THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1953 PAGE TEN -, n and Bud Wilson w em to Be e Ad • ::d' • a pm* and blue 3: am in Nt veil F M: and M: Albe-- G ift rd and H There was a general dl-ciusion on cn busine.'.-. family o f Sunset Valley visited .n Mi .' : inn an I l i i < *tock price-. Ylr and Mrs. Alfred Sinipoon and the home of his ,.,ter M: H«,ra e h me .n Arena Valley. Lou Pratt gave recording oi a speech girls aere dinner guest- at the R T Miss Helen llilch Mrs. Ella Lee Zentz and baby. Joe, Chaney, and fam.iy, Sunday even Duru.g the Jan 26 meeting of the he had recorded; Mrs Goldie Rob Simplon home in Adrian Sunday. Phone Parma 1-F21 ert. snowed the group a hand-marie of Cald well, vi-ited Saturday night ing. Adrian Farm Bureau, with Presi Mrs. J. 1’. Dana war of Caldwell, a quilt the Jolly Janes club will ra f Mr and Mrs. Herb Thcm a, vi. ited and Sunday her parents, Mr fermer resident of Ny^-a. is in the dent Lawrence Kreager presiding, fle for the polio benefit. her sister, Mrs. W B Yardly in and Mr., Varner Hopkins. Ba-.sey OTCon of N,geria. Africa, St Luke's ho-pual in Boise. Sparks reported on live- Mr and Mr* Hcmer Hatch and Wei.,er Sunday. Enroute home they Art Briti.-h bch'lar hip .student at the t ck: Henry Reuter presented a visited Mr. and Mr. Roy Wyman of Ralph o i Mountain Home were Sun College of Idaho, will speak Thurs bulletin on prices and future predic day dinner guests at the home of Oregon Slope Mr. and Mrs. A1 Krates o f P a y r llc day evening at 8 o'clock. Feb 12 at tions; Kreager gave a report on the Mr. and Mrs Horace Chaney were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and their son, Ray, who recently re advisory council o f the Adrian in Boise Thursday on business. They the United Presbyterian church in Hatch turned from Korea visited Tuesday also visited and were supper guests grade school, and an outline was evening at the N. L. Wilson home. Mrs Virginia Timmerman, Janie presented for a new membership of his cousin, Mr- Fern Dunn. and Joan spent Wednesday after Mrs. lion Kngstrom's mother, Mrs. drive to be held through this week noon in the home of her parents. M r.! Mr. and Mr>. A F. Patterson and Bartholamew sprained her ankle at The members voted to donate $25 family o f Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and Mr Frank Miller. the Engstrom home. Hodge and two sons, Michal and from the general fund for p o lio ' The lower Bend P T A held their Lem Wilson. Jr., of Granger!!!«, G ary of Caldwell, were dinner benefit and the women agreed to social meeting Thursday evening i n ; guests Sunday of their parents, Mr. furnish a complete baby layette to was a Thursday night guest at the the school house A good crowd was and Mrs. Zeb Wilson and Ernie fill a chest Reuter has completed. Bud Wilson home. Friday, Lem W il- present to enjoy the pictures o i 1 They all returned to the Hodge’s The chest and its contents w ill be ^ Located 5 miles north of Parma on Apple Valley highway Korea, which Ernie Wilson and his home in Caldwell and spent the raffled o ff next fall to raise funds The biggest oven you’ll ever need— o r 2 miles south of Nyssa on Idaho side on Apple Valley buddie, Vern Stahn o f Lakeside, had evening. for the Farm Bureau center. Mrs. costs no more to use— Frigidaire 30. taken while serving in Korea, you highway, or 1 mile north of Apple Valley school, on— Mr. and Mrs. Meryln Jones from Dorothea Reuter was appointed Peterson Furniture Co could see what that country looked chairman of the project and Mrs. like and the equipment our boys are Dos Palos. Calif , arrived home to Rowena Kreager was named assist- j working with. Mrs. Clara Collins, v ^'lt bis parents. Mr and Mrs Tom ant. upper grade teacher showed a talkie Jones- It was announced the County ^ film on raising and preparing coffee, j Sunday dinner guests in the Tom S A LE STARTS A T I O'CLOCK TERMS- -CASH after which the ladies served cook- Jones '*ones home were her parents, Mr. Farm Bureau had purchased the old and Mrs. Ouy Strong o f Parma, Mr. school building at Cairo Junction to : Ladies to S«rve Lunch—F re« Coffa« ies, punch and coffee. and Mrs. Rodney Hawes and fam ily use as a county office. There will be Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs. Babe o f Marsing and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey one man appointed from each cen At ft "L-n Hamilton of Newell Heights were ter to work on a board o f directors Knapp o f Roswell. Nampa visitors Thursday. Mrs. Rob Mr. and Mrs. Garritt Stam o f Nys- for the building. Reuter was ap-1 erts visited her parents, Mr. and sa visited in the Case Muntjewerff Mrs. Miller Henderlider and Mrs. home Sunday. as their Sunday dinner guest, her Hamilton visited her daughter. Mr«. Mrs. Ruby English attended group mother, Mrs. Naomi W right o f Nam Dorothy Funk SATU RD AY. FEB. 7 two of the ladies aid in the home of pa, who accompanied her aunt, M rs.1 Wednesday evening, Dickie Ben Mrs. John Steele on the Orchard Lilly Walter and cousin, Mrs. Joh n 1 nett, Dwayne Bennett, Wayne Rob tract last Wednesday and Mrs. Lienhard o f Boise to spend the day. erts and Emery Earl Cameron went Mary Thompson attended group one In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Cart- | to Caldwell to see the Harlem Olobe at the home o f Mrs. Joseph Dilley in wright visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Trotters play basketball. Roswell. Lawler, on Sunny Slope and niece, Mr. Je -up of Vale, FFA instructor Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright had Mrs. W ill Beard. Dwight W yckoff of Nyssa, FFA in structor, Henry Reuter o f Adrian, F. F. A instructor and a represen tative of the Pacific Railroad met Wednesday evening in the Dyre Roberts home to look over Wayne's F F A project books. Sunday dinner guests in the Dyre Roberts home were her sister, Mrs. Burton Blade and family. Mrs. Delno Brock and girls called in teh a fter noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Higgins and daughter, Anna Blanche, were Sun day dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Vande Water. Mr and Mrs. L. W. Dierking visit ed in the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and family visited his mother, Mrs. Anna Chaney, in Nyssa Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bill Toombs of Kingman visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas Satur day evening. Mrs Herb Thomas attended the Ladies Pinochle club party Friday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Luit Big Bend Adrian. Everyone is welcome. Mr C> Idle Roberts cared for the tvo Engli-h children, Eleanor and Wayne Wednesday afternoon, while the.r mother attended ladies aid in Roswell and helped with refresh ments. Mr and Mr Chester Stanton were Bouse visitors Wednesday, call ed there to attend the funeral of an old friend. Mr J :hn Packwood and Mrs. Bud C .ill ui Adrian F.B. Has Membership Drive LOCAL NEWS PUBLIC DAIRY & STOCK CATTLE SALE Wednesday, February 11 DÀNCE J 55 - LIVESTOCK - 55 No. 1—Holstein cow. Tiny. 4 yrs. old. freshen by sale, vaccinated and tattooed. No. 2—Holstein cow. Blackie. 5 yrs. old, milk ing 6 gal. No. 3— Holstein cow. Nellie, 4 yrs. old, heavy springer. No. 4—Holstein cow. Spot. 5 yrs. old, freshen by sale, vaccinated and tattooed. No. 5—-Holstein cow. Lady, 6 yrs. old, freshen sale, vaccinated and tattooed. No. 6—Holstein cow. Rosie. 3 yrs. old, heavy springer. No. 7—Red cow. Cherry. 4 yrs. old. milking 2 Vi gal., vaccinated and tattooed. No. 8— W hiteface cow. 4 yrs. old. 1— Holstein heifer, 20 mo. old. bred. 1— Holstein heifer. 20 mo. old, bred. 1— Holstein heifer, 20 mo. old, bred. 1—Holstein heifer, 18 mo. old, vaccinated and tattooed, bred. 1— Black heifer, 2 yrs. old. heavy springer. 1— Black heifer, 2 yrs. old. bred. 1— Black heifer, 18 mo. old, vaccinated, tattooed, bred. 1— Black heifer, 2 yrs. old, heavy springer. 1— Black heifer, 20 mo. old, bred. 1— Red Durham heifer. 18 mo. old. vaccinated and tattooed. 1—Red Durham heifer, 18 mo. old. 1—Red Durham heifer. 2 yrs. old. 1—Red heifer, 1 yr. old. 1—Red heifer. 1 yr. old. 1—Red heifer, 14 mo. old. 1—Red heifer. 16 mo. old. vac. and tattooed. 1—Guernsey heifer. 18 mo. old. 1—Guernsey heifer, 14 mo. old. vac. and tattooed. I —Guernsey heifer. 14 mo. old. 1—Guernsey heifer, 18 mo. old. I—Jersey heifer. 18 mo. old. 1—Jersey heifer. 1 yr old. i —Jersey heifer. 14 mo. old. 1—Jersey heifer. 14 mo. old. 1—W hiteface heifer. 16 mo. old. 1 —Holstein heifer. 6 mo. old. 1—Holstein heifer. 6 mo. old. 1—Red heifer. 5 mo. old. I —Holstein bull. 2 yrs. old. 1—Red Durham steer, 18 mo. old. 1— Dur ham steer. 18 mo. old. I —Red steer. 16 mo. old. 1—Holstein steer. 18 mo. old. 1—Jersey steer, 12 mo. old. 1—Brindle steer, 16 mo. old. 1—Guernsey steer, 18 mo. old. 1—Guernsey steer. 18 mo. old. 1—Guernsey steer, 16 mo. old. 1—White Roan Durham bull, 12 mo. old. 1—Red bull, 12 mo. old. 4—Holstein bull calves. 5-6 mo. old. 1—W hiteface bull calf, 6 mo. old. 1—Red bull, 6 mo. old. 1—Holstein heifer calf, 1 mo. old. 1—Red bull calf. 3 wks. old. The»« cowi and heifara are recently bangs teeted and free from disease. 1—Palomino mare, 4 yrs. old, kid broke. 1—Oxy. Acetylene welder, complete. 1— 1945 Harley Davidson motorcycle. 1— 1935 2-door sedan. Chevrolet. 1—Delaval Magnetic milking. machine, nearly new. 10— 10-gal. milk cans. Donald & Clarence Frills, Owners Aacts; Cols. Bert Andereoa. Joe CfcavcA. Claytoa Txklrgt Clork: L.H. Frit la SUNSET VALLEY HALL Just Arrived . . . . NOW IS THE T IM E _ _ _ 100 Sections Algoma Order Your WOOD H A R R O WS SEED GRAINS HAY AND Styling by Raymond Loewy—‘ 'T h r if ty 30" range by Frigidaire. Peterson Furniture Co. 5-Bar, 40-Tooth H eavy W ood Bar PASTURE SEEDS Drawbar Extra W e Do Custom Cleaning and Treating of Seed Grain GET YOURS TODAY!! D E SS E R T SEED CO. 403 Arcadia Nyssa Phone 132 WESTERN C0RRUGAT0R CO. Phone 181 Nyssa, Oregon YOU'D No car you ever owned or drove can prepare you for the new qualities you feel when you drive today’s Chrysler New Yorker. It has not just refined past standards . . . It has created unmistakable new ones. It has created new, greater Car Power . . . with a revolutionary-type engine capable of delivering more thrust and driving power to the rear wheels than any other. With the first full-time Power Steering . . . Power Brakes . . . and Onflow ride. With a safety and control . . . a sureness in m otion . . . you have never felt in previous cars simply because they were not there to feel! Here, in the very essence of motion and safety, is the finest fine car you ever drove. Your Chrysler dealer warmly invites you to discover . . . and fe e l . . . just why! C h n sler New Yorker Models — ¿-Passenger Sedan; Club Coupe; Convertible; Sew port (Hardtop J; 8-Passenger Sedan; Town Ji Country Wagon. ONE OF AMERICA S FIRST FAMILY OF FINE CARS WAGGONER MOTOR CO. - 118 Good Ave. Phone 180