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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 15. 1953 News From Big Bend M I m H e le n M od ern P h o a e P a ra ta Willie Soo:t of Roswell, who is home on a furlough from a camp in Virginia, and his mother. Mrs Hope Scott visited at the Ralph Stark home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Molt are the parent« of a boy, bom Friday morning at the Memorial hos pital. Miss Lenora Watt of Caldwell spent the week end at the Ralph Stark home. She was a dinner gue^t at the Harvey H itch h me Saturday. Mrs. Hazel Ferguson o f Apple Valley spent Saturday evening at the home o f her parents, Mr and Mrs Harvey Hatch Your correspondent wishes to make a correction in last week’s news. It was a bridal shower for Mrs. Sally Molt, that was given by Mrs Sarah Cartwright, and Mrs. 1 -F tl P io n e e r L o is C o u n s il C lu b P h o n e 9 4 4 -J 1 P h o n e 0 8 0 -R 3 Angie Chaney, at the Chaney home Mr. and Mrs. C. W Pcwnall and son have sold their farm and Tues last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Noel Tuppeny, Mrs. Mary day moved to Boise where they will Thompson and Miss Helen Hatch remain until spring. Mrs. Louis Pratt's many friends attended the tailoring work shop extension meeting in Adrian Friday, extend their sympathy upon the held in the basement of the Presby death of her mother. Mrs. C. W terian church. Mrs. Edna Mae Wim- DeBoer. Services were held Tuesday morning in Ontario. -.alt of Ontario is the instructor. Friends and relatives who spant Mrs Myrtle Hatch and Mrs. Clara Cassell were attending to business Tuesday afternoon in the Pratt in Narma. Nyssa and Adrian, Fri home were Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Boer and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Carr day afternoon. Harvey Hatch and Mrs. Letha of Ontario. Mr and Mrs. Luther Weir received word o f the death Correll of Umatilla, Fred DeBoer of of their stepmother, Dec. 23rd, in Boring. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Fairmont, N ebr, at the age of 90 Nyssa and Mrs. Vince Udlinek of year's and ten days, due to a fall. Homedale. Services were held in Huchinson. She had been bedfast for two years at the home of her son. Mr. and Kans.. Monday for Carrol McFarland. Mrs. Albert Lott of Fairmont. whose death occured in Parma K ill Helen Hatch took several Thursday Mr, McFarland and her _______________________I daughter, Mary Ann plan to return to vlsjt her brother. Jim Norris. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Price en tertained their pinochle club Sat urday evening. Those attending j from Newell Heights were Mr and Mrs. Dale Glenn. Mr and Mrs. Dick I Kreigh and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley | Kurtz. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Roy | Hirai were dinner hosts honoring Mr and Mrs. Harry Masto and daughter Sherri of Moses Lake. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Hirai. Mrs. K. Hirai and Mrs. M Matsusaka. Dinner guests Thursday evening at the Huai home were Mr. and Mrs. Lauren King of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kreigh were dinner guests at the Jake Borge home Friday evening. The occasion j honored the birthday of Marie . Borge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mowreader and family of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests at the Dudley Kurtz j home. Teresa Topltff’s third birthday O N AMERICA’S MOST MODERN CARS-GREATER-THAN-EVER VALUE 1953 ero PRICED AS LOW AS * 1499 ' A E H O lA ltK 2 - D O O * SSO A H , ll>* frl<# T O .» . To U d o , O hio, plu* f « d a ru l, S ta ta an d Local T a « * * , I I a n y . Freig ht, D e live ry an d H andling C h a rg e *. O p h o n e l Equipm ent, E stro . Come in and see these cars with the look o f the future . . . the stamina o f the 'Jeep* ; . . the luxury o f an airliner . . . and the economy o f operation that you'd expect from Willy*. Seven beautiful 2 -and 4-door model* for 1953. EVERY SUNDAY, W.llyi brings you fba N. Y. Philharmonic, CBS-Radio . . . ond "Omnibus", CRS-TeNvisioa ROBERTS-NYSSA lad and Good Sunset Valley Newell Heights News H a tch N ru i little boys to Parma Thursday night to see the Harlem Roadkings ba-ket I ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett visi ted his mother, Mrs. A L. Bennett, j in Roswell, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch, Mrs. Clara Cassell, Helen and Phillip spent Sunday evening at the James McGinnis home in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher of Parma, spent a day and night at the Harvey Hatch home last week help ing dress chickens. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Alice and Jimmy, »’ere supper guests at the B<»b Obendorf home Friday evening. Mrs. George Fisher of Parma spent three days at the Ralph Stark home helping Mrs. Stark last week. Junior Eden and Bernard Pollard of Parma made a 'rip to Warden. Wash., and brought Junior's sister, Mrs. Roy Van Laningham and baby home with them to spend New Year’s with her parents. Sunday morning her husband came for her. On their way home they stopped in Cam bridge, Idaho, to -visit his parents. Little Danny, who has spent some time with his grandparents, return ed home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cartwright went to Nampa Sunday and picked up her mother, Mrs. Naomi Wright, and they went on to visit her aunt, Mrs. Lillie Walters, in Boise. Mr and Mrs. Henry Eden and Jerry took her parents, Mr and Mrs. Luther Murray and sister, Lois, to New Plymouth, Sunday, to see her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Murrary. Mrs. John Anker, Mrs. Goldie Roberts, Mrs. John Pack wood. Mrs Esther Bennett, and Mrs. Winifred Bennett attended Mary and Martha circle Thursday at the church in Ad rian. Mrs. Winifred Bennett had the devotional, Mrs. Goldie Roberts the program and M r* Packwood and Mrs Esther Bennett were hostesses. Mr and Mrs. Z. Davidson o f Parma were Sunday dinner guests at the Case Muntjewerff home Mr and Mrs. Babe Hamilton of Newell Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny, and Mr. and Mrs Elmer Prossers, attended a card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts Sunday evening. Mrs. Mildred Bishop and M^s. Mary Brumbach, attended Royal Neighbors lodge, Monday evening at the home o f Mrs. Eva Robinson in Roswell. Mrs. Brumbach Installed the newly elected officers. Relatives from California, who were holiday guests at the Walter Bishop home returned to their homes during the past week. Mr and Mrs Boyce Van De Water and Lorraine and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vande Water and Kent were Sunday dinner guest« at the Carl Fogelman liome in Nampa. Mr and Mrs Boyce Van De Water and Loraine and Mr and Mrs. Bill Van De Water and Kent returned last week from an extended trip that took them to the mid western states as far east as Indiana Leaving Big Bend Dec. 19, they reported snow at Montpelier and sunshine and good roads to Haxton, Colo , where they visited relatives Travel ing to Phillipsburg, Kans., they en countered icy roads and snow s tor in*. They visited relatives at **tel. K ans, cros.^d the Mississippi at Hannibal. M o . and spent six Jays in Indiana where they saw r l. n:al houses a;.d reported the roadside« free r f weed* o n the trip fa m e they vxsned ui Denver and the surrounding country was the occasion for a dinner Wed nesday evening at the Tepliff heme with Mr and Mrs. Oscar Bratton and daughters as guests. Sunday callers at the Topliff home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Warren and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Suter. Thirteen men of the board of the United Presbyterian church met at the M L. Judd home Thursday eve ning. Mr and Mrs Ne.l Dimmick en tertained at cards and lunch on New Year's for guests Mr and Mrs. Carl Simpson. Mr and Mrs. Roy H Imes. Mr. and Mrs. Lou McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. George Folkman and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Bowns. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Blanch were guests at the George Folkman home recently. Hanging doors and cleaning at the Suiuet community hall Thursday and Friday were Mr and Mrs. Clifford Wright of Salem called at the Dick Kreigh home Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Eugene Judd of Em mett were guests at the M. L. and M. O. Judd homes Saturday. John and Jake Roberts have re turned from Washington where they spent several weeks. The three children of Mr and Mrs. Jim Belveal of Nyssa visited at the Dudley Kurtz home this week w’hile their mother was in the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. C. B Hill visited Sunday at the Harry Sipes home near Homedale. Mrs. Anna Pratt of Lebanon has been visiting at the homes of her sons, Louis and Eugene. Saturday and Sunday she spent with Mrs. Dickerson of Fruitland. Mrs. George Rossback and Jane spent from Friday until Tuesday with friends in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Scheimer of Ontario were guests at the George Scheimer home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stephens and David Hill were dinner guests Fri day at the Roger Norland heme. Mrs. Rube Graham entertained at three tables of pinochle Friday af ternoon. Prizes winners were Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Herbert Thomas and Mrs. Lambert Dierking. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Norland were dinner guests Sunday at the Elugene Stephens’ home. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Judd were Tuesday evening dinner guests of | Mr. and Mrs. John Downer in Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Judd were hosts Sunday at dinner for 11, honoring the 80th birthday of Mr Judd’s mother, Mrs. G. L. Judd of Parma. George Folkman Mr. and Mr< O H Lad e, aux.Mary annual supper and S-hweizer Mr and Mrs. O P. Coun- show at Ontario Wednesday. s i Carl Simpson, Mrs Dick Wyatt Charles MoCoy cut a finger Sun- * • day resulting in a severe injury, and Mrs. L W. Pcmeroy. Mr an(j Magnus Ekanger Mr and Mrs Glenn Knottingham an(j had dinner at the home were Saturday evening callers at the ^ Dlclc Wyatts. The ladies printed O. P. Counsil home and attended dance notices later. the Ri the Sunset community Carl Sebey o f Vale is drilling a hall. The Knottinghams have Just well for Dick Wyatt. returned from Los Angeles, Calif, Salt Lake City. Utah, and A,pen, Political parties first figured W yo, where they have been visiting prominently in the campaign be friends. tween Jefferson and Adams in 1789 Pleasant Hour club met at the h.m e of Betty House in Nyssa Haiti is called the "Black Repub- Thursday. Twelve guests were pres lic. ent Mrs. Ira Price will be hostess of the next meeting of the club. Frigidaire Filtra-matic electric 1-lt. Fourteen members attended the dryer Peterson Furniture Co. GOLD AND GREEN BALL SATURDAY 8:30 P.M. Jan. 17 Nyssa Stake House Sponsored by L.D.S. 1st Ward M.I.A. Complimentary to the Public CONTINUES BARGAINS in Quality Merchandise, and for Extra Value W e Give You S & H Green Stamps. CORDUROY BOYS' CORDUROY SHIRTS 2.99 Mostly plain colors 7 9 £ yd. Regular 3.95 Boys’ long sleeve corduroy shirts Sizes 6 to 16 Colors—red, wine, green and yellow NYLON HOSE Full fashioned Some first quality and also irregulars Values to 1.25 2 pr. 1 .0 0 V z Price BATH ROOM SETS 2.99 We have two tables loaded with good merchandise at *2 its regular price. These are mostly seasonal or Bat mat and seat cover sets Assorted colors broken lots, sizes and colors are limited. You will find such items as men’s dress pants, work pants, shirts, jackets, sweaters, underwear, etc. For women slips, gowns, purses, assorted yardage, etc. Regular 3.98 FLANNEL SHIRTING 49c yd. Regular 79c Plaid flannel material—Assorted colors MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 1.69 Patterns and plain colors Sizes 14Vi to 16^ RAYON FLANNEL 47c yd. Rayon flannel—Shades in pink, blue and white Regular 59c W e Close at 6:00 P.M. on Saturday MEN'S OXFORDS 5.99 EVERYBODY SAVES AT Brown and Black Mostly moccasin styles Values to 12.95 DISH, GLASSWARE and COOKING UTENSIL SPECIAL W e Give S <£ H Green Stamps NYSSA OREGON