THE N Y S S A G ATE C ITY JOU RNAL. N Y SS A . OREGON. T HU RSD AY. J A N U A R Y 29. 1953 VOLU M E X X X X V I I I NO. 3 Jaycee Chapter Formed Here; M. Wilson, Pres. Optometrist Will Chief of Police Open Office Here Named on Peace Nyssa will have an optometrist who will open offices here March 1. Officers' Board it was announced by Thomas Jones, March-Dimes Campaign In High Gear FOE to Observe Founding Date 17,013 Cars Commodities Handled at Nyssa in 1952; Some D e r ’ne Due to Shipping Time in Outgoing Freight Meeting jointly on Saturday, Feb 14, members of Nyssa Eagles lodge, Aerie No. 2134. and the Eagles auxil Orville Maze. Nyssa chief of Police, secretary of the Nyssa Chamber of iary will celebrate the 55th annivers was elected a member of the Nation Commerce Commodity shipments in and out Nyssa and vicinity are putting ary o>f the Fraternal Order o f Eagles, Dr. George Cobem of Hillsboro. Marvin L. Wilson was elected al Peace Officers association board of Nyssa amoun- 4 oo 17,013 care president of Nyssa's newest civic or o f directors last week at the organi Ore , was here Friday and completed forth extra efforts In the final week it was announced this week by R ich during 1962, It wa; announced thia ganization. the Nyssa Junior Cham zation’s annual convention held in arrangements to open a practice of the March of Dime,' fund raising ard Udlinek. president. ! week by Thomas Jo es, Union Paci ber of Commerce, at an organiza North Platte. Neb here His office will be located in the campaign to meet their share of the Feb 6. 1898. was the founding date *25,000 county quota for the Na fic agent here Jones report i’emia- tional meeting held Tuesday night. Chief Maze was the first peace Towne building, formerly occupied tional Foundation for Infantile Par of the order, with the first lodge be ad every typ. o f incoming and out Other charter officers o f the fledg by the Trail ways bus station. ing formed by a group o f theatrical officer in Nyssa’s history to attend alysis, it was announced by Hal Art Walz. Parma seedsman, was going commodity handled here and ling Jaycees are Kenneth L. Chard, Mrs. Co be rn and their two ohil- men at Seattle. In rapid order a firrt vice president; Marvin Jeffer a convention of the association, his d y n will move to Nyssa with Dr. Hemgson. March of Dimes chair second lodge of the infant Fraternal the guest -.peaker for the Lions club shows a decUne o f 373 cars from man.. Lake many tributaries to a ies. second vice president; Gene A. representation being authorized by Monday noon, using as the subject the record shipment o f 17.386 re large stream, funds have come Order of Eagles wws organized at Stanley, secretary, and Hoss W. the city council Jan. 13. The three- Cobern. of his talk “ Little Known Facts ported for 1961, Bellingham and Aerie No. 3 at T a trickling in from many organiza day meeting was adjourned Tuesday Grover, treasurer. About Insects." Differences in market conditions tions, business houses and private coma. Elected to the board of directors o f last week after numerous busi FORMER NYSSAN LISTED Stating that, by-and-large, In and time o f shipment in 1952 ac individuals. Among tho-e to report The local aerie was instituted on were the Rev. John Briehl, August ness sessions dealing with law en ON COLLEGE HONOR ROLL sect «re beneficial to mankind. counted for the smaller number of Giraud, Dayle Moss, William Blod forcement. Fred Klingback, former Nyssa resi this week are the Job’.- Daughters of July 7. 1932 Nyssa, who netted $27 for the March From tfie very beginning the order Walz went on to say that more than ears handled. Jones commented. In- gett and George Oxnam. Among highlights of the conven dent and now living in Seattle, is Harold L. (Dusty* Rhodes, one of tion was an address by Judge Phil one of the seniors ot Seattle Pacific o f Dimes from a cooked food sale has been interested in social welfare $5 million in damage Is done by in | coming freight last year increased the prime movers in the organization lip Gilliam of Denver’s juvenile and College to be listed on the honor roll conducted last Saturday. programs and has received the ma sect pests to agriculture each year. 284 cars while the number forwarded Arcadia Sunshine club has do jor credit for [uissage o f legislation Among the more common inseots declined 557 cars, most of which was of the Nyssa Jaycees, was elected to family court, who spoke at the con for the autumn quarter, according to nated $50 from its treasury. honorary membership. Tom Jones Walz commented on were honey | accounted for in time of shipment of for workmen's compensation, aid for vention banquet on ’What’s Wrong statistics released by the college reg bee>. termites, ants, aphides, grass sugar beets and molasses; the latter and Jake Fischer were named asso Wilson's Super Market turned m with People,” and stated that people istrar. Klingback is also active in $101 27, representing five percent of the aged, old age pensions and pen hoppers, green Lacewlngs, Bott flies, ciate members. I having a “slow” market with fewer sions for widowed mothers. athletics at Seattle Pacific. get in trouble “ when they start Mike Zimmerman of Pendleton, its Saturday’s sales. and wood borers. shipments from Nyssa. Its greatest achievement in the For inclusion in this list, a student vice president of the Oregon State arbiyrating with the truth.” He told Operation of Morocco club la-t Walter McPartland introduced the "The Union Pacific records are Junior Chamber of Commerce, was the peace officers that the greatest must carry not less than 12 credits Monday night, under management soaial welfare field came in the set speaker. handled on a calendar month basts ting up of the social security pro guest speaker for the meeting held problem tn the world today is peo and make a grade score of 3 25 to of Spin Brown, netted $50 for the 1 and differences in time of shipments gram, few which the Eagles lodge at the Doll House cafe. The Rev. ple trying to get something for noth 3.60. March of Dimes. j from year to year account for dis- worked 14 years with the expendi Briehl was toastmaster. Other variants of the March of ing. ! crepancies in figures," Jones ex Other guests were officers and ture of a million dollars to push Dimes collection method that are Lester Sater, La Grande officer plained. ” It Is certain that there were members of the sponsoring Ontario and outgoing president of the as CALLED TO BOISE BY the idea. still in progress and will remin un more activity here last year than Junior Chamber of Commerce, in sociation, was elected chairman of GR W DM OTIIER’S DEATH In 1944 the Eagles Memorial Foun reported until next week include the Pfe. Clifford J. Coleman, son of Mrs. Clifford Main was called to the year before, as the records show cluding Joe Saito, president, and dation was established to assist the Mr and Mrs. George T. Coleman of Boi>e last Tuesday by the illness and Mach o f Dollars and Five Spots Bud Tolmon, Chuck Berry, Don the board of directors. in flhe amount of freight shipped in sons and daughters of Eagles who ponscred by the Nyssa Pharmacy, | Ny- a route 2. recently graduated death of her grandmother, Mrs. Jes- Hammer, Tom Watson. Rob Hum- ■ and out for specific items. I sie Boatwright who died there the punch board of the Owyhee died in military service during World from the 40th Infantry division sig phrie'. Roy Probasko, Frank Blan The Nyssa agent handles all sugar War II. Pharmacy, the March of Dimes nal ,-hool in Korea, it was announ- ked hip and Rhodes. Thursday. Mrs. Main returned home beet reports for Adrian, Overstreet, Current welfare project of the o r dance and steer auction to be held ed in a delayed news release from President Wilson has called a Thursday, then Mr. Main accom Arcadia and Napton, which are meeting of the Jaycee board of di panied her back to Boise to attend this Wednesday night, the Fire Bri der is participation i nthe Damon Korea this week. shown as 12276 in Nyssa's forward Eight members will participate in Runyon Cancer fund, for which it gade Thursday night, the FHA can rectors for 7;30 p. m. Monday and L. a ted behind the front lines, the funeral services Monday. ing list. In actuality these cars are a meeting of the membership for 8 the Friday morning program o f the ister collection, the KSRV Bucket <>f has to date raised $330,000. school is designed to prepare soldiers forwarded from one, all or part of Toastmasters club, with Walter Mc p. m. Wednesday, both to be held at Bucks broadcast and the Nyssa high for communications work under the above stations to Nyssa. Num Partland in the role o f toastmaster the Doll House cafe. school student council collection combat conditions. Instructions in erous cars o f potatoes could not There will be a joint meeting of and making introductions. Tuesday night. cluded morst code, radio-telephone be listed as having been forwarded the Ontario and Nyssa Junior cham The table topic will be handled by G uessin g C on test Popu lar operations and other combat com bers with state officers on Monday Art Walz, with Henry Hartley ser j from Nyssa because o f their having A new wrinkle has been added in munications procedures. night, Feb. 9, at the East Side Cafe, ving as grammarian and Cliff Mink been billed from other points and An early Monday morning fire de- the method of collection with the Before entering the army In Feb Ontario. were partial loadings made at thia Nyssa and Adrian chapters of the Eagles auxiliary sponsoring a guess as oritic. troyed a utility building at the H. E. ruary, 1952, Coleman was enployed The date has not yet been set, W il point, Jones said. Five-minute speakers will be Bill Collins Trailer court on East Third ing contest as to the total weight Malheur County Farm Bureau will son said, for chartering ceremonies. of silver and paper moneys dropped observe Farm Bureau Week, set by at the Nyssa branch o f the First Total commodities shipped from Regular weekly meeting time will Wahlert, Don Engstrom, Bernard street with cause of the fire listed Into a container in the lobby of the National U.uik. He is a 1949 gradu official proclamation of Gov. Paul (Continued on Page 10) Frost and Dick Yost. as unknown. Firemen were called at be announced later, he said. ate of the Nyssa high school. Patterson for Feb. 2-7, It was Jointly Gerald Curry was the guest of 1:30 a. m. but the interior had been National bank. In the five days that the project announced this week by Leo Child Wahlert. Farewells were said to Don destroyed and flames were shooting PLEDGES HONOR SORORITY has been operating, it is estimated Walker, who joined the club last through the structure’s roof before that $250 have been contributed. and L. L. Creager, presidents, re Miss Alice Komatsu of Nyssa was fall and is transferring to Moscow, the fire was discovered and the a- Minimum donation required in mak spectively, of the Nyssa and Adrian one of the 23 women pledged last Ida., where he will enroll Thursday larm sounded. Damage was estimat ing a guess is $1, with $25 being Bureaus. Thursday evening to Alpha Lambda at the University of Idaho. The week, according to their state Delta, national freshmen women’s the highest single amount given. ed at $1700. Men o f the Methodist church will Plans have been virtually com The person coming closest to gues ment, Is being observed better to scholastic honorary at the Univers prepare and serve a dinger to mem Later Monday morning a fire pleted for the presentation of Nys- broke out in a potato cellar west of sing the actual weight of of acquaint people of the county with ity <. 2>*ogon. •, bers of the iLurch ah«.‘their friends sa’s first all-ccmmunity Easter Can the Adrian highway on Mendiola contributions will ri‘er!W~in percent the importance of a prosperous agri next Wednesday, with W. W. Foster tata, it ‘was announced this week by road, but Nyssa firemen were unable of the total, it was stated by Wilton culture and the efforts of the Farm as general chairman. Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff. vocal instruc Jackson, originator of the scheme. Bureau to improve these conditions. to answer the call because the pro Carlos Buchner and Hugh Tobler Jackson said also that $236 have tor and director of the 27-voice “ We are trying to do a good job of perty was outside the fire district. are co-chairmen of a committee to been pledged by Nyssans in the Methodist choir. High winds Monday afternoon Bucket of Bucks special request ra public relations for agriculture," the prepare the dinner, which will be Mrs. Wyckoff has been working on caused fire to spread from burning dio program, to be broadcast by sta two presidents stated. served at 7:30 p m. by a group head details of the proposed Easter musi One outcome of the Farm Bureau weeds at the F. G. Holmes ranch tion KSRV Thursday and Saturday ed by Melvin Spitze. cal for several weeks, and has se Decorations will be supervised by Malheur county has 1,946 miles of five miles south of Nyssa on the nights, beginning at 10 o ’clock. Week will be an extensive member cured a group of more than 60 sing Adrian highway. The flames spread There is still time for requests to be ship drive, headed by Johnnie God George Eichnar. Entertainment will county roads, of which 249 are rock ers. More are needed, however, and j into a corn crib adjacent to other made, the arrangement being that dard, membership chairman for the be provided by Clifford Main and his she extended an invitation to anyone surfaced and 1,697 miles are unsur- buildings and sulpher stored there whoever makes the request that Nyssa Bureau and Lint Stam, Ad Saturday, Feb. 21, is the date set committee. Grover Lytle will head who can s-ing, including high school faced according to the 20th biennial became ignited. Crews at the ranch someone else appear on the special rian chairmnn. for this year's Malheur county Jun the cleanup detail. report of the Oregon state highway students, to join the group. program is to make a pledge of $25 ior Day to be held at Nyssa, it was Other officers of the Nyssa Bureau 1 had the fire under control by the It is urgent that reservations be or more to the March of Dimes. First practise has been set for 8 ccmm^ssion. County road mileage is are Ted Morgan, secretary-treasurer, decided at a meeting at Ontario last made to Hugh Tobler by Monday, time the rural fire department ar Enough money has been pledged and Norbert Sarazin, delegate to the Saturday. p. m. next Monday at the Methodist exceeded only in Umatilla county rived. which has 2,845 miles of county according to Dick Yost, publicity to cover requests made for perfor church. Meeting with E M. Hauser, coun chairman. county Bureau. roads. Malheur’s area is next to the mances by Frank Sherwood, George “The Glorious Galileean" is the ty 4-H club leader, in planning the Mitchell, Ralph Lawrence, Emil title o f the cantata, which will be greatest in the state there being program were members of the Jer Stunz, Sid Flanagan, John O ’Toole presented complimentary to the 9,870 square miles as compared with sey club youth committee composed and Dr. K. E. Kirby. More pledges public at 8 p. m., Easter Sunday, in Since 1947, counties have received 19 of William Toomb of Adrian, Char are needed to cover several requests is the largest in the state with 10,132 the new high school gymnasium. Two students from Nyssa have ley Grider o f Nyssa and Fred Bur square miles. Population figures lis ; been recognized for their outstand made for Alva Goodell, Bob Thomp Three new street lights will be in gess of Vale. Representing the four Several Ontario high school stu ted in 1950 showed Malheur county ing scholarship by being listed on son, Dale Garrison and Dr. J. J. stalled between Adrian’s two school Sarazen. Future Parmer« of America chapters dents escaped injury Friday night | with 23.223 people, Umatilla 41,703 the fall term scholastic honor roll Eire Department to Collect buildings, it was announced this j of t.he county were Henry Reuter of when their car failed to negotiate a j and Harney 6,113, Operation Fire Brigade will be week. The lights will be placed on Adrian and Earl Jones of Ontario. at Oregon State college. turn at Nyssas ‘Y ’ at the west end The highway report showed that They are Mildred Ruth Loe, senior carried out this Thursday night by poles already in place at the side of The group decided to hold the of Main street, according to reports. Morning worship services will be Malheur county has 182.39 miles of in home economics, and Yoko Okano, the Nyssa Fire Department, which a roadway between the two build Junior Day activities in the Little Chief of Police Orval Maze stated conducted at St. Paul’s Episcopal primary state highways and 210.28 | senior in science. Both earned a will send its fire truck on a cruise of ings. Theatre room o f the Nyssa high that the accident was not reported Church each Sunday morning at 11 miles o f secondary state highways, grade average of 3.5 points or better the residential area to pick up any to his office nor to the state police. The lights will be 300 watts each school. o ’clock as usual with lay readers this county received $122,873 53 for on the basis of an A equaling 4 stray contributions. The same evening two single-car and will be equal to 6,000 lumens. Tentative program o f events for Residents are urged to turn on from Ontario in charge of services, it« share o f the apportionment of i points. Union district No. 4 and school the day includes parliamentary pro wrecks were reported to have taken their porch lights when they hear it was announced this week. Dan motor vehicle license fees in 1951. There were 373 honor roll students the fire siren if they have contribu district 64 are cooperating on the cedure demonstration by the area place at different times at the Par ma Junction east o f Nyssa on the Vandegrift of Ontario will be in Since 1947 counties have receivel 19 1 listed far fall term. costs of installation. tions to give the firemen. FFA with Ronald Peterson of Ad Idaho side. Particulars were not charge of supplying the guest speak percent o f the total state highway rian and Don Good of Ontario pre available. . income from motor vehicle license ers. siding. There will be a report by The Rev. Claire T. Crenshaw, who fees. Oordon Hunter, 1952 recipient of the In 1951 Malheur received $356,665 has been pastor of the local church “ Best 4-H project” heifer award and the past two years, left this week in disbursement funds for road pur an explanation o f Ouernsey and to take over the pastorate of the poses, a decline from the $463.755 Holstein junior awards. Reports will alloted in 1950, but greater than Episcopal church at Bend. be given on Junior production and 1947, 1948 and 1949 when the sums New directors of the Potato Grow testing activities in Oregon and a of $54,300, $110,610 and $344,067, re NYSSANS TO EXHIBIT report on Malheur dairy breeders’ ers association elected last week at spectively, were listed. CHINCHILLAS AT SHOW artificial insemination program for a meeting in Ontario are Emil Maag, Between 1948 and June 30. 1952, Glea Billings was elected presi $10,000 worth o f equipment during' in August because “ the staff was ex Juniors by Royce M. Roberts, man Jamieson for Vale district; Frank Two Nyssans, E. J. Powell and Roy Jayo, Nyssa district; Harold Hart, hausted,” the speaker commented. ager technician. Pounds, piun to exhibit at the Chin the city of Nyssa received $11,863 99 dent of the Malheur Memorial hos the epidemic, Farmer said. "It has taken all the people to He went on to remind members of chilla show to be held at Boise Sat form a $250,000 annual fund withheld pital association Monday night fol Free movies, musical numbers and Oregon Slope, and Sid Flanagan, from the cities’ share of motor ve lowing the annual meeting and elec make this one of the greatest little the association that the Malheur urday and Sunday. refreshments will be added attrac Nyssa, director at large, re-elected. hicle revenues for financing pro tion of four directors at the Little hospitals in the northwest,” the Memorial hospital staff was able to Powell, who h*as six and a-half tions for the young dairymen of the Sam Hartley, Nyssa; Louis Pratt, Adrian, and Earl Winegar, Ontario, care for 79 different polio patients In county. pair o f the prized fur-bearing ani jects upon streets not a part o f the | Theatre o f the Nyssa high school. president said. addition to three readmisslons and are hold-over directors. mals, and Pounds, who has 30 pair, state highway system. In 1952 Nys- Bernard Eastman was chosen by Annual Report Pete Fleissner, hospital physioth several out-patient cases with 38 are members of the Idaho branch of sa received $14,761 40 and the year members of the board to succeed Turner Bond, county agent, stated that a spot check on acreage In this the National Chinchilla Breeders’ before the amount was $14,130.51 for himself as vice president and W ar erapist, reported that during 1952 volunteers from the Hospital auxili its share o f motor vehicle fees, dis ren Fanner, out-going president, was there were 883 patients admitted ary. In spite o f the over-load due Alter six months o f leading a county for nex* year had been made association. tributed in proportion to popula- j named as secretary to succeed Bil to the hospital for a total o f 6,159 to polio, the regular medical, sur bachelor's life, Dick Yost, advertis and growers Indicated that 1953 tion. patient days. There were 186 births | gical and accident cases were car ing manager for the Oate City Jour acreage will be about one-third a- lings. nal, was Joined last week by hi* bove that o f 1962 when there were Arvll Child, Grant Rinehart, Bil and 79 different polio cases, with ed for without interruption. wife, Bertha, who came here from approximately 8.000 acres in pota three of them readmitted. Rehabilitation Center lings and Eastman were elected by Jan. 23—Son to Mr. and Mrs. H a r -< The physiotherapist gave a de toes. If growers produce the amount Dr. Maulding stated that efforts their former home In Tacoma. members of the association to suc vey Spangler, Payette. Mrs. Yost la a member of the indicated, there will be more than ceed themselves as directors. Other tailed account of polio and the d if are being made to add a rehabili Jan. 27 — Daughter to Mr. and Methodist church and the Rebekah 10,000 acres grown here next season, Mrs. Robert Fangen, Nyssa. Choosing an unusual method. Bill directors are Farmer, Mrs. Wesley ferent types of cases treated with tation center to the Malheur Mem Jan 28—Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wahlert, manager, Nyssa branch. Brown, M. C. Seuell, George Schie-j emphasis on the work that has been i orial hospital and went on to explain lodge. In whiah she has served as an Bond said. officer. Bernard Propf, Vale. Bond commented that regular Dessert Seed Co., held a business mer, Jake Fischer, Fred Bracken done in the physical therapy de there is no such center In Oregon | partment for physical, mental and or Idaho and only seven In the j The new home has been establish growers are expected to continue conference with Hal Burgess, for and Jed Lewis. vocational readjustment. United States. Such a center would ed at 613 No. Second street. with about the same acreage they mer Nyssan who Is now manager of Greatest Hospital be for innumerable other types of DONNA LEE WILSON have had in the past, but those re Prior to the election. President Cites Outstanding Worn the Lebanon branch of the firm, a- RECEIVES TWO HONORS Dr. L. A. Moulding gave an en-1 afflictions In addition to polio. cently entering the potato growing With temperatures ranging from board a Union Pacific train Thurs Farmer commented on hospital acti 42 to 57 degrees, mild weather con day during its two and a-half-hour vities o f the year and stated that thusiastlc report on accomplish He urged the people of this com - ! Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson received Industry are planning much heavier tinued during last week for Nyssa run between Welser and Boise. “ we have a horrible but gratifying ments of the hospital staff by com munlty to get behind the effort word that their daughter, Donna plantings than they had In 1962. and vicinity. There was but a trace Other business at the association The parlor car conference was re experience. It was horrible because paring work done here during the and commented that the “ field Is Lee, had been chosen as one of the Of rain for the entire week, that fall of the serious polio epidemic and polio epidemic with that of a Chic wide open” If approval for special state queens to reign over their meeting included a vote to ask the sorted to in order to save lay-over ing on Wednesday, Jan. 21. gratifying that this hospital could ago hospital, published in a national funds can be obtained and the state annual Cinderella Ball held last Oregon potato commission to set Coolest night was Tuesday, with time in Nyssa for Burgess, who Is treat so many patients in an e f - , medical Journal. The Chicago hospi- ' department o f public health can be Saturday evening at Stephens col aside $1500 a year from the potato enroute to Chicago for a seedman a recording of 26 degrees. The Wed- tax for the local association. The ficient manner.” He went on to tal had 113 beds and there were prevailed upon to lend its support ! lege. lie day minimum was one degree meeting. She also took tests and passed group requested that a representa praise the general public for its 450 volunteers in the community Fin an ces G ood warmer at 27 degrees. A financial report, figured on a with the upper 10th o f the student tive meet with shippers In discussion generosity, /the women’s Hospital with 30 trained physical therapy RETURNS EROM HOSPITAL Min. Max. body and is now entitled to carry of costa and better information will 35 Jan 21 ____ 44 Kip Herron, two-year-old son of auxiliary for the food and many workers to care for 52 polio patients cash basis, was read and explained 16 hours of work. be sought on packing charges, Bond 26 Jan. 22 ____ 44 Mr. and Mrs. Don Herron was re hours of work in helping care for | admitted during last summer’s epi by Rinehart and showed that the demic, Dr. Maulding said. reported. this hospital operated with a total 31 patients and the Pounders Service Jan. 23 ____ 51 leased from the Malheur Memorial 32 The Chicago hospital was pre loss of only $4,731.50 during 1952 In UNDERGOES SURGERY Jan 24 ____ 46 hospital Thursday where he has been organization for and Mrs. Oaorga Schweuar underwent 30 M r a a l M r» 3mm Dr*s«„M of On Jan. 25 __ 57 pared to care for both acute and spite of the unexpected polio epi construction o f a storage for food. confined with polio. Monday, Mrs. 29 47 Jan. 26 The National Foundation for Ir fa n -, <x>cv*ie>f*ni palienU. but U had to demic, as compared with a 1951 loss surgery ai St. Luke* hoapttal la tario «ara BvnuUjr vat*taws té tke Herron took K;p to Boise to hav* his 42 26 Jan 2T Boi a Tutaday. John Deri',* b a a . (Catvttnuad on Page 10* tile Partly » suppl ed approxunately ( suspend alm u s u of aU acuta cases leg brace changed , „ 24 Jan. 24 Walz Addresses Lions Club Nyssa Soldier Is Signal Corps Grad McPartland to Lead Toastmaster Program Firemen Called Twice On Monday Farm Bureau Week Set for Feb. 2-7 Methodist Men To Serve Dinner Easter Cantata Is Being Planned Malheur 2nd In Slate In County Road Mileage Feb. 21 Is Date Set For County Dairy Junior Day Nyssa OSC Seniors Rate Honor Roll Additional Lights At Adrian School Minor Car Wrecks Last Friday Night Lay Readers For Episcopal Church Glea Billings Elected Head Malheur Hospital At Annual Meeting; Efforts Made for Rehabilitation Center Here; Optimism Voiced on Finance Report Indicate Greater Acreage In 1953 Joins Husband Here Births . . • Parlor Car Confab Used By Wahlert Weather . . . S> O c*