Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 22. 1953 NYSSA THEATRE TELEPHONE !• » SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 "FARGO " with W IL D B IL L E L L IO T T P H Y L L IS ( OATES Also "SHADOW IN THE SKY" With N AN CY DAVIS JAMES W H ITM O RE SUNDAY-MONDAY JANUARY 25-26 "PAT AND MIKE" With SPENCER K A TH E R IN E ALD O W IL L IA M TRAC T HEPBURN RAY CU ING W hen a swank lady athlete meets a gambler from the shady side oi Broadway, something has to happen. Matinee Sun. 1:30 T U E S D A Y -W E D N E S D A Y JANUARY 27-28 "JU ST FOR YOU" In Technicolor with B IN G CROSBY JANE W Y M A N ETH E L BARR YM O RE REG IS TO O M EY Crosby and Wyman at their best as Bing sings his way into ro mance, his daughter into school and his son into the air force. THURSDAY-FRIDAY JANUARY 29-30 "WHAT PRICE GLORY" In Technicolor with JAMES CAG NEY D AN D A ILE Y COR1NNE C ALVERT RO B ERT W AGNER The fightlngest, lovingest, most thrilling -t<>ry ever filmed as Captain Flagg .Mid Sergeant Quirt fight for and have the French girl, Charmaine. SATURDAY, JAN.. 31 "SEA TIGER" with JOHN ARC HER M A R G U E R ITE CH APM AN Also * "FLAME OF SACRAMENTO" with J W IL D H ILL E L L IO T T CONSTANCE MOORE v -od $10. Shorty Brandt *10. and derson home were Mi and Mr E H B. tt of New Plymouth Dr. L A Ma tiding $ j Mr and Mrs Bob Eastman and Hemgson ur; that further re quests and pledges be made lmmed- daughter of Caldwell -pent Sunday P^em by six Ny-sa high schuol .a'.eiy to himself, Wilton Jack-on r visiting her patents, the Glen A news item Ircm a Bridgeport, 3rowns. Nebr.. newspaper va- received by students have been accepted fcr r&M*> the Gate C.ty J urnal this week pu . ition in the Natl nal High broidcBit program an b- arranged Don ID E N TIC A L TW IN S fr >m Marie Utter of Br ¡gep> rt, who In called attention to the fact that b Identical t win daughters were someone in this community might L.t ry Vauhgn, Avon Ptterson and born to Mr and Mrs. Yoshio • Sun know a Max and Edith Culbertson. Patsy Yonuyama will have their shine» Takami o f route 2, Nyssa, p u n i pabl.shed in a volume fea Dec. 31 at Holy Rosary hospital at The n e » paper report told o f a Ontario. The girls have been named ring found in Levellen, Nebr . bear turing the work of northwest high Speaker during the Monday noon school students. The anthology will Janet Sue and Janice Mae. ing the inscription. "M ax to Edith, meeting of the N> -a Lions club was probably appear early in March. Aug. 22, 1899 " It was learned that a Dick Yost, who spuke cn behalf of Special mention awards went to Max and Edith Culbertson had lost the Malheur County March of a ring in 1906 on a homestead near Vaughn, Miss Peterson and Miss Dimes committee Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Bjrbw. Mr. and l^w ellen and efforts are being made Yi neyama for their poems. Both It was then explained how easy it Vau.'hn and Miss Yoneyama had Mr.->. Howard Bybee and Mr. and to find relatives of Dhe owners. Is to contribute to the March cf Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bybee returned According to the Bridgeport news essays published early this year in Dimes through the many variations Monday aiter spending several weeks paper, the Culbertsons were in a the National Essay Anthology. oi the original theme Many of these party traveling in four covered wag Composition of the poetry was un variations being used locally include, in California and a few of the south ons which camped at tihe place. dertaken as a class assignment for the .speaker pointed out, the FFA western states. Among the holiday activities attended by the group were Mr Attebery’s senior English classes. Block o f Dimes, the March of Dol the Rose Bowl game and Darade. O N T A R IO STU D ENTS GUESTS lars and Five-Sp.'ts and the KSRV EOK EXC H ANG E ASSEM BLY ABU ND ANT JAN. R A IN F A L L Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crandall plan Bucket o f Bucks An exchange assembly will be held EXCEEDS M O ISTU RE OF SNOW Th e method to be used in auction to be in Lincoln. Nebr., for a three- at the Nyssa high school at 10:45 ing the steer donated by Dale G arri weeks’ visit. (Continued from Page 1) a m this Thursday, with students o f Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear and son to the Lions club for benefit of depth o f two inches recorded Jan. Ontario higih school as guests, it was the March o f Dimes was also ex Mrs. Paralee Kinsor visited in Boise 22, 1949; seven inches in Jan. 1960; announced by R . V. Wilson, high two inches Jan. 10. 1961, and three plained. The auction will take place Sunday at the veterans hospital. .school principal. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge werr inches Jan 23, last year However, as a feature o f the county-wide guests for dinner Sunday at the there were only 82 Inches precipita March o f Dimes dance Wednesday, RETURN FROM TW O WEEKS Jan. 28. Yost, Finley Shuster and Frank Eldridge heme at Fruitland. tion during the entire month of ARIZO N A, C A L IF O R N IA T R IP Mrs. Jessie Kirkpatrick of Boise, Henry H artley are the committee Mr and Mrs. Herb Fisher return January, 1952. spent the week-end at the Joseph handling details. During the past week, Jan. 14-20, ed home last Thursday night from Ellis W hite of the Ontario Live Maughn home. a two weeks’ vacation trip into A r i there was rain every day but last Mrs. W illiam Schireman, Mrs. stock commission will be the auc Thursday with a total rainfall o f .58 zona and California. Paralee Kinsor and Mrs. George N. tioneer, it was announced. inches. Recorded temperatures rang They stopped at Phoenix, then Bear attended the funeral o i La- drove across to Los Angeles and San ed from 44 to 54 degrees. dessa Wilburn, sister-in-law of Mrs. A TTE N D S LUAIBEK MEET Min. Max. Min. Francisco, returning through Don- Kinsor, at Weiser Monday. C lifford Mink, manager of the 46 14 29 .03 Jan. ner Pass. Three days were enjoyed Wednesday evening guests at the Boise Payette Lumber Co. here, left 44 15 26 Jan. at Chula Vista visiting Nyssa resi Harold Wilson home were Mr. and Monday to attend the 50th anniver- 48 26 .03 Jan. 16 dents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure, who are sary meeting of the firm he repre- Mr-,. Ted Schaffeld and Janie of 52 38 06 Jan. 17 spending the winter with their sents. He expects to return to Nyssa Ontario. 48 .34 18 43 Jan. daughter there. At San Francisco Mrs. Pete Grunig visited Mrs. Saturday. 54 41 .05 Jan. 19 they were guests o f Mr. Fisher's sis Laura Parson at, Meridian last week. 43 .08 20 53 Jan. ter and brother-in-la.v, Mr. and Mrs. Gertrude A. Atkrson of Cald M OTHER OF AIRS. CASTLE 35 Jan. 21 Mr... Neil Thorburn. well was in Nyssa Wednesday after DIES F R ID A Y IN WEISER noon to visit her sister, Mrs. Lora Funeral service- were held Mon NEXT W EEK TO SEE C L IM A X C O O K ING GREASE FIR E day for Mrs. Lide--.i Margaret W il Ditty at the John Reeves heme. OI LO CAL M ARCH OF DIMES » ALLS FIRE D E PA R T M E N T Mrs. Jessie Kilpatrick of Boise was burn. 73, mother f Mrs. Veva Ca tie Firemen were called to the Huston (Continued from Page 1) a houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe of Nyssa, at her home in Weiser WU >n home at 4:50 Friday a fter broadcast periods, Thursday, Jan. 29, Maughn from Friday unitl Monday. noon after grease in a hot skillet and Saturday, Jan. 31, beginning at where she had lived since 1907. Mrs. i Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Todd and chil Wilburn died Friday at a Weiser caught fire. Extensive smoke dam 9:45, to carry its 1953 version o f the hospital after an illness o f two year>. dren of Ontario, were Sunday visi age to the room and damage to an popular request program. tors and dinner guests at the Harry electric stove were reported, but the McOinley home. Requests will be received from ictual blaze had burned itself out anyone for recorded selections or Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. before the fire department arrived. live performers who will make a Harry Hathaway were Mrs. Hatha way’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. pledge to March o f Dimes. Any a- P R IM A R Y BOARD MEETS The number of persons being a f and Mrs. Claude Michel and her inount is acceptable as a pledge for Members of the Nyssa L. D. S. the recorded numbers. flicted with acute upper respiratory parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michel, all of take primary board met Jan. 12 at The tap fo r live performer re ailments were declining this week. Meridian. the take house. Mrs. Pearl Woodard quests is $25. according to Henigson, County Health Off.cer Dr. L. A. Mr. and Sirs. Melvin Hawkins left was released as second counselor who said that to date eight Nyssans Mauldir.g reported Wednesday. Last Thursday night for California where and Mrs Lee Stoker was sustained. had been requested to perform, but week the health officer reported ap they plan to locate. Preperation meeting will be held that only $75 had been pledged, proximately 150 cases a day, but he Air. and Airs. Iton Whitaker of Jan. 24 for all ward officers and whereas $200 is the amount needed stated that only a few could be Portland were Monday visitors at teachers. diagnosed as influenza cases. the S. R. Whitaker home. for the octet of performers. There has been no indication that Among those reported to be con Those who have been requested to the disea e had reached an epidemic fined in the Malheur Memorial hos make the radio appearances and the amount pledged for each are, accor stage to bring consideration for clos pital this week are Miss Eva Boy- ding to Henigson. George Mitchell, ing any schools or abandon public dell, Mrs. Evan Tobler and Mrs. Dean Smith. $10; Dr. J. J. Sarazin, $10; Ernest meetings. Airs. Kay Holly and Airs. Lolise of Dr. Maulding advised anyone a f Wilson, $5; Vern Parker, Adrian, $10; Sid Flanagan, $15; Frank Sher- flicted with a ' bad cold” to con Oi Adrian were guests at the Don sult a doctor immediately. Lytle home for tea Sunday after noon following attending a meeting Frigidaire Filtra-m atic electric at the Catholic church. dryer. Peterson Furniture Co. 2-lt. The Rev. and Airs. Frank Coley and the Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Mc- Cleur were guests for five o’clock K ay Christensen will sail from dinner Friday at the Bruce English San Francisco Feb. 2 on the S. S. home. President Coolidge for Japan where Kermit I.ienkaemper has been he will -.pend three years as a mis confined at home the past week sionary for the L. D. S. church. He with the flu. will enter the mission home in Salt Air. and Airs. W alter Roth and Lake City Jan. 21. girls, who moved last week to their Friday evening, the Elders o f the new home on North Fourth street, Nyssa second ward honored Christ- were dinner guests last Tuesday easen with a farewell party and dance at the stake house. At inter mission a program was given which included community singing led by Mrs. Lloyd Lewis; a humorous read ing, Mrs. Ersel Beils; solo, Don Bi>hop; humorous reading. Mrs. El- wood Flinders; saxaphone solos, John Savage; and a skit, Henry E.->plin and Brig Olsen. Brief re marks were given by K ay Christen sen and Bishop Hubert Christensen. Refreshments were served. Kin of Ring Owners Sought in Oregon High School Students' Poe ms to Be Published Lions Told Need Of March-Dimes LOCAL NEWS TUF.SDAY-WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 3-4 "THE BIG SKY" with K IR K DOUGLAS D EW EY M A R T IN E LIZA B E TH T H R E A T T BUDDY BAER l l t N K W ORDEN Rugged and stirring from a great novel now on '.he screen In *11 Its pulse-pounding spectacle. At SUNSET VALLEY HALL SATURDAY, JAN. 24 VALENTINE SPECIAL . . . . Billfold Size Prints 6 FOR A DOLLAR Kay Christensen On L.D.S. Mission OFFER GOOD UNTIL FEB. 10th ONLY SCHOEN PORTRAITS 114 South 3rd St. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 227-J January Clearance "CLASH BY NIGHT" He was a rugged man. who wor shiped her with simple honesty. DANCE Respiratory Cases Reported Declining SUNDAY-MONDAY FEBRUARY 1-2 BA RB A RA S T A N W Y C K PA U L DOUGLAS RO B ERT R Y A N M A R IL Y N MONROE night at the C Lfford M.nk ht me where he had undergone a and were entertained at dinner kne. operation on Wednesday He Wednesday night at the home of is reported to be getting along satn>- Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and fam f u tit only. ily. Charlie Grider was on a huaines» Mr and Mr*. Howard Love joy en trip to Walla Walla over the week tertained with dinner la t Wednes end. A visitor Friday evening at the day evening for Dr and Mrs. L A. home of Mr and Mr- Luther Fife, Maulding and family. Bill Lyells returned home Monday was their son-in-law, George Jensen. Mrsi Paul Penrod and Mrs. Eugene of last week from the veterans hos pital at Boise, where he had been Grasty attended a meeting of the under medical care for four weeks. King's Daughters at the home of Air. and Mrs. Leroy Barton and Mrs. Charles Anderson at New son o f Vale, were Sunday afternoon Plymouth Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Goets moved callers at the Richard Mason home Mr and Mrs. Walter Pinkston of last Thursday to the Stunz apart Adrian were guests for dinner Sun ment on Adrian Boulevard. Brant (vessel, an architect from day at the Andrew McGinnis home Airs. C. II. Poornutn left .Monday Walla Walla, was a Friday noon din night to return to her home at Se ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Luther attle after spending a month visit Fife. ing her mother, Mrs. Mary Lyells. Air. and Mrs. Mel Ingebettoen and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kenaston left family have been ill with the flu the Monday on a vacation trip to C ali past week. Air. and Mrs. Carl Burningham fornia. Satw day afternoon visitors at the and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann of Arthur Cartwright home were Mrs ; Apple Valley returned from a week's Cartwright’s parents, Mr and Mrs vacation trip last week. The major Earl Parker o f Boise. part of the week was spent sight Mrs. Alta Chandler, Richard and seeing in San Francisco. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fovrers of Hoop Leslie of Vale, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Tom Chand er, Utah, visited friends and rela ler and daughter. tives in Nyssa and Adrian this past Mrs. John Cpdegraff and son of week. Fruitland spent all-day Wednesday Mrs. Anna West was a Sunday visiting Mrs. Wayne Chesnut. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Air. and Mrs. R. M. Coohrun spent Beus and family. the week-end in Caldwell visiting Air. and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence and their daughters and families, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas were and Mrs. Clyde Schurr and Mr. and guests at the Elmer Cruson home Mrs. Charles McCleur and family. last Tuesday night for refreshments Their granddaughter, Nancy M c following the square dance. Cleur accompanied 'them home for Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Duus had as several days’ visit. their guests Sunday night for din Clifford Fox returned home Satur ner Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burton and day from Malheur Memorial hos- Mr. and Mrs. William Schireman. CHANGE OF DATE Announcement o i the change of date of the Gold and Green Ball of the L. D S second ward to be held at the stake house was made Tues day. Postponement will be from F ri day as scheduled to Feb. 19. YOUR FAULT? , M ayba not, but yo u 'd hava a hard tima proving if. Why taka a chance of pay ing tuch expanses our of yeur savings when, for a few dollars a year, you can be protected against auto mobile liability and prop erty damage hazards with the General America 5 STAR PLAN OF AUTOMOBILE IN- SURANCE. This plan can be adapted to meet your indi vidual requirements, giving you the most complete in surance protection available today. Don’t delay, call us now for full particulars. THURSDAY-FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5-6 Renstrom "CARIBBEAN" Insurance A gency In Technicolor with Nyssa, JOHN PAYN E ARLENE D AH L Adrian News Mrs. Pauline McGinnis See chc finest collection ot interior colors ever put out by "Dutch Boy"! Visit our big ' Dutch Boy Color Gallery — for exciting colors trom dramatic deep tones to delicate pastels. Each comes in Flat. Semi- Gloss, Gloss. Use'em on walls and woodwork, in any room in your home. Check the large sw atches . at home against key fabrics, under both artificial and day light. Every beautiful shade is a work o f art. EDER Oregon 202 Main EKVNt IS T P l l T I A ’ AN Advent me. r xnaik and dra-ii* t u the pirate-ridden < ch 5. o EXTRA SPECIAL LADIES' NYLON HOSE First Q u a lity — R e g u la r $1.35 51 HARDWARE CO. SIR f I DRIC IIARDW IC K Buy Now During Our Clearance Sale and Save on the Many Items Shown In Our Store Phono 46 Dr. and Mrs. Quentin Howard of Emmett visited Sunday evening at the A C Henderson home Clayton Martin returned home home Friday evening from Oconto and Kearney. Nebr.. where he visited relatives for ten days Mr. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie accompanied him. Clayton Martin and Mrs Claude Day are ill with bronchial pneu monia. Mrs Junior Matthews and baby daughter returned home from the hospital at Caldwell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McOlnnis and Junior and Howard Hatch were Sun day dinner guests at the Harvey Hatch home in Big Bend. Mrs. Herb Thomas. Mrs. L. Dlerk- ing and Mrs. Glen Brown attended their pinochle club Friday with Mrs C B H ill In Newell Heights. M r and Mrs. Olen Brown received word from their daughter. Jean stat ing that her husband. Don R. P a t rick. had been called back to active service In the air corps He is sta tioned In Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Schnell and family o f Vale were visitors at the Bill Looney home Saturday evening Jolly Jsne club met with Mrs. Dor thy Reu’ er Wednesday after noon Vis'.tc rs Monday a* 'h e A C Hen- Gauge—15 Denier 69^ pair Entire Stock oi Electric STOVES and LADIES' DRESSES F a n c y R a y o n a n d C re p e s Pricad for Final Claaranc* V alues Up to $12.95 $ 3 .9 5 MEN'S FUR FELT HATS Odd Sizes and Lots $ 1 .4 4 REFRIGERATORS V i OFF MEN'S TWILL JACKETS Buy N o w at a Great Saving to You. $ 2 .9 8 Tan Color—Zipper Front Regular $4.45 W ilson Bros. Dept. Stor e D ry G o o d s , S h o e s a n d R e a d y -to * W e a r P h o n e 32 N yssa