THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1953 PAGE TWELVE Holmes, master, presided. Announcements included a sugar beet meeting at Boulevard hall M on­ day and of a potato meeting, which was di-cu-sed by the group Oarret Siam, legislative chairman t Id Orangers that a bill before the legislature would have to have peti­ tion signers from all parts of the hate before it could be introduced. The Grange is sending a letter to the organization's representative In Salem, opposing a proposed change in pari-mutuel betting money to the general fund from a fund for county M i » Phyllis ( heldelin was installed fairs and 4-H clubs Loyd Adanv- reported on a public as honored queen of Job's Daughters M \K ( H -D IM E S C O N T R IB U T IO N S utilities meeting he and Prank Sher­ Bethel 33 during ceremonies held in E X P E C T E D TO S U R P A S S $6.000 December. Miss ( heldelin is the wood attended. »Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Gayle Kreason The Orangers discussed plans fer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orland iart of the county, raised $348 prin­ Mr Oayle Kreason. American Leg­ a building and Mr and Mr- Garre: Cheidelin and a junior in high cipally tlirough the efforts of Ellen school. ion auxiliary Oregon state depart­ Stum served refreshments. TELEPH O NE 108 SA TU R D A Y, FEB. 14 "TARZAN'S SAVAGE FURY" with LEX MARKER DO RO TH Y H A R T Also "UNDER THE RED SEA" ment president of Dallas, will be one of several state auxiliary officials to participate ui the American Legion district conference .-luted for next Tuesday at Ontario. Mr-. Una P ;>e f Mt Vernon, dis­ trict president, will pre.-idc over the auxiliary section cf the conference set f r 2 p m. Ai-o on the conference agenda is Mr- Mae Whitcomb, de­ partment secretary. A Joint banquet of the Legion and auxiliary is scheduled for 6:30 p. m. Auxiliary member- of Nyssa are re­ quested to make necessary reserva- rtth Ml Cliff« rd Mink by Saturday. with HANS HAAS LOTTIE HERE S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y F E B R U A R Y 15-16 "FLAT TOP" In Cinecolor with S T E R L IN G H A Y D E N KI< II \R1) ( ARLSON B IL L P H IP P S JO H N B R O N F IE L D Richland 4-H Club Skating Party Set stirring story of men with wings. Guardians of our Pacific Frontier. A A meeting of the Richland 4-H Livestock club was held Jan. 31, at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harold Sisson with nine members present. Members of the club entered the Matinee Sun. I : i# Tuesday-Wednesday-Thurs. 23rd Hoard dairyman judging con­ test by judging five classes of dairy cows. Plans were made for a roller skating party to be held Feb 28 and invitations were extended to the Oregon Trail Cooking club. Buz­ zing Needles Sewing club and A r­ cadia Livestock club. Refreshments of cookies and cocoa were served by Mrs. Sisson. F E B R U A R Y 17-18-19 "SNOWS OF KILOMANJARO" In Technicolor with G R E G O R Y PECK A V A G A R D IN E R H IL D E G \ R D E NEFF Add . . . He searched for his lost soul In Parts cafes, through a war In COLOR Spain and In the heart of savage Africa. . . . to your home F R ID A Y -S A T U R D A Y F E B R U A R Y 20-21 "CRIPPLE CREEK" In Technicolor with MONTGOM ERY j f K<> >n t Ol RTLAND Also "ARMY BOUND" ! S T A N LE Y CLEM ENTS STEVE HRODIE F E B R U A R Y 22-23 "ONE MINUTE TO ZERO" with Chrome Dineiles ROHI ItT MITt III M W S Iti Y I II W II I I \M I M M AN ( B A U E8 MeGRAH A tender romance est aga.n-t a background of modern war in Korea Matinee Sun. 1:1# With disappearing T U E S D A Y -W E D N E SD A Y F E B R U A R Y 24-25 leaf . . . choice "CRIMSON PIRATE" MICALITE of red or gray to fruit acids, D I R T LA N C A S T E R M l K < KA V A T alcohol and heat BVA BARTÓK to 275 degrees F. T O R IN T H A T C H E R Indlsputed king of the seven sews —Idol of Beautiful Women— Sw&sbuckler of the Spanish Main. • Easy Terms T H U R S D A Y -F R ID A Y F E B R U A R Y 26-27 • Other Models "SOMEBODY LOVES ME" • Popular Prices In Technicolor with BETTY HUTTON R A L P H M EEKER R O B E R T K E IT H A D ELE JE R G E N 9 j Nyssa Furniture Co. 9 Good Churches Sponsor Sing Convention Phono 149 W 1 Block West Depot Source March of Dimes dance Lions steer auction Jollv Janes. Adrian 1000 Adrian Farm Bureau 25 00 Adrian Japanese labor camp 1000 Modern Pioneers club ___ 10 00 Adrian Legion 35.40 Adrian schools .....— 67 68 Sunshine club. Arcadia 50 00 Oregon Trail grange home ec. clu b --------- 11.00 Arock. Rome. Antelope 348 00 Willowcreek grange, Farm Bureau, Flying W Saddle club 236 14 Vale ( est. » . 3.000.00 Ontario (est * ........... 4,500.00 Jordan Valley I.O.O.F., Rebekah- 9.05 Buy it now—only $1 a foot, Arm­ strong's inlaid linoleum. Your Frigi­ daire dealer, Peterson Furniture Co LIVESTOCK HAULING INSURED CARRIER BYB E E BROS. T R U C K IN G Amount C elled ( alls Received Frank Pike. mgr. Phone 070-R 11 Sunday at I.O.O.F. Ontario Editor Becomes Paper's Sole O w ner months. the Nampa Free Press. The convention Sunday Mainwaring and Lynch had been parents in the ownership of the O n­ first to be held ii^ Nyssa. tario newspaper since it was estab­ lished in 1947 by consolidation of the Ontario Argus and the Eastern Oregon Observer. Lynch has been j is 11 love them! Fancy ioocls Valentine parties— to r y o u r 1 sweets for Valentine s p e c ia l plain good eating for g ilt s — 1 Day and every V a l e n t i n e 's You you're sure to find them ’ prices make a ll h e re . I thrifty, too! V a le n t in e day the Tall Cans More Dairy Herds Added to D.H.I.A. A R G O — No. 303 in the Baker Democrat-Herald and Nichols and F. M. Higgins, local had purchased the Oregon Capital Dairy Herd Improvement supervis­ ors. The recent additions brings the Journal at Salem. total of dairy herds on test in Mal­ heur county to 105 with 1675 cows. Standard herd testing Is conducted in 43 herds, while 62 herds are par­ ticipating in the owner-sampler pro­ Dillon Erickson returned to his gram. Official testing is supervised office last Thursday from a 12-day in four herds. trip east that took him to Detroit, New owner--ampler herds include Mich., where he purchased a new Max Whitaker. F. P Nilson and Ted car. Springfield. O . where he placed Schaffeld of Vale. Nyssa dairymen an order for two new trucks, and to added to the program include Dean Chattanooga. Tenn , where he visit­ Fife. Clarence Reed, Eugene Cleaver. ed with a sister. Thomas Thorstad and Klaas Laan. Accompanied by Jack Hartley, Others are Elmer Ausman of Adrian. Erickson made the trip east by S. P. Wilson of Ontario and Richard plane, but drove his new car back Linden of Homedale. over U. S. highways 40. 2 and 30. James Chadd of Nyssa is a new Erickson said he had good driving addition to the standard program. conditions all the way until he hit Paul and Gertrude Cleaver of Nys­ the Idaho border, where he encoun­ sa transferred to the standard plan tered the first snow. from the owner-sam pler group. BEANS ID A D E L L Keith P earce Has Leave From Service CREAM SH U R FIN E PURE VEG SHORTENING 3 lbs. 8 5 ç C LE A R W A T E R A summary of the January testing discloses that all cows on test in the association averaged 590 pounds of milk with 27.4 pounds butterfat. Heading the honor roll from M a i-; heur county for January is “Oco- tilla,” a 3-year-old registered Jersey cow owned by Fred Burgess of Vale. Her production for 305 days was 9380 pounds milk with 605 7 pounds butterfat. The December honcr roll was topped by “ Polly", a 4-year-old regi-tered Jersey cow in the Chas. Grider herd at Nyssa. Polly’s record in 305 days was 12.298 pounds milk with 708 2 pounds butterfat. Polly also headed the list of Oregon 4- year-olds completing a year's test In December 1952. Country Style FLAKES LARGE FRANKS VEGETABLES COFFEE When You Buy GRAPEFRUIT graded range bull sale at Ontario Saturday, according to John Strin­ ger local rancher, who is a member of the association. The association has gathered to­ gether a great set of bulls and in view of the lowest and slowest cattle market in years, ranchers are not going to be able to pay any big money for bulls. Stringer said. Pen lots of two, three. lour and five head of Hereford and Shorthorn bulls will be offered in addition to single lots. The bulls will all be graded and ani­ mals not up to association standards will be sifted fr >m the sale, it waa reported F Parley Felk. local purebred breeder, U a con.-ignor to the sale. 8 POUND BAG CELERY HEARTS R O Y A L ARM S Crisp— Tender Cello Pkg. . CARROTS Crunchv— Clean 2 B UN CH E S TAYLOR’S Births B.rth- » î the pa t week at Malheur A le KeiUi Pearce arrived in Nys­ Memorial hô pital lnclude: Feb 5 A dauglrter to Mr. sa Wednesday to spend a 30-day A Dale Se ion“, Nvssa. leave at the home of his parents. Mr Feb C A -.»n to Mr and M Mr and Mrs. Earl H> lllr • rth He reached San Francisco Friday a- Reader Vale a dit agliter to Mr beard the U S S M ann after o Mr» H.tivej H »ard, Ny.v-a pletlng 1) months duty in K rea «• A • » .. u*er to M r At the close c l hw leave, A te Mis l e :,srl II *