T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y *J L G F F O U R Condensed Summary of 1952 Polio Cases Treated at Malheur Hospital T h e following is a resume o f polio classifications into which the M il* heur Memorial hospital’s 1962 pa­ tients wtre categorized as reported by Pete Fleissner, physiotherapist, in his report at the annual meeting of the association Monday night. Non-paralytic poliomyelitis: 39 cases o f which 27 were hosipitaliaed and treated both on an in and out patient basis. The other 12 were not hospitalized. One o f the 27 was re- DR. C.W. CRAVES Optometrist Eyea Examined Phone 9-2312 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho tu r! * d rt a * “* 1 t “* New Bulldog Editor Named By School I... ;. unie m .e . - ü -* to make adjustment because of their handicap.-, but nearly all are M Loi v\.. able to resume n< rmai living a f’.er cfvool junior, succeed- M. Jcleae rehabilita:. n. Hunter a editor of the B did g high admitted. Tw o of the patients had Paralytic poliomyelitis, -ever?: school semi-monthly new paper mild bulbar involvement with re­ twelve were ho.-pitahzed and six The new editor is actively er^aged sultant -peech and swallowing d if­ were treated as out-patients who in a number o f school activities and had their acute onsets in previous is a member of the high school ficulties years. O f those hospitalized, five re­ Paralytic poliomyelitis, mild: 29 quired respiratory aid, three required journali.-m department She has as­ pirations o f attending college when cases treated o f which 26 were hos­ tracheotomies to allow a tube to be she is graduated from high school. pitalized. Eleven displayed bulbar passed into the bronchial tubes for Reason for Miss Hunter’s giving symptoms besides the spinal effects. an unobstructed airway in the event up the editorship is that she will be All have returned to normal living, the throat is blocked by secreation as graduated in mid-term. although some have minimal resi­ the result c f paralysis of the throat dual weaknesses, with the exception muscle-. The-e patients have invol­ of two, one of whom has a loss of vement enough to necessitate a def- voice and the other was engaged in inate change in their mode o f living. heavy work prior to his illness. Some have one or more severely dis­ Sgt. Jay R Draper, son o f N. V Paralytic poliomyelitis, moderate: abled arm or legs and usually have seven were hospitalized and ten abdominal and trunk extensor weak­ Draper of Ontario route 2, is enroute other- treated a--> out-patients. The ness. Many of these have respira­ home from Korea frem release from latter are aU cases with onsets in tory and bulbar difficulties. Nrarly active duty. For the past 18 months year.-, previous. Three in hospitalized all who are ambulatory require one he has served with the 712th trans­ group were the bulbospinal type and lo r more . rthopedic appliances, and portation railway operating battal­ one required respiratory aid. One ! those not ambulatory are either ion, which controls the movement of readmission from this group A ma­ i wheelchair or bed patients. A good supplies and troops to frontline UN jority are forced to make use o f one ! many cai. be rehabilitated physically forces over the Korean national rail­ or more orth< pedic appliances, eith­ and vocationally and again become way. In civilian life. Draper was em­ er on a temporary or permanent productive, independent citizens. basi-. Hospitalized time longer than In summarizing the above group. ployed by the Union Pacific railroad. the two above types. It Is the ex­ Fleissner reported: “ Lack o f such re- ; ceptional case that is unable to re- habUitatlon, places many o f these I cases into a state o f almost com­ plete dependence upon some agency j or relative.-, both financially and. i n , Clyde Husky has been named some instances, for personal care. | safety director for the Oregon state "Referring to the cases treated in industrial accident commission, it this hospital this year, the outlook was announced last week Huskey’s is either excellent or good for all of home is at 2411 Court St . Baker and them providing the proper rehabili­ he will have charge of inspection tative facilities and personnel are duties in Malheur county. made available to them. Without Huskey succeeds George Carlson these services’ the prognosis on 15 of | of Vale, who resigned la.-t fall. the-e people dwindles to a range of from fair to complete dependence.” Bulbar polio without 6pinal e f- ,, N E , W S OF RECORD feet : onlv two patients of this tvpe : ‘ « " 'l * 1“ “ 11* *“ *’<» uit t '« “ * Evelyn Lee Jeffers vs Clyde Jef- were treated. One hospitalized and the other was checked for spinal e f ­ fers, divorce, Jan. 20. Simplot Western Idaho Product-, fects as an out-patient. No follow up treament was Indicated on either. J Inc. v.- Norman McKee, recovery on Both ca-.es mild facial paralsis ! note. $250, Jan. 20. Ila M. Storms vs Fred T. Storms, which will eventually clear up. divorce, Jan. 20. Five deaths from polio, represent­ ing a death rate of five percent. U n­ Petition» Filed In Probate Court Estate c f Myrtle Alberta Conway, usually high percentage o f bulbar ! deceased, Jan. 20. treated here, 25 percent, and deatii Estate o f Ben Wilson Mulkey, de- j rate among bulbars is 20 percent. Nationwide, approximately 40 per­ ceased. Jan. 21. Jay Draper Enroute Home From Korea Baker Man Named Safety Director SUGAR BEET CONTRACTS F E B R U A R Y 5. 1S53 Mi :-ter and is helping care for him. Gayle Marlin. Friday afternoon ,-everal neigh­ Mr. and Mrs Bob Eastman and bor friend and relative gave Mv . Jemter of Caldwell were aSlurday Loura Smith a miscellaneous ahew- evening dinner gue.-t of her parents, Adrian News Mrs Pauline M et.inni» H- :.! - VI : : ’ ' " k the Glen Browns. Mi E’ hel H< :.der n o f Cald­ Mr.- Ruth Petts of E m m «t is well stayed Thursday and Friday staying with Mrs Henderson again with Mr and M: A C Mender on last week She is Mr Henderson'* Mr and Mrs Bob Br *n and fam ­ ily of Boise -vent the weekend here visiting his parent- Mr and Mr.-. Glen Brown Miss Donna Adam- spent three days last week helping at the Oayle Martin home whale Mr Martin was sick. Mr and Mrs. Jim Nelson o f Nam ­ pa were dinner guests Sunday eve­ ning at the Bill Ashcraft home. Lorraine Glennan of Emmett visi­ ted her parents the, A C. Hender­ sons, Sunday. .Mr. and Mr- Cloyce Plecker and family c f Boise spent Sunday here vi-iting her sister, Mrs. Clayton Martin. Mrs. Ler.nie Martin and son of 5-speed radiant-tub* element, all- over heat, low or high "T h rifty JO ’ Frigidaire range Peterson Furniture Co. /VM¡ T íh A v i Vvußfy Try One of Our Delicious ! How SMOKED LOINS The answer to everyday insurance problems* BEEF IS NOW LOW PRICED Fill up your locker now By RALPH LAW RENCE Being Written 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Let Our Experts Monday to Thursday. Inclusive Cure and Process Your Pork 0= Amalgamated Sugar Co. Office We Will Gladly Do Your Custom Dressing oi Poultry at 3 0 £ each j We Repair- • • • • Ranges Washers Refrigerators Small Appli­ ances Gene's Gem Produce C orn er 6th & G ood cent o f all bulbar cases die. All five N YSSA D A IR Y M A N Bi t s were respirator patients and four REG ISTERED BULL were tracheotomized. Cases by counties: Malheur, 47 Glendon L. Cooper o f Nyssa has j Just purchased the young Guernsey j sure, Leslynn’s Pride, from Lester and EtheJyn McComb o f New P ly ­ mouth, It was announced by the American Guernsey Cattle club. The young bull is out o f Brookacres High j Boy’s Joanna and is sired by Ot- tendale’s Pansy's Pride. Appliance Repair Phone 17 110 M a in P h o n e 310 Handy Workers 4-H Club for Girls Sunset Valley— Eight girls met at the home o f Mrs. Fred Babcock and j organized a 4-H club. They will be known as the Handy Workers. O f- | fieers are K ay McDonald, president; i Patricia Babcock, vice-president; Shirley Skinner, secretary, and Sal­ ly Reed reporter. Mrs. Babcock is the club leader. The next meeting will be Friday, Feb 6, at the home o f the president. W e U se O n ly th e B est O b ta in a b le M a teria ls in O u r P ro c e s s in g P la n t. QUESTIO.N: I am a teacher and I have read recently of several large law suits brought against teachers because of Injuries to students in the course of their instruction. Is there any form of insurance which protect* the teacher in such case*? Custom Butchering and Curing ANSW ER: Ye*. there is a special Teacher1* Liability policy which give* just that kind of protection. FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE • If you’ll address your own in ­ surance questions t* this office, we’ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. " Y o u r H eadquarters for V a rie ty M e a ts " Vi m ile w est on A lb e r t a A v e . P h o n e 381-R, lo c k e r p la n t N yssa Insurance A qen cy 105 Main St. Phone 53 P h o n e 381-W, sla u gh terh ou se and c u ttin g ro o m / T V ' ' mp _ v . Presidential electors meet on the Monday following the second W ed­ nesday in December. A O u r S m ok eh ou se is A u t o m a t ic a lly F ire d w ith B u tan e H ea t, and W e U se o n ly H a rd w o o d S a w d u st fo r S m ok e. 'S ' r hospitalized, 10 out patients, 17 old ca.-es. Harney, 12 hospitalized. Bak­ er. 6 hospitalized. Grant, 2 hospital­ ized. Union, 2 ht pitalized. Umatilla, 1 hospitalized. Canyon, 5 hospital­ ized, 2 out patients. Payette. 4 hos­ pitalized, 3 out patients. Total of 111 cases treated; 79 hospitalized; 15 out patients; 17 old eases. / 5-speed radiant-tube element, all- over heat, low or high. "T h rifty 30" Frigiaaue range. Peterson Furniture Co. FOR KEF Yxtvc got to fed it to believ e it ! M easure, driving comfort ami quiet. W Srtt a ll o p t io n a l o f « a t ro c o A ( K C e M O G * ! a n d trim t u b tact H> w tfK ow f n o 1 See it . . .V a lu e (-h e ck it . . .T e s t D riv e it 53 Ford W O A W. 314 Main, Nyssa KR6US0N TRACTOR! Your next tractor could coat you hundreds of wasted dollars in needles* upkeep on a big expensivo machine all because of the often mistaken idea that a lot of built-in weight is the only way to make sure of ample traction. W ith the Ferguson System, there’s no need for ballast weight Traction is developed automatically as needed. 3-Point Linkage of implement to tractor and hydraulic control make use of natural forces to automatically increase weight and traction tosu itth eiob Traction System gives the -’ erguson Ferguson Tractor Tractor - . with the ferguson , — - - — ----------- Dwer efficiency et power equal to tractors of much larger size and greater eight. weight. * The sc specially-designed Continental valve-in-head engine stresses economy as well as more than ample 2-plow power Before you buy a new tractor, measure the job-to-'job performance of the N ew Ferguson aga ,st any other tractor. Make a date with us for your demonstration. THE F E R G U S O N SYSTEM CHANOEO THI TREND O f TRACTOk AND IM fliM CNT DESIGN T h e Ferguson System uses a different basic principle of apply­ ing and controlling power with greater efficiency. Implement is attached to tractor with two bot­ tom links which pull and a top link which pushes forward and downward above th* rear axle. The built-in hydraulic system provides both Finger T ip and Automatic Implement Control and many other big advantages. Western Corrugator Co. Phone 181 In N yssa P h o n * HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Phone 77 TRACTION.. Y O U ’LL CH OOSE THE NEW NEW W ONDER RIDE IN T H E ’53 FO R D Every n»a«l in America ha* been "re p a v e d "! At least, that's the way it will feel to you when you l est Drive Ford’s new W onder Rule. A combination o f *53 Ford ride features, including more resfMuisive springs . . . new softer shock, altsorlier action . . . Ford’s wide front tread . . . and low center of gravity . . . are blended together to give you amazing smoothness on a ll road surfaces. It's a whole new cimcrpt of M o d el TO 20 Tractor III Nyssa, Oregon K® rnretsoN s y s t e m IM P L E M E N T S Fletcher OH C*.