THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12. I9S3 USE T Buena Visla J^pR QUlciT Mi V A iva Gondelt Phone Otìii-Kl Classified Advertising Rates Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges. 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale For Sale FOR SALE Hotpoint heme freezer FOR SALE—Completely modern, 4- —excellent condition. Ea>y terms. year-old 2 bedroom home. Choice Firestone Store. 2-tf. corner location. Full basement, with knotty pine recreation room with FOR SALE -Fuller paints and wall bur.k bed. Pull drapes, air condition­ paper. Budget terms available. Fire­ ed, automatic dish washer, electric stone Store. 2-tf. water heater, stoker and furnace. Phone 142 or 451. Earl W. Hollings­ FOR SALE tows, Guernseys. worth. 1-tf. Holsteins and Jersey», milkers and springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone FOR SALE—Ten tons of good alfal­ 306. Ontario. Oregon, across from fa hay or will trade for barley or Ontario sale yard 2mtfc corn. Mile north of Overstreet beet dump. A D. Moses. 3-3tp T R IM / READY-PASTED WALLPAPER FOR SALE—Used A & B electric Half Price apartment range, only $35. Ideal While It Lasts Gas & Appliance. 3-tf. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. FOR SALE—Year-frcm-certification 1 bl. West f . P. Depot rus->ett seed potatoes Phone 045-J1, 4-tf. Chester T.-uda, Ontario. 3-5tp Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mei room semi-modern home, adequate out buildings. 2-bedroom, modern home, in coun­ 1 acre. 2 bedroom modern home, try. garden spot. $35 per month 80 acres good laying land, oeen in excellent modern home, several out pasture and hay for past 8 year'. building, $10.500. terms. 5-rocm modern home, 13 head cow HOMES barn, $26.500. $15.000; down, ea-j 2 bedn ■ m modern home, wall to terms. wall carpeting in living room. $5.800, 70 head cattle set up. outside ea y term-. range, 2 sets of improvements. $17,- 1 bedrov m modern home, sleeping 000. $10.000 down. p :eh. bedroom In basement, large 292 acres. 72 Irrigable. 5 room lot, garage. $6.000, easy terms. mvdern home, also 3 room home, 2 bedr. on» in. dern heme, attached everal out buildings, land lays ex­ garage, full basement. 100 ft. front­ cellent, $36.000. $10.060 d' vn. age. $10.500. 120 acres, 79 acres irrigated, really HI MM ss OPPOR II M i l l s top row crop land, ready for produc­ 11 uni motel in Twin Falls, on tion, small home, lot' of out build­ highway, will consider trading for ings. $J0.500, $15,000 down, ea-y ranch ui Nyssa area. terms. FOR RENT 70 acres close to Nyssa, highly pro­ 13 acre' row crop land—cash. ductive, 32 tens beets per acre last 1 bedroom modern home, sleep­ year, spacious 6 room modern heme, basement, garage. full basement, st-oker heat, also, 5 ing porch, farm s Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McOee of Riley visited Wednesday and Thurs­ day at the James Stephen, Jr., home Mr and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr and Mr.' Eugene Cleaver and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Seward and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Edward Topliff heme. Mr and Mr Thurman Hill spent Sunday visiting F J Hill, who Is in a hospital at Boise. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliff ac­ companied Mi- Ethel Goodell and Raymond Goodell to California. Willie there they will visit Mrs. Top- Uffa bro ther. WllUam Mr. anid Mi•s. O. E Mr and Mrs. Alva Oc iell had din- ner and attendevi the .eater at On- taño Su:nday evening n observance of Mrs. Cioedt'll ò and and : Mr. Cheldelin’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Simpson vi.-it- ed at the Lawrence Cleaverly home near Fruitland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Sally, and E. L. Jamison were in Boise, Mountain Home and Grand­ view M nday. On the way home they had dinner at the Chester Jamison h ime in Nampa. George Adams has been visiting at the Lloyd Adams home. Mrs. Alva Goodell entertained eight women of the Oregon Trail H.S.C. at her home Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. James Stephen. Jr. attended the circle at the Wilbur Holcomb home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tanner visited Mrs. Ann Pratt at Ontario before she left for Portland. Several from this community at­ tended tlie McNall and Trent fune­ rals last week Mrs. S. B. Hoffman, Mrs. Janies Ritchey and Mrs. Glen Hoffman at­ tended a party at the home of Mrs. Claude Day Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver spent Thursday at the Elmer Scott home in Payette. Evie stayed at the Scott home for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister, Mr FARMS KEEP 150 HERE FORDS About 120 acres cultivated, h fine row crop, and balance irrigated hay and pasture. Modern 5-room house, good dairy barn. Row crop land under paid-up water, balance of place free water. $37,000. terms. 960 ACRE DRY FARM Should pay for it self in 2 years. Ready to go. $40.000. 156 A. DIVERSIFIED FARM 94 cultivated acres with good 2- bedrocm modern heme and good set of buildings. Late model tr.ict. r and all equipment included $27.- 000. $15.000 down. READY FOR BIG PROFITS Cheapest water in the valley. About 70 acres good land. 23 ni re a little steep. This one can oe FOR SALE—Just arrived, new ship­ FOR BALE I’ faff sewing machlni made to pay big. $30.000, 1 3 down, ment of 1953 wallpaper patterns, Portable or cabinet. Firestone Store. easy terms. priced as low as 25c single roll, Nys- 2-tf. 83 ACRE STOCK FARM sa Furniture Co.. 1 block west U P Good place to run beef or dairy depot. 4-tf. FOR SALE -U.-ed Westinght u-e ele­ cattle, paid-up water right for 30 Listings wanted on st^ck and row crop ranches. ctric range. $39.50. Ideal Gas and acres. You can't beat this for LOANS INSURANCE NOTICE Appliance. 3-tf $13.500. Easy terms. NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 200 Will take cash bids on the corrals 94 ACRES— NEW HOME — .------------------------ Good 4-room house, part base­ and scales and small sheds at the 70-80 cultivated, balance fenced old Sale Yard at Nyssa. Also cash ment, nice yard, good location. Only pasture land. Above average for bids on the large Sale Bldg, to be $5500, $1000 down, balance like rent. row crop and stock. $30.000. 1-bedroom house, garage, close to moved. Or make a bid with good 63 ACRES—GOOD HOME terms on the 3 'a acres including all town Only $4500, terms. 2- bedroom modern home on FOR 63 RENT—3 room upstairs apart Child care in my home by day, week Duplex 1 block from Main St., bldgs, and corral-. Mail to ment. Steam heat. Call 112 cr 392-J, cr evening. Phone 337-R. 5-2t. geed acres. Ideal for dairy and 150x150 corner lot, paved both ROBINSON REALTY Nyiaa. • crop farming. $20,000, one-third streets, $12,000. Kuna, Idaho FOR SALE dawn. 3—Modern houses, garages, shade, 5-2t FOR RENT—2-room furnished cab­ E-3 C o-op MILK CHECKS HERE paved street, 3 blocks from Main St. TRACTOR in, Chadwick camp. 4-tf. This 40 has a good 5 room home, FOR SALE — Good reconditioned All rented. Excellent income p r o -' Bauman Farm good dairy barn, and is in a good . ewing machines, different makes. perty. All three for only $11,750, easy FOR RENT—4-room modern home Equipment community. Not a big deal, but a | $20. Nyssa Furniture Co., 1 block terms if desired. in »o wn, partial basement. Call 36-R. 4-lt. good one $10,000. some terms. west U. P. depot. 4-tf. We have several good business ENJOY AN ACREAGE 4-tf locations, all priced right. FOR SALE 2 acres close in with modern 3 - j FOR RENT—Clean 3-bedroom home, FOR SALE!— 1-bedroom house. $2500, BERNARD EASTMAN 1)2 Caterpiller bedroom home, $7,000, easy terms. I $750 down, balance $35 per month. three blocks south of Nyssa post o f­ Real Estate Insurance TRACTOR LISTINGS WANTED Bob Thompson Agency. 4-tf. Phone 64 Bauman Farm We have lots of prospetes for good fice. $38 a month. 2-room cabin with Equipment farms and homes. List yours witn bath, $20 a month. Mrs. D Pamper- FOR SALE—Good used G. E wash­ FOR SALE!—Whie Betsville turkeys. ien, owner. Rt. 1, Aox 3, Vale. Ore us and prepare to move. 4-lt. ing machine, $25. Firestone Store. C H Cassell, phone 086R11. 5-2tp. 4-3tp HOMES 4-tf. COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is readv MORE THAN A HOME Choose this lovely pre-war home | FOR RENT—Threelroom furnished to build your driveway, parking area, FOR SALE— 1940 Chevrolet 2-door FREE and enjoy a new way of life! Con­ apartment, close in. H. H Kingrey, school yard, feed lot, lounging ur sedan. Fair condition. $125. Phone 5-tf Implement shed. Only pugmill as­ Prompt Pickup of Dead Animal* venient location—walking distance Phone 127-W. 083-J4 or apply Veltex Service Sta. phaltic concrete mix in this area. to shopping, library, schools, chur­ 4-lt FOR RENT—Modern, furnished 3- Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti­ Phone Nyssa 104-R ches, park 4 finished bedrooms, room apartment. Phone 133-R. mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A FOR SALE—$12,000 real estate con­ fireplace, carpet, full basement, Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. or phone 280, Ontario. lS-tf. tract on local property. Substantial stoker heat, paved street. All this FOR RENT—3-room large furnished discount. FYank Parker, 806 N. Ave., MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need for $12.500, terms arranged. Apt with bath. C. K. Olson, 704 King FOR SAXE—Used oil heaters—all Phone 11571, LaGrande, Oregon. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD Ave. Phone 251-W. 4-tf. money to remodel your home or to build outbuildings or garage? Wt 4-2tp. sizes and makes. Ideal Gas and Ap­ Nearly new 2-bedroom home. pliance. 1-tf. can arrange a loan for you and give Use Journal Classified Ads. Shiny hardwood floors, lots of 100 TONS built-ins. Terms like rent. $7500. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, you up to three years to pay It FUK SAL» Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc WIRE TIED HAY Blacksmith shop with equipment | JUST BErNG COMPLETED utilities and heat furnished. 112 70 tons 1st cutting 3- bedroom home with attached Park Ave., Nyssa, phone 337-R and house on 1/4 acre fronting high­ 30 tons 2nd cutting garage. Shiny hardwood floors way in good farming center. $2,900, 5-2t. WAYNE SIMPSON throughout, large kitchen with Use $1,000 dourth street. and steady incomes for thousands Equipment rectors. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY of owners. We have several good 4-lt. Felisa Echevarria Ralph G.. Lawrence, Agent ones. Secretary, Ridgeview Irrigation 5 Main St. Phone 53 WANTED—Highest prices paid for MISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux District. Clyde Smith cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. Date o f First Publication Janu­ )R SALE — Baled hay. Frank slaughter horses phone 306, Ontario. Across from 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, ary 29, 1953. :een. Call 063-Rll- 4-2tp. Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. Date of Last Publication February , SALE—Used electric Sew Gem WANTED—2 wheeled H or 3 4 ton 19. 1953. Kenmore Sewing machines, capacity trailer with good tires. NOTICE TO CREDITORS let models, excellent condition. Write D. G. Combs, Rt. 2, Nyssa. We have been appointed agents for ;ain prices. Ea.-y terms. Fire- New—BETTER T H A N E V E R In the County Court of the Slate of 3-3tp 1 the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Mak­ e Store. Nyssa. 2-tf. Policy covers CANCER, as well af Oregon for the County of Malheur In the Matter o f the Estate of WANTED—Industrious man with ing loans on 40 acres or more. At­ many other dread diseases. Costs Plymouth Club coupe, new seat car to supply 1500 iamilies in Mal­ tractive interest rates. Terms to only $12 per year for whole family. Oeorge Emil BerLsch. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That rs. heater. SI 135. Phone 180. heur county with Rawleigh Products, i suit the borrower. the undersigned, Sopnia Viola Root, BERNARD EASTMAN goner Motor Co. 5-lt. This is near where I have been s e ll-' Phone 218 has been appointed Executrix of the Real Estate Insurance 16 North 3rd. ing for years. Help to get started. | SALE Wire-baled straw, $15 Phone 61 SF.F cea ed, by the County Court of Mai- Ph 099-R4. 2-tf. Fcr inf rmation and interview write \ at once L. Hopper, Parma. Idaho. Bauman Farm heur County, Oregon, and has quali- 5-3t. 9o i • * Equipment Co. Tied as such. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons ;up capacity. sale at S For Guaranteed having claims a• > oe the meeting observing Foun- der Day of the PTA and a silver offering will be taken. Mr Charlie Jones of Parma waa guest minister at the local church Sunday morning Rev Nickens is im­ proving from the flu but va- still unable to be there. WSCS will meet Wedne-day. Feb. 18. at the home of Mrs. Htlen Ruck­ er Betty Boston and Trula Franklin left with Mr. and Mrs Ralph Cas- t ;ter Saturday for California Betty and Trula are planning to visit with relat:Ives