THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OFFGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29. ¡?b3 Newell H ighls Modern Pioneer ( lub I'lione 040 K3 Kay Chri.-ten-en who has been living with his step brother. Frank Pike, left Tuesday evening for Salt Lake City where he will attend mis­ sion sohcol for two weeks. Upon completion of the schcoling he will go to Japan to serve a three-year mission for the LDS church. Sixteen members of the 20-40 Sup­ per club painted the recreation rooms of the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening. After a big eve­ ning’s work the group enjoyed hear­ ty refreshments. Carol Sl.ppy has received a certi­ ficate of award for the Adrian Live­ stock club. This 4-H club finished their project one hundred percent. The members were Terry Borge, Larry DtHaven, Darrel Slippy, Frankie Pratt, Wallace Butler and Carol Slippy The adult leader of this successful group wa.s Vern But­ ler. Mr. and Mr-. Frank and fam­ ily moved this week to a h me near­ er his work at Nyssa. They have lea.-ed their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Poulson. Luit Siam returned Sunday from Gearhart where he attended a PMA meeting. Mr. Stam reports much raan and wind on the coast. The pre-school study group of the P.-T.A. met Thursday evening at the Elvin Worden home. Mrs. Roger Norland had charge of the program on citizenship. The next meeting will be at the Roger Nor­ land heme Feb. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Westtrman spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Stanley Hill. The visitors were re­ turning to Houston, Texius, after spending the past- five months in Seattle, Wa h. Mr . Durlin Hammon, president of Modern Pioneer club, reports the January meeting will be held Tues­ day at the Irwin Tcpliff heme. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leedy of Payette brought Mrs. Lydia Wor­ den home Friday and spent the weekend here. Mrs. Roy Hirai and Mrs. George Hirai attended a meeting of the Matrons club in Ontario Tuesday evening. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs Bill Hamilton entertained their pin­ ochle club. The prize winners were MAY HAVE A LAWSUIT if someone is injured on your premises. You can protect yourself with the best liabitity insurance by calling our office. The cost is low! KEN POND Insurance Estat* Phone 218 16 North 3rd. Peprosonling N o rth w est C asualty COMPANY M lame- Dale Glenn. Dudley Kurtz with the I'. S. Army. -rid Dick Kreigh and Mi --rs. Dudley Mr and Mrs. Tom I Id ridge vi-'ted Kurtz. Kenneth Price aud Dick visited from Friday until Monday at Kreigh. Lebanon and Corvallis. At Lebanon Mr-. Orville Gilbert entertained they were guests of Mr- Eldridge'.- 14 ladies at a breakfast in her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Fulton and home in Adrian Tue>day. Guests her si«ter and family. Mr and Mr-. from Newell Heights were Mrs. Earl Bill Carpenter and children and a: Saari. Mr- Robert Patterson, and Corvallis they visited her -:-ter and Mrs. Durlin Hammon. l )ther-in-law. Mr. and Mr- How­ Mr-. Roy Hirai and Larrv, Mrs. ard Snowberger. K. H in t and Mr- m Mat Mr. and Mrs. Jim Millard and visited Sunday at the Ben Eno- Denny were Sunday dinner gue-ts moto home in Ontario. f Mr. and Mrs. Herb C .x Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O Judd Mr. and Mrs. Coy Bryan were Sat­ had as their dinner guests Friday urday evening gue-t- cf Mr. and Mr Mr and Mrs. L. J. Kinney of On­ Ed Stephen- tario and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Embree Mrs. Lula Hoxie was a weekend and Mr and Mrs. Dean Nice of 1 ,uest of her brother and sister-in- Harper. la.v. Mr. and Mr- J N. Thomason, Mr and Mrs. John Timmerman at Caldwell. entertained their Whist club this Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sparks visi- week. Gue ts Acre Mr and Mrs. Z ed in Boise last weekend with Mr. Davidson i f Parma, Mr. and Mr.-. lira BUI M r* . a Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley, Mr Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear and and Mr.-. Peter Tensen and Mr and Mrs. Paralee K in -ir visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Groot. Mrs. Herbert R. tor- and family : Mrs. Kla-s Laan is now taking Payette Sunday. several others with her to the fast Mr. and Airs. Snead and growing citizenship cla-.- in Ontario. hildrenof Wei.-er were visitor.- Sun­ Those going with hur are Mrs. J a ­ day evening at the hi me of Mr. cob Van Twist. Mr- William Holt, . : Mrs D :. m Sr , arid Mrs. William Holt. Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chesnut were John Holt. tur-ts of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cru- Mr. and Mr.-. Dudley Kurtz enter­ . n for an evening of pincchle Sat­ tained at three tables of pinochle urday. Monday evening. Guests were Mr and Mrs. Stanley Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Worden, Mr. and Mr-. Dick Kreigh, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. John Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Timmerman spent Friday in Boise. The flu epidemic is still having havoc with school attendance and many other activities. However, many farmers are taking advantage cf the spring like weather to do work in the field-. Gardeners report bed- of pansies in bloom, bulbs ao- prraching bio- cm and many per- enials pu-hing through the ground. Hugh Glenn has been in the Nyssa hospital the past week for treatment and observation. Sou nd , well m a in ta in e d M nuay. S W Jones was taken to the Mal­ heur Menu rial h>-pital Wednesday evening. He has pneumonia. Mr- Frank Byers helped with the P iio drive in Nys.-a Fnday. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Sevell and L-'i- Jean cf Adrian vi-ited Sunday at the Woodrow Sevell home. Mr and Mr ■ Gilbert Holmes and daughters were Sunday gues-ts at tho W P Hendrick home. Mr and Mr- Holland Holmes and family visited Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mr- Glen Holme Jr. A number in the community have had the flu Among them were the members of the Alfred Adams fam­ ily Dean Holme- and Mr and Mr-. B F Rockstool. S u m and Sally, the twin daughters of Mr. and Mr.-. Gilbert Holmes, have had the mea- Along The Oregon Trail Mrs. Frank Byers Phone 076-Iti The Merry Matr n- club met at the home of Bonnie H< lines la.-t Wednesday. Eleven members and two gue-ts, Lcrena Oressley and Marie Holmes, were present Roll call was answered by "Your Opin- Miss Della Shuster of Ontario vi-i- breidery work was d nc for the hc-t- ess. Following the bu-ine-- meeting bir.go was played with prize- being won by Bonnie H line- Betty Bow­ er.. Marie Holmes. Alberta Be ven. Al.ce Holmes, Loremi Gre-.-lcy and Gladys Byers. Lunr'i v.i- -erved by the hostess assisted by Cora R. k- Eugenia, Frances, and Peggy -tccl and Marie H line- The next meeting will be Feb. 4, with Cora St ue 11 spent the weekend with their R k-tocl heste-s. R 11 call vill be grandparent-. Mr. and Mrs. Frank answered by "Ycur Favorite Time of Year and Why? " Miss Della Shuster • On: trio visi­ ted Sunday at the F C. Holmes heme. Mr. and Mro Roll,. ; H ' a.- i Lila made a bu-ine trip to Bo:-e sited Friday e\ Jr., vi- Byers home. M: it the Frank SUGAR BEET CONTRACTS Being Written 8 a.m . to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday, Inclusive A m algam ated Sugar Co. Office TIME M l Use Journal Ctas.-ified Ads. § * LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hathaway ■pent the weekend at Pendleton. Mrs. Elvin Kallou was a substitute teacher in the high school the fore­ part of the week. Mrs. C. W. Reberger of Caldwell was a weekend guest at the H R. Sherwood home. properties qualify for o u r fam o u s “ Preferred Iiisk ’’ capital stock fire insurance. ONLY good risks are ac­ cepted. Hence, lo sses are fewer, net cost it low and Security unquestioned. Gel details. \ ■ \ Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Lewis journ­ eyed to Pendleton Sunday to attend the funeral services of Mrs. Lena Cameron and returned to their home Monday. Mrs. Cameron was the wife of Mrs. Lewis' nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Loran J. Whittington of Parma Ida., announce the en­ gagement of their daughter. Janice, to Eugene Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peterson, also of Parma. No date has been set for the wed­ ding. Miss Kennedy is employed by the Malheur Home Telephone Co. here. Mr. Peterson has just return­ ed to the Cnited States from Ger­ many, where he served 13 months CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Nyssa Fire Department for being so prompt in answering the fire alarm to my place early Monday morning, and for be­ ing so quiet at their work. Harry E. Collins For many of us, time slips by before we realize it. And than— oh how we wished we had not put off necessary chores. One of these days your field work will start; will your John Deere Equipment be ready for the season ahead? Be sure all goes well this spring, give your John Deere Equipment a thorough going-over now. Look for worn parts and replace them with only genuine John Deere Parts. They Rensirom Insurance Agency HOLLINGSWORTHS’ Nyssa, Oregon Tin CAPITAL STOCK Company of “PREFERRED RISKS'* 605 Main GENERAL AMERICA COMPANIES HOMI ry V Offici ^ , St A T T Lì are made of quality materials, fit properly and last longer. If servicing is required, you'll find our shop well equipped to handle your require­ ments. The combination of precision working tools, John Deere-approved servicing meth­ ods, and genuine John Deere parts is a combination no other shop in this com­ munity can offer. Let's tadk over your servic­ ing needs, come in soon. Phone 142 ”:i ' ^ì f ‘V - x Ÿ ■ \ Here's the M O ST fine car for the budget-minded ! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i- WANTED—2 wheeled ’2 or 3/4 ton capacity trailer with good tires. Write D. G. Combs, Rt. 2, Nyssa. 3-3tp • You’d richer think it, but it’s true . ; : H >R SALE U.-ed W< ele­ ctric range, $39.50 Ideal Gas and Appliance. 3-tf • . . . you can own this stunning new Chrysler »Windsor for little more than a low-priced car with all its extras! Yet see what it gives you . . . • Big car safety anti steadiness . . . and a wonderful sense of complete car contrail m You don’t need elaborate equipment or housing to get these early chicks started The new infra-red heat lamp does the trick—right on the floor. With this method you can start chicks that will be producing when egg prices are highest early next fall. • The breathtaking performance of the Chrysler Spitfire engine . . . plus the security of Full-time Power Steering, if you wish it! V' # New type shock alieorbers that make even tlie roughest road feel like a boulevard! • The satisfaction of driving a car that means the best there is to millions of motorists! Every month you start chicks after January 1st and before April 1st should make them worth $20 a hundred more as layers next fall! Yes, you cun own and enjoy all this at surprisingly modest cost i . . Stop in today and see! The beautiful ORDCR C H I C K S NOW! CHRYSLER W INDSOR -one of Americas firs! family of fine cars! Com * ¡n or phon*. W e ’ll g*t you started , TOBLER'S FEED 6 FUEL. Inc. Phone 26 . N Nyssa Oregon XKH W H W M WAGGONER MOTOR CO. - 118 Good Ave. Phone 180