Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1953)
THS NTSftA QATK CITY JOUBMAL. M Y ilA . OREGON, THURSDAY. JAHUAMY XL ISM D ays G o n e B y in H yssa Com m unity replacing i A Gambia. iw jfe rred to P a y e tte -----« jgh Tcbier and Uoyd Tafeler have announced th at they have changed the name of their buainea* from AJ Tboenpeoa and Son to Tablet Peed and Fuel.----- A total of $215,275 had been raised in the hospital campaign up to Wed nesday n o o n ----- Roeel H unter eras DUFE reelected president of the M alheur O ow ty Jersey Breeders association. SHARPENING ther officers are Olen Peterson, “Have the Keenest Bdge in To<wn’’ O rice president: Mrs Hope G rider, HARTMAN'S secretary, and Charlie Ortder, Ar 2 Ml. C u t At L ock« A n . chie «rruth and ffm Toombs on board of directors----- The tria g e - > T a t r a A*« Ja n *. IM S Udell Poulaer.. 19 year-okl eoa ef H r and Mrs George Pouleen brjke hie left teg while ekung a t Bugu* ----- A. R Webb of Pocttello hae been appointed agent of the RMJaray Express agency In Nysea. PUBLIC FARM SALE Having decided to go into the dairy business. I will sell the following property at auction located 12Vi miles southwest of Nyssa on Klamath avenue to Sunset Valley kali. Name is pn road sign posts, on— Monday, January 26 «¿"Æi- * SALE STARTS 1 O'CLOCK TERMS—CASH Lunch Served on Grounds by Grange Ladlee MACHINERY 1— Oliver 77, nearly new. 200 hours. 12 rubber hydro electric system. 1—Oliver 2-way plow on rubber, trail 18-inch bottoms, 2 yrs. old. 1—Oliver cultivator, corn and potato. 2 yrs. old. 1—Oliver beet puller tractor, 2 row. 1— Oliver 8-ft grain drill with grass seed attachment. 1—David Bradley 8-ft. disk, 18-inch disk. 1—John Deere mower. No. 5,7 and 5-ft. cutter bars. 1—Case 3-section harrow. 1—Planet Jr. 4-row tractor planter, on rubber. 1—Minneapolis-Moline unatiller on rubber, 100-inch bar and tools. 1—Miskin 6-f t. tractor scraper on rubber. 1—Skyline grain and silage blow er and 40 ft. of pipe and elbows. 1—New Sears-Roebuck water system, jet type pump motor and tank. 1—Jamesway barn litter carrier, new, out of barn boom. 1—Letz 10-inch burr grain grinder. 1—Standard scales, 1000 lbs. capacity. 1—Large round stock water tank. 1—Milk cart. 1—Tractor mount w ood saw, 30-in. saw blade. 10— Barn drinking water cups. 1—Fertilizer spreader on rubber, David Brad ley. 1—Alemite grease pump gun. 20— Tons string tied baled hay, first and sec ond crop. 500—Bales oat, wheat and barley straw. 1—Pony, half Morgan and Arabian, good for children, pinto, 3 yrs. old. Cultivator tools. Barrels, gas and oil. W heels, 16-inch. Tires, good, different sizes. Gas and oil pump. Chains. Hand tools. Steel labor beds. 2— Stoves, 1 oil and 1 coal. Extra Oliver 18-inch plow shares. M any miscellaneous items. LORIN C. STONE, Owner Aucts.: Coir Bert Anderaon, Joe Church, Clayton Techlrgl. Clerk: L. H. Frittr taer.4 ot Nancy Auce KaoUar and owa-halt pound girl named Marlkm v m A A n o u a o a d ------ M r Aknojt • New t w i t baby waa Ule and Mrs J W WorAtn. daugtvtar Infant mm of Mr and Mr* W W and eon-in-law of Mr. and Mrs La- Poster bom Saturday. Dae 11 Dr Mon« Plia have bean iram ferred to T v u i P al« with ’-ha Jtaacbay FVedj J J Saraau: was in attendance on O o----- A. Nyeea baby. Jim Wad* both case s-----New city om etals a n G am er aon ot Mr and Mr* Ira M Blodgett, mayor: A H Bcvdsll. O arnar was the flirt youngster b o rn E treaaurer: J R Hunter, recorder in Makveur county in IMS. born at and Eddie Powell. Dr E O Norcott. i n . Jar. I. Ted Newell and Howard I*rsen. 1# T a n Ago Jan. 1. IMS oouncilmen Nyssa tads trounced Newty elected official» of the City P ayette boskrteers 30 to 16 Tuesday of Nysaa are Herschet Thompeon. night In the second game of the mayor: O ran t R inehart, recorder: season. Last Friday night, Nyssa W ard Wieneke, treaaurer and Oeorge won 36 to 14 In the opener with P a r H ennem an. Bernard Proet. O. M m a ----- T J. Caldwell made the sale Sallee and R O WBiltaker, council- of hts m ercantile business to his m e n ----- A picture of G erald E W ar brother, Charles M Caldwell, pro ren. pharm acist 2nd class In the prietor of the Owyhee hotel.----- mod keel corpe of the navy appeared Most delighted among several holi in the Oregon Journal W arren srai day affairs for the younger college pictured carrying a wounded m arine and h ig h echool *et in Nyssa was the onto a landing barge on G uadalcanal New Y ear dancing party Thursday Island in the south Pacific. H u p ar night a t the parish hall for 7k guests ent*. Mr. and Mrs. Ed W arren thus with Mia* Betty Tensen and Miss learned for the first Ume. h u where M argaret Pinkerton hostesses —Mr abouts.—Opl. Robert Wilson of Nys and Mrs. Oaoar G. Bauer, formerly sa has been promoted to sergeant with the Nyssa Bank, left for P ort at the arm y air base at O reat Pails. land where Mr Bauer has work with Mont.----- A. V. Coot, chief of po the Reginal Agricultural Credit lice of Nyssa for several years, re Bank.----- Mr and Mrs. Jesse Spen signed his position and will leave cer of Nyaaa have leased a restau Tuesday morning for Portland, ran t in B oise----- A number of peo where he will be employed in the ple m the community are ill with in Albina shipyards. Mr». Oook will fluenza. work as checker in the shipyards.— 25 Y ear* A go Jan . 6. 1928 A floor show was presented by 782 turkeys were grown and sold Claude Willson with his dancing j by A rthur Palmer, weighing #387 dolls, at the Now Year's dancing pounds, for which he received a party of the Engle s lodge-----E rn check in the sum of >3336.46 E. E est Wilson left for St. Louis on a F ret well sold 540 birds for $2346 37. buying Irlp ----- T 'S gt. Bert Sandy After these sales the two m en have will leave Jan. 8 for Louisiana around 1,900 birds to dispose of.----- where he iwlll be stationed' with the E. J. Crouch and Mr Joslyn have 59th Fighter Squadron of the U S completed killing and skining over arm y air corps.----- Henry Borgman has been appointed m anager of the Nyssa Elevator.— -M rs. Dot Toombs has purchased the L & A Confec tionery from Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wilson, Jr. 15 Year* Ago Jan. 8. 19SX The old barn which stood on the present site of the Amalgamated Sugar Co. and has been a land m ark In this p art of the country since it was built by Joint P. Lackey in 1887, has been torn down.----- A B Harm purchased the Olson’s Second H and store from O. R. Odson.----- Frank M organ was unanim ously elected president of the newly formed U. S. Highway 95 association in a m eet ing at Caldwell.----- Friends of Mrs. Aden W ilson are happy to see her walking with a cane instead of cru t ches after injuring her foot and an kle on a coasting party.----- Miss Tlena Tensen decided to try hsr wings in the commercial world and Mft W ednesday for Los Angeles. 29 Tears Ag* Jan. 5. 1983 The first New Year's baby arrived a t the home of Mr and Mrs Sidney Burbtdge, Jan. 4 It was a nine and Ja y S . t u u 1 2 :0 1 CODE jack rabbits to a cM -to r tta i period near Jsrm o n p an d le w « T i ed 814 for sbitmuM '-h e rabbi .----- Mr arsl Mr» Gordno Bay h aw met - ed to ITywaa from Buatingto:. Ha will be engioywd a t Myaoa Packing O o ----B iaache Beydell wae installed worthy m atron ot tha Nyeea O H S.; Frank Miller, worthy patron: Alla Pry. aaeociate m atron. Hilda rari sen. secretary and Lillian Miller, treasurer.----- C. Van Deusen com pleted Use annual an d « of the town * book*. The report ehows the oily’s finance* to be on a sound basL. complimenting Recorder M illar and T reasurer Bauer for their accuracy. -----Mr and Mrs. C. F. McCoy re turned from a week’s visit with rela tives at Pendleton. M V earn .Age J a n • Tear* Aga Jan It, 1913 A track-arer ai.d crew~arrW etf Jan 12 to begin laying -.tael on 30 miles of completed railroad grade between Nyu* end Homed a le ---- 9 L. M i. outgoing superintendent at schools for M alheur county, p re dicts th at in * few years dietrtea M at Nyssa will be the m art populous In dw county ------T h e council ha*. reduced the 1913 levy to 9 m il« ----- About 260 cars of fruit, grain, alfalfa seed, potatoes and livestock b are been shipped from the Nyssa O B L station the Last 30 d ay s----- A t a mass meeting a resolution was pass ed urging the city council to a bond election and provide a waterwortu a* r a p ilo •» X * fete IW lrtenb of o ry h e e took U w a g i or ia- inch se tom, lea w* gut up Ana * g ih we uba put up tee t e e Ed. Bled- gwu f e r r a Otis, H T a ita s . Obar- Isy Bradley ^*m k H arris and Wfe MitH Rrfeert Ooaaa argani« 1 thè first modal Xsalary T Y P E Ail W Makes RITERS Bangi« Bold Beared- Repair*« i h i i h b e Typewriter Ei Ktwey » Weat FO IS . le t ] New officers of Nyssa firem en are Albert Cook, president: Pm iik Stubbs, woe president: Claude Will- son. secretary-treasurer; A. V. Oook. chief; George Oreen, assistant chief; Dewey Ray. fire m arshall.----- Dick Tensen sold four cars of lamb* to Colorado buyers a t 12 cents a pound. tiiiM iw ¡ /ton n o r PROMPT DELIVERY A PT"-----------------------------1 DR. C-W. CRAVES O ptom etrist Eyes E xam ined Pboaa 9-2312 718 A rth u r St. CbldwelL Idaho m 1 m Y1----------------------------------1 r it creates a field a ll its orni . • • a n entirely new k iiu l of* Chevrolet to be com p ared onjy witK b ig lier* priced cars ! R0T0- R00 HR THE STRIKING NEW BEL AIR 4-DOOR SEDAN (C o n tin u a tio n of standard aquipm ant and trim Illu stra ted is dapandant on ova lia b ility o f /notarial.) Clogged icw trs end dr a i s i raror klcened with the famoui A electric R o t e - R o o f e r cleaning machine. No us- secesiory digging neu and scries septic t IleHietilHJ llirew* g r o o » i w w l i n e s f«»rTB 3 "\ -CHEVRO LET Tear devendskle RO TO RO O TER Servicemen hoe the proper oguip- menf te pump septic teak* ia fie am*f sanitary toy. MOUE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARI ^ in t a n a i at t x lr a e u Nyssa Phone 196-J 420 MAIN cial scries. Sixteen models in all, provide need. All give you new high compression power, greater gasoline mileage. A new Powerglide* automatic transmission, and Power Steering,* are among the greatest advances. Come in and see all the new fea tures that make Chevrolet for ’53 entirely a new Chevrolet for every buyer and every new through and through! (Am binatma o f Pouvraf/M smtom ttt, tram tm iim n a m i I I j /W Pssmt” rng/m aoatlubU on **Tua-T«m *J phone BROWER Plumbing Shop Now, in the Bel Air series. Chevrolet creates for you a new class of American cars. Here is distinction of appearance and fineness of appointments far beyond any thing in Chevrolet’s field. The Bel Air series includes four models— 2-door and 4-door sedans, sport coupe and convertible. Twelve other models are in the "Two-Ten” De Luxe and “One-Fifty” Spe î- h j . "B Ju f- Air mmhh Power Omn/tK avatUSit on all moJeis. NYSSA MOTORS NYSSA, ORE PHONE 188 Nyssa Municipal Band Show TH U RSD A Y, JA N U A R Y 22, 8 p.m. Admission: Adults 1.00 » Students 50c New'Hkh’School Gym