page THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11. e ig h t operation. hou.->egue.->ts. Major and Mrs H S The community wishes to extend Hill The Major and Mrs. Hill are their sympathy to the A. C Hender­ aunt and uncle of Mrs. M O Judd son families Mr Henderson moved Major H ill has recently returned to Adrian six years ago with his Mr*. Pau li*« M cG la*l* Mod Tn Flom-er Club from duty in Korea and was in a family from Emmett. I'lio o f OHO KJ San Francisco hospital one week Mrs Myrtle Parker and Arch were before coming to Oregon. Mrs Oladys Matthews is helping Sunday guests in Caldwell o f her Friend* of the Henderson fu n ily Paul Wilson, son o f Mr and Mrs. in the Wally Stiener home while daughter, Mrs. C liff Looney and Food prices in Oregon in 1963 will wtih to express their sympathy i t Lloyd Wilson o f Nyssa, was an a ll­ Mrs Steiner Is recuperating from an family. likely remain at their present levels this time to the various members of day guest of Billy Hamrnon Satur­ Beef, however, will be more plentiful M r and Mrs Gayle Martin and the family due to the loss of their day. and will cost less, according to a pected to level o ff In 1953 The big family were Sunday guests o f her husband and father Mr Henderson Mr and Mrs Roy Hiral attended - cent leaflet prepared by Mary Beth made many friends even among the the community concert in Ontario change in furnishings is the ma- parents, Mr and Mrs O. J. English Mmden, Oregon State college home in Nampt, in honor of Mr. English’s school children as he served as a Tuesday night ter.als being used, reports Miss M in­ management specialist. birthday. Janitor both in the high school and Mr and Mrs. Kendo Yasuda of den. Miss Minden annually prepares Mr and Mrs. Vernon Parker are later in the grade school Payette were Thursday dinner guests Concerning a family plan for 1953, the parents o f a daughter born Mon­ ind distributes the Outlook leaflet Many friends from Newell Heights at the Roy Hirai home the home management specialist ad- day morning in Nyssa. is a service for Oregon homemakers. attended a wedding shower Tuesday Mr and Mrs Wm Toomb and | vises farm families especially to re­ afternoon at the church basement Ed Wymer o f Parma, spent Sun­ A tip for homemakers from the Dick o f Kingman Kolony and Mr. member that there have been sev­ day visiting at the Howard Hatch honoring Mr>. Shirley Sparks Altig NOT SO FAST — Take Time To Breakfast and Mrs. Jim Phifer and daughters -pecialist is to keep an eye on the eral years o f high income. She says home. Hostesses were Mi^ H Hatch, Mr^ of Nampa called at the Reuben price tag when buying. She says fo l­ chances are that conditions won’t D Hatt. Mrs. J. Jarvis and Betty lowing seasonal changes in food sup­ No pilot would think o f taking a plane off the ground without a motor Graham home Monday evening continue as favorable for the farm ­ Lou of Adrian. warm-up and a fuel check, yet many folks take off fo r the day from a Napoleon died on the Island of Mr and Mrs. Thurman Pierey plies and prices can make the food er. A more normal pattern is likely— St. Helena. cold start, and, no food to fuel their operations. The Adrian F F A boys put on a and daughters of Nampa were call­ dollars go farther. that is, one of some years of high That mid-morning slump which comes to those who hurry through a parlimintary procedure demonstra­ er- at the W E. Pierey and Reuben During 1953, household textiles meager meal or skip it entirely is very real. School children are less Income, and some when returns are The teddy bear was named for tion during the P T. A. meeting at Graham homes Sunday. Thurman and clothing, both ready-to-wear alert. Workers react more slowly. Starting the day without a good below average. President Theodore Roosevelt. the high school Monday night. W ed­ worke.- in Boise as an auto parts and yardage, will be plentiful, re­ breakfast isn’t being fair to yourself. Miss Minden concludes with a nesday and Thursday they com­ man. ports the specialist. Prices that took W hy not get into the breakfast habit when it is easiest to do. Cold, suggestion to make a long-range Do it now! Armstrong’s Inlaid lino­ peted in Ontario with other F F A blustery days are with us and you and your children need more food to On Thursday, Ftb 13, at 2 o’clock a downward turn in the past few plan rather than a year-to-year look leum. only $1 a foot. Your Frigidaire group- in the county Boys represen­ help keep you warm and comfortable. Being out-of-doors in cold weather a lessson will be given by the heme months ir e expected to level o ff dur­ dealer, Peterson Furniture Co. ahead. fo r any length of time demands extra energy. Medical authorities advise ted from Newell Heights included extension supervi.-ion on new ma­ ing the year. that fo r each 10 degree drop in temperature, persons who will be out in Carl Lee Hill, Ronald Peterson, Luis An increasing number of fiber terials in home furni.-hings such as the cold should step up their calories by about three per cent or a total Siam and Gary Graham Luis won the new man-made products that blends are to be expected on the o f about 10 per cent when freezing weather arrives. first on his treasurer’s books and include nylons, Orlons, dacron market, and promotion of the so- Instead of doing things by halves nutritionally, get one-third o f your Ronald on -» ed identification in O n­ food needs when you need them most— at breakfast. The idea o f eating plastics, etc. used in curtains, drap- called "miracle” fibers will continue. tario. The boys have crop> and live­ one large meal in the evening w. n’t do fo r the life most of us live. We The present rapid rate of home peries, chair covers and such. This stock project- and won many award-, are not lions who can gorge, ti. n sleep away the day to wear off the meeting Is open to the public and effects. A ll o f us need a steady 1 ! w o f energy, eight hours a day. Only as good farmers will be Informative. Some o f these meeting in Ontario Friday noon as three well-balanced meals eaten gularly will give us this energy' flow. Mesdames O. Shaffer and Francis materials are proving successful guest of the Chamber of Commerce. Here is a breakfast menu foi a good warm-up on a wind-v. 1 -.istling Worden were exit as delegates from while others have delicts that will Little David Gatwood spent several day . . . fruit, ct real and milk, e -g and a breakfast meat, and several the A.K.H. extension unit to O n ­ way- w ith his grandparent-. Aukers, slices o f piping-hot buLte.jJ Ua. .. Trailways Depot tario Tuesday afternoon as members not with-stand dry cleaning, etc. Messrs. Jake Borge and Dick in Big Bend last week while his of a program planning committee Kreigh attended a check-up mem­ mother, Mrs. Ronald Saxton, had 24-HR. SERVICE for next year'.-- work. building will probably continue dur­ supply of household equipment, Week-end guests at the Mr. and ber-hip drive in the county agents the flu. price tags may be slightly higher Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Poulson and ing 1953, advises Miss Minden. A Mrs. Elvin Worden and Mrs. Lydia office Thursday night. C liff Wright, Owned and Operated by Ed Griffin good supply of materials i< expected during the coming year. Trade-in the State Farm Bureau organizer, daughter have moved onto the Frank Worden homes were Mr. and Mrs. was present. Pike farm. They came from Nyssa. and credit restrictions have been allowances and credit, however, are Bi b Halvorson and MKs Lois Rath- The young people of the Presby­ Sherry Mathews joined the dan- eased. However, no large drop in likely to be favorable t-o the buyer, burn o f Caldwell, Mr and Mrs. C ln Leedy of Payette and Lt. and Mrs. terian church enjoyed a potluck sup­ 1 cing class at Parma Saturday under prices for building materials and says the specialist. Home furnishings prices that Jim Leedy of V.i -avill, Calif. Mr- per and party at the K I. Peterson the instruction of Ginger Newland, supplies is anticipated. Halvorson and Miss Rathburn are home near Adrian Saturday night. -tudent teacher from Nampa. K ay Although there should be a good dropped slightly during 1952 are ex- granddaughters of Mrs. Lydia W or­ Marclyn and Keren M cKinley, Carl and Marie Borge are students. Boy Scouts met Thursday as usual den. Mrs. Verna OOstley and chil­ Lee Hill and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. dren o f Ridgeview joined the group Kurtz attended. Mrs. Kurtz was in in the Presbyterian church base­ charge o f games. ment. Those re-registering from Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. Henry Moore Newell Heights included Terry Bor­ Monday, Mr. and Mrs. A M. Ham- mo n, Mr. and Mrs. Durlln Hamrnon called at the W. E. Pierey home ge, Fred Jensen and Wallace But­ Saturday afternoon. ler transacted business in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge and and Three couples, the Kenneth Prices,1 Mr. and Mrs. C. B H ill were din­ Dud Kurtz and Dick Kriegh, enter­ ner guests Sunday at the Wm. Smi­ President Dick Kreigh attended the tained at a dinner party Saturday ley home in Nyssa. Th e two families county Farm Bureau meeting in On­ tario Tuesday night. night at the Kreigh home honoring were neighbors in Colorado. Lou Pratt and Roy Hiral attend- George Scheimer, Jr., who Is a the three winning couples at pi­ nochle this winter. Guests were Mr. the labor sponsors meeting in Nys- student at the College of Idaho, plans to drive to school from home and Mrs. Mark Hartley of Owyhee, sa Friday night. Dick Kreigh, as president o f the this term. Henry Moore has enrolled Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton o f Nys- Phone 196-J Nyssa sa and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn of local Farm Bureau, attended a meet­ at the college and will ride with ing o f the agricultural committee him. Newell Heights Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Kurtz were absent. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pierry were guests In their places. Cards, were enjoyed follo w­ ing the dinner. Mr and Mr- I>. L. Kurtz and children left Friday for a ten-day trip to California. They will visit first in Stockton where they lived for two years when Dudley was a student in College of Pacific. In San Diego they visited with her sister and family. Mrs. D. L Highland wrote that Marvin Peters n has left North Bend and has enrolled In a radio' school In Los Angeles. Aneta Pratt and her mother were hostesses at a dinner for 18 Fidadae Amieae girls and their sponsor, Mrs. Moore Thur-dny evening at the Pratt home. During the business! meeting the girls voted to hold their parcel post sale Feb 18 in the church basement. A musical program will be enjoyed fir,-.t. Pie, home-made ice cream and coffee will be on sale. { The parcel post sale consists of un- * opened packages received by the girls in answer to letters sent to friends and relatives. Some, h a ve1 fi m quit* ,i dl t a m N o packages will have been unwrapped ns the sender marked the value o f! Flour sacks. said contents. Every one invited. 51 Gauge, 15 Denier Mrs. Durlin Mammon of Newell Regular 50c Reg. 25c While They Last. Heights, Mrs. Fred Haas of Ontario Sizes 4 to 1(5. Stock up now on and Mr Dow Meek of Vale were this value. luncheon guests Wednesday prior to Shirts regular prices up to $1 98 the P. T. A. county council mectm ; at the county presidents home. Mrs Francis Worden attended a party at the Claude Day home. Monday afternoon. The pinochle party given by the Natural C olor— Reg. 25c Good Quality — Reg. 10c Cotton Knit Elastic Waist. grade school P T.A. Saturday night I Large size — Good Quality Nvlon in heel and toe. was well attended by Newell Height-1 Small, Medium and Large. parent- Mrs Chas. Newell received high for the ladles, Bob Patterson i lor the men and Chas. Newbill w on , second high for the men. Vern Butler won the quilt donated by the Big Bend ladles for the March o f Dunes. 200-Tissue Box Large Assortment in Mr. and Mrs. M. L Kurtz attended I Fancy Patterns— Reg. 39c Heavy Red Wrists — Reg. 39c Values to 98c Yard. a fam ily dinner in Ten Davis at Uie \ Regular 19c A Real Special Value. I. C Durnll home Sunday given a.-.1 a farewell for Wayne Durnll. who! left for the army Monday. Secret practices are being held different evenings o f the week for the various age groups who are | working on skits and plays for the second annual F*un Night given by| the children and young folks of the Assorted colors in a heavy Fancy Lace Trim — In Assorted Pre.ibytertan church Fun Night will Blue Wrists — 8-oz. Assorted patterns in good satin weight cloth. Colors — Regular 69c. be held In the Holly Theater again A Real Buy. materials. Regular $1 Regular 15c this year. The date will be announ­ ced later. Visitors at the Mr and Mrs M O. Judd home Wednesday were Mrs L. J. Kinney o f Ontario and her 1153 Food Prices Likely to Remain At Present Level N3well Hiights Food Sense— N o t Nonsense Adrian News NYSSA CAB SERVICE Phone 217 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Roto-Rooier Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Values Bargains Renstrom Insurance Agency Savings Sale Starts Thursday, Febuary 12 Be here when the doors open and take advantage of our Terrific Dollar Days Savings. It's your opportunity to stretch the same old pay check to cover today's cost of living. Get more for your dollar during this sensa­ tional sale. Don't miss these values. BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS ,$1 DISH TOWELS 5 for S I BOYS' £> 9 MEN'S MEN'S LADIES' SPORT SOCKS NYLON HOSE 3 for $1 2 for $1 MEN'S WHITE BRIEF SHORTS WORK SOCKS DISH RAG HANDKERCHIEFS 3 for $1 80-Sq. PRINTS 5 for $1 KLEENEX 12 ior $1 PLAID GINGHAMS 12 for $1 MONK FACE GLOVES 3 Yards $1 7 Boxes $1 2 Yards $1 3 Pair $1 MEN’S CANNON LADIES’ FANCY MEN'S CANVAS GLOVES WASH CLOTHS RAYON PANTIES SATIN TIES 9 for $1 2 for $1 2 for $1 MEN'S