r THZ NYSSA GATE CITY JOUBNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12 1953 NEWS OF RECORD Services Monday For Adrian Man Funeral services were held Mon­ day at the Adrian Pre>byter;an church (or A C. Henderson. 70. who died Friday night at hu home at Adrian Interment was at Emmett. Mr Henderson was born Sept. 20, 1882 In Florence. Colo. He moved to Idaho 43 years ago and settled in the Long Valley community. He later moved to Emmett and then to Notus, where he was employed as a rail­ road worker After several years he returned to Emmett and engaged in (arming. He moved to Adrian si* years ago and was Janitor at the Adrian school until last spring He had been in ill health (or several months. He is survived by his wife, Mary Henderson, Adrian; five daughters. Mrs. Lorraine Glennon and Mrs. Doris Bonde o f Emmett; Mrs. Anna Sparks and Mrs. Ruth Looney of Adrian, and Mrs. Zola Coon of No­ tus; two sisters. Mrs. Ruth Pitts. Emmett, and Mrs. Anna Glaze. Red­ ding, Calif.; a brother George Hen­ derson of Colburn, Colo., and nine grandchildren. Grange Home Ec Club Gives March- Dimes $11 Marriage Ism-nee* lamrd Thomas Masato Go. Weiser, and Annie Martha Oizumi. Payette. Feb HOW TO PLANT A TREE 6 ( Mnplauiu Filed la Clrrait Coarl James Norris vs Lela Leona Norris, divorce, Feb 3 Elaine McKown vs Merle Mc- Kown. divorce, Feb 3. Teddy A. Hucker vs Margaret K Hucker. divorce, Feb. 4 Petitions Filed in Probate (Mart Guardianship of Tsugeko Hosetoe, a minor. Feb. 5. Guardianship of Thomas OToole, a minor. Feb 6. WILBl'R McNALL BIRTHDATE OBSERVED FEBRUARY 13. 1874 Incorrectly reported to the Gate City Journal last week was the birthdate of Wilbur Austin McNall, who died Jan. 29 at his home in Nyssa According to members of the family, Mr. McNall was born Feb 13. 1874 instead of 1884. as reported Omitted from the obituary was the report that Mr McNall Is survived by six grandchildren in addition to two daughters. Mrs Frank Parr. Nyssa. and Mrs. Hazel Bachman of Missoula. Mont., and two sons. Ken­ neth of Mesa. Wash, and Austin of Richmond, Calif. At the February meeting of the Oregon Trail Grange'Home Econom­ ics club, held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Alva Goodell, the pro­ ceeds of the club's January card party, amounting to $1130, were Mrs. Stan Newman entertained given to the March of Dimes. Anoth­ er card party was held Tuesday her Monday afternoon bridge club night, with a third one set for Feb. and guest*. Mrs. Robert Dunbar and Mrs. John Olsen. 24. The club’s next meeting will be Those receiving prizes were Mrs. held March 5 at the home of Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mrs. Dunbar. Lucille Runcorn, with members ans­ wering rollcall by reciting a favorite childhood poem. Mrs. John Schoenwald and the Misses Patricia and Darlene Schoen- S o c ia l ^ llt l'5 Monday Bridge Club Luncheon Guests New Insecticide Safe for Potatoes ling wireworms has been under test in Malheur county for the last two Aldrin insecticide has recently , years. Turner Bond, extension agent, been declared safe as a soil treat­ reports that control has been prac- ment for controlling wireworms on j tically complete on all trials of this potatoes, according to reports from | material. The recommended rate and Oregon State college. Official ap­ method of application, according to proval by the regulatory division of ! Bond, is three pounds of the active the U. S. Department of Agiculture | material per acre, spread broadcast removes doubt regarding poisonous on the soil surface and thoroughly residues or o ff flavors produced in I stirred into the soil from the surface potatoes by this chemical and adds to plow depths. Time of applying the aldrin to the list of approved wire- j material is not critical, and it can be worms controls along with D. D. T. [ used in the fall or just before plant- and soil fumigating materials. j ing, provided it is stirred into the Effectiveness of aldrin in control- | soil soon after application. SUGAR BEET CONTRACTS Being Written 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday, Inclusive Am algamated Sugar Co. Office PAGE FIVE week visiting Mr* G> etz brothers and the.r fam.l.es H:s si*ter Mrs Fred W.nterroth of Portland who had beer, a housegue at the.r home •Jr >-. a on busine* Lawrencw informing them ■ n* and v^iung many long-time friends1 iiad '.anded in Bar. Francisco that including the J R OyUen*kog morning f e w K rea and expe v to Mrs William Gsrdrnrr of ( aayon be home T/e«dav C-.y Oregon a Saturday over- and Mr* L. Newman and irrW mght gue,t of Mr ln d Urs Homer granddaughter. Patty Miclmehon Jackson. «ere guests for dinner at the Oncar Mr*. I.eil* Craig left Sunday night Erwin home in Apple Valley Satur- w return lo her homf tt j , ckson. dty 2 1 Vh *T ek w.th her mother. Mr*. Alta Pixton Mr a n d H r * Ed Henderson and family were Sunday dinner guests at the LeRoy Herrman home After­ noon visitor* were Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens, Jr and family. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann enter­ tained with dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Storm. Mr and Mrs. VlUe- IU” “ 10*d‘ y vlsit t'fh n /f of Tillamook wa. a hfr nlece and nephew. Mr and Mrs houseguest from last Wednesday to Harry Kingrey They all enjoyed a Monday at the home of Mr and drive to the Owyhee dam Sunday. Mrs V. H. Nelger. Mr *nd Mr*. John Barnrti »rr re­ Mr. and Mr*. Lewi* R i f f * ported to be much improved at their i family were in Ontario Saturday. home this week after illness the past' While there Mrs. Riggs called on two weeks from a severe attack of Mrs. Burness Burns at the nurses the flu. home along wth Mrs. Delbert Hoop­ Mr*. Lloyd Lewi*. Marylin and er and Mrs Ernest Bunn. Craig returned last week after Mr ,„ .i „ urt C o x 'a ^ t'ws r spendln* nlne days visltln|i at the Thursday for San Francisco and San n c Miles home at Salt Lake City o leg0 where they will visit friends and with the A1 Pedersons at Poca- ind relative- tello. | , Mr. and Mr*. Mr. and Mr*. S. C. McConnell 1“ Movs’ son of spent Monday at Nampa visiting Dayle Moss, had his tonsils removed th^ir daughter. Mrs. F. C Moore and Mr * nd Mrs I)on M““ **'• Mr- *nd Mrs- Fr,‘d J»‘ k»on of Mrs Gordon Poucht. Mr. and Mrs. Boise were week-end visitors at the Marvin Jefferies and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jackson home. | Lloyd Snead of Weiser spent W ed- Mr. and Mr*. Don Humble, sor nesday evening in Boise. Michael and daughter, Kelly, ot Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moncur and Moscow, moved to Nyssa Sunday to family spent Sunday afternoon in make their home on a ranch near Boise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the city Mrs. Humble is the former Merlin Sorenson. Nan Grider of Nyssa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McDannel of Mr and Mrs. Charlie Grider. Caldwell were Sunday evening din- Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pearson and ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred children spent Sunday at the home McCarthy. of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clark in Mr. and Mrs. Willis Findley of Ontario. Vale were Sunday guests at the W. Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson of Caldwell F Findley home, called at the M Peterson home Mon- Sunday dinner guests at the C.lenn day. McGinnis home were Mrs. McGin- Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Olson received nis- sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. a phone call Friday from their son, E B Smith. Mr “ nd Mr and Mr* Bill Hamilton were among guests attending a pinochle •HEEL IN" TREES IF THEY CANNOT IF YOU OWN 3 ACPFS OR MORE party at the Dick Kreigh home at I E PUNTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER Adrian Saturday night. SEEDLINGS MAY BE PURCHASE!) a r r iv a l FROM NURSERY. FROM STATE FORESTER. !Vfr. and Mrs. Ralph Hutchinson of Princeton returned to their home lats Saturday after spending three days a: the home of Mr and Mrs Will Cummings of Nyssa They came to Nyssa to visit their son. who is convale.*elng from polio at the Mal­ heur Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. llarrv Scovell of Boise were Saturday evening last week dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Chester Bowns. Mr. and Mrs. Grant lin k of Hur­ ley, Ida., were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Muir and fam ­ ily of Umatilla were week-end guests at the Dale Bingman home. Mr. and Mrs. ( hosier H u h ns mov­ ed Saturday to a home they recent­ INSERT MATTOCK-LIFT HANDLE ON THE DAY OF PLANTING KEEP ly purchased on 11th street. ROOTS DAMP WITH WET MGSo OR AND PULL. MAKE HOLE DIG Miss Eva Boydell returned to her ENOUGH FOR ROOTS. BY DIPPING IN PUDDLE LIKE THIS. teaching position in the Nyssa Grade school last week after several weeks’ absence due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hobhins. Pat­ ty and Christine were Sunday din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ballou. Mr. and Airs. Kay Bowns of Boise and Mr and Mrs. Delbert Hooper were Sunday evening guests at the Chester Bowns home. Mr. and Airs. Alerilean Hobhins entertained with dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. George Stocksleth of Fruit land. M r. a n d Airs. Ersel Ileu s a n d M rs. Anna West left Saturday for a visit in Ogden. Air. and Airs. Weldon Ferguson and son. Michael of Wnlla Walla came Friday to spend several days PLACE TREE IN HOLE AT CORRECT PACK SOIL FIRMLY. AROUND SEED­ in Nyssa on business and visiting. OEPTH. THIS DEPTH IS SHOWN BY LING TO PREVENT FROST HEAVING They are staying at the home of COLLAR HARK ON STEM. SPREAD i ROOTS FROM DRYING OUT. Mrs. Ferguson’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kenaston. ROOTS t PACK WITH HOIST SOIL. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chandler and daughter and David Chandler were in Vale Sunday visiting Mrs. Alta Chandler, Richard and Leslie. Rich­ ard leaves next Monday for duty O R E G O N S T A T E B O A R D O F FO R ES T R Y with ‘ihe Air force. SALEM, 0 RE C 0 N Sgt. Jerry Clements of The Dalles • HAYES H * S 3 6E0RGE SPAUR . STATE FORESTER spent the past week in Nyssa as a guest oi Bob Church. The two men had been stationed together with eon guests of Mrs. Elmer Cruson. Eugene, where they spent the week­ the 40th Division in Korea and just wald of Vale were Saturday lunch- end with their son, Glenn. They prior to his recent discharge from Miss Patricia Schoenwald who was were Joined by another son, Dickie, the service, Sgt. Clements was a formerly employed with the Malheur at Bend who also made the trip to member o f General Van Fleet’s hon­ or guard. Telephone Co. here is now working Eugene. Air. and Mrs. Tom Eldridgr were in the Idaho Power Co. office at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward and suns Vale. of the Idaho side were Sunday guests among those attending a family dinner Sunday at the Frank El- Little Donna Cruson accompanied at the Fred Kratzberg home. them back to Vale to spend several Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schurr and dridge home at Fruitland celebrat­ days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClure of ing the birthdays of Frank Eldridge .;.__ Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests and Mrs. Oliver Bingaman. Air. and Airs. Walter Fox were at the R. M. Cochrun home. Sunday dinner guests at the Wyatt Mrs. S. C. McConnell entertained Mrs. Dale Glenn spent Sunday members of her Friday evening pi­ with Mrs. Bill Hamilton and chil-1 I Smith home. Air. and Airs. Wayne Alorris, Port­ nochle club and guests, Mrs. C. H. dren while Mr. Glenn and Mr. Ham- land, former Nyssa residents spent Morrison and Mrs. Tom Johnson. ilton were skiing at Bogus Basin. Recipients o f prizes were Mrs.-Min­ Air. and Airs. Chris Goetz and id- Do it now! Armstrong's inlaid lino- nie Leuck, high score; Mrs. Morrison ane returned last week from Sunny- leum, only $1 a foot. Vour Frigidaire and Mrs. Nellie Newbill, traveling side, Wash., where they spent one dealer, Peterson Furniture Co. and Mrs. Johnson, consolation. TR A ILW A Y HE A] Dependable Service In Nyssa Phone WESTBOUND 1:5« P.M. *6:35 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 5:5« A.M. r’rlax'al to Boise— Dally except Sunday* and National Holiday* • Local to Weiser— Daily except Sundays and National Haliday* Mrs. Mari* Thomas, Agant 309 Main St. NEW I Phoae 217 EASIER TO BUY I 79 Fletcher OH Company LOCAL NEWS NOW IS THE TIME . . . . Order Your SEED GRAINS HAY AND PASTURE SEEDS We Do Custom Cleaning and ________Treating of Seed Grain D ESSERT SEED CO. 403 Arcadia Nyssa NEW ! Pho«e 133 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth moved this week-end to the house they recently purchased at 311 Park avenue. Air. and Airs. John Goddard. Sr., Pat and Bennie of Notus were Fri­ day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vane Rusco Air. and Mrs. B. L. Ward of On­ tario visited at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs O. W. Stringer, Friday. Mrs. Gilbert R aff returned Mon­ day evening from Garden Valley af­ ter spending a week with Mrs. James H Bell, who is convalescing from a | heart attack. Mrs. Bell Is the former Treva R. Roberts of Nyssa and On­ tario. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Duus and daughter, Delores, were supper guests at the home of Mrs. Angle Cook In Payette last week. Air. and Mr*. George V. Rear and Mrs. Paralee Kinsor had Sunday dinner at he East Side cafe In On­ tario. Later they visited Mrs. Vernon Reed and her mother, Mrs. W. Rog- EASIER TO BUYI Sette* AUTO INSURANCE *P