devotional service was lead by- Mr s Elvin Ballou, and Mr Harold Robbin- revel wed a lx ok entitled , “Daughters of Africu." Mr». T . S. W e e k s v i s i t e d a t t h e home of her daughter and son-in- law. Mr and Mrs. Dare Id in Vale Monday. Week-end guests at the T S Weeks home were their son from MeDermitt. Mr and Mrs. John ■Weeks. M r. and daughter. Terri, of Emmett were all-dav Sunday visitors at the Gil bert Raff home Mrs. Hurlbert and Mrs. Raff are sisters. FR E E M E T H O D IST C H U R C H A drian, O regon Coleman's Host Youth C W F H O LD S M E E TIN G A covered dish luncheon LOCAL NEWS .. i » p rt ’ Camp S: uemar. Calif, ( • r e o n S p a r k s of l l i " < » d l a n d dim for tranifer to Japan upon exp.ra Spark.- of Caldwell visited one day- tion of hi leaie M rs . h a t h > l i u k l i r r t of B o ise - p e n t last week at the T J. Sparks home Saturday guests a. the Spark.- home Sunday with her mother, Mrs Nora were their nephew and family. Mr. Ray. and Mrs Charlie Lowe of Caldwell were gue ,t i; the N E H.i heme Sunday 10 a m., Sunday school. 11 a m., morning worship. 7:30 p. m., evangelistic service. Just Arrived . . . . The intermidiate class of Metho- | dist young people was taken recently by Mrs. V W Duus and Mrs Harley »•«er to the George Coleman home for O ft »FOnjng of games and a taffy pull. M rs. Coleman showed colored movies of Japan and Korea, sent home by her son, Cliff, who Is sta tioned with the U S. army in Korea. IMIISF GROf |* \|N |T S Frank FUming .iperinter.der.t f the B' ,-e Chri-tian Children s he me, and Mr Fleming and 17 young people fr_m the Boise B.ble college attended Sunday services at the Fir-t Church of Christ. After serv ices, they were entertained at the Harold Robbins heme. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Heavy Wood Bar Drawbar Extra GET YOURS TODAY!! . What brought about this miracle— and many others like it? The answer is simple. It was your demand for bet ter, more appetizing, more healthful foods of all kinds. These demands were met by American business (in cluding American Can Company), de voted to bringing you better products at lower cost. Satisfying your needs has created thousands of jobs in farming, food processing and distribution. It has re quired a lot of research—which has produced better and more convenient food containers. It has increased and stabilized farm income. It has even meant higher property values in some areas. In fact, it would be hard for you to go through a single day without enjoying many of the benefits that have re sulted directly from the activities of the canning and can-making indus tries in your State. The 35,000 American Can Company people are proud of their part in this story of industrial progress. Your free choice in buying more and more of what you need in cans has enabled them to perform many miracles in the past—and to promise even greater things in the future. r . . SA W DU ST, O U Of e * * K ia s ° n t . F u lly lm *.ucw;'h .u.o I'JUiH matic fuel»- A p o stc o rd w ill b r in g ■ F R E E lit e r o t u r « FREE ESTIM ATES G ladly G iven on A ll H eating and Sheet M etal Work at EDER'S S heet M etal Shop. Phone 46 U O I T I F.S ( l . l l l T O M E E T Member were reminded this week of the meeting <>f the Episcopal Couples club, t > be held Thursday at the church. FELLOWSHIP HOI K SET A fellowship and social hour will bo held after the evangelistic meet ing Friday at the First Church of Chirst. WESTERN CORRUGATOR CO. Phone 181 AMERICAN CAN COMPANY Nyssa, Oregon C O N 77, !. C IRC L E S W I L L M E E T F esr/y Ruth and Naomi circles of the Methodist church will meet Thurs day, 8 p m at the home of Mrs Dwight Wvckoff. s . . . to help people live b e tte r Mad » in Canco's Oregon Plant at Portland F/erysse//se s A/ese F /eefs/e/fy -ESPECIALLY IN WINTERTIME! A c o n t i n u o u s s u p p l y of liot w a t e r Las m a d e m o d e r n homelife more p l e a s a n t a n d h o u s e work easier, f rom h u b b y ’s to p-o f th e m o r n in g shave, t h r o u g h l a u n d r y a n d dishe s, to a relaxin g b a t h before b e d ti m e , hot w a t e r from a n a u t o m atic electric h e a t e r is a w o n d e r f u l step for w a r d in b etter living for the entire family. In Tire Service As You Like Iti Tires and tubes at right prices . . . and prompt, efficient service with a smile! Wh * P an Our techn ician! w ere care fu lly selected for their skill and "know-how." T hey get it right the FIRST time. BERRETT'S Service and Cafe P hon e 117 . . . There’s nothing like it for beautiful, sm ooth room decoration. Gorgeous colors that dry in one hour, make painting easy—even if you’ve never painted before! S159 O f . .......... $ 4 « G a l <D oap Color« S lig h tly H lgbor) 16 Regular Colors — Hundred» of Intormixtvros ^ et ele ctrica lly -h ea te d w a t e r is just o n e of d o z e n s of w a y s in w h i c h th e m o d e r n S n a k e R iv er V a l le y family p u ts R e d d y K ilo w a tt to work. FOR A LL PA IN T SU P P L IE S SEE EDER'S 1 o d a y I d a h o P o w e r ’s a v e r a g e h o u se h o Id c u s t o m e r is u s i n g tw ice as m u c h electricity . is .. he did seven years ago. 1 he b e a u t y of it is. wi t h in creased u s a g e . Ills a v erag e kilowatt h our electric cost is lower t o d a v t h a n it w a s b ack in PA IN T DEPT. JUC UZZI PU M PS 1015. and PU M P SERVICE iVe.vf time von look at you r electric hill, think of the m a n y tasks electricity perfor ms for you. A t I d a h o P o i r e / s loir r a t e s — TV < h e lo w the n a t i o n a l a v e r a g e —it s a b a r g a i n y o u ll go far to match today! SEE OR CALL DOUG AT EDER'S ID A H O ?PO W Eft C tW P u ciù j Dc«s S j MUCH-Costs So LITTLE ’ Phone 46 A fter 6 p. m. Call 326-M. I