TH E N V S5 A G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L . N Y S S A , CHECJON, T H U R SD A Y F E B R U A R Y 5. 1953 ! PA G E N IN E yard from Walter Fox and -o n ----- farm, which he will operate this home of their daughter and son-in- Nyssa high school. LOCAL N EW S Herbert F:-her. veil known in local year.----- 1. A Barth h m> w r*tu:ind law. Mr and Mrs. James Peachey. < ilW-rs Monday at the home of Held over from last week» circle^, has started a new dairy in Mr. and Mrs Peachey recently be- f rom »he Journal F ile s Wednesday from hi- old home in! town k:. wn as the Gate City Mr a: u M: . J. e Maughn were Mr. Mr. and Mrv llanny Norland and , came parents of their first daugh- Pennsylvania where he has been D airy-----Telegram- from Senator •od Mi I n Harris of Burley, Ida­ 5 Tears Ago Jan ?*. 1948 Lonme of Anderson dam spent the ter. thrt * hi- h' me oyen to the Ameri- sojourning for over a year. Harry ho. weekend with Mrs Norland's par- M r * K urnall Brown o f Ogden Prat: has finished clearing and „ ' “ „el! ? te!1^C0® :l can “ Wiers during World War H, U modore oí the Nys^a Boat club; E d 1 leveling a large acreage for Judge ei..- Mr and Mrs Owen Gam; and Utah was a houseguest at the heme Pruvn rear commodore; Sandy Pat- a * uest m the home of one oi me Roosevclt * lve!- approval to the v.; h Mr Norland’s mother. Mrs of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. i r u i u soldiers. Dr K E Kerby, who served retaining oi the triple C comps on Biggs of Vais Martha Norland of Apple Valley. and Mrs. Campbell Baer four days 40 Y ears A go Jan. 30. 1913 fe ^ rv -t in Italy with the third division— the Owyhee project— L. S St. Weekend guests o f Mr. and Mrs. last week The tracklaying machine has a sculptor oi Naples Italy who At a Pecial meeting of the board oi Clair of Caldwell, bought the I)r. Clare F . Conley ____ _____ w____ ___ reached Riverview at mile po.-t 12 on Je(1 t-*'*'1* were Mr. Lewis' brother. ^ ________ ' _____ directors, a final selection was made Schweizer Cafe _____ from _ H G. Wilkin- >lr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee o f O n ­ son.----- Ronald Burke, who for the the Nyssa-Buhl watergrade line. Lewl* and grandson. Ai.en of tne Nyssa-Bum for the site of f the district Memorial tario visited Sunday with Mr. and hospital. The board selected six acres P ^ t three years has had charge of Chief Engineer Osborne expects to •■•■*> Mrs Sncden Roberts. Lloyd ix w n rt uf Herm iston was a E Y E S E X A M IN E D of land located on the Luther Fife the Journal's composing room left place down two males of completed David C handler arrived in Nyssa property, west of Nyssa on Alberta Sunday fc r Jerome to go into part- track per day as soon a* the outfit weekend visitor at the home «f his from Portland to make his home avenue.----- Mr and Mrs. Vibert Kes­ nership wath his brother Berwyn in gets to working smoothly-----H J. brother and sister-in-law, Mr and with his brother and family. Mr Ward, one of our heavie.-t sheep Mr- Walter Looney (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 sler and Mr and Mrs. S. P. Bybee running the Northside News. and Mrs Tom Chandler and daugh­ returned Wednesday from their va­ 20 Years A go Frb. 2, 1933 1 ms 6t>oo heat........... . Monk*** of tin* MeUimiist ehavek ter and enroll as a sophomore at N\.->a Hard- choir met Monday evening at the cation trip of 7,000 miles into 11 519 Cleveland. Caldwell. Ida. Congressman elect Walter M yards near Nys.»a. ware Co is remodeling the store h me of Mr Dvight Wycoff lor The biggest oven you'll ever need— | states and Mexico.----- Temperature Pierce, at a banquet in his honor in Get Ready for Y ou r Spring costs no more to use— Frigidaire 30 dropped to 8 degrees above zero Nyssa Friday night urged $20 mil­ pace, giving mere room for their their monthly practice. House Cleaning. Peterson Furniture Co. Tuesday, the coldest of the winter.— lion for Owyhee and a million now goods.----- Ground has been Mr. and M rv \V. J. M elton left We have lots of w allpaper Ci.r; Scout troop No. 4 was re- for Vale to complete the projects so broken for the erection of the M nday on a tr.p to Mexico. books to select the type for ora-an.zed at a meeting at the home they will provide a haven for the Methodist parsonage on Third St Mr. and M rv Ed W arren recently of Mrs. \\ m Schireman. Doris Rig- thousand- of unemployed men, once Seymore Ross has received the ap­ your own homes. returned from Spokane where they pointment as road supervisor in Di>- G e t R e a d y F o r W in te r ney is patrol leader. | Farnham Sills, lessee of ! farmers.----- farmers had .-pent a month visiting at the W ith B en n ett’s colorizer 15 Years Ago Feb. 3. 1938 | the Bacon Rind mine near John trict No. 2.----- E H. Brumback of H a v e Y o u r T ir e s R e - c a p p e d paints you can pet the exact In a deal that was completed this Day has received a satisfactory re­ Big Bend was in the city Monday trailing but one percent behind Cali­ and Tuesday with a Detition for a color without e x tra m ixing. week. Ool. Harry Andrews and John port from lug pounds of ore which fornia in traffic death increase no­ ing. M. Burk bought the Nyssa Sales he sent to a refinery in Salt Lake.— bridge across Snake river adjoining ted in the Pacific coast states Tin -e figures, the division -aid. are for the Mrs. John Lewellen and children Riverview. 110 Main Phone 310 5-speed radiant-tube element, all- left for their home above Bonita fir.-t 11-months of last year, as com- : over heat, low or high. "Thrifty 30” after a two weeks’ visit at the par- during the early part of the year, T. E . (Tom) Sparks, Mgr. Frigidaire range. Peter.-on Furniture ontal C. Klinkenberg home. they say, helps offset the “highway- Co. c;de" produced during summer trav­ 25 Y ears Ago Feb. 3, 1928 el months. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pounds are 14 South 6lh Phone 5-M moving to their ranch near Home- Journal Classified Ads get results.1 | dale where they plan to go in for turkey raising and farming.----- The ladies of Nyssa are to be commended for the goodly representation Wed­ Oregon traffic killed more people nesday at a meeting for the purpose of organizing a Civic Betterment in 1952 than in any year since 1946. club. About 40 were on hand to or­ state traffic safety officials revealed. The toll, still tentative, jumped a- ganize a Civic club with officers head of all predicted figure- and is chosen: Mrs. G. R. Swan, president; Mrs. Dick Tensen, vice president; now at 458. OfficiaLs say the count Mrs. McCoy, secretary, and Mrs. still could go higher if delayed re­ W e A re N ow E q u ip p e d a n d R e a d y to Dunaway, treasurer.----- A deal was pared with the same period of 1951. December deaths may shove Oregon closed Friday whereby the Idaho C U STO M STEA M RO LL Power Co. purchased all the pro­ ahead of California. So far this month few traffic perties of the Vale power system— A ll Y o u r F e e d G r a in s a n d T h o r o u g h ly Ennl Du-babek and Co. are prepar­ deaths have been reported, but safe­ ty people are urging drivers to take ing to open a restaurant on First M ix T h e m W ith M o l a s s e s street in the Hinch building. Nyssa it easy on rain-soaked, snowy or icy can now boast of seven eating roads during the remaining months place-. Mr. and Mr-. Aden Wilson c i 'vir‘te'r weather. A small death toll " T h e E a r ly B ird C a t c h e s th e W orm " have moved to their new home on Ptrt'’ are received. North First and the R. E. Servoss Tlle holiest count on record in family have moved to their newly °ragon was in 1946. when 482 were Order Y ou r Pillsb u ry Chick I completed heme. ----- Nyssa Barber 11111641 ln traffic smash-ups. Safety officials said they are at S ta rte r Now F ro m Shop owned and operated by Roy Stove and Furnace Pounds has erected a bright new a loss to explain the increase, but revolving barber pole. ----- A. Cole has commented it is a continuance of a received machinery for his new mat­ trend first noted in 1950. Deaths in Oil tress factory and is now ready to traffic dropped from 1947 through 1949. operate. Delivered The safety office also released 35 Years Ago Feb. 1, 1918 318 So. 2nd St. Ph on * 361-W figures compiled by the National The following officers were elected Safety Council which show Oregon for the student body of the public j to your tank — when ordered or school: Pearl Morehead, president; I Lulu Davis, vice president; Elsie Ray, secretary-treasurer; Leona on a regular route basis. m Hansen, student critic; Alice Speir and Robert Long, sergeant at arms; Miss McFarland, Iva Pounds, Will­ iam Theodore Klinkenberg. program committee. ----- Miss Gertie Ray has been appointed mail carrier for R.FD . No. 1 out of Nyssa.----- New spring suits for men and young men, elegant and stylish patterns, all wool for $20 at L. Spier's Store, Nys­ sa.----- John Ward has been given the contract to dig the ditch con- nectirtf the new pumping plant will move out in a few days to take charge of the work The canal will be about 80 rods long.----- Dick Ten- Phone 11 Nyssa sen and family have moved from his place near town to his Lockett gulch Days Gone By in Nyssa Community 1 SUPERIOR * Paint & Glass Snowcaps- Traction Treads 1952 Near Record Year for Traffic Deaths in Gregon QR€€n ÍTRÍTÍM O.K. RUBBER WELDERS B R I NG US Y O U R G R A I N ! On All HEATING FUEL Purchased In Any Quantity ASSOCIATED NYSSA FEED MILLS 131 scores again We Never Leave You Without Heat THOMPSON OIL Is Yours a P R E F E R R E D r 4 i- * f ! ■»/; I ! - ¿g"* " i f \ l ** ■ j ^ NEW INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS E3 Proved As Only 11 Can Prove 'Em ■ J Ml. \\ p r o v e d in the world’s most advanced truck Engi­ neering Laboratory at F o rt W ayne, Indiana, and p r o v e d a g a i n on International H arvester’s 4000- acre desert Proving Ground a t Phoenix, Arizona. auiLT the ih w a y . Choose from 108 models in Amer­ ica’s most complete truck line. Each model embodies engineering principles, used in International’s con­ tinuing program of truck research and development, that have resulted in hundreds of exclusive Interna­ tional features which have m eant greater profits for truck buyers. POft p r o f i t - m i n d e d b u y e r s . New Internationals offer an unmatched value combination — the right truck for the job, unequalled performance, lowest mainte­ nance and operating coats, maximum driver comfort. N EW IN T ER N A TIO N A L TR U C KS are BUJLT as only IH can build them, proved as only IH can prove them, a value only IH can give you. THE 3 0 7 N EW FEATURES in the N ew International Trucks have been . . . 111 ÍW' Cz ~ F your property is well-kept, well cared for, you may be living within the charmed circle of G en eral o f A merica ’’preferred risk"* fire insur­ ance protection. Under this newest and most logical plan thousands of G EN ERA L policyholders have realized substantial savings. 2 The G en eral I nsurance C o m pa n y , "the Company of preferred risks, '* is one of the nation’s strongest capital stock insurance companies. You may be eligible for this preferred fire insurance protection. Ask us . . . no obligation, of course. ♦"Preferred Risk” fire insurance means that only good risks are accepted— the bad are rejected. Obviously, losses are few. This lower loss ratio has been reflected, wherever possible, in lower net fire insurance costs to owners of "preferred properties." All types of commercial properties, as well as residences, art eligible for "preferred risk fire protection. " Mow —the features you w a n t—in America's most complete truck line Now Intsrnatlo no l »tyling identified by the IH emblem . . . First truck bu ilder to offer choice of gasoline or LP ga* with Underwriters’ Laboratories listing in 1 <4-ton size* and other models . . Diesel power optional in models rated 22,000 lbs. and over . . . Comfa-Vision cob with one piece Sweepsight windshield. New comfort and interior styling . . . Steel-flex ow —See The New IH-Built, IH-Proved International* at OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. 401 Main Renslrom Insurance Agency Nyaae, Oregon fram e* proved best in the field . . . Transm issions and auxil­ iary transmissions to meet any operating requirement . . . 2 9 * w heelbases, ranging from 102 inches up . . . Easy start­ ing and g raa tar fual economy . . . Wide range of axle ratine for all models . . . Real steering cemfort and control, from ’A-toa to 90,000 lbs. GVW rating. P h o n e 245 IN T E R N A T IO N A L T R U C K S ; S tä n d ern at th r t * >' q * •* o *