t THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. ORFCON. THURSDAY FF3RUARY 12. 1953 Gate City S P O R T S C O R N E R JOURNAL Edited Bulldogs Avenge Viking Defeat By 50-33 Score by 2 Games Remain on Ontario Host Conference Schedule T q Junior H igh Nyssa high school has two SRV class A conference ba-ketball games rem aining on its schedule, only one of which will be played in the home court. The games are with Merid ian here My--a high school Bulldogs ro Feb. 17, and Emmet at Emmett the Vale Vikings 50-38 in a Snake Feb. 20. A non-confere r.ce game will River Valley conference ba-ketbt b,’ olayed w .th cías.- B Adr .an high game here Friday night before oi -rhool this Friday. of the large t crc wds of the sea o Other games in the » mp! ete SRV t' id tilt we Star hedule -hi v P.iyetn at \ Jale a riu nd H iatt, ua •ds; Harth P Emmett at Ontario, Fob. 17. and nd Marcu and Leve: Or Weiser at Payette. Va e firs: qua M d va j rwar and M end.an with a b y 6 cri Fe b. 20. Snider, w . : Ma urn gave 1 -Vale The outcome of the Oma a thp final whis tic, dumpi gam e will have no b«wring OIi the Ore-;, n district situa tio ri lere, IV. Ontario already is “in’ and wil par- Ivim garner .. -tv msicierab with ticipate in the p’.ay- f fs eit action and contributed brace eacn LaGrande or Baker the week o l cf field goals and free throw . H. 1- March 2. comb. only sophom ore cn the var­ The winner of the best twe out sity. played most cf the final quar­ of three in this play- off se ries will ter. go to Eugene for the stiate tourna- In the last few m inutes, Cox, T an ­ m ent, scheduled to begin the week ner. Talbot and D illon were sent , of March 17. into the gam e, long enough for Eddy There will be no play-off s in the of the Vikings to make two free Snake River Valley cot íercnce. since throws on a personal foul by Dillon. :;i- winner determ ined cii a per- Gerry Browne, who had been ill centage of gam es won ba.-is for several days, was not in suit but As regards the SRV cci lference -at cn the bench giving his team ­ and the Oregon distr ict play -off.-. mates encouragem ent. Nyssa is out of both. L o vejoy S t o r e s F ir s t ( : BB Tournament Nyssa school- will -end an to the Snake River Valley cl. junior high school basketball ■ am ent to be held at Out..:: week, it was announced Tue-;. M uri L u t caster, junior hig principa.. T he this h ’ Id Thu! at On: The p.m. Tht ■day, wil Wt team n... heu aga: • r .o p. i : Emmett at 3 same da) F ridav gam e- will depei . i . ,n , f tiie gam e- play, day. Saturday’s two-game will also depend oti winne em i-fir.al- played Friday. bi­ Team members a.- anno Coach H vard L >veje y h: lude Eve- rett Hiatt, D enn:- Fort» 5, Gì ry S Ve n I’ nd. K ent L-vej y. Fr ank- M ouie \ d rill and Clyde Bybee. A t vo-day t- urnam ent f< 3r cl.iss B junior higli schools will be held next Fr.day and Saturday, witli s' tus as host. Adrian jui lior high DICK YOST Bulldogs Measure Payeiie Piraies By J Ì -SR S core W inning handily and a: all quarter-stage- , : ;.;e N, - a 3ui:d gs tc< k ure of the Payette Pirate Sr.ak-, K.ver Valley cla- 3»u gam e p.ajed Tuv - Payette. r-. the sc re va- Nv- .« By q, 3. T at i 1. 1st qua:.«-:. N a 33. 2nd q u a r ti.. N> -.-a 47. rd quarter, and the final -53. . re I h. n g quintet. P.erce and : Love.i y and Marcum R artlej 24 c f the Bulldogs’ 29 ,.d all : me : the:, free m aining sc r« Snid- r m ade :h :-ee f.eld goals and 3um gar- ner and Browne one eacl T.vent y-tw o personal : mls were called oa the Bulldogs. th but 14 credited to the Pirates, he latter m aking 26 points e ff the fouling of the Bui dogs. Pierce accounted for 19 joints for N y--a a id Lovejoy 15. D.lvi-. with was high point m an f r the Pi- ■ Li u Waggoners Tops Men's League In 2nd Half Standir. ial Bowli n-'ided M ens C m m e have taken on ice during ti > several tean game- that wi P were di-eu- -id m eeting o f the Owy for construction of a s mmuniry hall in cooperation with t e Oregon Trail grange. Appointed as a com m ittee to work with the grange were Mr. and Mr Nell Diminick ar.d C L Ten.-en. who vere also instructed to dra w up plans for the proposed building. It was also the decision of the riding gr. up to sponsor tiie jalopy races again next summer, and to affiliate with the W estern Riding at: A dona: ion of S25 to March of D.nii - was voted. A. uncerneint of the annual Farmer s of Ame rica banquet nuide tJlis i« i k by Dw.ght W yc- irecu >f the N;■ a chapter F F A i atn ivit íes, who set next T hurs- day as • cía t e for thli- year’s a f- fair. tc» w h i .ch parents of members are beiLrig Lnvit ed. Turn. and jilace are 7.30 p.m L . at the higj l school. Gi t spe .ike r will be K I, - kins Hali a a y, who 1I- FFA d is- trict vi n Bo'wer.v, wi *1 includi■ music and member- am ong be the Sto rea COMING EVENTS m 1 \ a made up l> * 1 as played none yet ;. ur have pi,ayed one make-up. ■ d un g in W M ’ i r . - , i the t t: place the Li­ winner Ace Past only team to play 12 game.- in infant sec. n honor for high team se 2.231. and lw ii team gam e, 830. G. Sudan; n ha i posted 614 h.gh individual id H G in- z il 614 for h i , 1. al g.ame. S tan d in g s L W 6 ’ - lb Waggoner Motoi Team No. 1 3 1 Team No. 1 3 1 Pastime 6 6 Bowling Center 3 5 T bier - Feed 3 5 Ol., Ny-.-a Lumber 5'.' q idu« ed at pro­ es, th e of $10 1 place . 13—Arcadia Sunshine club at h une of Mrs. L. E Rob- n ih :n Ave. at 2 m. Fr:d..v. 11 m P • » The fir?: quarter was about two Other seeing action for the Buii- der pon- Both tcurnai Vale minutes old when Lovejoy made the ■a. 12. Vale 6; second, Ny.-sa J o g -in ho last quar; r \ re Talbot, er \ orship of the alley first point on a foul by the Viking's 19; third. Nyssa 34, Vale 32, and Schoolm asters Tanner. Dillon. Hole, mb and Cox. sociatio: Turner, followed but seconds later f: urth. Nyssa 50, Vale 38. oints high Lovejoy scored 11 p as by Hartley's only field goal of the man fer the Bulldog- followed by first half. Out ahead by the.-e three points, Snider and H iatt with 9 each. Con- the Bulldogs were never headed by way .-cored 16 for the Vikings, with the Vikings, but held a varying lead Sm ith com ing in second with 11 points. Chief change in the standings of most of the way. Box Score the Snake River Valley conference Late in the third quarter tire Vik­ M aintaining their pace, B & E basketball standings as result of FG FT l*F TI* ings came w ithin one point of tying Nyssa (50) 3 3 7 Cafe. Owyhee Beauty Shop and Ber- gam es played last Friday and T ues­ 2 the Bulldogs, when the score read Pierce, g 3 9 rett’s Service rem ain in that order day saw P ayette displace Welser in 5 2 30-29, but the period ended 34-32. 1 Hiatt, g 4 Hartley, c 2 2 6 in the official standings of (he second spot in class A standings. Bulldogs Widen Lead W om en’s Bowling league following W elser dropped into a third place Lovejoy, f 5 1 0 11 The fourth period saw the Bull- 2 2 2 play last Monday night, with but one with M eridian. Marcum, f 0 1 9 point separating each team. Snider, c - f 4 1 In class B com petition, New Plym ­ Everybody’s replaced Hospitals in outh was finally dumped from top Bumgarner, g 2 2 3 6 0 sixth place, otherw ise position in spot by M arsing into a second place 0 0 0 the Vikings tallied one on a free Holcomb, g 0 0 the standings remained the sam e as ! tje Talbot, c 0 0 Fruitland. throw. 1 0 for last week. 0 0 N yssa’s basketball fortunes have Snider dumped in a field goal, D illon, f Fern Kessler, Stunz Lumber, ccp- improved, w ith the Bulldogs taking 0 0 0 0 with Turner, who had returned to Cox, f 17 17 16 50 ped all individual honors, posting Cvo straight, the first from Vale the gam e for the Vikings after lay­ T otals here last Friday and from Payette ing out the second and third quart­ Vale (38l FG FT PF TP at P ayette Tuesday. ers, duplicating and m aking the Dowers, f 2 0 | series. 0 0 High team series was bowled by score 39-35. 4 2 0 SRV Standings—Class “’A” Turner, f 1 Owyhee Beauty with 1,840 points, Team From there on the Vikings col- Conway, c 3 16 5 6 Won Lost while Everybody’s posted 655 p o in ts1 4 Ontario Buhler, g 0 3 8 2 3 for h igh team game. Fuhlwyler, g 0 2 3 P ayette _...... 6 4 2, Team pairings for next Monday Weiser 1 1 n S m ith, f 5 6 5 are as follows: Meridian 0 2 3 Eddy, f 1 6 5 S tu nz Lumber vs Berrett’s Service Nyssa 0 1 0 5 Fonda, c 0 5 p i Owyhee Beauty vs B row nie’s Cafe, throws. Vale 0 1 0 4 Aranda, g 0 6 38 M ulr-R oberts-Burningham vs Every­ 14 38 19 1 Em m ett Totals 12 9 body's and B & E Cafe vs Hospital. Class ■*B" Standings Team Won Lost W L Marsing 12 3 191 5 B & E Cafe Fruitland ___ —11 3 Owyhee B eauty 18 New Plym outh 11 3 B errett’s Service 17 Middleton 9 5 Brownie's C afe 13 W ilder 9 5 Stunz Lumber 12 Notus 5 9 Everybody’s 8 Parma _ 5 9 H ospital .... 6 Adrian 1 13 M uir-R oberts-Burningham ... 3 Homedale 1 14 C annel is a coal of fine texture con taining m uch volatile m atter. Me oh m onth M Wi JF.RSEV ( |,I B TO MEET SATVRDAI IT VALI The Malin ; • v untv Jcr.ei 2 p. m. lighters o , home of E ch niembe club. Po Ma ur­ ne ke ep- ■ake of 3 Feb. 19 Mary and Martha Circle o f Metlx* di-t church m eet- with Mr- R u-sell C lochrun at 2 p. m. Di'rea­ Circle to me et with Mrs. Leroy Herr- m an on Columbia Ave at 2 p. m Ruth ani d Naomi Circle m eets at home of Mr-. D.vight W yckoff at 8 p. m. Feb. 19 St. A nne’s altar society Bin i: m v -only $1 a foot, Arm - sin m g ’- inlaid linoleum. Your F rigi- daire dealer, Pc Furniture C --------------------- m ---------------------- Buy Now While Prices Are Low We Cut, Cure, Wrap and Freeze STATE INSPECTED MEAT HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEATS Nyssa, Ore. Phone 395-W 1 mile North, U mile West on Columbia Ave. VALENTINE SPECIAL Bone China Cups and Saucers $2.50 JACKSON JEWELRY STORE Chocolate and cocoa both come .from the cacao bean. TV Sets on Display We Are Happy to Announce . . . the First of Several Nationally Recognized and Nationally Advertised TV Sets Which We Will Carry, Is Now on Display on Our Sales Floor. In the Near Future, We Will Have Many Such Samples on Display Starting at the Low Price of $ 189.95 Come in and See These Beautiful TV Units, and Let us Explain Our Sales Program. Pay a Small Down Pay­ ment and a Few Dollars Each Month and We Will Guarantee Delivery of the Very Latest in TV—to be Delivered to You as Soon as Broadcasting Begins. Come In Now—See the Beautiful Emerson Don B. Moss Firestone Store Nyssa IMPORTED FINE COMBED YA' N Ace Cops 1st Half Bunting; Tobler's 2nd Preshrunk COTTON PLISSE Ace Pastim e was declared winner of the first half in the Nyssa M en’s 11 Commercial Bo wling league, accord­ ing to a report of standings released Ij this week by Mike M ichaelson, league | secretary. Tobler’s Feed and Fuel finished second, -even games behind the Aces, in the first half play which ended Jan. 29. Member- o f the winning team are G. Sadam ori, R. Sadam ori, K Saito, Takam i, captain; K Sadam ori and L. Saito. Playing for Tobler’s are Hugh Tobler, Bob W ilson, Evan Tobler and Dick Yost, captain. Players on the Nyssa Lumber team , which finished in third place, are E. Oldham, S Brown, O. W ilson, J Ostrom and E Michaelson. Members of the fourth place Bowl- I ing C enter team are D. Taylor, N. Van Meter, A. Bates, O. Shtm om aeda j and D. Atagi. Team members of the fifth place i W aggoner Motors are B Kelle, C. W aggoner, H Ginzel, B. Short, L. H ew ett and M Fraley, captain. C eilar-dw elling Team No. 1 m em ­ bers Include O. Fouch, D. Butcher, R Taylor. B Meisinger, J. Madrid and E Ballou. T h e h alf ended with Tobler’s Feed grabbing o ff top honors for high team series with 2274 points, only two [joints more than posted by N yssa Lumber. W aggoner Motor chalked up 784 points for high team gam e, with Nyssa Lumber again In second place. • Sunny Takami posted 686 points to take top honors for individual series and 275 points to place second for high single gam e, only three points behind N. Van Meter who had 278 points. T he only one of the seven w o n ­ ders of th e world, still In existence, Is the Egyptian Pyram ids. Mile in French corresponds to the BlWhfth abbrevia non, "Miaa.” S t r a ig h t Cut $ 3.98 IN 3 PROPORTIONED LENGTHS u h It's Miss Elaine’s preshrunk FINE COMBED cotton plisse m asterpiece .. . expensively trim m ed w ith finest em­ broidery on nylon . . . beautifully tailored and so easy to care for . . „ never rides up, tw ists or bulges, never needs ironing. E xtra Sizes 46 to SO $3.98 TO WIN A MAN'S HEART! T here’s a w arm welcome ahead for gifts like A rrow Dress Shirts Each one sure to compliment “His” good taste! If you’re aiming a t a m an’s heart . . . . choose his Val­ entine gift here . . . . and y o u c a n ’t miss! :* € EVERYBODY SAVES AT » We Give S rld Day of Prayer er- vice at M ethodi-t church. Begins with 1 p. m. luncheon. WE SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE as always All Animals Must Pass Health Examination SRV Class'A VB# Standings Change Leaders Hold Pace In Gals Kegling League R.dmg Club Plans t FA Annual Feed Community Hall Set for Feb. 19 * K l PAGE Sr VTH NEVER NEEDS .IRONING!)