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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1953)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1953 PAG E TEN IN V S $ A THEATRE TELEPHON* 10K Tuesday-Wednesday-Thurs FEBRUARY 17-18-19 "S N O W S OF KILOMANJARO" In Technicolor with GREGORY PECK AVA GARDINER SUSAN HAYWARD HILDKGARDE NEFF He searched for his lost soul in Paris cafes, through a war in Spain and in the heart of savage Africa. FR ID AY-SATU R D AY FEBRUARY 20-21 "CRIPPLE CREEK' In Technicolor with GEORGE MONTGOMERY JEROME COURTLAND Also "AR M Y BOUND" with 2nd Stringers Win Over Adrian D ays G o n e By in N yssa Com m unity JSENERAk ABOYE A U STANLEY CLEMENTS STEVE BKODIE n m ij SU ND AY-M O ND AY FEBRUARY 22-23 "O N E MINUTE TO ZERO" with ROBERT M ITI HUM ANN BI.YTH W ILLIAM TALMAN CHARLES M c GRAW day Mr R wUnd was manager of of administration, reserve for de Eder Hardware here several years linquencies in collections and gen eral reserve is *4 65 per irrigable ago Mr- Gladys Matthews gave her acre; the assessment for construc I rum the Journal Elles daughter. Edith, a surprise birth tion charge.- for 1953 is $2 10 per With regular starters 5 Years Ago, reb. 13, PIS ranch by the Owyhee Ditch, to day party Saturday evening. She irrigable acre. The assessment for ; li. ti.e ,econd quarter and ccn- was 15 years old. Twenty young opciai.^n and maintenance and the Farrell Peterson won the public which they moved last week, t r . u a . but seven points, the Bull- fini half of construction charges friends attended. peaking contest held by the N> a 1 0 Years Ago Eeb. 13, 1913 tringer» p d a 69-43 The gap widened betveen the amounting to $5 70 will be payable The first train of material was first place 3 & E Cafe ar.d tail-end v ct ry r ver the Adrian Antelope» on chapter of the Future Farmers of on and after March 16, 1053 and will NOTICE OE EQUALIZATION Muir-Rob«*rts- Burningham trams in the latter’s floor in a non-confer- America at a meeting of the Oregon pulled over the state line Monday NOTICE is hereby given, that the become delinquent on and after April the* Nyssa W men's B- wling league, ence basketball tilt last Friday Trail Orange Tuesday night----- Roy night on the steel rails of the Nys- Board of Directors of the Owyhee 10, 1953 Interest will be charged on followmg Monday night's play, with The scoring spree was led by Holmes was elected president: Char- ,a-3uhl water grade. Sight-seeing Irrigat.on District, sitting as a Board all delinquent assessments at the r.he other teams stringing out be- Snider with 13 points, closely fol- ¡es Culbertson, vice president; Mrs. partners on the trip were Judge Wil- of Equalization, will meet on the rate of 'i of 1% per month or any tween in the official lan din g■> lowed by H'Icomb and Bumgarner Lynn Snodgrass, secretary-treasurer, ,on, Marshal Field and a Journal 16th day of March. 1953 at 8:00 fraction thereof on and after April a At E wa, the cnly team to post who tied with 10 each ran® I and Neil Dimmick, drill master of r porter.----- Jos H B.tner, form- o'clock P M. of said day at its office 10. 1953 tour points, to go two ahead of Dip 9, Tanner and Dillon eacn B ana t^e Qwyhee Riding club Friday erly of Downey, Ida., has taken in Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose The assessment roll and records econd place Owyhee Beauty Shop °o x and Browne each ^ r e night.---- Mrs Wm. Schireman re- charge of the Hotel Western and of reviewing and correcting the as relating thereto may be inspected at Owyhee Beauty took team honors ^e^u~ ’r '> „ la J turned Friday from a trip to Klam- will expend several thousand dollars sessment roll and apportionment of the office of the District by any in by chalking up 1.76« for high series ¿^aham ,was high man for Adrian ath Falls, where she attended the in placing the old building in first- charges for operation and mainten terested person during office hours ■ ganti, and 653 for high single game. . . . _ ____ three-day convocation of the East- class condition.----- Daddy Smith has ance for the water season of 1953. of each business day. Ann Richter, Berrett’s Service, Vlth 10 P°mt-S- and Ratigan second By order of the Board of Directors ern Oregon dice-e of the Episcopal returned from Fruitland and open- The assessment for the estimated OWYHEE IR R IG A TIO N DISTRICT posted high individual game with *hh ®- church.-----Henry Zobell. troop rep- ed a shoe shop in the Hiller building cost of operation and maintenance 196 and Betty Jean Burbridge. B At of the North Board of Control of the By Harold Henigson, Secretary. resentative for Nyssa First Ward cn Main street.—The foundation of Owyhee Project, allocable to the First publication Feb. 19. 1953 E Cafe, high single series with 507 Apple Valley Man troop 45. B * Scouts, presented the the Methodist parsonage on Third points. ~1 1 Last publication Mar. 13. 1953. Owyhee Irrigation District, expenses charter to ' ’.master Ger.e Stoker street is completed.---- Last week Pairings for next Monday are as Dies In California and AssLstai. Scoutmaster Reed Ray Representative Homan introduced a f 11 w.s: Hospital v- Brownie's cafe, Funeral services for John I. Bost bill in the legislature at Salem au- Berrett’s Service vs Everybody's, Inc. on. long-time Apple Valley resident, Sunday evening. thorizing a bridge across the Snake B fi E Cafe vs Stunz Lumber and will be Friday at 10 a. m at the 15 Years Ago Feb. 17. 1933 The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce River at Big Bend, about seven miles \luir-Robert--Burningham vs Owy Apple Valley Methodist church with will start its advertising campaign frun Nyssa. hee Beauty Shop. the Rev H G. MoCallister of the ----------------------- Lost Nyssa MethcdBt church officiating of the city by the erection cf a high- Standings Won 5 B At E Cafe 33 and the Nyssa Funeral home in vay d'rection sign to be located two LaCELLE RESIGNS POST 7 Owyhee Beauty "1 charge of arrangements. Interment miles east of Ny - a at the junction Jerry LaCelle, principal of Apple 8 Berri'tt's 20 of U. S. highway 30 and Idaho high .'alley ,chcol, announced this wetk w.ll be at the Parma cemetery. 14 Brownie’s Cafe 14 Mr. Bc-ton died last Saturday ev way 18.-----Four Malheur county hat he would net return to that 15 Stunz Lumber 13 ening in Napa, Calif, at the heme farmer- have organiz d the Owyhee ?h l next year. His plans for the 17 Everybody's f his daughter, Mr-. Howard Jami- Grain Drill cooperative near N - a. .mure, he said, are indefinite. H p.tal 6 -on, with wh m he and Mrs. Boston Neil G Dimmick is treasurer nr1 Muir-Roberts- had made their home ,-ince last Aug members include John A. L ve Ol if Burningham 4 24 LO C AL N E W S ust. He had < perated a farm in the Fyllingne and Chas. R. Crittcn.— Apple Valley community for more Ny.'-a Rocms hotel will in the fu .Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pearson en- J than 40 year before his retirement Renstrom ture b? a first cla s bearding ar.d tertained at dinner Friday Mr. and Nyssa, Ont., Payette l.i,t fall because of ill health. rooming hotel, according to L. M ur, Mrs. Scott Pear.-on. Lawrence Olson returned home Insurance Agency new lessee.---- Mrs. Herschel Thomp W in In SRV League from San Francisco Thursday night, COMING EVENTS son and Miss Edna Burt entertained r’ he accompanied his brother, Wtiile the Nyssa Bulldogs were Feb 23 Malheur Memorial hos- honoring Mrs. Ronald Burke, who . , „ „„ Weston and his father, C. K. Olson winning . . a ... ba ketball ... . thriller ,., from < , pita l auxiliary meet.-, 2.30 p. m., iS leaving for Jerome to make her to Utah with the two brothers visit tile Meridian Warriors Tuesday Mondav at the EDiseoDal Darish hall , . u » j , , . . uiau, Ann me two Drotners VlSlt- ilight 55-49, Ontario proceeded to fnection of offleers £T J L T T ? A ^ ce‘ebrated ln*. while Mr. Olson jour- *5. *,.!.<! to vi it hi mother lea 1 >t the Snake River Valley class I a2? H u d ^ n ^ C ^ K i ^ A v e * ,6' « • re- A conference by dawning Emmett At y r> ni Don M. Graham *va> elected secre- turned to the*r heme Monday. tary < f the Golden Rule Lodge No. •>4r' ani* Ted Anthon of Wen- Waiter Reeves from Burns visited 147 A F- & A. M. to succeed Merrit achee- Wash., at were Wednesday In the only other conference game. aiu r iu<v(s mini uurns vimuci night guests the home of over- Vern Payette ed^ed bv V ile by a 55-49 over the week-end at the home of Greeling, Jr.-- Robert Martin left Concur score. his parent,, Mr. and Mrs. John for Minidoka where he will resume * Martha , lanby niuraed to The Bulldogs wind up their con- I Reeves. work with the Western Union. He che home of her daughter and ference .schedule when they m e e t --------------------------------------------- and his family were given a fare- in-law, Mr. and Mrs Paul Penrod the ta 11-end Emmett Huskies on the POR SALE -Wire tied baled hay. well dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley after an extended visit of several home floor this Friday. A win will I 3rd crop. Located near Adrian. M. Browne.-----Mayor E. M. Blodgett months at the home of her son, Her- give he Bulldog, a 7-5 position in L. Kurtz, Nyssa, phone 054-R2. re-appeinted Arthur Cook, city mar- scnel rfanby, of LaGrande. the standings. ' 6-tf. -hal and N. H Pinkerton, water- Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner call- master and street commissioner for eu at c-tae home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul ! the ensuing year.-----The tempera- Fenr°d. Sunday. | ture descended to 13 below last week. . _E»llth De.Moss and Muraa Lane In the Newest Hues Deep snow kept many Civic club Vw- 0l,e-, are here with members at home yesterday when fathe^W avn , vrthC i nCSS oi their of the Season Mrs. C. C Hunt s group entertained. Mr and >lrs G . N ^ t. 25 Years Ago leb. 17, 1928 tended the Dixon-Neece wedding and C. S. Crouch is the new depot and reception in the Christian LAD IES' MISSES' and agent in Nyssa relieving W. T. Posey church at Payette Saturday night, Roto-Rooter Sewer Service who was transferred to Gooding.— Mr. and >lrs. Loyd Adams and KIDDIES Newest Fash Mumps have become prevalent in daughter. Mrs. Thurman Hill and Nyssa the past week. ----- Howard daughter visited Slim Hill, Sr., at ions and Styles BROWER PLUM BING SERVICE Poster of the 8th grade won the sil- [he veterans hospital in Boise Sun- FOR YOU! ver medal at the school declamatory day- Phono 196-J Nyssa contc.-t sponsored by the W.C.T.U. McCauley of \allejo, Calif. at the high school building Feb. 10.— underwent surgery Wednesday at the Mr,. Dick Tensen entertained Wed- h l p n l u i t m ai/rHe„ has Pick a pretty topper to nesday evening honoring her mother, Brown and family ‘ rs‘ a ° s;> match your Spring mood! Mr- La Franz who recently return- Mr. and Mrs. George N. IV-ar and ed from Calif.— -The Joe Koopman Mr Paralee Kinsor visited friend, See our superb new col ranch was sold last week to M. Hart at the veterans hospital in Boise •vho lives on the old Pink -ton place. Sunday. lection of fleeces, poodle Priced to Fit A ll 35 Years Ago Eeb. 15, 1918 Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Neely and cloths, novelty tweeds $185.25 was cleared for Red Cross Gloria -pent Sunday evening at the Budgets! benefit at a minstrel show and dance c l‘ tf Faulkner heme near Ontario and handsome smooth Mrs. T. J. Hillman of Victorville, LAD IES' and MISSES' Wednesday evening at the Opera At Adrian surfaced fabrics . . . . House.- E. H. McDonald has trad Calif, arr.ved in Nyssa Monday eve 55.95 to $39,95 ed off his big car for a Buick.----- ning for an extended visit with her the richest shades, the daughter and family, Mr. and Mr-. Will Cathey has bought the Felton w d ^ n Jackson and children I S M A LL GIRLS' American Legion Hall prettiest styles of Spring : .uu h near town consisting of 130 Rpi.ent vlsltors at the Ellls FIeld j acres of fine land. Work was home were Mr. and Mrs Vern Field 55.95 to S10.95 ’53. -tarted the week on the new Wilson of We.stpoint, Utah, who were guests 1 brick building. It. will be a one story last Thursday through Sunday, and structure 25 by 114 and will be oc- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunbrasky of cupied by the firm’s grocery de- j Portland, who were Saturday and partment.---- Advertised for sale was j Sunday visitors. old fashioned cornmeal 4c per '^ni Sk»*cn and Betty Louise Fife pound, the original Frank Fry seed visited over the week end at the j Admission: $1 Couple corn took prize at Ontario fair and homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; at the Minneapolis corn show in 1916 ^ s *ceen ar*d Mr. and Mr . Luth- (More If You Want To Give) Seed corn $2 80 per bushel.---- D. P. *’here they are ¡ attending B. Y. U. Music Donated by Pullen was in Nyssa yesterday where he ordered lumber for a new house which is soon to be built on his Parma Riding Club Orchestra 1st to Last Place Gap Widens in Women's League - A tender r< mance set against a background of modern war in Korea. Matinee Sun. 1:30 T U ES D A Y-W F. DN F.S I) A Y FEBRUARY 24-25 "CRIM SON PIRATE" In Technicolor with BURT LANCASTER NICK CRAVAT EVA BARTÓK TOR1N THATCHER Indlsputed king of the seven seas —Idol of Beautiful Women— Swasbuckler of the Spanish Main. THURSDAY-FR1DAY FEBRUARY 26-27 "SOMEBODY LOVES ME" In Technicolor with BETTY HUTTON RALPH MEEKER ROBERT KEITH ADEI.E JERGENS JoppeWL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED POLIO BENEFIT DANCE Friday, Feb. 20 COTTONS Scaly 72nd anniversary sale: same coil count as luxurious $59.50 mat tresses, only $39 95. Peterson Furni ture Co. 6— It. Frank Smart at the Piano When she sang a love song it was a personal matter between her and one man. Story of Blossom Seeley. SATURD AY. FEB. 28 R O O FIN G of all KIN D S "YAN K IN INDO CH INA" Griptite Shingles With JOHN ARCHER DOUGLAS DICK SMILEY BURNETTE CHARLES ST ARRETT "W O M E N OF THE NORTH COUNTRY" In Trucolor with RUTII III SSI V ROD 4 \MERON JOHN AGAR GALE STORM Thrilling adventure and stirring action where men of steel mine iron ore. Matinee Sun. I:M Mrs. Pauline McGinnis Priced Amazingly Low! The seventh and eighth graders had a Valentines dance at the school hou,e Saturday night with Bob Pat terson and Mrs. Geoff Williams as -sponsors. Mrs. L. C. Pounds of Nyssa moved to the home of her son, Glen Pounds, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Keller and sons moved to Payette Wednesday. Mr. Keller purchased a woodwork shop there. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rowland of Citrus Heights, Calif., were callers at the Vernon Parker home Satur- Regular S4.98 Reduced to Just 4.00 Gay colors . . . crisp fab rics . . . pretty fashions .. a joyous combination and the perfect way to get into a fresh and cheery mood for spring. W ood Shingles Aluminum Roofing THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SOMETHING NEW ! "S H IN G L --R O L L " SU ND AY-M O ND AY MARCH 1-2 Perky, Flattering Styles Thick Butt Shingles Also "THE KID FROM BROKEN G U N ” Adrian News Looks like shingles and comes in a convenient roll for easy application. See Us Today For All Building Needs. Stunz Lumber Company PHONE no NYSSA. OREGON FIRST Church of Chrict and ( HRISTLAN Austin J. Hollingsworth. MlnUter 10 a. m., church school. Elvln Ballou, superintendent. 11 a. m . morning worship, directed by minister. 7 p. m , Christian Youth Fellow ship. 8 p. m., evening worship. SATURDAY ONLY EVERYBODY SAVES AT 11:00 a. m.. Sermon: "Beginning At Jerusalem.” 8:00 p. m. "H A V IN G CO M PASSIO N" Is the pastor’s -ermon theme In sights into NEEDS in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Harm Folkerts and Mr and Mr«. William Holt formerly of the Utrecht area in Holland will sir.g Holland hymns. Instrumental numbers with mouth organ, violin and banjo accompaniment. Offering goes to needy Europeans and to one of our young ministers in Idaho who needs help COME! BR1NOJ SEND! W e Give S 5 H Green Stamps NYSSA OREGON