TT-;r N Y S S A G A T E U n c ia l S u ite s Har. ' kcfb r. ; M_ W _A 3 : I ed »i i ly *t T B r M rr Mr aoc Mr- Su « - \frt Griders Entertain •: e G r.der en - . M r.- ;ay ever.^tg a: :h*.r h : 3te Mr aad Mr- E M H j . e : ci Ontario xere Tuesdav Br.d.e Club T3L5 hostess to out-cd-ic xr. guesxi «--< Tom Kdr.d Pries were x :n by Gecrge Sallee :r.cçe club 1er: her Tuf ?<iar n - T ü a guet* and Clyde Smder w«**k Mrs G>a B o f the chib P rjes x*r* x - cy Mr* Ar.r. uncement of Meeting Mestber of the Past Preudente a cc Ur- J L H f.-r.-ir. parley are to meet a; the heme of Mr Warren F.. -hare - r. Monday at Farewell Dir.: r Par.v 2 pm :t * i - announced "T^e-day Mr acd Mr Ec r. Cr. x. and Mr M Mrs Powell Entertains Nyss* attendsr Mr Eod.e P- x*U entertained her par- M Hotel h n c r r i Mr ar.d Mr W W* club a: her heme Monday nun; G -* -t - xer* Mr J. R G m ; f O: . Mr- D: -< - mt'T.: g to Sp- c. - Ther- Mr Gr - - - NctU Sr.. r v O ü iícm u :: n xe hctne. 1950 FORD CONVERTIBLE Y - V . hitman Nuptiais rmed at Home Rites Perfv Cor.:« M c daughter M.- of Mr I i.-.c Mr Exert Chard became •-.r br de • : Homer H Whitman. Jr J r. ; Mr and Mr- H H Whitman ed Cu rr Ore curing a dcable-ncg *-r- _-ri rm*-u at the heme sj the parents on the afternoon cf Jar. 2 The Rev A J Hollings- ir h ; Chrust of- s - Xi White Sidewalls, Loaded with Extras 1565.00 Buy Belter Used Cars wilh Confidence at Herriman Motor Co« a and viclmt) ; member? an?xer*c : .. ca„ x-.t.i a xedd.r.g Mat: B -, •x- item Mr- N va a gue?t rn Price, xore a 3r;-xr. suit r the afterncon. r aí» of rc?e carnatxmi 1; xa? decided tha* tarn member : Whitman acted as be-t : uM do seme extra rann mg for the ho?p:tAl The gr: up als: rcted ..r ner -a-ugn- :o d; cate $6 to tne Marrh if Dmte.- a b.ue crepe afteraoc oc x pudding. Refreshmen Whitman’s aftemoo . - j • , u • • u- ’ - P t>. m xc re c tr ccote? and ere Mr?. Finger dare red The next mee:mg xull oe a: the Che xas held immedt- Mr? Aha lv : :. xtng the ceremcny. Mrs I a>" Dunn „ w heme _ x.m w _ r N.el-en. -.-ter to the G-10«16“ ^stets reo 1«. There x - be a Valentine exchange xuh gifts tne caie and Mr- Kenneth the bride. costing net mere .ur, X tent Chard sister-in-lax served the poach. ‘i - - . . o • . Krll^nOiU<U M: Reece received many 1 velv gut llouv(uru. at the homr Of Mr. and Mrs H' x-ard Lovejoy are her paren’ . Mr ar.d Mr- Dan Stoddard of Idahij Pall?, xho arrived last Tue day for a txo x e e f visit. A Proiiiable Crop A Soil Builder A Clean Deal Available Ensilage EVER Y CONTRACT GROWER TREATED A L IK E — Larne cr Small t/ ni r . . . : "• H mer ' xa emp: veda: Fu--: Mattonai Banc :o her Thu.xciy r..u..t artige club * *A”6€X G ilt " P-.V t r.r Tr.'r M. i XyÑ'á 2 . Te g thi groc-c íiP X cd i* Bartri Ostrom ar.d Mr J H Cun- C’^irer during the pa¿: vear. After a tTo-xeek's tnp to Old a“ M; Z. M x. Mr and IL* Whitman Till Pr^e- xe:e a make their lume at 613 Idaho S: Pov+u and Mr Ost: m. Mr by her parent « Mr and Mr Ken- net.. R«ece Guests xere Mr c. A Re*-* and Mr and Mrs. Charles Now Contracting SWEET CORN ACREAGE Mr- Prana Piae ac- C h atter B o x C lub D O Bvbee Mrs W ihooW .r/.e: ¿rxM r K ▼- •a- attired in a dark **’ “ ^ entertained the Chatter ■ bl * arc*- >.e- and 3 : * eI,jb » ’• the Winter ncme -a-t t William D* Grofft. . . ae.d grand- daughter. L...da, of Wall x-a. Ore. rm*r Ny ...... a red- Tne De Oroffu. for............ t, dent ; xere on a bu-ine triptnN y-- M. and Mrs. O.n Htrren and family xere heat at en ter Sunday -1*—+ Birthdav Dinner a: taeir heme ! ■ ’ Mr and Mr- Hon r Former Residents Fridav Evening B..1 H^m.ltcr. anc • * rhilcrer. ar.c Mr and Mr- Bert L.enka*mper M^ Carol Ann R u ft * a . lion- Mervell Hutchin tr. :f Crane Ore T,.\. ¡a.. wed- ored on her »th birthday Friday <*—•> neicav evening f r Mr and Mr . evening at a birthday dinner given B irth d av S u rp n .-e Marten Olenn t i plea.-ar.ny rar prk*4 :n the oc . . : his : - day with a neighh -;c party Fri day night a: the heme Mr and Mr- Wayne Cher.: • Mr? Ashby xen high score prme at cards Refreshments xere -srvec by the cim:;ur.:ed b? Mr ; Radio, Heater, Overdrive, 2 Spotlights rrtr.-W at a p : hick dinner at t: Overstate h me Gue ts x*re M ar.d Mrs. Harrv McGmley and j . t .-I v and Mr.- Harold Wifccn and Ka-- A c Dinner for Guests Mr5 er rectrt* ..i G — r R.: :t. Neb ... id the Valley Mr.- Ccr 3 - • ": .ru „tic T n N Br: l. Phil- .5 b*:bg trar.-rerred .rto ■ Lp* « C if. * Add.:.- rial p rc*m Ter* Mr M i.-.d Mr: Ren of Wttaer anc Mr ir.d Mr Walter Scnvner cf Mr Cahiern^ THTJRSDAY. JANUARY 19 1953 "TTY J O t’ R M A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N 50 Years ol Fair Dealing :‘ W e Make no wild statements of the past, for the present, H H Whitman Mr and Mrs Rev. and Mrs. Crenshaw Whitman Mr and Mrs R t- Feted at Dinner Wht ::............Lawrence Whit- The r * v arc Mrs 1 T ìan. ?ruT Tere ncr. ree a: a - yJ • • covered disix dinner c ^r.c^y a::er- r i t : : aocr. : .. wtngRei Crexuhew'scon- A - u-p.-e party was held for Ray eluding church -ervice .r. 5: Paul’s C Lex. Tuesday evening by ter. f E .. • r.? 1 thur.r. N; -a The -t- his friend Tne evening xas ¿pent cial. arranged by the St Paul's visiting Lunch xas served Guild, xas held in the parish hall The honored gue*? xere present- Marriage Revealed ed a gift. Mr and Mrs A. J Bums this -1-— 1* xeek announce the marriage of their Dinner Guests daughter Edna May. to William O. In Caldwell Schukey of Portland The Tedding M. a:xl M_; j.?hn Reeves and xas held on Jar. 22 Lora Ditty xere dinner guests "• Tuesday exernng in Caldxell xith Dinner Partv Sundav nl -. and Mrs Bco McClasky and Mr and Mr E K Burton enter- sen and Mrs Gertrude Atkcaon. uau.ed with dinner Sunday Guests -1— + xere Mr and Mr Os:ar Erxtr. Honored Oil Birthdav D r thy and G1 r^ Jean cf Apple Dale Oveiwtai* xa? honored cn Mr or future. W e are interested in High Yields, High Dollar Return Per Acre, and High-Grade Corn. Call Nyssa 175-R collect, or drop us a card and a Field Man will see you promptly and explain our new plan. IDAHO CANNING CO. Nyssa, Oregon Payette, Idaho . . . . M alh eu r County FEBRUARY 2 - 7 Add Your Voice and Supporl lo fhat of Your Neighbor lor- PROTECTION OF FARM FREEDOM PREVENTION OF TAX INEQUITIES BETTERMENT OF RURAL LIVING MARKET PROMOTION We Salute JOIN A FARM BUREAU CENTER IN MALHEUR COUNTY Nyssa and Adrian Farm Bureau Centers, The Following Firms Support Orer 400 Farm Bureau Members in Malheur County and their Affiliation with the American Farm Bureau Federation Bauman Farm Equipment Herriman Motor Co. Gate City Journal Adrian Supply & Repair Hollingsworths' Amalgamated Sugar Co. Dessert Seed Co. Adrian Oil Co. Tobler's Feed & Fuel Nyssa Feed Mill Leo Fife Repair Shop Bill's Food Mart Owyhee Truck 6» Implement Co. Farmers Supply Co-op Nyssa Implement Co. Brown's Mercantile Boise-Payette Lumber Co Western Corrugator Co. Nyssa Elevator Adrian Locker Plant Nyssa Lumber Co. B. <S M. Equipment Co. Byron Vinsohaler, Blacksmith Adrian Garage First National Bank Stunz Lumber Co. Marshall-Wells Store Adrian Drive-In Ideal G as & Appliance Firestone Store H