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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1953)
I GAI DUANE E » JOURNAL V L T T B S ................................. fciiitor and Publisher RICHARD H V YOST — ---------- Akv<-rtm»g Ih w g t f Duane K. Alter» and G««. l~ Wberton. Owner* «UBSC RIPTION RATE» Oregon, acd Payette and Canyon Counties. lia ." a . : -------- « M *- ■>: E . c T .'.r » m t ie U -S A . per year -------------------- •* Single Copies ----- Strictly at Ad ranee' N E WS P A P E « ' \\ * « r .K. PU I L I S H E i S association Published every Tr. msday Entered at tie through ùte Un.led S ta in the act at Nysik. Mairtetir County, Oregon. at Nyas*. Oregon far transmuaon SiaJa. as second class matter. under of March 3. 1879 f.OC l .f h Wi:n h_- r J t the Rev went •y Nr» O n .V i ht 1546 T he-' :w ? : .... it . . H-. ’ • o rr. a: M alang The Rett* r d l leave oy piane from Portland Pea 15 : -eve a seven-year term x. t ne ' a rr. e rr.. .. .. e .1 Durir» its year» fur Vouait it i r m i the Rev has ¿pent fair her parents. Mr anc Mr. Oscar Erwtn of Apple Valley Tne Erk-r.- recently moved there from Parma Mrs Joe BeUon returned home Mr and Mrs. Tom*ham • • fr-.m ? . . » > - .... st Wednesday cn a trip to m North Dakota and a: Umon The- w_ ¿ ___ _____T--.:in* ia d „ spent one week v her o tin g ner r.ra. -quinary it . New York LOCAL NEWS ••••■ t ill K f j l NOTES Apple Valley Kingman Kolony Mrv »hermaii Wilson Phone Parat» 21-M4 Phone 8S9J11 Mrs Ed Basset; l i m M W T o r GOD E rank C Coley. Pastor South 2nd and Reece Are. 10 a m. Sunday school. 1 1 a m morning worship 8pm erangefastic service. Tues 8 p m . prayer service, m . 8 p m . young peop.e. tv an a Ea_ et: attended the Ycur Mr and Mr Mar... . ^ p ^ p i ^ meeting a: the United Pr a vacation turned la-t w- -k Sunday night, w: ww- m ,- öytenar. trip to California Mr M rt '* C U . thev entertained the R-t -well pour.. THE ( H l R ( H O f THE land. Painter anc Raym : N AZARE NE ter P^J Sunday dinr.- : Robert Jackson. Pastor L:t - tf flu in this community tr Norland near W ... * 1 a * - . e i i . i i y ^diwol ek Mr. and Mr C ir. Mel 11 p m.. morning worship. Mr ar.d Mr- Pfa-fer and daugh- B o -* were : z - 7 p m . N V P Î and Junior nei sper.t the weekend with Mr Jack Reed fa 2 nc:her helping ttj O i chore - 7 45 p m.. evangelistic servire. week. Tcomb -a : c n ih e ji There were nc pr mg r. -mb me: i r.:h a con COMMUNITY METHODIST at ±::o a: E W K user t HI Ri H as Rev Nitic-n » .d a Junior Dairy c ljb Dr H G McC a Ulster. Minister flu Mr and Mr W ...... Sc. a 11 and El i e a : . Francis. D : 2nd W \RD P L. D. ley’s fr m the E. t 1 .. iristensen. Bi-hop D. Hubert Tf- aerrr. r. Mr £:. IM r.e Al The a very race v. with him. ...e. gpjc.e Mr and Mr . Hal. .. £ zz.. prize: ry; d and cfa.ldrer. cf P .r land vh’e C M IA . at Al Tho fer a short . .t with were Mr. ar-d Mrs. M : E..a 8:- .... . ... FIRST O: •o and -\L" and Mr wees M Ja r. Re- Church of Christ c f Arcadia CHRISTLVN try) They were re: from Berle Phife r sa: t ;- \u-tin J. Huliinzsworth. Minister Cast ; ■ 10 a. m . .. 1. 1 Elvir. Mr and Mr O-rar Erwin and vhi.i Frankie Wtrden helped tr.e a , - . . . family have moved into the h . m -h, rTesoyte... Preshver- - . ...................* l .V . a m . morning worimp. directed vacated by the Samps n fam 8 property some m< arc ar.c are ^ - ; er an<j p u<j Lor^ attended the sh.p. ning to buhd ever the id church .'uneraj 0f M n Al Th&mps- r. - 8 p m . evening worship. basement. brother, Virgil Long, last week ------------ FREE M E T H O D IS T ( H I R ( II NL-s Sara*M.Her Mr-. Jack WiJ- Mr and Mrs Herschel Thompson Adrian. O reeon son. M ania ar.d Dale. v.-.:ed in Mel- wer.: to John Day Friday, 10 a m ., church school ba. Sunday Mr and Mr: Alien Mr and Mr- We-ley Piercy ar.d 11 a m morning worship. Reed and Julia of Parma were Mr S L Thurman called on M M dinner guest? a: :he Ja < Reec :. me Kimbrough at Nampa Sundayafter- ( H C R C H O F C H R IS T Thurrdsy-■ .ilaa • week , r. r. - Parm a. Idah o Mr ant: Mr- Dar. N hand ar.d We.-ley Piercy went to the hospital McConnel Ave. son of Ander- r. Ranci, dam vi-ited M -iáay afternoon for an operation O. E. Robinson >Iimster from Friday : M :*■ at the Mar- Mr and Mr Wesley Piercy. Ar- 10 a. m . BU)le study. lere and Linda helped K I tha Ncrland borne. 11 a. rr.. morning worship. Mr Ella Stephens, Mr Walter Peter-on celebrate his birthday 8 p. m . Sunday evening service. I. S r. and Walter Iiams. J r. Thursday. Wednesday, 8 p. m.. Bible study. Dinner guests at . V- L- yin Hur-t have ,»11 been in bed with the flu. M and Mr- Calvin Vertrees ar.d h me Sunday were Mr aria Mrs. M ST. PAI L ) I PISCOPAL < HCRCH fan. ;•• and Mr M R ; e and L. Kurtz and Mrs . Dudle y Kurtz C. T. ( ren-haw, Rector fam.: \ all of Caldwell, were Sunday and children. 9 45 a m., Sunday schot-l. Mr and Mr We ley Pier vint • in the Alva H:ll fa me. 11 a m., baby communion and rptjirniid frnm n Mr Ma Harr.: Caldwell address. Tim n->,- life N J-i i p.'ai kit'I V iK Ar.Q Mr Mid Mr Ly::ii Hur .HISSIONARY H ll’ T b T CHURCH L.cler Ha-ki ll Dane. Pastor K. i l a. m 8 p. m K’ h le P a r t v Wedne prayer servie Denver and Id. Mr•• ar.d Mr Bill Ha Mr Emma M:s tame• u a: a pincchle pa turday l . d s. i-t n \r.n Margaret M Cc ÑÍted nigh!t. Guests were Me and Gordon Kay. Bishop with Mr El-.e M: - Mme Dale Glenn K< Pnce, 9:15 a. m , priesthood jneetlng. Gertrude H..k: last Dick Dudley Kur: î and 10:30 a m.. Sunday school. week Mark Hartley 7 30 p m . sacrament meeting. Mr ar.d Mr- Roy Gee oí Res we W.nning prute-. were Mr Kurtz Tuesday. 2 p m.. rel.ef society. were Sunday visitor Ml ar.d Mr- Glenr. high Mr Price and Wednesday. 4 p m . prlmaryt 7:30 and Mr R- oin n Mr Kurtz traveling and Mr and p. m . M . I. A. Mr». Kreigh. low. ________ An Indian adjutant t im M i i d r w < mi tu ii stork-like eavanger. f i f t h Street and Park Avenue Sundav Dinner Mr and Mrs. Leo Clasen and fam ily entertained with dinner Sunday f r Mr ar.d Mr J.m Guerri ic ltia :.d Mr and Mi : dptk Cla-en all f V.-.le ar.c Mr. arvi Mrs. D: n Perdue and daughter cf Nt:sa Heels - Soles Wednesday Bridge Club Shoe Clinic Mr- Harry Miner entertained her Wednesday evening bridge club last week Mr- Tcm ElUr.dgf- and Mrs. Bert L enkaemper were high -core - M: 1 . - end high. 10 a m . Sunday oh oi 11 a. m.. worship 7 30 p m . evangel;-tic service WOOD H A R R O W S Ben Amyri The wmJ- ST O M A C H ULCERS E X C t 5 A C ID DUE TO Heavy Wood Bar Q UICK RELIEF OR NO COST '^¡rm Drawbar Extra tí» iUU - ee Ju .. ^ .«L. N u. Acre'. Eduard Bo' ’ - ,- - i, 1 a T ■ P w. f u • ^ — • * - U Jim Elkins spent Mr. an d M rv O m m G an n were tVr. . -.. Mr . 8 U UJ - - - ' ........ i — • w Mr Del A. . John Palmer ,n,l Ummnl Mr. and Mr. D « . I Under* and family , t M -; Anne Ffanders arr.v- returned last Saturday from Port- ed Fr: at the home cf Mr and Mr Eiwood cr* busir.«--. Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson of Caldwell FTir.ce tie day Friday a ; the John Mr. and Mrs Carl Sebun and Mr. > and family Tr.ey were accompar-ed R e-ve5 Mrv Thar.e Lankford returned to ar.d Mr Walter F x er.. yed dinner Saturday evening at Eh. : Side Cafe her heme ir. Manntg Tuesday after visiting with her sister and bro:.. - Patr» :a 'im pson of Reno came ir.-iaw. Mr. ar.d Mr Kenneth Reece. Sunday m :r Mr. and Mrs. ( II. Neely and home o f her Mr and Mr- dauy. ter -pen: Sunday evening a: Carl Grunke the Dave Stchr heme in Payette. Mr and Mrv Gordon Oxnarr re- rued Wednesday after spending V: k fr.ends and relat.vs- ï)r. Qare F. Conley EYES EXAMINED (Opp. Sears) ■ * \f- .,r- . p . P ' - = - 519 Cleveland. Caldwell, Ida. From Nyssa EASTBOUND moved ■ Fred Guthrie 'Ir. and Mrs. Charle Buena Vasia J. L. ■ ! :M P.M. 1:57 PAT *G:35 PM. 9:30 P.M. 5:50 A.M. ' I al lo D . e—Daily except Sundavs and National Holidays L<. al to W. -< r—Daily evu ;>t Sundays and National Holidays 39 • Main St. Phone 217 Beet Growers Attention B & M Farm Equipmeni Co. Is The Aulhorized Dealer For Mr- L .Vern Cleaver and Alan vet • in Yà,e ..i Wedne-tay. r- r>n A J* - « Vfr Wilder were Sur.c • : the Fred Stephe: 4:15 A.M. WESTBOUND Mrr. Marie Thomas, Agent - - a r Oz Mr and Mr E: err. Cleaver ar.d : Mr Ge-ree A. ana Mr Cleaver left Tbur-day f :r Missouri where ihey will .-penc several week- vL-.:mg W h.:? there they will visit w:S-t Mr ar.c Mr- Err.iry Elliott, former resident- cf this community. Mr- ElLot: is a daughter of Mr and Mr- George Cleaver Mr- Carolyn Gardner. Mrs John Reffett ar.d Mr and Mrs Loyd Ad ams spent several days the past week visiting a: While there they visited Mr ar.d Mrs Harry Gardner ar.d NL" artd Mr- R .oer: F-effett and iamilies. who formerly lived m this community. Several from this community ai- r.ded 1:he dance a: tr.e Sunset Val- y hall Saturday evening. Several from this ::m m uniiy at nded \s.à dance a: ine Sur.>e: Val- y hall Saturday e*renmg. M: L lie TopULÍÍ Mr 5 . W.ll Bertram Dd Mr Al a G : lie h ar ten.led Chatter Bob club Wednesday a f - .. a: the Wilson Winter ' 15 CM. Ward and -nd Bob rv- Mrs. Alva Good ell P.ione 9Ò9-R1 i N Dial 9-3371 J - Bellon and dsorht-r. J an .it ? Dorot! M rs . The New <9 ria. S 'é* «t T. • , y -.a .* * , I Precision J -• w - . Milion Planter Plants all types of seeds, including single ’ cell beet and olher types * - » rj+t of seed. ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION B & M EQUIPMENT Co. 612 Arcadia vp / £LS 9 O C F tj S y n ip t o r n * of D istre ss A r is in g from 5-Bar, 40-Tooth . r.e month :er- i..d fam— Mr and Mr- Ker.- ar.d Mr. and neth Ccitle Mrs Freü E. Mr. and Mr-. Elmer Craían and and - Nyssa Phone 444 BRI liiiiiN C h ristian ( en ter M ission East 2nd and I'h reood 100 Sections Algoma r'ERSOMLlZED CHECKS Y our nam e and ad d ress printed free on your regular personal checks. For your convenience First-National is open 10 to 5 six d a y s a week, includ ing Satu rday. GET YOURS TODAY!! WESTERN CORRUGATGR CO. Phone 181 l HI Mr ■ \ — =• *3 "h " • V“ J :th e 3 eflcn ¿p en Jerry and weekend with ■»..ere Jerry is •family, at Har. mght ¿he high school ccs cthall game in w.tnessed a i ...e H ; n . --- v... :.- oi> over Ca^-.itfori. Mr. and Mr'. E d w a r d Leavitt left thus weekend t r-.tmn to their home Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams and Mr Th i.-nar. H.ll were in Bc_se to Mr H.ll vho is recovering from . illr.t ,n a hospital there. Mr :.c Mr- Carl were Sunday t.nner guests at the Wayne Simpson home. Mr and Mr Dean Flinders of H per Utah, vi-ited at the Wayne Simp n home Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram were Friday evening guests a: the O E Joh n L K rirhl. Pastor Cheldelm home. 10 a m , Sunday school. 11 a. m . divine worship J e Callahan spent the week-end Wed . 8 p. m . Christian educa at the Harold Callahan home. tion class. Mrs Guy Barbara and Y u are c< invited to wor- R ■ e called at the Ann Pratt home wiSTiui m Ontario FTiday. Mr- Magnus Ek.inger spent C A T H O L IC < III RC H Thur-day ar.d at the Lester Park A venue and T hird Street Cleaver heme. K em bert Ahles. O. F. M. Mr .ir.d Mrs. Irvin Durfee were Ma- Sunday at 8 and 10 a m : the Cl<r- and daily at 8 a. m. Herrud heme. 9 a m., Catechi-m cla-ses. Mr ar.d Mrs. Eucer.e Cleaver and family were dinner gue.-ts Sunday a: U fR IA N C O M M U N IT Y (H C R C H H enry I M oore. Pastor the Le-:er Cleaver home 10 a. m . Bible school. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliff. Mr 11 a. m . m rning worship P lx rt Rune m and Mrs Ward 11 a m . junior church. Lundy. Jr have all been ill with the flu. but are now greatly improved. i III R 4 l i o i Jusl Arrived . . . . V - - - heme from Twin Fails by Mr». Helen t y p e w r i t e r s Church. and David and her All Makes son. Dick Church, who was home on Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired leave from his U. £ Nival s ta tin Fletcher s Typewriter Exchange a; Norfcrk Va Tne visitors remau.- K.way 20 Wes: PO, Bex 459- ed here until Sunday. Boise. Ph 26961- Idaho StdfRMh K D ímkí « ma I C iccia And— Poof Dunt ofi, Sour CjHtt Stomam, G««t n«»t. H'ifthufn. SkrpIruDfM. rlc., KMM Art#. • W »» • abkf botar . —I« m — at Nyssa Htxa Î Fnarmacy Nyssa, Oregon Owyh*# D rug Co. Q NYSSA BRANCH FIRST N A T I O N A O F L P O B R A T L N A N K D TU book that tkryt O F IN 10 TO S SIX OAYS A WfEK fo , y e w caev « M .« C