THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOUBNAl r NYSSA. OR-~o*T THURSDAY. JANUARY 29 1953 ~ r j 'Useme £*ASS/ f //¡£IP*W ick * u m i! » - . Classified Advertising Rates T w o cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for fir-t insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified paye tor piopei classification, all ads must be turned into the Miscellaneous BEST BOYS Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. To Buy Or Sell See Mei 2-bedroom modern home, $5800 75 head cattle spread, outside easy terms, range. 2 set improvements. $19,000. 160 acres, 137 acres irrigated, terms. FARMS 35 acres, row crop and stock deal. ready for some row cropping, small KEEP 150 HEREFORDS M ISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux About 120 acres cultivated. *a fine home, 8-head cow barn. $28.000. 29rr 2-bedroem modern home, 12,000. cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. terms. row crop, and balance irrigated down. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, Just listed 80 acres in Sunset Val hay and pasture. Modern 5-room FDR RENT phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. house, good dairy barn. Row crop ley. 27 acres in old hay. crowned and 13 acres potato and onion ground, land under paid-up water, balance partly plowed, ready for row crop ch <? t > Nyssa. e a h or crop o f place free water, $37.000, terms. ping, $24,000 . 29'; down. 56 acres for rent 120 acres. 6-room modern home, 960 ACRE D R Y FARM HOMES Nyssa area, will trade for ranch in New—BETTER T H A N E V E R Should pay for itself in 2 years. 2-bedrrom modern hi me. furnace. Caldwell area. $30.000. $15.000 down. Policy covers CANCER, as well a Ready to go. $10,000. tislder trading 160 acres good row crop and stock $3.500. *s down, will many other dread diseases. Costs R E A D Y FOR BIG P R O F ITS onlv $12 per year for whole family ranch, well located, machinery goes on a small ranch. Cheapest water in the valley. v. a the place, $18,000. $14 000 down, Corner location. 200-feet frontage, About 70 acres good land, 23 more 2-bedrccm basement home, $1.500, 51.500 per year. a little steep. ThD one can oo 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 Just listed 142 acres level rerv $500 di .vn. $25 per month, or will made to pay big. $30,000, 1/3 down, cr, p land. 40 acres in alfalfa, 27 tik e 51.CC0 cash. easy terms. M ISCELLANEO U S— Do you need 1 acre, 2-bedrocm medern heme. j acres pasture, balance has been fall money to remodel your home or to 83 ACRE STO CK FARM Business Opp irtunities : plowed. 6-room heme. build outbuildings or garage? We Good place to run beef or dairy Ba in css building. O .vyhee junc- 80 acre-, been in alfalfa and pas can arrange a loan for you and give cattle, paid-up water right for 80 you up to three years to pay it. acres. You can't beat this for ture for 8 years. Lays good. Ready t. n corner. $1.500. Y i ur opportunity to buy a bu-i- Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc f :• row cropping. 7-room modern $13,500. Easy terms. building in N> -a netting 10 94 ACRES NEW HOME home. 13 head cow barn, double gar ne 1 km a trip? Get one of our 30- M ■ . la M i ■ V rill ti 70-80 cultivated, balance fenced age. Cl ,-e to Nyssa. $22.500, $15.00 day accident insurance policies. Pays f r ranch in Nyssa v. inity. pasture land. Above average for down. $5,000 accidental death, $1.000 Ho-p. row crop and stcck. $30,000. and Med. Expense, plus other bene 80 FO R RO W CROP fits. Only $5.00. About 70 acres in held. írrri- Listín;’,.- wanted i-n stock and row crop ra- BERNARD EASTM AN gating one way. :1 i.s buil ip >. ) W S INSURANCE Real Estate Insurance and ready to Fair h Phone Ct NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 200 $32 000. Now is the tin to gravel your lanes, 63 ACRES—GOOD HOME . 2-bedrcom mode; 63 feed yards and road ways. Phone . ftcri »Id s i f r dairy a 136-W. 37-tf. | Child care in my home by day. week or evening. Phone 337-R. 2-3t. POLIO KEN POND JSfeSra1 MEL RECK—REALTOR JA X U A R Y SALE Ilodge sedan. 4.00# ml., S.'iOO diso. Dodge 1-ton. stäke rack. II & K. Studo Y-8 II & R. Aut. trans. t’ l.wiuiuth seal.ui. Io » ml. Dodge sedan 1 I A K eyromatliv Plymouth sedan, o'hauled. Nash o. d.. t » in heds. Koni sedan. 2-tone paint. Plymouth sedan. o'hauled. ‘4S Dodge sedan, low mi. ■17 Kord. conv. II & R. 17 Ford s alan. good eond. •47 Dodge sedan. o'hauled. •16 Dodge sedan. very nioe. •4« Ford Sedan II A R. •47 Hudson sedan, o'drive. •42 Chev. 5-pass. eoupe II A K. •41 Pontiac scd.. '4K motor. •37 C irysler. o'hAuled. •39 Chev. sedan, good. •4« Dodge piekup. o'hauled. •51 Dodge piekup. I sp. fluid. •51 Dodge 3 4-ton piekup. 4-sp. U AL JOHNSON Dodge— Plymouth S2I Main Caldwell •52 •51 •51 •51 •50 *53 59 •59 Legal Advertising a-.d the .settlement Siv.h Birthday I ’.irty Jean Hewett cell o: . ! ,.>r >ixth ' i . i , rt ; d :n the c u t - f Charles M C !.iw-.-ll i • : i:e : >c m mi it the hoi i Hewwtt Ten :.d required to appear at the II and Mi oc urt u • m the Court U tle girl friend- helped her cele II i e at Vale. Mali» :r C unty. Ore- brate the event. n at aid time, to then and there Games were played and each re how cause, if any there be, why ceived a favor. Appropriate refresh nil Account should not be .settled, ments were served by Mrs. Hewett allowed and approved and said es- a--isted by Mrs. E K Buron. ate di-tributed and said executor discharged. defraying the operation, malnten- Dated and first publi.-hed January anee and construction costs and ex 8. 1953. penses for the District for the year Date of last publication. February i f 1953. Any complaint concerning the assessments or any changes d e- NOTIC E TO CREDITORS -ired must be entered with the Sec- In the County Court ol the State of : rotary of fhe District before the Oregon for the County of Malheur date named herein in order to re In the Matter o f the Estate of ceive proper consideration troni the 1 Board. George Envil Bertsch. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That The 1953 assessment may be seen the undersigned, Sopnia Viola Root, at tin? Ridgeview Irrigation District has been appointed Executrix of the office at the Ridge-view School House i - ’.ate of George Emil Bertsch. de- : cr at the office of the Owyhee South ■ a i d. by the County Court of M al Board o f Control in H medale, Id a heur County. Oregon, and has quali ho. fied as such. Done by order o f the board o f d i NOW, THEREFORE, ail persons rectors. having claims again-1 the estate of Fell.-.i Echevarria Ge.irge Emil Bertsch, deceased, are Secretary, Ridgeview Irrigation hereby notified and required to pre 1 District. sent the same, with proper vouch Date o f First Publication Janu ers, duly verified, within six i6> ary 29. 1953. m from the date of this Notice, Date c f Last Publication Ft'bruarw ’ the undersigned, Sophia Viola 19. 1953. Root, at the law office o f Harold GATE C IT Y JOURNAL \1)S Her.ioson at Ny- a. Oregon, which G E T RESULTS place the undersigned elects as her place of busine.-.» in all matters con nected with said e-tate. Si phia Viola Root Executrix of the Estate of George Emil Bertsch. Deceased. Dated and first published January 15, 1953. L. t publication February 12, 1953 5, 1953. YOU’RE ' The Fir t National Bank of Portland Y0UTI SAFI... S By Lawrence L. Clark T: i't Officer YOU'RE S! E\■- c u t r cf the e ite of Charles y * — m ww n r n 7 —* »'W v ** r* M Ci tld .veil, decease ’ « a ■ >ld Henigson Attorney for For Sale S '- ’ flXtC-fiwp I PRESTANE * NOTH E In The Circuit ( ’»uri of the Stale of Oregon. County of Malheur In the Matter of the Confirmation of the Proceedings In Relation t-o y Ri payment Con- tract of thi ? Ridgeview Irrigation District Wit I i the United States of A m orfa anc - O vyhee Fed M ISC EH LANEOU 3 Septic t ink d eleetrolux eral Reclamation Project. TO TRAD E -New medern 2-bed ¡'O R SALE—Good and ci spools cleaned. Phone R ay M IL K CHECKS HERE NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2-tf. T the Rid ;cv: v Irrigation Dis room, lull bailm ent home in On vacuum. Fire. tone mond Hiid, 64-W4 Parma, or 24, j This 40 has a good 5 room home, trict and to all free-holders. legal In the County Court ol the Slate of tario to trade for similar or larger Parma Hardware. 17-tf. good dairy barn, and is in a good Oregon for the ( ouuti of Malheur FOR S A L E - Hotpoint h me freezer voters and a eminent payers within home in N> s.-a. Call Erickson, Ny a, In the Matter of the Estate of —excellent condition. Easy terms. said district: Dry Clothes with heat o ff Frigid - ' community. Not a big deal, but a 245, Ontario, 352-J. 46-tf. good one $10.003, some terms. Firestone Store. 2-tf. aire dryer. Peterson Furniture Co.' Notice is hereby given that on the Clarence M. Zink, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. ENJOY AN ACREAGE 23rd day cf December, 1952, Claude 2 acres close in with medern 3- FDR SALE— Fuller paints and wall W. Eaehus, M H. Shonk. and E. E. That the undersigned. B. B. Lien- kaemper, has been appointed ad- bedroom home, $7.000, easy terms. Use paper. Budget terms available. Fire Nelson, directors of the Ridgeview ministrator of the estate o f Clarence L IS T IN G S W ANTED Irrigation Di-trict, filed in the C ir FOR SALE— P fa ff se wing machines. stone Store. 2-tf. M. Zink, deceased, uv the County We have lots of prospetes for good cuit Court of the State of Oregon Portable or cabinet. Firestone Store. Gate City Journal Court of Malheur County, Oregon, farms and homes. List yours witn 2-tf. FOR SALE—Milk tows, Guernseys. for Malheur County their petition and has qualified as such. us and prepare to move. praying for a judicial examination Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and Classified Ads. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons HOMES FDR SALE—Baled straw by bale or springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone and judgment as to the legality and having claims against the estate of BE YO U R OW N LAND LO RD regularity of the proceedings of the ton. Phone 122-J. 52-3tp. 306. Ontario. Oregon, across from MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. Clarence M. Zink, deceased, are Nearly new 2-bedroom hom e.! Ontario sale yard 2mtfc petitioners and o í the district in the hereby notified and required to pre Here comes color. A washable, rub authorization and execution o f the Shiny hardwood floors, lots of FOR SALE—80 acres land. 3's mi. berized finish for interior walls and sent the same, with proper vouchers, amendatory repayment contract of. buitt-ins. Term » like rent. $7500. southwest o f Nyssa. Qerrit Stam. FOR SALE wood trim. the district with the United States j duly verified, within six 16 > months JUST BEING COMPLETED •covers most surfaces in one uni 2 bedroom modern home, full from the date of this Notice, to the ] 52-5tp. of America and with the other irri- [ 3-bedroom home with attached form coat. basement, extra large lot well im gation districts of the Owyhee Fed undersigned, B B. Lienkaemper, at ] garage. Shiny hardwood floors j •dries to a satin sheen in less than Two room house furnished, to be proved, $5,000, easy terms. East eral Reclam »tion Project for the the law office of Harold Henigson throughout, large kitchen with one hour. Fourth street. moved. All for only $800. repayment of the district's o b lig a -1 at Nys a, Oregon, which place the dinette, central heating. This is a •twelve handsome colors all ready Farm, 40 acres row crop, 34 acres tion to the United States o f America underdgned selects as his place of Good 4-room house, part base beautifully designed new home to use. business in all matters connected hay and pasture, 5 room house, new on a 70 foot lot. Paved street— ment, nice yard, good location. Only barn. Located on highway, $16,000, and for the con truction of the Owy with said estate. Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. hee Federal Reclamation Project, $5500, $1000 down, balance like rent. sidewalks and driveway all in. B. B. Lienkaemper reasonable terms. and as to the validity c f inch elec COAST Blacktop Paving Co. is readv Strictly FHA construction. Be the 1-bedroom house, garage, close to Administrator o f the Estate of Two-bedroom modern home, ex tion authorizing said contract and to build your driveway, parking area, first to Lve In this home. $13,000, town. Only $4500, terms. cellent condition, perfect heating as to the validity o f said contract Clarence M. Zink, Deceased. school yard, feed lot, lounging or ea.->y terms »f desired. Dated and f,r>t published January Duplex 1 block from Main St., system, good location. and for ai^order approving and con implement shed. Only pugmill as VETERANS SPECIAL Motel with market, very good loca firming the same and that said pe 3. 1953. 150x150 corner lot, paved both phaltic concrete mix in this area. 2-bedroom modern home, nearly Last publication February 5, 1953. tion. tition i-- now pending in said Circut streets, $12,000. Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti new, $5,800, $1.300 down. N1 SSA INSURANCE AG ENC Y Court; that on the 5th day of Janu mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A ENJOY C O U N TR Y L IF E — NOTICE OF E Q U A LIZ ATIO N 3— Modern houses, garages, shade, Ralph G.. Lawrence, Agent ary, 1953. up m the inction c f the or phono 280, Ontario. 13-tf. NO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Special — Modern 2-bedroom — 1 paved street, 3 block from Main St. 105 Main St. Phone 53 petitioners, the court made and en That the board o f directors of the ---- -- — acre $5.703. All rented. Excellent income pro- tered it order fixing the 10th day Ridgeview Irrigation District will ROOM A -P L E N T Y — FOR S A L E -U -e d electric Sew Gem •) r y. All three f r - niy $11,750, ea J of February, 1953. at the hour cf meet at the Ridgeview School H u-o 4 room hou se with fc»ur more and Kcnmere Sewing machines, 19:00 o'clock, A. M . as the time in the County of Malho ir, State of rooms i:a basemcn t. Modern ten terms if desired. HELP W A N TE D —I f there are any : p t ] •; lays rented. Ext ia lot We have several good busine is cabinet model-, excellent condition. .vhen, and the Circuit Court Room t heu icgin. that being the District’s o f local ex-beauty operators desiring A. u d W hile Portable—bargain of the Malheur County Courthouse locations, all priced right. fice. nt 7:30 P. M. on the 23rd day w: !h thi s. $7250. part or full work plea:e apply ptiers. Ea y term-. Firestone Store, at Vale, Oregon, a the place where f February, 1953, to -it us a Board .Y $3.!300? BERNARD EASTM AN in person at O.vyhcc Beauty Sb p. Nyssa. 2-tf. said petition and the proceedings of Equalization for the purpose of Yc■s sir, we have one, all[ mexiern, Real Estate Insurance thereunder will be heard: that pur 10 S. 2nd St. 2-tf. r nly $1.300 6 own. reviewing and correcting its a ess- Phone Cl FOR SALE OR TR A D E — My equity suant to said order hearing of said :n?nt and apportionment cf taxes for EDGE OF TOW N HELP W AN TE D — Experienced auto N nrly new, 2 bedrooms, 100 foot FDR SALE -5200 Strawberry Giates, in 4-rc< m modern house and acre- petition and tine proceeding* there under will be heard on the 10th day mechanic. L.'acral commi- ion. a n lot, S7 500. terms to suit. 12 cup capacity. Quick sale at 5 a te. 1‘ a mile- north cf Nyssa on of February, 1953. at the hour of nual benus, paid vacation, hospital 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME Highway 20. W ill consider live lock, cents each. Fir.-t ccme first served. 10:00 o'clock. A. M., in the Circuit and health benefits. Herriman M tor Mr. Working-man, here is a spaci 47-tf. hay and feed and farm maohinery. Csurt Room at the Malheur County ous, comfortable home for your Call Ontario 359. Co. 3-lt. Interests elsewhere. Phone 017-J4. Courthouse, Vale, Oregon; that in family, nearly new and well lo 2-ltp. said order the court directed that FO R S A L E —1951 Chevrolet '¿-ton, cated. $8300, easy terms notice be served on all persons and 4-speed pickup truck. Just like new, BUSINESS O PPO R TU N ITIE S FO R SALE — 2-bedroom, modern parties concerning the publication fully guaranteed. Priced at $1295. M OTEL RATES H IG H ? home, attached garage, 603 King thereof for three consecutive weeks, FOR R E N T—Furnished apartment, W hy don’t you get on the receiving ‘ Call Chet Bowns, Ben Franklin Ave. E. E. Botner. 2-2tp. being four publications in the Nys- utilities and heat furnished. 112 1-tf. end and enjoy those high rates? Store. a fía te City Journal, publi-hed in Park Ave., Nyssa, phone 337-R. We have a good 14 unit motel for FD R SALE—CHESAPEAKE, female, Ny a, Oregon, and that jurisdic 2-3t. S A R A Z I N C L IN IC Used We tinghoui’e range $10. Ideal $40,000, all modern and furnished. 2 'j years, two season’s work n tion o f the court in the premises be Gas and Appliance. 1-tf. Dr. J. J. Sarazin Terms can be arranged. FOR R E N T—4-ro m modern house. Snake river. Fine duck dog. Out complete at the expiration o f ten Dr. K E. Kerbv day after the full publication of this 3-room house, full basement with AN INCOME FOR LIF E Apartment houses provide sure FDR SALE -Completely medern, 4- standing for look- Very light col notice: that the date of the first Dr. K. A. Danford 2 bedrooms in the ba ement. J. C. ored. A K.C. regi.-tered. You can and steady incomes lor thousands year-old 2 bedroom home. Choice publication, is January 8th, 1953; Physicians and Surgeons Smith, phone 78-J. 52-tf. of owners. We have several good corner location. Full basement, with make ycur money back from one that the date of the last publication litter and be ready for next duck is January 29th, 1953; and, ones. kniotity pine recreation room with FOR R E N T —Three-room furnished j L. A. M A U L D I N G . M. D. You are hereby further notifed bunk bed. Pull drape -, air condition- , season. R. W. Jones, Ontario, Physician and Surgeon apt. Available Feb. 1. Phone 127-W. 2-lt. that you and each of you or any ed. automatic dish washer, electric Phone 195. Phnne 37 2-tf. k e n persons or parties Interested may Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 water heater, stoker and furnace. Daily Except Saturday and Phone 142 or 451. Earl W. Hollings FO R SALE -Wire-baled straw. Ph. at any time, prior to the expiration FOR R E N T — Furnished basement 2-tf. of ten days after the 29th day of 8undav Saturday 10 to 1? worth. 1-tf. | 099-R4. Apt. Stunz duplex. 38-tf. January, 1953, appear arid contest FO R BALE— Heavily tinned milk the validity of this proceeding or FOR R E N T —Furnished apartment T e w o lr v strainer, 6'a-inch discs, $1.50, at any of the acts or things covered by FREE with bath, light and heat furnished. this proceeding or recited ar.c enu Tobler's Feed & Fuel. Phone 63-J. 32-tf. PAULUS ♦ M ajor Farm Machinery Line Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals March of Dimes merated in said petition, and if you J E W E L R Y STORE fail so to appear, the court will pro ♦ Established Business FOR RE N T —3-room house with Phone Nyssa 100-R FDR SALE -100 tons first crop hay. ceed to its Judicial examination and Union Pacific Tim e Inspector ♦ L;bi ral 1 nan • basement. 13th and Chestnut, Nyssa. JSW K LR Y DIAMONDS Wayne Simp-on, phone 069-R4, Nys enter its Judgment and decree as ♦ Minimum Capital Required Idaho-Orvgon Rendering Co. Inquire Smeed Apt. Phone Ontario W ATCHES sa. 2-2tp. to the regularity and legality in 326-W. 2-2tp such proceedings and of each and all Main Street nt Second Available in Nyssa Now! T O R S A L E — U ced nil heaters— all JOHN DEERE. 2-row, flatbed pota o f said proceedings as covered by FOR R E N T—Paint spray gun Fire For information and prompt WYCKOFF said petition and declare said amen -uses and makes. Ideal Gas and Ap to digger. Phone 918-J3. Ontario. stone store. 21Ftfc. reply, write to 25-tf datory repayment contract to be a 1 J E W E L R Y STORE pliance. 1-tf. legal, valid and binding obligation O fficial T im » In pector for D R R E N T — New Clarke 8-incn P. O Box Q. Nvssa, Ore. FOR S A L E -U s e d Frigidaire range of the district: and, Union Pacific FO R SALE — Over-stuffed chair, loor sanders and 6-tich edger. _________________1-tf. like new, $135. Ideal Ga> and A p This notice is given by me under O N T A R IO OREGON good condition. Call 19. 52-tf. I itunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. pliance 3-tf seal of the above entitled court pur suant to and by authority of the or RANCH FOR R E N T Good Tor r v FO R SAI.fc FOR 8AIJ5— Inner-spring mattress der o f Honorable M A B..1. . Judge crop or gardening. Good water right Blacksmith shop with equipment! and box -pring set. Good condition. f the Circuit Court, State of Ore W ANTED — Highest prices pa»d for DR. J. A. M c F A L L 12 months o f year. On air base road. ' and house on 1/4 acre fronting high- j $22.50 for both. Ny -a Furniture Co. gon, for the County of Malheur, W. M. Devlin, Box 4, Mountain phone 306. Ontario. DR. JO H N E A S L Y 3-tf made and entered on the 5th day of Across from way in good farming center. $2,900, Home, Idaho. l- 3 t.1 Ontario Sales yard. January, 1953. PFi.m** 21. Ontario O r e g o n 23mtfc $1.000 down. H. 8. Sackett FDR SALE—Ten tons of good alfai- | FD R R E N T —Clean, three-bedroom1 2-bedroom home on about two fa hay or will trade for barley orj County Clerk. W ANTED acres, modern and well finished.1 corn. Mile north of Overstreet beet h me. three block, south Nyssa post First publication Jan. 8, 1953. Dead Animals Nice yard and shrubs. 500 head dump. A. D. Moses. Last publication Jan 29, 1953. office. Owner, Mrs. D. Pampenier, 3-3t,p G A T E C IT Y L O D G E Removed Free. ohicken house with 200 head laying j Vale, Rt. 1. Box 3. 2-2tp No. 214 L O. O. F. NOTICE OF F IN A L COUNT hens with brooder room and equip FO R SALE— Monarch electric range] Phone Nyssa 102-W’ Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 modern FDR R E N T - 1-Bedroom In the County Court of the Slate of in good cond.tion, $25. 602 N. 3rd. ment. W ater right from old Owyhee. Payette 670. South First Street perch, ' j basement, Oregon for the County o f Malheur Phone 28-R. 3-3tp On paved road. $6,500. Idaho Animal Products Co. In the Matter o f the Estate of 3-tp C. r; M ! : eck. Realtor. 105 acres BO acres row crop. An A R T IFIC IA L abundance of free gravity water. FDR SALE Used A & B electric Charle M. Caldwell, deceased. NO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that .ipartment range, only $35. Ideal I N S E M IN A T IO N $31,500. easy terms. W AN TE D —2-bedrccm h me, near 3-tf. the undt r ..gned, The Fir-t National 2 bedroom hou-e $3,000, only $500 Oas & Appliance. school. Garage, central heat. Call Bank of Portland, as executor of the down, balance like rent. B LU F K V IE W We have been appointed agents for Johnnie Goddard, B <& M Equipment Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn FOR SALE Eversman land leveler. estate of Charles M. Caldwell, de-1 Jersey, Guernsey, Holstein Co. the Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Mak Mrxlel 289, big discount,guaranteed. ceased, has filed its Final Account and chicken house $»500. Milkii g Shorthorn ing loans on 40 acres or more. At 3-2tp as “aid executi r In the County Court 2 bedroom home near city park Phene 7200 New Plymouth. Lcnnic P.’ Alinstcdt i f Malheur County, Oregon, and tractive interest rates. Terms to $4,600, terms. Technician Use that said oourt has appointed Tues suit the borrower. Phone 2185 or 4073 FYiK 8 a u Year-from -certification day, February 10. 1953. at 10:00 Gate City Journal BERNARD EASTM AN * New Plymouth, Ida. rus*<■■ a • Phone N M 1 , o’clock in the forenoon of said day BOB TH O M PSO N AGENCY Real Estate Insurant* Ch» ter T ida. Ontario 3-5ip Classified Ada. f / r the hearing of objections to said Phone $7 Phone 64 ! For Sale oi’ Trade Mb For Sale r : Also ZEREX Pcrma-Guard BERRETT'S Service and Cafe r in*» ... M s j s<"** J to BOISE R^und trip only Lv. Nyssa Ar. Boise Lv. Boise Ar. Nyssa s235 plus tax 9:15 11:05 4:45 6:35 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Help Wanted ' ■ I .. . JU, 309 Main SI. . . : h : Pitone 217 PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY For Rent Donhsts Physicians DR. C. M. T Y L E R W ILSON B IT L D IN G Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays. 9 to 12 J. R. C U N D A L L Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic Pom ssSS” A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Stores Wanted Ootometrists I.odaes Farm Loans FARM LOANS NYSSA OREOON DR. JOHN W. O L S E N Dental Clinic 7th and Bower Phone 393-W Chiropractor E D W IN W. O L D H A M . D. C. 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 Physiotherapy F.lectro-Therapy Nyssa. Oregon Veterinarians D R . B. E R O S S Veterinarian Veterinary Supplies Small and Large Animals Offlee Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone Nyssa 202-W 407 Main St. D r. Marvin M. P r e n t ic e A’eterlnary Surgeon Large and Small Animals 216 W P Ph. 2341 New Plymouth. Idaho DR. V E R N O N W A RD V e t e r in a r ia n Large or Small Animals Hemedale. Idaho Box 76$ Phone 2971