THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 29. 1953 oor.aiticn at the end of two 1951 au! mobile dealers received 31 a- GLEA B IL L IN G S ELE( T F I) year's tperation. carkads of motor vehicles, while HE VD M ALHEUR H O S PITA L l i t year they rece.ved 34 carloads i Continued from Page li Implement dealer . uo, handled a 0f *7.935^0 A lo.vs of between *11.- 17,006 < %RS CO M M O D ITIES greater volume o f bx-ine-' if their ooo and* $.’5 000 was predicted by SHIPPED FROM NYSSA (Continue« from Pace li record- of 12 cars in 1952 as com- cl'-*nces- The Hu.-kres made 15 free ho pital authorities from other area.-, throw points while 10 trie for the f:r>t year. Rinehart ccmmen- Ny-.-a in 1952 were 6.254 cars, or pared with six cars in 1961 are an Browne, Talbot and Holcomb aw *$ \\ IS $ 2 .0 0 Sack Lynn Josephson, Produce SUNDAY-MONDAY FEBRUARY 8-9 "THE WILD HEART" Nyssa, Ore. Phone 49 s - JKN NU JONHS D AV ID FAK11AK « Y li II C t'S A K K ESMOND K N IG IIT Looking For Money ' $ $ In Teclwtlcolor with JOHN IR E LA N D YVO NNE DeCARLO JAMES C R A IG FO R REST TU C K E R nightv adventure of piracy on . high seas by a prlate by pro­ fession and a K>ver at heart. TIURSDAY-KRIDAY j ! , See 1 * * M NYSSA LUMBER CO. m For All Your Remodeling 4 mi J / NEEDS # f i i> Stretch Your Building $ $ JT With Some of Helmer's J THIS FEBRUARY 12-13 TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR" , SPECIALS a WEEK / SHEET ROCK 4x7 Sheets only $ 1 .5 0 In Technicolor with CO RNEL’W ILD E ['(IN S TA N C E B E NNE TT Ion, Pirating and Search for >st Treasure in the wilds of C u aiam ila. Ok w B k 'à J ìi I (lêÂa/ It's a lucky slip when it leads you to our store—the minute you step in the door you'11 find why we call ’em smooth buys! If you like fine, fresh, top- xjuality foods—reasonable prices—and lot^ of variety to choose from—here’s the place to slip into every shopping trip! NYSSA LUMBER CO. 617 Good John Ostrom DURKEE'S OR NUCOA N ALLEY'S No. 1 Can 2 for 5 3 £ Margarine CHILI A NEW $300 BENDIX *£•' f AUTOMATIC. WASHfR WHITE KIN.G SOAP Phone 384 3 lbs. 8 9 £ Large Pkg. 2 9 £ Giant Econ Pkg. 5 7 £ »72,000 BENDIX CONTEST! G«I imtry Blm it H« r« _ _ _ SHURFINE CLOSE OUT 1 Lb. Vac. CLAPP S BABY FOOD 12 cans 8 9 £ COFFEE 2 cans $ 1 .6 9 --- a favorite coffee of millions ---- a brand known from coast to coast. Strained IDA-DELL No. 303 Cream CORN IDA-DELL 4 cans 4 9 £ 4 cans 5 9 £ PEA S B H H n O H H V ie iO M I Taylor's Food Market CHOICE AASEATS YOUR STORE LARGE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence May, Mr. and Mr Terry Swisher and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Qualls of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner o f Nyssa were guests for coffee after the band concert Thursday evening at the Scott Pearson home. with "HURRICANE , SMITH" "00THSU C Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ricks and D. l and Jean W alker were dinner ■guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith Sunday evening. The group played cards. Also j T [ Charles Mann gave the highlights o f her trip to San Francisco and other points o f interest. Each mem­ ber gave a handy hint. Mrs. Child served refreshments! to the group. The next club meeting will bo held Fob. 6. at the h om e. of M r . Mark Moncur with Mrs. Vern Moncur as hostess. JOHNNY \VI ISSMCI.I.UK II \\ B Y R O N FEBRUARY 10-11 sup in Nene pon som e ^ with IESDAY-WEDN ESDAY oi E 'VOODOO TIGER" Could she be called a sinner, this untamed child bride, who chose unwisely between two loves. . .. here Friday by a score o f 56-45. rect lighting for the home E v h Snider was high point man, with was S v e n «2 u S 'i g h t even field goals and three free | for AH ' which c mtain- throA’ > for a total of 17 points. He ecj 22 receipes fo rbetter living, was closely followed by Lovejoy who, Avon Peterscn, Darlene Bateman had the same number o f free throws and Nanette Bvbee accompanied by in ' .vo less field goals for 13 points. y eja Dee P3Uison furnished the mu- Hiatt, who showed a form much sic io r the meeting unproved over that displayed In the Mrs John Broad was program la-t few games, came through with, chairman assisted by Mrs. 'I m itid- l i points- eight o f them In field rid „ charIes Steffens and goals. Pierce and Marcum clicked for Mr® K ‘ Kerbv seven points each. ! Glennon led his Huskies warn- Mwnbers o f t‘he ‘couples club of mates with 12 points. the Bpiscopal church met Thursday The Bulldogs played a better evenin? a t the Parish haU. Work brand o f ball than in several prey- was done on new floor ious games, with all starters hitting * __ the basket with more regularity. M rs, EdUon ' child entertained the exception of the field mpmbers of the ju n ior Women's goal department, in which the Bull- Arnity dub at her home Thursday dogs excelled by enough to spell the evening Mrs Vt rn Moncur told margin o f victory, the two teams thn,e in te r e s tin g T o r t“ ! Mrs. EATING POTATOES. Ì ^ SATURDAY, FEB. 7 't U n cial K n tis matter so much, actually, that you won- the manner of your playing' a a., your greatest accomplishment. It took your eagle-eye at the foul line, Ekie, and your eight point., made there to keep your teammates encouraged. And, Leslie, those long hooks were some o f the finest shots of v the game. , . .. . m 4 with with :ae:U:cal Points As Nyssa Defeats Emmett He was a rugged man. who wor­ shipped her with linple hone,ty Technicolor almost By Dick Vos» V •* ■ :' a i-vv-u r Well, fell-) * here it is the thing but y ir playing ^I1Ui- 1 ■ ' ' I've been 1. to have the chance n. * ............K' ■ '* oail “ K' to .say for a long time. - - :' But. honestly, you haven't give me lr main forte. Jerry, was in nurh of a chance to say it not un- your quickness and deftness in jab- til tonight (Tuesday» when you bin? the ball out o f your apponent s fought back i , the underdog Bull- hand, thus many time., keeping him dogs and mastered a tough Weiser c ff-blance and out of scoring range ba kt'tball team to post one of your Ned, y u. too, were imbued by he finest achievement o f the season, by sp.rit of all-for-one and one-for-al. a score of 49-42 and net only broke up enemy back- It wasn't a poWect ** ard plays, but contributed to sev- /ou you were still plagued at tune, eral nice scoring p la ys._ _ by some of your Y o“ ' Jun‘ u!l ” “ i ° W ^ l® !!'? . >ame, however, you showed more of Gerald and Rodney, saw only brief the calibre o f a champion - that nev- action in the game, that’s true, and er-give-up spirit that carried you your playing contributed nothing di- through when the going was tough- rectily to the scoring But it is you est. fellows who are actually the strength You did a cred 1 table ‘ k* ba< k of your varsity t e a ^ a t e s and ,tatistvcs show Against a supposedly y< ur efforts are most surely reflected fivo more more ¡n their sportsmanship ,rv ,rt .ms anH i.v in . ,tronger foe you made five and n playing field goals, 18 to their 13; o ff their ab.lity, as well as in the figures on 11 fouls you made 13 points, while the scoreboard. It took, then, as you must see. the they made 16 points on your 19 fouls. unified efforts of each of youto turn B E N E FIT CARD P A R T Y Never, at any time were the W ol- the trick It seems that the greatest Rebekah lodge will sponsor a vermes more than two points in the personal satisfaction for each of you benefit pinochle party at the I OOF lead. You kept their ace. Clabby, should come from Justifying the hall Saturday evening at 8 p. m .,1 bottled up until to vard the end of faith your coach, Harry McGinley, proceeds o f which will go to the I the second quarter before he cut ha, had in you while working so poiio f und. Refreshments and prizes loose with three field goals in sue- I hard to bring out the best in you. are offered. The public is invited to cession. | So— now it’s on to Ontario— to the affair. Among your severest critics there play in the best form of champions, are those who have thought your win win or loce! if last week over the Emmett Hus- ------------------------ kit ju,t a fla,h in the pan. Your q -1 q v i-rf imance in . ubduing the W ol- 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 O C O T 0 S 1 / vermes ,hould leave no doubt in their minds about the thoroughness Civic Club ,/f the job you did tonight. Civic club meeting was held W ed­ There were no stars among you to­ nesday, Jan. 21 in the little theatre night. You were a close-working unit Pared by Ned Snider who played of the high school buildinr. fired with but one desire—to do your ! complete game at center, the Nys- Mrs^ Lpona Ander Id3ho P r x . rin i,t, but in so doing to win. And a high chool Bulldogs thoroughly er consultant, gave a brief talk and : 1 k the fullest effort of each one vhipped the Emmett Hu kies in a showed a movie "To vird 1 Br THEATRE In up Bulldogs Lauded for Oustanding Ea h team c m m .t: 1* f u K ith the Build ? w.-hmg 'he cord.-, Performance Against Vf eiser; Win 49*42 * ... , . - . 16 points and mi-sing eight FRANKS Tuna C asserole 3 lbs. 8 9 £ 2 cups drain ed . fe w grains p e p p e r co ok ed n o o d le s 7-oz. can tuna, 1 can co n d en sed creoni b ro k e n in to p iece s o f m u sh room soup N o . 30 3 can pea», Y 2 cu p S e g o M ilk d r a in e d T-BONE, SIRLOIN. RIB Mr. and Mrs. Dareld Steinke were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ted Teske. ❖ — *1* M r and Mrs. J. L. Herriman en­ tertained eight guests at bridge Sun­ day evening Mrs. M el Ingebrltsen and Murl Lancaster were high score prize winners. .y__ The Crenshaw Cronies held their I lasg meeting Sunday afternoon. En- ' tertainment was in the form o f a roller skating party at the Ontario 1 Roller Rink. Th e group later en- 1 Joyed refreshments at the Episco-1 P«1 parish hall at Ontario. ♦5*— 4* Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker of Portland were complimented at a social last Titesday evening at the Amalgamated Sugar Co. club house. Mr. Whitaker is a form er Nyssa res­ ident. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelton of Yuma, Ariz., announce the engage­ ment o f their daughter, Patricia Murray, to Eugene Loy, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Loy o f Eugene, Ore. 1 No wedding date has been set by 1 the young couple. 4 —+ The Women's Commercial B ow lir* League of Nyssa held a wedding j shower for It’s form er secretary, ■ Miss Fumiko Kasahara, Wednesday evening at C arl’s Doll House. Cards were In play during the evening. Miss Kasahara received many lovely gifts. 4 — 4* William W ahlert entertained six I of his little friends at a birthday luncheon Saturday afternoon. The boys attended the theatre. W illiam I received many lovely gifts. STEAKS Arrange noodles in a ring in a greased shallow baking dish holding about 6 cups. Let stand until needed. M ix the soup, milk and pepper. Fold in tuna and peas. Put into center of noodle ring. Bake 30 mm. on center rack o f moderately slow oven (350), or until bubbly hot. Serve hot from the baking dish. Makes 4 servings. Lb. 4 9 ? BEEF ROASTS Lb. 4 3 £ GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES] SEGO MILK 6 fall cans . . . . 9 5 £ FIRM - CRISP LETTUCE 2 heads 1 9 ^ clearwater TUNA CRISP - SNAP TOP CARROTS 2 bon. 1 9 £ WHITE - SOLID 4 cans 8 9 £ 'I HI-C CAULIFLOWER ea. 2 3 * ORANGE 3 cans 9 3 * i Mr- Ward Wieneke entertained member, of her Thursday afternoon bridge club a: her home. Guest play­ er, w re M r« Lei r.a H tw rtt and Mrs Danford. Sirs. John Ol- er. w >n high and Mrs. D anfoni won ioW. K A TAYLOR’S F00D M ARKET rA 425 Arcadi* Bled. Phone 222