Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, January 22, 1953, Image 8

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Located 14 miles southwest of Nyssa, Oregon, or 3 miles west There were 48 fore*tn bom per- two motor cars near the center of
of Olie’s Corner or McCoy’s Store in Cow Hollow on Frank torn who came to refuter Wednes­ the hndfe.
Parker place, on—
day ru fh t for the Americanisation
City Patrolman Robert Moore euc-
classes beinx started in Ontario. Ar­
in untangimg the traffic
thur Kies*, school sigierintendent,
snarl after several car* were forced
said today
TERMS—CASH T he superintendent said that It to back from the bridge following
the head on approach of a car driv­
was one of the most thnH ln* enper- en from the Oregon side by E. Boyd,
iences of his teaching career. He i of Payette, and which was struck
predicted th a t when the classes get n u d ^ y on tbe
b . pickup
underway next Wednesday and truck ^ v e n by W ltour sp rin g er of
T hursday there will be as m any as Vale —Wetser Signal.
9» students
T here were persons from 13 n a ­
tions a t the first registration class
Each one was asked to Introduce
him self and tell where he was from studio, m ay be operating In G rant
and why he desired to take the class. county, according to a report recent-
I ly received by the cham ber of com­
All said th a t they had Joined the
class In order th a t they could quali­ merce in Jo h n Day. T he transient
fy as citizens of the United States. operation, which solicits orders for,
and deposits on. photographic work,
A woman from England said:
"Now, at last. I feel th a t I am then leaves town w ithout the pic-1
I tures having been taken, is believed
really weloome in America.”
O thers told of their long desire to be moving tow ard Pendleton from
Alturas, Calif. — Blue Mountain
to become citizens. Kiesz said.
t Eagle.
T he larger portion of th e group
were Japanese bom who until the!
M cCarran act became law on De­
cember 34 were excluded from U nit- i
ed S tates citizenship.
These people told the class th a t j
they had been hoping for m any j
years th a t some day they could b e - !
come regular citizens of their adopt- j
ed land.—Argus-Observer.
S tronger laws for the control of
T he board of county commission­ sex perverts, narcotics and subver­
ers ruled yesterday th a t the Probate sive activities will be sought by
Judge m u st m aintain residence a t united action of the five accredited
the county seat at M urphy, Ida., al­ veterans' organizations in Oregon,
though they perm itted the Prosecut­ it was announced today by Don Eva,
ing Attorney, R ichard Eismann, to P ortland. American Legion legisla­
continue his residence in Homedale. ' tive head and ch airm an of a com­
Paul Browne, who was sworn in m ittee recently organized by the five
Monday to the office of Probate groups in Salem.
Judge prom ptly tendered his resig­ Comprising th e body, called the
nation. Browne had previously s ta t­
ed th a t he would not forgo his busi­
ness a t Homedale to move to the
county seat —Owyhee Chronicle.
Wednesday, January 28
L u n c h S a rv a d on
31 - CATTLE - 31
1—Holstein cow, Pat, 6 yrs. old. milking 5 gal.
1—Holstein heifer. Star, 2 yrs. old. milking
5 V 2 gal.
1—Guernsey cow, Polly, 4 yrs. old. milking
5 gal.
1—Guernsey cow. Midge, 4 yrs. old. milking
3 gal.
I—Guernsey cow, Goldie, 5 yrs. old, milks
7 gal. when fresh.
1—Jersey cow. Beauty, 5 yrs. old, springer.
1—Jersey cow, Brownie, 4 yrs. old, milking
3 gal.
1—Roan heifer, 3 yrs. old, calves in April.
1—Guernsey and Durham heifer, springer.
4— Holstein heifers, springers.
1—Holstein heifer, just bred.
1—Holstein bull, coming 2 years old.
5— Holstein heifers, 8 months old.
1— Guernsey heifer, 8 months old.
2— Holstein steers. 8 months old.
2—Holstein steers, 11 months old.
1—Guernsey cow. springer.
5—Whiteface cows, springers.
9— 10-gal milk cans.
1—McCormick milker with 2 single 7 Vi gal.
buckets with pipe and equipment.
1—Electric cream separator.
1—Hand cream separator.
1—Cattle loading chute with runners.
A ll of lhase cowi hava bean abortion tested. These cows
average 5.4 t e s t . ____________ _____ _______________ _
1—Ford tractor, 1952 model with only 210 hrs.
I—Ford 2-way plow.
1—Finger weeded.
1—6-foot disc
1—Ferguson mower.
1—Ford beet or bean cultivator bar with full
set of tools.
i—Lovelift 3-section harrow.
1—Ford three-row corrugator.
1—Cultipacker. 1—McCormick hay rake.
1—McCormick spud planter.
1—McCormick grain binder with new
drapers and knotter.
1—Oliver team beet or bean cultivator.
1—Rubber tired wagon.
1— 8 by 20 land float.
1—Good sturdy Morman type hay derrick.
equipped with cable and pulleys.
1—International electric fencer.
1—1934 Ford V8 Convertible in good condi­
Veterans Groups
Seek Tough Laws
for Dope; Perverts
A six m onths' search for a san i­
tarian for M alheur county ended
this w^ek with an announcem ent
th a t Raym ond Ruff of Springfield,
Ida , had accepted the position.
Mrs. Edna Parris, M alheur county
public health nurse, said R uff will
begin work in the county February
1 following a two weeks' study of
the sa n ita ria n ’s m ethods in D e­
schutes county as well as a three day
sanitarian's institute in Corvallis to
“G et him oriented into O regon’s
sanitation m ethods ”
T he new san itarian is a graduate J
of th e Idaho S tate college at Poca­
tello, attended th e University of
U tah and has worked for the U tah
state departm ent of health.—M al­
heur Enterprise.
Faulty traffic signal* on each end
of the Ida.-O re. bridge across the
Snake river caused a traffic stop­
page for 45 m inutes Tuesday night
and resulted in a collision between
Oregon veteran*' legislative eomaR-
giva ita first a nicer* .n
Jte are leg.dative officers of ohe
goo The oroheetra is
Lagton, Veteran* of Kireign War*.
Bouo valley artiste, who haw«
D»stated American Veteran*. M ill-;
The Ontario Project* oommtuaa, ed together for their own
’-ary Order of the Purple Heart, and
the United Spanuta War Veterans “ sponsoring *w© oonoert* to ba a* w»B a* the enjoyment of
Its member* will aak the IMS legis­ prreenaed at the audrtonun of the for whom they play
Poo 1« the B ou * Blks Olew
lature to paas “such laws as will new Ontario high «chool during
strengthen our society,” Eva said, February, it was announced by L. R 44 strong, will be p resen t in an
along with amendment« to existing MaaLachlan. president of Use or­ tirely new program.
veterans laws.
Veterans m easures to be submit­ Thursday evening. Feta J, at 8:18
ted include an am endm ent to In­ the «-p iece Boise Symphony will
crease the $6.000 home and farm m u tee of legislator! with authority
loan maximum: a bill to g ra n t vet­ to investigate subversive activities
erans' educational benefits to widows also will be sought.
otf men who died In o r a* the
Executive members of the vete-
result of service In World W ar n rans* com m ittee Include J. Ray
or Korea: and one to reduce the vot­ Rhoten. Salem, American Legion;
ing age of ex-servicemen from 31 Allan G. Carson, Salem, V eterans of
years to 18.
Foreign Wars; Arch L. Brewster,
•But we don't w ant the people of Salem, Disabled American Veterans;
Oregon to th ink th a t our organiza­ Dr A. E. Schilt, Portland, M ilitary
502 N. Third
tions are concerned only w ith get­ O rder of the Purple H eart, and C arl
Phon« 78-J
ting more for ttae veterans,” Eva Abrams, Salem, Spanish W ar Vete-
j fans.
T he com m ittee feels, he said, th at
present state laws to protect chil­
dren and women from sex deviates
are inadequate and should be a-
mended so th a t violators can be kept
under co n stan t control. The same
goes fo r narcotics peddlers, he add­
ed. A ppointm ent of a standing oom-
Ontario Plans Two
Musical Concerts
Howard Smith
O e ts tn d ñ g Volved
SWIFT’S Hatchery
Egg htub ctioa Grids
Swift's famous «train-tested chick»
—Golden Nack Layers, Sky-Hi L a s­
ers, W hits Laghorna, New Ha
W hits Rocks. Now a va"
rock-bottom prices.
EsllmatM Gladly GW an
Phone 134L2
"Broiler-Both” Chides
Parma, Idaho
Broiler grower»!
Y ou ne ed a
specialized meat-
m ak er. S w if t ’*
Chicks grow and
feather last, finish
o u t in 9 to 11
weeks with low
feed consumption.
T he choice of
grow ers from
coast to coast.
We Will
Swift’s Turkey Poults
For uniform, meaty, fast-growing
birds, buy Swift's Broad Breastea
Bronze or Belleville Whites, Spaa-
ially selected and proved
from the nation's leading
For full detail* and price a,
plume, o r call on ms today.
Cusiom Dressing of Poullry
at 3 0 ^ each
Gem Produce Co.
Cornar 6th & Good
Phona 17
World's newest
Apr. 30 tons baled, good alfalfa hay.
Apr. 300 bales straw.
400 bu. mixed grain, wheat, oats and barley.
75 bu. oats.
150 bu. ear corn
1—Ton Com. fertilizer, Amonia Sulphate.
Some lumber.
Some fir poles
800 field bags.
Some grain sacks.
Some small seed bags.
New roll of chicken wire.
Large anvil.
Large post vise.
Log chains.
Pipe vise.
Electric grindstone.
Press drill.
V 4 H.P. motor.
Many more items too numerous to mention.
1—Large Norco water softener.
Quaker oil heater with force draft fan and
also thermostatic heat distributing fan.
1—Daveno and big chair.
1— Dining room table and chairs.
2— Rockers.
1—High chair.
1—Good bam radio.
And a few other household articles.
Aucta.: Col». Bart Anderson. Joe Church. Clayton Tachlrgl.
Clerk: L. H. Fritts.
with a million miles
*«P, m literal fact, is the motf
advanced V8 engine ever placed
in a standard-production Ameriosn
It ia the first such V8 to reach an
8-5 to I compression ratio, and the first
with a dynamic flow mother that cuts
power loss to zero.
It is the first VS to utilize vertical
valves together with a 12-volt electri­
cal system instead of (he usual 6. It is
also the first designed with new "T”
type intake manifold to replace the
“V type conventionally used in \'Ns.
i t is, quite simply, the first VS Fireball
Engine —the engine that brings electri­
fying perform ance to the greatest
Hui cks in fifty great y e a r s - t h e
engine that powers the 1953 Buick
R o a DMASTRR with INN hp., and the
1953 Buick S cpkr with up to 170.
Naturally, this spectacular new VS h a s
been proved - by eight years of devel­
oping testing, improving, pcrfecting-
assd by more than a mil­
lion miles of driving through
desert, mountains, cities and
plai ns. O n l y t hen did Bui ck
e n g i n e e r s mark it: Released far
B u , these hard-to-pleaae engineers
gave t h e s e G o l d e n A n n i v e r s a r y
Buicks far more than new power.
They gave them, too, a still finer ride,
more superb comfort, new braking
power and handling ease —and a sensa­
tional new Twin-Turbine Dynaflow
Drive* that adds new quiet and whip-
fast getaway to absolute smoothness.
Nothing, we believe, will do more
justice to your automobile dollars —or
to your love of magnificent motoring —
than a visit to us right now.
'S u n J j r J on K im lm asier, o p tto a el et extra to st
on other Srrta,.
w hen
a u to m o e iie s a m
ROBERTS-NYSSA, Inc. Second. St. and Good Ave.
Nyssa, Ore.